8,741 research outputs found

    Many-to-one Matching When Colleagues Matter

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    This paper studies many-to-one matching markets in which each agent’s preferences not only depend on the institution that hires her, but also on the group of her colleagues, which are matched to the same institution. With an unrestricted domain of preferences the non-emptiness of the core is not guaranteed. We present some conditions on agents’ preferences which determine two possible situations. In both situations, at least one stable allocation exists. The first one reflects real-life situations in which the agents are more worried about an acceptable set of colleagues than the firm hiring them. The second one refers to markets in which a workers’ ranking is accepted by workers and firms in that market.many-to-one matching, hedonic coalitions, stability.

    Building dynamic capabilities in product development: the role of knowledge management

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    This paper contributes to the clarification of the connections between knowledge management and dynamic capabilities in the context of product development to see how they explain product development competences. Building on the knowledge management and dynamic capabilities literatures, the paper argues that the social side of knowledge management has a role to play as enabler of dynamic capabilities in the context of product development. Further, dynamic capabilities shape product development competences. Empirical evidence is provided by performing survey research with data collected from 80 product development projects developed in Spain.Capabilities , Knowledge management, Organizational knowledge

    Organizational evolution and semiotics in complex environments: the case of the aerial safety

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    The effort in advanced information system that many organizations have achieved to improve performance under foreseeable situations has increased organizational complexity decreasing the capacity to deal with unforeseen situations. At this respect, our research question is: what is the limit for this model of development? Once reached, what are the alternatives to improve? An explanation can be organized around semiotic. To do this, the aerial safety learning model and its collateral effects will be analyzed.Air safety, Complex environments, Organizational evolution, Semiotics, Sense

    Antecedents and consequences of knowledge integration in product development. An empirical evidence

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain product development performance through the link between knowledge management and knowledge integration. When product development teams integrate knowledge about two external entities -customers and suppliers, they acquire a better understanding of the market and of each other®s needs and capabilities, which enables them to operate and innovate better than their competitors. In this context, our theoretical framework focuses on the social enablers usually associated to knowledge management, and combine them with knowledge integration as to determine product development performance.

    Responsabilidad del empresario en el nuevo CĂłdigo Penal

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    El nuevo código penal de 1995 amplia de forma importante el åmbito de los delitos económicos, amén de introducir importantes novedades en los ya existentes. Por ejemplo, la introducción de los delitos contra el orden socioeconómico (delitos societarios, delitos relativos al mercado y consumidores), de los delitos relativos a la ordenación del territorio y la protección del patrimonio histórico, y del medio ambiente, de los delitos relativos a la energía nuclear y a las radiaciones ionizantes.The new Penal Code of 1995 wides the field of economic crime, in addition introduces importants changes in previous one. For example, the introduction of offenses against the socioeconomic order (corporate offenses, offenses relating to the market and consumers), offenses relating to land use and protection of historic heritage, and the environment, offenses relating to nuclear energy and ionizing radiation.notPeerReviewe


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    This paper introduces a property over agents' preferences, called Tops Responsiveness Condition. Such a property guarantees that the core in Hedonic Coalition Formation games is not empty. It is also shown that a mechanism exists that selects a stable allocation. It turns out that this mechanism, to be called tops covering, is strategy-proof even if the core is not a singleton. Furthermore, we also find out that the tops covering mechanism is the only strategy-proof mechanism that always selects stable allocations.Coalition Formation; Stability; Strategy Proofness.

    Researching with Whom? Stability and Manipulation

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    This paper explores the existence of stable research teams, when each agent's preferences depend on the set of researchers collaborating with her. We introduce a property over researchers' preferences, called tops responsiveness guaranteeing the existence of stable research teams configurations. We also provide a stable mechanism, induced by the so-called tops covering algorithm, which is strategy-proof when researchers preferences satisfy tops responsiveness. Furthermore, we also find out that, in this framework the tops covering mechanism is the unique strategy-proof mechanism that always selects stable allocations.Coalition Formation, Research Teams Configurations, Stability, Strategy-Proofness.
