4,623 research outputs found

    D2EHPA-sulfuric acid system for simultaneous extraction and recovery of nickel ions via supported liquid membrane process

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    This research addresses the extraction and recovery of nickel ions from real electroplating wastewater using supported liquid membrane (SLM) process. The process involves three main phase system which are feed, organic and stripping phase. The feed phase containing the nickel electroplating wastewater whereas the organic phase containing the liquid membrane which was immobilized in the membrane support. The liquid membrane was prepared by dissolving certain concentration of D2EHPA in kerosene which acts as a carrier and diluent, respectively. Meanwhile, the membrane support employed was commercial polypropylene membrane with features of 100 µm thickness, 71.9% porosity and 0.10 µm effective pore size. On the other hand, the stripping phase consisting of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution which acted as a stripping agent. Parameters such as carrier and stripping agent concentration and feed phase flowrate were examined to obtain the best condition for the extraction and recovery efficiency of nickel. The results revealed that about 44 and 55% of nickel ions successfully extracted and recovered, respectively at the best conditions of 1.0 M of D2EHPA, 3.0 M of H2SO4 and 70 ml/min flowrate of feed phase

    Relationship of serum adiponectin and resistin to glucose intolerance and fat topography in south-Asians

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    Objectives South-Asians have lower adiponectin levels compared to Caucasians. It was not clear however, if this intrinsic feature is related to aspects of glucose metabolism. This study aims to determine the relationship between body fat distribution and adipocytokine in South-Asian subjects by measuring serum adipocytokines, adiposity, insulinemia, and glucose tolerance levels. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 150 South-Asians (80 males, 70 females) were included, 60 had NGT (Control group, Age 51.33 ± 11.5, BMI 27 ± 2.3), 60 had IGT (Age 57.7 ± 12.5, BMI 27.2 ± 2.7), 30 had type 2 DM (Age 49.5 ± 10.9, BMI 28 ± 1.7). Measures of adiposity, adipocytokines and other metabolic parameters were determined. Parameters were measured using the following: a) Plasma glucose by glucose oxidase method b) CRP by immunoturbidimetric method (Roche/Hitachi analyser) c) insulin by Medgenix INS-ELISA immunoenzymetric assay by Biosource (Belgium) d) Leptin, Adiponectin by radioimmunoassay kits by Linco Research (St. Charles MO) e) Resistin by immunoassay kits by Phoenix Pharmaceuticals INC (530 Harbor Boulevard, Belmont CA 94002, USA). Results Adiponectin concentrations were highest in NGT, decreased in IGT and lowest in DMT2, (both p < 0.01). Leptin was significantly higher in DMT2 than IGT and NGT p = 0.02 and 0.04 respectively. There was a significant positive relationships between log adiponectin and 2-hr insulin values, p = 0.028 and history of hypertensions and a ischemic heart disease p = 0.008 with R = 0.65. There was a significant inverse correlation between log adiponectin and resistin, p < 0.01. Conclusion Resistin levels had an inverse correlation with adiponectin levels, indicating an inverse relationship between pro-inflammatory cytokines and adiponectin. Adiponectin levels were related to glucose tolerance

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Wali Nagari Simarasok Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten Agam Sebagai Nagari Terbaik Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2011

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    Success or failure of an organization partly determined by the quality of its leaders who have senteral function in their duties especially in the area of leadership that has customs that are still thick. Leadership in the philosophy of traditional customs have tigo sajarangan Furnace (Tali Tigo Sapilin) that must be adhered to by every leader in kenagarian, not all leaders can menjalannkannya. Muslim father Datuk Payung Diaceh received recognition from the community and demonstrated with the award for best national villages in 2011. This study used a qualitative method that seeks to provide an overview of the status of the case, known as descriptive research. Descriptive research is research that systematically illustrates the facts or characteristics of a particular population factually and accurately. This research was conducted at the Office of the Nagari Simarsok Agam District of Baso In this study the authors informant Simarasok Mr. Wali Nagari Muslim Muslim Datuk Payung diaceh, Secretary Nagari, Cedik Clever, ninik mamak, Density Traditional Nagari, Head Jorong, and Peoples.The results showed that Mr. Muslim Dutuk Payung Diaceh is a leader who has the charisma in everyday life and in government is a role model in kenagarian he also has a leadership style that encourages participatory mansyarakatnya proven to advance in the construction of the village awarded best national in 2011 supporting factors such as nagari Simarasok Natural Resources (NR), Human Resources (HR) and staff-staff experts mempuni, big society participation in governance and the race village, the support of indigenous stakeholders whoalways gives good motivation to the village trustees and the community and supported by the local government in collaboration with private individual or by PLN and its Andalas University

    A dynamics-driven approach to precision machines design for micro-manufacturing and its implementation perspectives

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    Precision machines are essential elements in fabricating high quality micro products or micro features and directly affect the machining accuracy, repeatability and efficiency. There are a number of literatures on the design of industrial machine elements and a couple of precision machines commercially available. However, few researchers have systematically addressed the design of precision machines from the dynamics point of view. In this paper, the design issues of precision machines are presented with particular emphasis on the dynamics aspects as the major factors affecting the performance of the precision machines and machining processes. This paper begins with a brief review of the design principles of precision machines with emphasis on machining dynamics. Then design processes of precision machines are discussed, and followed by a practical modelling and simulation approaches. Two case studies are provided including the design and analysis of a fast tool servo system and a 5-axis bench-top micro-milling machine respectively. The design and analysis used in the two case studies are formulated based on the design methodology and guidelines

    Stacked optical antennas for plasmon propagation in a 5 nm-confined cavity

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    The sub-wavelength concentration and propagation of electromagnetic energy are two complementary aspects of plasmonics that are not necessarily co-present in a single nanosystem. Here we exploit the strong nanofocusing properties of stacked optical antennas in order to highly concentrate the electromagnetic energy into a 5 nm metal-insulator-metal (MIM) cavity and convert free radiation into guided modes. The proposed nano-architecture combines the concentration properties of optical nanoantennas with the propagation capability of MIM systems, paving the way to highly miniaturized on-chip plasmonic waveguiding

    Teaching Speaking Through Popular English Song

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Lagu Populer Bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa, dan aspek apa yang paling dipengaruhi oleh lagu populer bahasa Inggris sebagai media. Peneliti menggunakan desain pre-test dan post-test dalam penelitian ini. Setelah meneliti siswa kelas X di SMAN 14 Bandar Lampung, ditemukan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berbicara siswa. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata membaik dari 41,5 (pretest) ke 64 (posttest) dengan nilai signifikansi 0.000 dan tanda < α (0,000 <0,05). Kosakata mendapat kenaikan tertinggi dimana nilai rata-rata meningkat dari 9,5 (pretest) sampai 13 (posttest). Dapat dikatakan bahwa Lagu Populer Bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa dan kosakata menjadi aspek yang paling dipengaruhi oleh lagu populer bahasa Inggris sebagai media.The purpose of this study was to determine whether Popular English Song can improve students' speaking ability, and what aspect was most influenced by popular English song as media. In this study, the researcher used one group pre-test and post-test design. After doing research on X grade students at SMAN 14 Bandar Lampung, it was found that there was a significant improvement in their speaking ability. The data shows that the average value improved from 41.5 (pretest) to 64 (posttest) and the significance value 0.000 and a <α (0.000 <0.05). Vocabulary got the highest increase in the average value from 9.5 (pretest) to 13 (posttest). The results showed that the Popular English Song can improve students speaking ability and vocabulary is most influenced by popular English song as media

    Measurement Impact of Core Self-Evaluation on Job Outcomes and The Role of Organizational Socialization

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    This paper is the result of research on employee behavior in public organizations. The research intends to measure the extent to which the achievement of outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance) is influenced by core self-evaluation. In this case, the researcher considers the involvement of the organization in conducting organizational socialization as important to encourage the achievement of better outcomes. Therefore, in this study organizational socialization as a moderating variable. The study involved 203 recent Aceh Besar District Government recruits. Primary data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires to respondents via Google forms. Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA) and Multiple Regression (MR) were both subsequently employed in the conducting of this analysis. The results show that the CSE of new entrants has a positive impact on each work outcome. However, while OS supports the relationship, its role is not proven to engender greater job satisfaction

    Relationship between incidence of Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) and Chlorophyll content in leaves of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

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    The present study on biochemical basis of resistance against Leucinodes orbonalis infestation was conducted during the year 2011-2012. The results revealed that highest chlorophyll-‘a’- content of 0.497 mg/gfw was recorded in the susceptible genotype SHB-1.The lowest amount of 0.319 and 0.381 mg/gfw was observed in the resistant genotypes Brinjal-85 and Local long respectively, which were significantly different from other evaluated genotypes. The chlorophyll ‘a’content was positively correlated with the brinjal shoot and fruit borer infestation. Thehighest chlorophyll -‘b’- content of 0.442 mg/gfw was recorded at 70 DAT (days after transplanting). The amount of chlorophyll -‘b’- varied significantly among the genotypes at different ages and decreased with the age of crop. The average highest amount of chlorophyll -‘b’- was estimated in the genotype SBH-1 which was significantly at par with hybrid SBH-2. The lowest chlorophyll -‘b’- content was recorded at 40 DAT in the genotype Brinjal-85 followed by Local Long. The lowest amount of total chlorophyll was estimated in the resistant variety as compared to susceptible therefore exhibiting lowest level of infestation

    An Experimental and Multiphysics Based Numerical Study to Predict Automotive Fuel Tank Sloshing Noise

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    With significant decrease in the background noise in present day automobiles, liquid slosh noise from an automotive fuel tank is considered as a major irritant during acceleration and deceleration. All major international OEMs and their suppliers try to reduce sloshing noise by various design modifications in the fuel tank. However, most major activities reported in open literature are primarily based on performing various CAE and experimental studies in isolation. However, noise generation and its propagation is a multiphysics phenomenon, where fluid mechanics due to liquid sloshing affects structural behaviour of the fuel tank and its mountings which in turn affects noise generation and propagation. In the present study a multiphysics approach to noise generation has been used to predict liquid sloshing noise from a rectangular tank. Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) simulation studies have been performed in a semi-coupled manner to predict noise. VOF based multiphase model along with k-ε turbulence model was used to perform the CFD studies. Sloshing Noise generated due to fluid interaction with structural walls is simulated using Vibro-acoustic model. An integrated model is developed to predict dynamic forces and vibration displacement on tank walls due to dynamic pressure loading on tank walls. Noise radiated from tank walls is modelled by Harmonic Boundary Element Method. Experimental and numerical studies have been performed to understand the mechanics of sloshing noise generation. Images from high speed video camera and noise measurement data have been used to compare with numerical models