4,626 research outputs found

    Do mayors run for higher office? New evidence on progressive ambition

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    The mayor’s office potentially offers a launchpad for statewide and national political ambitions. We know relatively little, however, about how frequently mayors actually run for higher office, and which mayors choose to do so. This article combines longitudinal data on the career paths of the mayors of 200 big cities with new survey and interview data to investigate these questions. While we find that individual and city traits—especially gender—have some predictive power, the overwhelming story is that relatively few mayors—just under one-fifth—ever seek higher office. We suggest that ideological, institutional, and electoral factors all help to explain why so few mayors exhibit progressive ambition

    Contours of Inclusion: Frameworks and Tools for Evaluating Arts in Education

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    This collection of essays explores various arts education-specific evaluation tools, as well as considers Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the inclusion of people with disabilities in the design of evaluation instruments and strategies. Prominent evaluators Donna M. Mertens, Robert Horowitz, Dennie Palmer Wolf, and Gail Burnaford are contributors to this volume. The appendix includes the AEA Standards for Evaluation. (Contains 10 tables, 2 figures, 30 footnotes, and resources for additional reading.) This is a proceedings document from the 2007 VSA arts Research Symposium that preceded the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) annual meeting in Baltimore, MD

    A Rock Classification Schema

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    The need for engineering data on earth materials for use in site selection, design, construction, and maintenance of major engineering structures is generally accepted. Probably the most pressing need is for such data to use in preliminary considerations of site selection and design alternatives. Maps and(or) surveys giving the areal distribution of earth materials and their characteristics, together with topographic maps available for many areas, would permit much preliminary work on engineering structures to be done without the engineer ever having to leave his office

    Intergenerational Actuarial Fairness When Longevity Increases: Amending the Retirement Age

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    Bravo, J. M., Ayuso, M., Holzmann, R., & Palmer, E. (2021). Intergenerational Actuarial Fairness When Longevity Increases: Amending the Retirement Age. (pp. 1-41). (CESifo Working Papers; No. 9408). Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research ‐ CESifo GmbH. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3961911Continuous longevity improvements and population ageing have led countries to modify national public pension schemes by increasing the standard and early retirement ages in a discretionary, scheduled, or automatic way, and by making it harder for people to retire prematurely. To this end, countries have adopted alternative retirement age strategies, but our analyses show that the measures taken are often poorly designed and consequently misaligned with the pension scheme’s ultimate goals. In addition, our analyses demonstrate that countries risk falling short of their goals given their use of projection methods that underestimate life expectancy. This paper discusses how to implement automatic indexation of the retirement age to life expectancy developments while respecting the principles of intergenerational actuarial fairness and neutrality among generations. We show that in policy designs in which extended working lives translate into additional pension entitlements, the pension age must be automatically updated to keep the period in retirement constant. Alternatively, policy designs that pursue a fixed replacement rate are consistent with retirement age policies targeting a constant balance between active years in the workforce and years in retirement. The empirical strategy employed to project the relevant cohort life expectancy uses a Bayesian Model Ensemble approach to stochastic mortality modelling to generate forecasts of intergenerationally and actuarially fair pension ages for 23 countries and regions from 2000 to 2050. The empirical results show that the pension age increases needed to accommodate the effect of longevity developments on pay-as-you-go equilibrium and to reinstate equity between generations are sizeable and well beyond those employed and/or legislated in most countries. A new wave of pension reforms may be at the doorsteps.publishersversionpublishe

    Continental breakup and UHP rock exhumation in action: GPS results from the Woodlark Rift, Papua New Guinea

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    We show results from a network of campaign Global Positioning System (GPS) sites in the Woodlark Rift, southeastern Papua New Guinea, in a transition from seafloor spreading to continental rifting. GPS velocities indicate anticlockwise rotation (at 2–2.7°/Myr, relative to Australia) of crustal blocks north of the rift, producing 10–15 mm/yr of extension in the continental rift, increasing to 20–40 mm/yr of seafloor spreading at the Woodlark Spreading Center. Extension in the continental rift is distributed among multiple structures. These data demonstrate that low-angle normal faults in the continents, such as the Mai'iu Fault, can slip at high rates nearing 10 mm/yr. Extensional deformation observed in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, the site of the world's only actively exhuming Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) rock terrane, supports the idea that extensional processes play a critical role in UHP rock exhumation. GPS data do not require significant interseismic coupling on faults in the region, suggesting that much of the deformation may be aseismic. Westward transfer of deformation from the Woodlark Spreading Center to the main plate boundary fault in the continental rift (the Mai'iu fault) is accommodated by clockwise rotation of a tectonic block beneath Goodenough Bay, and by dextral strike slip on transfer faults within (and surrounding) Normanby Island. Contemporary extension rates in the Woodlark Spreading Center are 30–50% slower than those from seafloor spreading-derived magnetic anomalies. The 0.5 Ma to present seafloor spreading estimates for the Woodlark Basin may be overestimated, and a reevaluation of these data in the context of the GPS rates is warranted

    Few big-city mayors see running for higher office as appealing

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    Former mayors are not unknown in Congress and in governors' mansions - but does running a big city act as a springboard for higher office? To answer this question, Katherine Levine Einstein, David M. Glick, Maxwell Palmer and Robert J. Pressel collected data from nearly 200 large US cities and interviewed 94 mayors. They find that mayors are not likely to seek higher office, and tend to have little interest in doing so – especially if they are women or black

    A Neural Network Approach for Waveform Generation and Selection with Multi-Mission Radar

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    Nonlinear frequency modulated (NLFM) pulse compression waveforms have become a mainstream methodology for radars across multiple sectors and missions, including weather observation, target tracking, and target detection. NLFM affords the ability to generate a low-sidelobe autocorrelation function and matched filter while avoiding aggressive amplitude modulation, resulting in more power incident on the target. This capability can lead to significantly lower system design costs due to the possibility of sensitivity gains on the order of 3 dB or more compared with traditional, amplitude-modulated linear frequency modulated (LFM) waveforms. Generation of an optimal NLFM waveform, however, can be an arduous task, and may involve complex optimization and non-closed-form solutions. For a multi-mission or cognitive radar, which may utilize a wide combination of frequencies, pulse lengths, and amplitude modulations (among other factors), this could lead to an extremely large waveform table for selection. This paper takes a neural network approach to this problem by optimizing a set of over 100 waveforms spanning a wide space and using the results to interpolate the waveform possibilities to a higher resolution. A modified form of a previous NLFM method is combined with a four-hidden-layer neural network to show the integrated and peak range sidelobes of the generated waveforms across the model training space. The results are applicable to multi-mission and cognitive radars that need precise waveform specifications in rapid succession. The expected waveform generation times are addressed and quantified, and the potential applicability to multi-mission and cognitive radars is discussed

    Molecular dissection of subunit interfaces in the acetylcholine receptor: Identification of determinants of α-Conotoxin M1 selectivity

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    AbstractThe acetylcholine receptor from vertebrate skeletal muscle is a pentamer of homologous subunits with composition α2βγδ. Its two ligand binding sites, formed at α-γ and α-δ interfaces, differ in their affinities for agonists and competitive antagonists, owing to different contributions of the γ and δ subunits. To identify portions of the † and δ subunits that contribute to the binding sites, the experiments described here use γ-δ subunit chimeras and site-specific mutants to determine the basis of the 10,000-fold selectivity of conotoxin M1 for the sites. Three distinct regions of the extracellular domain were found to contribute to conotoxin M1 selectivity, each containing a single residue responsible for the contribution of that region. Residues K34, S111, and F172 of the γ subunit confer low affinity to the α-γ binding site, whereas the corresponding residues of the δ subunit, S36, Y113, and 1178, confer high affinity to the α-δ site. Identification of three separate determinants of ligand selectivity suggests a limited model of the folding pattern of the extracellular domain of the subunits

    Rock Evaluation for Engineered Facilities

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    The need for comprehensive information on the characteristics and behavior of earth materials has been recognized for many years, perhaps for as long as significant construction has taken place in and on the surface of the earth. In recent years, however, the magnitude and complexity of engineered construction has greatly increased, resulting in a corresponding increase in the need for information on the engineering properties of soil and rock materials, Direct testing of soil and rock can be utilized to furnish necessary information. However, both field and laboratory testing can be extremely expensive, particularly where testing must include applications of stress to large masses of earth material, For this reason, significant technical and economic advantages can be realized through the development of indirect or short-cut methods for obtaining indications of the properties and characteristics of geologic materials. Some years ago the value of topographic maps, aerial photographs, pedologic descriptions, and geological surveys in characterizing soil materials was realized. To make this information useful for engineering studies, a serious effort was initiated to obtain data on the engineering properties of various soil groups and associations established on the basis of geological and pedological surveys. The correlation of performance data with information on areal distribution and location furnished by geologic and pedologic works has proven extremely valuable in the planning and construction of facilities in and on soil. In recent years, the size and importance of structures and facilities designed by engineers and architects has greatly increased. This has produced an increased interest in the rock materials underlying surficial soil layers. A clear need has arisen for a program to provide an engineering evaluation of rock materials for the purposes of location, design, construction, and maintenance of engineered facilities. However, a serious gap exists in the association of engineering characteristics with rock units identified on the basis of geological classifications, Therefore, there is a need for the development of a comprehensive evaluation program which permits utilization of existing data and which aids in the procurement of necessary information on engineering characteristics of rock