2,206 research outputs found

    Entanglement-guided architectures of machine learning by quantum tensor network

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    It is a fundamental, but still elusive question whether the schemes based on quantum mechanics, in particular on quantum entanglement, can be used for classical information processing and machine learning. Even partial answer to this question would bring important insights to both fields of machine learning and quantum mechanics. In this work, we implement simple numerical experiments, related to pattern/images classification, in which we represent the classifiers by many-qubit quantum states written in the matrix product states (MPS). Classical machine learning algorithm is applied to these quantum states to learn the classical data. We explicitly show how quantum entanglement (i.e., single-site and bipartite entanglement) can emerge in such represented images. Entanglement characterizes here the importance of data, and such information are practically used to guide the architecture of MPS, and improve the efficiency. The number of needed qubits can be reduced to less than 1/10 of the original number, which is within the access of the state-of-the-art quantum computers. We expect such numerical experiments could open new paths in charactering classical machine learning algorithms, and at the same time shed lights on the generic quantum simulations/computations of machine learning tasks.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Characterizing the quantum field theory vacuum using temporal Matrix Product states

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    In this paper we construct the continuous Matrix Product State (MPS) representation of the vacuum of the field theory corresponding to the continuous limit of an Ising model. We do this by exploiting the observation made by Hastings and Mahajan in [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{91}, 032306 (2015)] that the Euclidean time evolution generates a continuous MPS along the time direction. We exploit this fact, together with the emerging Lorentz invariance at the critical point in order to identify the matrix product representation of the quantum field theory (QFT) vacuum with the continuous MPS in the time direction (tMPS). We explicitly construct the tMPS and check these statements by comparing the physical properties of the tMPS with those of the standard ground MPS. We furthermore identify the QFT that the tMPS encodes with the field theory emerging from taking the continuous limit of a weakly perturbed Ising model by a parallel field first analyzed by Zamolodchikov.Comment: The results presented in this paper are a significant expansion of arXiv:1608.0654

    Tensor networks for interpretable and efficient quantum-inspired machine learning

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    It is a critical challenge to simultaneously gain high interpretability and efficiency with the current schemes of deep machine learning (ML). Tensor network (TN), which is a well-established mathematical tool originating from quantum mechanics, has shown its unique advantages on developing efficient ``white-box'' ML schemes. Here, we give a brief review on the inspiring progresses made in TN-based ML. On one hand, interpretability of TN ML is accommodated with the solid theoretical foundation based on quantum information and many-body physics. On the other hand, high efficiency can be rendered from the powerful TN representations and the advanced computational techniques developed in quantum many-body physics. With the fast development on quantum computers, TN is expected to conceive novel schemes runnable on quantum hardware, heading towards the ``quantum artificial intelligence'' in the forthcoming future.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
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