9 research outputs found

    Business strategies of companies and local production systems in Bulgarian dairy industry

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    Rozdział z: Functioning of the Local Production Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries and Siberia. Case Studies and Comparative Studies, ed. Mariusz E. Sokołowicz.The following paper examines the issues related to product-market business strategies. They are considered in the case of nonbusiness organizations and local production systems (LPS), which operate in the sector of milk and dairy products in Bulgaria. For the purpose of estimating the intensity of competition the number of competitors was computated, including these which are of paramount importance for the industry. The paper outlines some basic types of LPS within the industry. It also disscusses the assertion that a presence of enhanced vertical integration is identified within the sector, where the producers of milk and dairy products have a leading role. On this basis, the product market business strategies for the development of manufacturing companies and for the LPS as a whole appear to play a key role in the sector.Monograph financed under a contract of execution of the international scientific project within 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (title: “Functioning of the Local Production Systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis (Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking for the EU and Beyond”)). Monografia sfinansowana w oparciu o umowę o wykonanie projektu między narodowego w ramach 7. Programu Ramowego UE, współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (tytuł projektu: „Funkcjonowanie lokalnych systemów produkcyjnych w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego (analiza porównawcza i benchmarking w wybranych krajach UE oraz krajach trzecich”))


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    The test is objective, fast and convenient way to assess student’s knowledge. When used regularly, it helps rhythmic learning of school material. Students of third course year are subjected in pathophysiology test of cardiovascular system during exercise. Follow the test results for the period from 2006 to 2012: Students show a relatively very good success. Differences in each individual years are negligible. Highlighting the advantages of this method of assessment. It is recommended a wider use of test as a mean as improving quality of training of students


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    The choice of the subject matter for this article is based on the view that product policy has a key role. Given the specifics of the soft drinks sector it suggests a methodical framework for the process of product planning, which contributes to making reasoned management decisions on product policy. In addition, it presents some basic starting formulations that reveal the essence of product management and describes and groups the elements of product policy characteristics for the companies from the sector examined

    Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis

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    Introduction: Our interest in this topic was also provoked by observations and reports, from our and other cases, of thrombosis caused by vaccines against COVID-19 by polyvalent anti-COVID-therapy.Aim: We set ourselves the goal of presenting to the scientific audience our hypothesis about the occurrence of thrombosis after vaccination against COVID-19 or polyvalent anti-COVID therapy, as well as the mechanism of response in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 by plasma replacement therapy—either from recovered or healthy people.Tasks: To achieve this goal, we summarized the laboratory data of our patients, as well as the literature available to us on this issue.Material: We used CBC blood tests, coagulation status and biochemical markers of patients.Method: We compared the laboratory changes found by us with those indicated in the scientific literature.Results and Discussion: Based on the analyzed cases and the data provided in the scientific literature, we formulated our hypothesis about the mechanism of abnormal platelet reactivity to COVID-19 vaccines and polytherapeutic regimens in this disease, as well as our hypothesis for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 by plasma replacement therapy.Conclusion: According to our hypothesis, thrombosis during vaccination or polytherapy of COVID-19 is due to inactivation of the enzyme eADAMTS-13 and formation of thromboembryonic macromultimers of von Willebrand (vWF) factor by the mechanism of microcirculatory hyaline thrombosis in the pathogenesis of the acquired form of thrombotic thrombopenic purpura (TTP). The positive effect of plasma replacement therapy in patients with COVID-19 is based rather on dilution of defectively formed ultra-large vWF multimers and physiological substitution of the active enzyme eADAMTS-13, which is confirmed by the rapidly occurring clinical improvement in patients treated in this way, than on an Ag-At reaction the effect of which requires a longer period of time and which reaction is used in medicine as a prophylaxis, rather than a curative purpose

    Music in the Human Brain

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    Introduction: The idea to develop this topic came to us while analyzing our own observation of how music helped us to realize a large amount of intellectual work in a short period of time.Aim: Our aim was to study the influence of music on various aspects of brain activity.Tasks: Our task was to support our thesis that music has an effect on the brain through which it provokes an increase in cognitive and perceptual motor impulse, causing higher functional and structural plasticity of the brain.Materials and Methods: For the realization of this task, we used the method of observation and analysis of the experimental productions available in the scientific literature, conducted in some of the leading neurolinguistic centers in the world. Results and Discussion: Our personal result was that in the background of musical works or alternating musical activities with our main intellectual activity, we were able in a short period of time to summarize and structure a large volume of activity, while at the same time, in this work pattern our body and mind did not feel exhausted and for a long time we kept our motivation to work and our concentration on the detail. Conclusion: Our work came to the conclusion, which are in support of the influence of music on the speed of concentration, strengthening the selective processes of attention, the speed of associative processes in the brain, quick analysis of cognitive and emotional aspects, faster and more efficient memorization

    AD HOC approach of cost management during the time of COVIDization of the economy

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    This article aims to present the ad hoc approach of cost management taken by the companies under the conditions formed due to the COVIDIzation of the economy. Considering the uniqueness of the situation caused by COVID-19, the term COVIDization of the economy is interpreted. In general, it means complex changes in the PESTEL environment, conditioned by the global health crisis. For the majority of companies, these changes had an adverse effect. For others, it was neutral or favorable. The onset of the first wave of COVID-19 found most companies unprepared, with planned revenue, cost, and profit levels. In the face of a sharp change in revenue levels, firms had to respond ad hoc to meet these challenges. The publication brings out the ad hoc approach of cost management as a theoretical statement. It presents the effects on the revenues of the first wave of COVIDization and the companies’ ad hoc actions about their costs. Two studies conducted by the SRC Innovation and Competitiveness (U2B) were used in the current publication. They were conducted during the locked-down in 2020 and April-May 2021

    Our trial in problem-oriented teaching for pathophysiology

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    The decision for clinical cases during pathophysiology is linked with the introduction of problem-oriented learning in pathophysiology through the next few years. "Clinical cases" from general medicine (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pancreatic insufficiency, cerebral vascular disease, etc) are examined in the frame work of two sessions. On the basis of a short description of the patient the students develop hypotheses for the possible causes which lead to the pathogenic connection between the cause, the afflicted structure and function, symptom, syndrome and illness. The difficulty which the students most of ten face is connected with the basis of the hypothesis, which they must relate knowledge from the fundamental sciences and general pathophysiology in order to solve concrete clinical cases. Analyses of the results are made of the students' difficulties during solving of clinical cases as well as the necessary path for over coming it. On the basis of our investigation, we consider that the decision of clinical cases makes learning pathophysiology more engaging for the student, creating conditions for in dependent preparation and local thinking, which are necessary of the students for solving patient problems.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2010;42(1):67-6

    Improving the education in pathophysiology by bringing in clinical cases during seminar lessons

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    Nowadays, high quality education is the center of attention in every medical school. Searching for new ways to introduce the educational units is a natural drift for every discipline. Introducing new educational technique: "Solving of Clinical Case", aims at building a spontaneous bridge between preclinical knowledge and future work in the hospital in immediate and unattended contact with patients. Clinical case solving is a prerequisite for increasing the motivation of students, enhancing logical thinking and stimulating the student for additional investigation at home. The clinical case is based on real patients and the history of their diseases and it is related to the topic of the exercise. It includes the whole data from the moment the patient is seen by doctor for the first time until definitive diagnosis is formulated and medication prescribed. The clinical case is divided in two parts, discussed in two subsequent seminar classes. During the first part the tutor does not give any additional information about the case, he just guides the discussion. The students work by themselves, formulate hypothesis and argument them by building logical connections between causes and results, using the model: causes (and conditions) - altered structure - harmed function - clinical symptom - set of symptoms (syndromes) - disease. At the end of the first part hypothesis are rearranged by their probability. The students may use the time between the two parts to find additional information on the topic and gain some knowledge on the hypothesis that have been discussed, using either traditional forms of education - textbooks, monographs, lectures, original scientific issues and reviews or any kind of source including the www. The second part is used for discussing what kind of laboratory, functional or instrumental tests are still needed to prove or exclude the hypothetical diagnosis. The way it is created, every clinical case emphasizes not only on the biomedical side of the patient's problem, but also the socio-judicial aspects.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2008; 40(2): 117-120


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    The authors examine the dependence between reaction time as an indicator of change at cerebral level and H-reflex amplitude change being a relative index of excitability level in the spinal cord during the preparation of a simple voluntary movement in thyrotoxicosis patients. Electrophysiological investigations are carried out after identifying the disease and prior to the beginning of causal therapy. Patients are comfortably seated on a chair in a dark room and respond to light signal from a blitz-lamp and it was determined reaction time. Simultaneously with light signal presentation, nervus tibialis in the popliteal fossa of the same leg is excited to evoke H-reflex. One-day signal programme consists of a total of 120 light signals divided into three equal blocks. H-reflex amplitude evoked only once for every light signal is compared with control H-reflex amplitude. Its decrease or increase is read. Reaction times are grouped according to the extern of corresponding H-reflex amplitude increase or decrease. Data obtained serve to construct relation curve between reaction time and H-reflex amplitude changes. This relation curve differs in nature from the curve when healthy subjects under the same experimental conditions are tested