81 research outputs found

    Early detection of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Chagas' disease

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    BACKGROUND: Chagas' disease may cause left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and its early detection in asymptomatic patients would allow to stratify the risk and to optimize medical treatment. The aim of this study is to investigate if transmitral Doppler flow can detect early abnormalities of the diastolic left ventricular function in patients during the indeterminate phase of Chagas' disease, in which the electrocardiogram (ECG), chest x-ray and 2-D echocardiogram (2D-echo) are normal. METHODS: a group of 54 patients with Chagas' disease was studied and compared to a control group of 27 subjects of similar age. All were assessed with an ECG, chest X-ray, 2-D echo, and transmitral Doppler flow. RESULTS: both groups had similar values in the 2D-echo. In patients with Chagas' disease, the transmitral Doppler showed a higher peak A velocity (control group: 0.44 m/sec, Chagas group: 0.55 m/sec, p = 0.001), a lower E/A ratio (control group: 1.45, Chagas group: 1.22, p < 0.05), and a lengthening of the deceleration time of early diastolic filling (control: 138.7 ± 26.8 msec, Chagas group: 167.9 ± 34.6 msec, p = 001), thus revealing an early disorder of the diastolic left ventricular function in patients with Chagas' disease. CONCLUSION: in patients with Chagas' disease who are in the indeterminate phase, transmitral Doppler flow allowed to identify early abnormalities of the left ventricular diastolic function, which provide useful clinical information for prognostic stratification and treatment

    A case of muscular bridge resulting in myocardial infraction following heavy effort: a case report

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    Muscular bridge (MB) is transient systolic coronary blockage occurring due to exposure of a portion of epicardial coronary arteries to compression during systole as a result of tunneling into the myocardium. Although rare, these patients may develop angina pectoris, severe arrhythmia and myocardial infraction (MI). A 30-year-old male patient presented to the emergency with severe pain with an onset at the front part of the chest followed by spreading to the back and arms, during a football match. The investigations performed revealed anterior wall infraction and thus thrombolytic treatment was administered. Patient's history was normal except for smoking. The patient was detected to play football occasionally since his childhood; however, we learnt that he had started playing without warm-up exercises at the last football match. Coronary angiography detected a lesion with an onset in the left anterior descending artery following the 1st diagonal and extending to the 2nd diagonal and exhibiting a significant contraction during systole. The patient was considered to have myocardial infraction secondary to myocardial bridge. Sudden deaths frequently occur in competitive sports requiring heavy effort

    "Mushroom cloud": a giant left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after a myocardial infarction due to myocardial bridging – a case report

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    Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon complication after transmural myocardial infarction, occurring when a free wall rupture is contained by adhesions of the overlying pericardium preventing acute tamponade. In this report, an unusual case of a 61 year-old male with a giant apical left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after an unnoticed myocardial infarction is presented. On coronary angiogram myocardial bridging of the distal left anterior descending artery was judged to be the infarct related lesion. The echocardiographic diagnosis allowed for a timely surgical intervention which resulted in the patient's full recovery

    Selective Decrease of Components of the Creatine Kinase System and ATP Synthase Complex in Chronic Chagas Disease Cardiomyopathy

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    Chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) affects millions in endemic areas and is presenting in growing numbers in the USA and European countries due to migration currents. Clinical progression, length of survival and overall prognosis are significantly worse in CCC patients when compared to patients with dilated cardiomyopathy of non-inflammatory etiology. Impairment of energy metabolism seems to play a role in heart failure due to cardiomyopathies. Herein, we have analyzed energy metabolism enzymes in myocardium samples of CCC patients comparing to other non-inflammatory cardiomyopathies. We found that myocardial tissue from CCC patients displays a significant reduction of both myocardial protein levels of ATP synthase alpha and creatine kinase enzyme activity, in comparison to control heart samples, as well as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Our results suggest that CCC myocardium displays a selective energetic deficit, which may play a role in the reduced heart function observed in such patients

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research
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