185 research outputs found

    Magnetotransport properties of a polarization-doped three-dimensional electron slab

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    We present evidence of strong Shubnikov-de-Haas magnetoresistance oscillations in a polarization-doped degenerate three-dimensional electron slab in an Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}N semiconductor system. The degenerate free carriers are generated by a novel technique by grading a polar alloy semiconductor with spatially changing polarization. Analysis of the magnetotransport data enables us to extract an effective mass of m=0.19m0m^{\star}=0.19 m_{0} and a quantum scattering time of τq=0.3ps\tau_{q}= 0.3 ps. Analysis of scattering processes helps us extract an alloy scattering parameter for the Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}N material system to be V0=1.8eVV_{0}=1.8eV

    Non-linear macroscopic polarization in III-V nitride alloys

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    We study the dependence of macroscopic polarization on composition and strain in wurtzite III-V nitride ternary alloys using ab initio density-functional techniques. The spontaneous polarization is characterized by a large bowing, strongly dependent on the alloy microscopic structure. The bowing is due to the different response of the bulk binaries to hydrostatic pressure, and to internal strain effects (bond alternation). Disorder effects are instead minor. Deviations from parabolicity (simple bowing) are of order 10 % in the most extreme case of AlInN alloy, much less at all other compositions. Piezoelectric polarization is also strongly non-linear. At variance with the spontaneous component, this behavior is independent of microscopic alloy structure or disorder effects, and due entirely to the non-linear strain dependence of the bulk piezoelectric response. It is thus possible to predict the piezoelectric polarization for any alloy composition using the piezoelectricity of the parent binaries.Comment: RevTex 7 pages, 7 postscript figures embedde

    Accurate calculation of polarization-related quantities in semiconductors

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    We demonstrate that polarization-related quantities in semiconductors can be predicted accurately from first-principles calculations using the appropriate approach to the problem, the Berry-phase polarization theory. For III-V nitrides, our test case, we find polarizations, polarization differences between nitride pairs, and piezoelectric constants quite close to their previously established values. Refined data are nevertheless provided for all the relevant quantities.Comment: RevTeX 4 pages, no figure

    First-principles prediction of structure, energetics, formation enthalpy, elastic constants, polarization, and piezoelectric constants of AlN, GaN, and InN: comparison of local and gradient-corrected density-functional theory

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    A number of diverse bulk properties of the zincblende and wurtzite III-V nitrides AlN, GaN, and InN, are predicted from first principles within density functional theory using the plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential method, within both the LDA (local density) and GGA (generalized gradient) approximations to the exchange-correlation functional. Besides structure and cohesion, we study formation enthalpies (a key ingredient in predicting defect solubilities and surface stability), spontaneous polarizations and piezoelectric constants (central parameters for nanostructure modeling), and elastic constants. Our study bears out the relative merits of the two density functional approaches in describing diverse properties of the III-V nitrides (and of the parent species N2_2, Al, Ga, and In), and leads us to conclude that the GGA approximation, associated with high-accuracy techniques such as multiprojector ultrasoft pseudopotentials or modern all-electron methods, is to be preferred in the study of III-V nitrides.Comment: RevTeX 6 pages, 12 tables, 0 figure

    Application and modeling of GaN FET in 1MHz large signal bandwidth power supply for radio frequency power amplifier

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    In this paper, implementation and testing of non- commercial GaN HEMT in a simple buck converter for envelope amplifier in ET and EER transmission techn iques has been done. Comparing to the prototypes with commercially available EPC1014 and 1015 GaN HEMTs, experimentally demonstrated power supply provided better thermal management and increased the switching frequency up to 25MHz. 64QAM signal with 1MHz of large signal bandw idth and 10.5dB of Peak to Average Power Ratio was gener ated, using the switching frequency of 20MHz. The obtaine defficiency was 38% including the driving circuit an d the total losses breakdown showed that switching power losses in the HEMT are the dominant ones. In addition to this, some basic physical modeling has been done, in order to provide an insight on the correlation between the electrical characteristics of the GaN HEMT and physical design parameters. This is the first step in the optimization of the HEMT design for this particular application

    Probing quantum confinement within single core-multishell nanowires

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    Theoretically core-multishell nanowires under a cross-section of hexagonal geometry should exhibit peculiar confinement effects. Using a hard X-ray nanobeam, here we show experimental evidence for carrier localization phenomena at the hexagon corners by combining synchrotron excited optical luminescence with simultaneous X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Applied to single coaxial n-GaN/InGaN multiquantum-well/p-GaN nanowires, our experiment narrows the gap between optical microscopy and high-resolution X-ray imaging and calls for further studies on the underlying mechanisms of optoelectronic nanodevices. © 2012 American Chemical Society.The authors thank Irina Snigireva and Armando Vicente Sole for their assistance with the SEM measurements and data processing using PyMca, respectively. We thank Remi Tocoulou and Peter Cloetens for their help and the ESRF for the beam time allocated. We also thank Andrei Rogalev for the valuable discussions and Gary Admans for the critical reading of the manuscript. This work has been partially supported by the NANOWIRING Marie Curie ITN (EU project no. PITN-GA-2010-265073), as well as by the EPIC-NANOTICS (TEC2011-29120-C05-04) and Q&C-LIGHT (S2009ESP-1503) from Spanish MEC and CAM, respectively.Martínez Criado, G.; Homs Puron, AA.; Alen, B.; Sans Tresserras, JÁ.; Segura Ruiz, J.; Molina Sánchez, A.; Susini, J.... (2012). Probing quantum confinement within single core-multishell nanowires. Nano Letters. 12(11):5829-5834. https://doi.org/10.1021/nl303178uS58295834121

    A polygenic burden of rare disruptive mutations in schizophrenia.

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    Schizophrenia is a common disease with a complex aetiology, probably involving multiple and heterogeneous genetic factors. Here, by analysing the exome sequences of 2,536 schizophrenia cases and 2,543 controls, we demonstrate a polygenic burden primarily arising from rare (less than 1 in 10,000), disruptive mutations distributed across many genes. Particularly enriched gene sets include the voltage-gated calcium ion channel and the signalling complex formed by the activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated scaffold protein (ARC) of the postsynaptic density, sets previously implicated by genome-wide association and copy-number variation studies. Similar to reports in autism, targets of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP, product of FMR1) are enriched for case mutations. No individual gene-based test achieves significance after correction for multiple testing and we do not detect any alleles of moderately low frequency (approximately 0.5 to 1 per cent) and moderately large effect. Taken together, these data suggest that population-based exome sequencing can discover risk alleles and complements established gene-mapping paradigms in neuropsychiatric disease

    Assessment of orthologous splicing isoforms in human and mouse orthologous genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent discoveries have highlighted the fact that alternative splicing and alternative transcripts are the rule, rather than the exception, in metazoan genes. Since multiple transcript and protein variants expressed by the same gene are, by definition, structurally distinct and need not to be functionally equivalent, the concept of gene orthology should be extended to the transcript level in order to describe evolutionary relationships between structurally similar transcript variants. In other words, the identification of true orthology relationships between gene products now should progress beyond primary sequence and "splicing orthology", consisting in ancestrally shared exon-intron structures, is required to define orthologous isoforms at transcript level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a starting step in this direction, in this work we performed a large scale human- mouse gene comparison with a twofold goal: first, to assess if and to which extent traditional gene annotations such as RefSeq capture genuine splicing orthology; second, to provide a more detailed annotation and quantification of true human-mouse orthologous transcripts defined as transcripts of orthologous genes exhibiting the same splicing patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed an identical exon/intron structure for 32% of human and mouse orthologous genes. This figure increases to 87% using less stringent criteria for gene structure similarity, thus implying that for about 13% of the human RefSeq annotated genes (and about 25% of the corresponding transcripts) we could not identify any mouse transcript showing sufficient similarity to be confidently assigned as a splicing ortholog. Our data suggest that current gene and transcript data may still be rather incomplete - with several splicing variants still unknown. The observation that alternative splicing produces large numbers of alternative transcripts and proteins, some of them conserved across species and others truly species-specific, suggests that, still maintaining the conventional definition of gene orthology, a new concept of "splicing orthology" can be defined at transcript level.</p

    Proteolysis of proBDNF Is a Key Regulator in the Formation of Memory

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    It is essential to understand the molecular processes underlying long-term memory to provide therapeutic targets of aberrant memory that produce pathological behaviour in humans. Under conditions of recall, fully-consolidated memories can undergo reconsolidation or extinction. These retrieval-mediated memory processes may rely on distinct molecular processes. The cellular mechanisms initiating the signature molecular events are not known. Using infusions of protein synthesis inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotide targeting brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA or tPA-STOP (an inhibitor of the proteolysis of BDNF protein) into the hippocampus of the awake rat, we show that acquisition and extinction of contextual fear memory depended on the increased and decreased proteolysis of proBDNF (precursor BDNF) in the hippocampus, respectively. Conditions of retrieval that are known to initiate the reconsolidation of contextual fear memory, a BDNF-independent memory process, were not correlated with altered proBDNF cleavage. Thus, the processing of BDNF was associated with the acquisition of new information and the updating of information about a salient stimulus. Furthermore, the differential requirement for the processing of proBDNF by tPA in distinct memory processes suggest that the molecular events actively engaged to support the storage and/or the successful retrieval of memory depends on the integration of ongoing experience with past learning