17,447 research outputs found

    Tubing and cable cutting tool

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    A hand held hydraulic cutting tool was developed which is particularly useful in deactivating ejection seats in military aircraft rescue operations. The tool consists primarily of a hydraulic system composed of a fluid reservoir, a pumping piston, and an actuator piston. Mechanical cutting jaws are attached to the actuator piston rod. The hydraulic system is controlled by a pump handle. As the pump handle is operated the actuator piston rod is forced outward and thus the cutting jaws are forced together. The frame of the device is a flexible metal tubing which permits easy positioning of the tool cutting jaws in remote and normally inaccessible locations. Bifurcated cutting edges ensure removal of a section of the tubing or cable to thereby reduce the possibility of accidental reactivation of the tubing or cable being severed

    Note on the sampling of sardine (Sardinella allecia) at Cananéia, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Este trabalho inclui uma análise da distribuição de comprimentos das sardinhas pescadas na Lagoa de Cananéia, ao sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Demonstra-se que as sardinhas jovens aparecem nas pescas realizadas durante o mês de outubro, crescem rapidamente mais ou menos até janeiro e daí para diante, mais vagarosamente, até atingirem o comprimento de 14 cm em abril, quando então desaparecem da Lagoa. Faz-se a correlação entre os desembarques de sardinhas maiores no Rio de Janeiro e das sardinhas pequenas desembarcadas em Cananéia no ano anterior. Sugere-se que a abundância de sardinhas desembarcadas em Cananéia, num ano, pode ser usada como índice de abundância de sardinhas no ano seguinte no Rio de Janeiro.This paper includes an analysis of the length distribution of Sardine landed from the Lagoon of Cananéia in the south of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in which it is shown that young Sardines appear in the catches during October, grow quickly until about January, and then more slowly until they reach the length of 14 cm in April. They then disappear from the Lagoon. A correlation is made between the landings of larger Sardine in Rio de Janeiro and the small Sardine landed in Cananéia the previous year. It is suggested that the abundance of Sardine landed in Cananéia may be used as an index of abundance in the following year at Rio de Janeiro

    Weekend hospitalization and additional risk of death: An analysis of inpatient data

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    Objective To assess whether weekend admissions to hospital and/or already being an inpatient on weekend days were associated with any additional mortality risk.Design Retrospective observational survivorship study. We analysed all admissions to the English National Health Service (NHS) during the financial year 2009/10, following up all patients for 30 days after admission and accounting for risk of death associated with diagnosis, co-morbidities, admission history, age, sex, ethnicity, deprivation, seasonality, day of admission and hospital trust, including day of death as a time dependent covariate. The principal analysis was based on time to in-hospital death.Participants National Health Service Hospitals in England.Main Outcome Measures 30 day mortality (in or out of hospital).Results There were 14,217,640 admissions included in the principal analysis, with 187,337 in-hospital deaths reported within 30 days of admission. Admission on weekend days was associated with a considerable increase in risk of subsequent death compared with admission on weekdays, hazard ratio for Sunday versus Wednesday 1.16 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.18; P < .0001), and for Saturday versus Wednesday 1.11 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.13; P < .0001). Hospital stays on weekend days were associated with a lower risk of death than midweek days, hazard ratio for being in hospital on Sunday versus Wednesday 0.92 (95% CI 0.91 to 0.94; P < .0001), and for Saturday versus Wednesday 0.95 (95% CI 0.93 to 0.96; P < .0001). Similar findings were observed on a smaller US data set.Conclusions Admission at the weekend is associated with increased risk of subsequent death within 30 days of admission. The likelihood of death actually occurring is less on a weekend day than on a mid-week day

    Theory of pattern-formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquid

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    We develop continuum theory of self-assembly and pattern formation in metallic microparticles immersed in a poorly conducting liquid in DC electric field. The theory is formulated in terms of two conservation laws for the densities of immobile particles (precipitate) and bouncing particles (gas) coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation for the liquid. This theory successfully reproduces correct topology of the phase diagram and primary patterns observed in the experiment [Sapozhnikov et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 90, 114301 (2003)]: static crystals and honeycombs and dynamic pulsating rings and rotating multi-petal vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Note on the selectivity of meshes used by the Santos fishing fleet

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    Neste trabalho, adotou-se o método empregado por Lucas et al. (1954), Margetts (1957) e Beverton & Holt (1957), para o estudo da seletividade, produzida pelas malhas das redes da frota pesqueira de Santos, sobre as seguintes espécies: "Corvina" (Micropogon furnieri), "Pescada-foguete" (Macrodon ancylodon), "Goete" (Cynoscion petranus), "Tortinha" (Isopisthus parvipinnis), Cangauá" (Bairdiella ronchus), "Maria Luísa" (Paralonchurus brasiliensis) e "Oveva" (Larimus breviceps). O estudo baseou-se nas seguintes hipóteses: primeiramente, que a malha fosse completamente flexível, em segundo lugar, completamente rígida, com as proporções de 2:3 entre as diagonais e em terceiro lugar, que o peixe pudesse tomar secção transversal circular. Através de retas de regressão, foram estabelecidas correlações entre a malha, nas duas situações e o comprimento do peixe, com 50% de probabilidade de escape. Concluiu-se que os barcos brasileiros da frota, devido à malhagem pequena, capturam peixes de comprimento inferior ao aceito pelo mercado, produzindo depredação, o que não acontece com os barcos japoneses.In this paper the relationship between total length and girth (circumference) of seven species: "Corvina" (Micropogon furnieri), "Pescada-foguete" (Macrodon ancylodori), "Goete" (Cynoscion petranus), "Tortinha" (Isopisthus parvipinnis), "Cangaua" (Bairdiella ronchus), "Maria Luisa" ("Paralonchurus brasiliensis), and "Oveva" (Larimus breviceps), are expressed in the form of fitted regressions. Theoretical selection lengths assuming, at the one extreme, the mesh to be completely flexible, and at the other extreme to be rigid with axes of 2:3 are calculated. The fish is assumed to be able to adopt a circular cross section. If the fish is not circular but retains its normal form, the difference in the selection length is shown to be little different. The Brazilian commercial boats fishing from Santos are shown to use a mesh which has a very low selection point well below the size of fish which are acceptable on the fish market. The Japanese boats use a much larger mesh, which select fish of marketable size

    A first appraisal of the landing and mechanism of the Santos fishery

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    This paper summarizes and analyses the landing data collected at Santos, Brazil, during the 12 months period, July 1958-June 1959. These data are given in terms of weight landed of the more important fish and shrimp and also in terms of value. The distribution of the landings of each of the more important species is shown both according to the type of fishing gear used and fishing area. The fishing area is given in the form of statistical rectangles of 60 miles square. The landings are broken down to obtain a figure for the landing per hour of fishing for each species, for each gear and for each rectangle fished. This figure of landing per unit fishing time is used to compare one area with another, one gear with another, and one month with another for each of the important species. In this way, comparisons of the available density of a species by time, area and fishing gear are made.Êste trabalho sintetiza e analisa os dados coletados em Santos, Brasil, sobre o desembarque de pescado durante o período de 12 meses, de julho de 1958 a junho de 1959. Estes dados são apresentados em termos de peso desembarcado, para as espécies de peixes mais importantes e camarões e, também, em termos de valor econômico. A distribuição dos desembarques de cada uma das espécies mais importantes é apresentada tanto em relação ao tipo de aparelho de pesca usado, como em relação à área de pesca. Essa área é dada sob forma de retângulos estatísticos de 60 milhas quadradas. Os desembarques são classificados para se obter o valor do desembarque por hora de pesca para cada espécie, para cada aparelho e para cada retângulo pescado. Este valor do desembarque por unidade de tempo de captura é usado para comparar as áreas entre si, os aparelhos de captura entre si e os meses do ano entre si, em relação a cada espécie importante. Deste modo são feitas as comparações da densidade disponível de uma espécie no tempo, na área de pesca e por aparelho de pesca

    Development of a carbon fibre composite active mirror: Design and testing

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    Carbon fibre composite technology for lightweight mirrors is gaining increasing interest in the space- and ground-based astronomical communities for its low weight, ease of manufacturing, excellent thermal qualities and robustness. We present here first results of a project to design and produce a 27 cm diameter deformable carbon fibre composite mirror. The aim was to produce a high surface form accuracy as well as low surface roughness. As part of this programme, a passive mirror was developed to investigate stability and coating issues. Results from the manufacturing and polishing process are reported here. We also present results of a mechanical and thermal finite element analysis, as well as early experimental findings of the deformable mirror. Possible applications and future work are discussed.Comment: Accepted by Optical Engineering. Figures 1-7 on http://www.star.ucl.ac.uk/~sk/OEpaper_files

    Echo traces associated with thermoclines

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    Echoes received from the depth of the thermocline in Windermere, the North Sea, the Barents Sea and off Spitsbergen have been associated with aggregations of plankton organisms: zooplankton at a density of 25/litre in Windermere and phytoplankton at a density of 100,000 cells/litre (Thalassiosira gravida and Chaetoceros sp.) in the Barents Sea

    A practical approach to project management in a very small company

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    This article shows how a very small company has tailored Scrum according to its own needs. The main additions made were the “sprint design” phase and the “sprint test” phase. Before the sprint 0, the requirements elicitation and the functional specification were made in order to meet deadlines and costs agreed with clients. Besides, the introduction of an agile project management tool has supported all the process and it is considered the main success factor for the institutionalization of the Scrum process