805 research outputs found

    A cloud-based integration platform for enterprise application integration: A Model-Driven Engineering approach

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    This article addresses major information systems integration problems, approaches, technologies, and tools within the context of Model-Driven Software Engineering. The Guaraná integration platform is introduced as an innovative platform amongst state-of-the-art technologies available for enterprises to design and implement integration solutions. In this article, we present its domain-specificmodeling language and its industrial cloud-based web development platform, which supports the design and implementation of integration solutions. A real-world case study is described and analyzed; then, we delve into its design and implementation, to finally disclose ten measures that empirically help estimating the amount of effort involved in the development of integration solutions

    Hemangiosarcoma pulmonar primario en un Pastor Alemán con neumotórax espontáneo

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    Se describe un caso clínico de un hemangiosarcoma (HSA) primario pulmonar, en un pastor alemán, evaluado por un cuadro agudo de disnea asociado a un neumotórax espontáneo.

    Vitamin C and E supplementation prevents mitochondrial damage of ileum myocytes caused by intense and exhaustive exercise training

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    Rosa EF, Ribeiro RF, Pereira FM, Freymuller E, Aboulafia J, Nouailhetas VL. Vitamin C and E supplementation prevents mitochondrial damage of ileum myocytes caused by intense and exhaustive exercise training. J Appl Physiol 107: 1532-1538, 2009. First published August 20, 2009; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.91166.2008.Intense and exhaustive exercise (IEE) is associated with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, and we recently reported that intestine is sensitive to IEE. in the present study, we investigated the possible relationship between the effects of IEE on morphology and oxidative markers in the ileum and isolated mitochondria. C57BL/6 mice were ascribed either to a control group comprising two subgroups, one sedentary and another exercised for 10 days (E10), or to a corresponding supplemented control group again comprising two subgroups, one sedentary and another exercised for 10 days (E10-V). the IEE program consisted of a single daily treadmill running session at 85% of V(max), until animal exhaustion. Vitamins C (10 mg/kg) and E (10 mg/kg) were concurrently intraperitoneally administered 2 h before the exercise sessions. IEE was shown to cause 1) impairment of ileum internal membrane mitochondria verified by ultramicrography analysis; 2) increase in ileum carbonyl content (117%) and reduction in antioxidant capacity (36%); 3) increase in mitochondria carbonyl content (38%), increase in the percentage of ruptured mitochondria 25.3%), increase in superoxide dismutase activity (186%), and reduction in citrate synthase activity (40.4%) compared with control animals. Observations in the vitamin-supplemented exercised animals (E10-V) were 1) healthy appearance of myocyte mitochondria; 2) decrease in ileum carbonyl content (66%) and increase in antioxidant capacity (53%); 3) decrease in mitochondria carbonyl content (43%), decrease in the percentage of ruptured mitochondria (30%), slight increase in superoxide dismutase activity (7%), and significant increase in citrate synthase activity (121%) compared with E10 animals. Therefore, the present results strongly corroborate the hypothesis that IEE leads to marked disturbances in intestinal mitochondria, mainly in redox status, and affects whole intestinal redox status.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Electron Microscopy, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilCtr Univ Sao Camilo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Electron Microscopy, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Changes in leaf morphology and composition with future increases in CO2 and temperature revisited. Wheat in field chambers

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    Whether leaf morphology is altered by future increases in atmospheric CO2 and temperature has been re-examined during three years in wheat grown in field chambers at two levels of nitrogen supply. Flag leaf fresh and dry mass, area, volume, and ratios of these parameters, as well as the contents of water, chlorophyll, non-structural carbohydrates and nitrogen compounds have been determined at anthesis and 14 days later. High CO2 decreased, rather than increased as reported in the literature, leaf mass per area and leaf density, and increased water content per area and volume and water percentage. Warmer temperatures also decreased leaf mass per area, but did not affect density or water per area or volume, while they increased water percentage. Nitrogen supply did not change CO2 and temperature effects on leaf morphology. Non-structural carbohydrates increased and nitrogen compounds decreased in elevated CO2, and the sum of these compounds decreased with warmer temperatures. These changes in composition did not account for modifications of leaf morphology. We conclude that increases in atmospheric CO2 and temperature after leaf initiation can decrease leaf mass per area, and elevated CO2 can also decrease leaf density, due to decreases in leaf structural compounds. The functional significance of these changes is probably a decrease in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area.E.G. and D.G. were the recipients of I3P-European Social Fund and Junta de Castilla y León fellowships, respectively. We thank the staff of this Institute’s experimental farm for technical assistance in crop husbandry. This work has been funded by the Spanish National Research and Development Programme- European Regional Development Fund, ERDF (Project BFI2003-01277).Peer reviewe

    Neural correlates of alerting and orienting impairment in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background A considerable percentage of multiple sclerosis patients have attentional impairment, but understanding its neurophysiological basis remains a challenge. The Attention Network Test allows 3 attentional networks to be studied. Previous behavioural studies using this test have shown that the alerting network is impaired in multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to identify neurophysiological indexes of the attention impairment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients using this test. Results After general slowing had been removed in patients group to isolate the effects of each condition, some behavioral differences between them were obtained. About Contingent Negative Variation, a statistically significant decrement were found in the amplitude for Central and Spatial Cue Conditions for patient group (p<0.05). ANOVAs showed for the patient group a significant latency delay for P1 and N1 components (p<0.05) and a decrease of P3 amplitude for congruent and incongruent stimuli (p<0.01). With regard to correlation analysis, PASAT-3s and SDMT showed significant correlations with behavioral measures of the Attention Network Test (p<0.01) and an ERP parameter (CNV amplitude). Conclusions Behavioral data are highly correlated with the neuropsychological scores and show that the alerting and orienting mechanisms in the patient group were impaired. Reduced amplitude for the Contingent Negative Variation in the patient group suggests that this component could be a physiological marker related to the alerting and orienting impairment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. P1 and N1 delayed latencies are evidence of the demyelination process that causes impairment in the first steps of the visual sensory processing. Lastly, P3 amplitude shows a general decrease for the pathological group probably indexing a more central impairment. These results suggest that the Attention Network Test give evidence of multiple levels of attention impairment, which could help in the assessment and treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2010-16825Asociación NeuroinvestAsociación Sanitaria Virgen Macaren

    Retest reliability of individual P3 topography assessed by high density electroencephalography

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    Background Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. Results The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. Conclusions The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.Ministerio de Economía de España SEJ2007-6534

    Increased levels of hexacosanoic acid in the brain of Wistar rats: a behavioral study

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    Introduction: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a peroxisomal metabolic disorder associated with mutations in the ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member1 (ABCD1) gene. Practically all male patients with X-ALD develop adrenocortical insufficiency during childhood and progressive myelopathy and peripheral neuropathy in adulthood. However, some male patients develop a fatal cerebral demyelinating disease named cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy. Although the exact mechanisms underlying brain damage in X-ALD are still poorly elucidated, it is known that hexacosanoic acid (C26:0) accumulation represents a hallmark in the pathogenesis of this disease. In this study, we examined whether an overload of C26:0 injected in Wistar rats was capable of causing behavioral changes in these animals.Methods: Egg lecithin in ethanol was dried under a nitrogen stream and mixed with C26:0 methyl ester. Male Wistar rats at 2–3 weeks of age were obtained from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), divided into 8 groups, and submitted to an open field test. We then analyzed line crossings (locomotion and exploration), rearing (orienting and investigatory responses), grooming (anxiety manifestation), and latency to move for each animal.Results: Animals subjected to C26:0 administration presented fewer crossings and rearing episodes and a higher latency to move 45 minutes after C26:0 injection. The present work yields experimental evidence that C26:0, the main accumulated metabolite in X-ALD, can cause behavioral alterations in rats such as the impairment of locomotion and exploratory capabilities, as well as a reduction in orienting and investigatory responses.Conclusion: Although our results are preliminary, they are extremely important for future studies that investigate C26:0 accumulation and locomotor impairment in patients with X-ALD

    Responsabilidad médica presunta. Clínica Forense 2012

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    Introducción: La responsabilidad profesional médica presunta, por denuncias en personas, con sospecha de error médico, requiere de calificación pericial especializada. Objetivos: Establecer la incidencia de la responsabilidad profesional médica presunta, por denuncias en personas, con sospecha de error médico en la clínica forense. Diseño: Cuantitativo, observacional, transversal. Institución: Instituto Medicina Legal, Ministerio Público, e Instituto de Patología, UNMSM. Material de estudio: Informes periciales de reconocimientos medico legales en historias clínicas. Intervenciones: Médico legales por denuncia jurisdiccional, por sospecha de responsabilidad. Principales medidas de resultados: Medidas de tendencia central porcentual. Resultados: Se analizó 142 expedientes, de enero a junio de 2012, encontrando sexo femenino 61,3% (87), masculino 38,7% (55), menores de edad 10,6% (15), 18 a 50 años 23,9% (34), &gt;51 años 65,5% (93), con incremento en enero, abril. Conclusiones: El incremento de denuncias se incrementó con la edad y la mayor incidencia correspondió a aquellos pacientes mayores de 60 años, que están comprendidos en la tercera edad y requieren una atención especial y de cuidado