867 research outputs found

    Differential Imaging with a Multicolor Detector Assembly: A New ExoPlanet Finder Concept

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    Simultaneous spectral differential imaging is a high contrast technique by which subtraction of simultaneous images reduces noise from atmospheric speckles and optical aberrations. Small non-common wave front errors between channels can seriously degrade its performance. We present a new concept, a multicolor detector assembly (MCDA), which can eliminate this problem. The device consists of an infrared detector and a microlens array onto the flat side of which a checkerboard pattern of narrow-band micro-filters is deposited, each micro-filter coinciding with a microlens. Practical considerations for successful implementation of the technique are mentioned. Numerical simulations predict a noise attenuation of 10^-3 at 0.5" for a 10^5 seconds integration on a mH=5 star of Strehl ratio 0.9 taken with an 8-m telescope. This reaches a contrast of 10^-7 at an angular distance of 0.5" from the center of the star image.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted APJ

    Effects of Quasi-Static Aberrations in Faint Companion Searches

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    We present the first results obtained at CFHT with the TRIDENT infrared camera, dedicated to the detection of faint companions close to bright nearby stars. The camera's main feature is the acquisition of three simultaneous images in three wavelengths (simultaneous differential imaging) across the methane absorption bandhead at 1.6 micron, that enables a precise subtraction of the primary star PSF while keeping the companion signal. The main limitation is non-common path aberrations between the three optical paths that slightly decorrelate the PSFs. Two types of PSF calibrations are combined with the differential simultaneous imaging technique to further attenuate the PSF: reference star subtraction and instrument rotation to smooth aberrations. It is shown that a faint companion with a DeltaH of 10 magnitudes would be detected at 0.5 arcsec from the primary.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Astronomy with High Contrast Imaging, EAS Publications Serie

    Angular Differential Imaging: a Powerful High-Contrast Imaging Technique

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    Angular differential imaging is a high-contrast imaging technique that reduces quasi-static speckle noise and facilitates the detection of nearby companions. A sequence of images is acquired with an altitude/azimuth telescope while the instrument field derotator is switched off. This keeps the instrument and telescope optics aligned and allows the field of view to rotate with respect to the instrument. For each image, a reference PSF is constructed from other appropriately-selected images of the same sequence and subtracted to remove quasi-static PSF structure. All residual images are then rotated to align the field and are combined. Observed performances are reported for Gemini North data. It is shown that quasi-static PSF noise can be reduced by a factor \~5 for each image subtraction. The combination of all residuals then provides an additional gain of the order of the square root of the total number of acquired images. A total speckle noise attenuation of 20-50 is obtained for one-hour long observing sequences compared to a single 30s exposure. A PSF noise attenuation of 100 was achieved for two-hour long sequences of images of Vega, reaching a 5-sigma contrast of 20 magnitudes for separations greater than 8". For a 30-minute long sequence, ADI achieves 30 times better signal-to-noise than a classical observation technique. The ADI technique can be used with currently available instruments to search for ~1MJup exoplanets with orbits of radii between 50 and 300 AU around nearby young stars. The possibility of combining the technique with other high-contrast imaging methods is briefly discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Direct Imaging of Multiple Planets Orbiting the Star HR 8799

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    Direct imaging of exoplanetary systems is a powerful technique that can reveal Jupiter-like planets in wide orbits, can enable detailed characterization of planetary atmospheres, and is a key step towards imaging Earth-like planets. Imaging detections are challenging due to the combined effect of small angular separation and large luminosity contrast between a planet and its host star. High-contrast observations with the Keck and Gemini telescopes have revealed three planets orbiting the star HR 8799, with projected separations of 24, 38, and 68 astronomical units. Multi-epoch data show counter-clockwise orbital motion for all three imaged planets. The low luminosity of the companions and the estimated age of the system imply planetary masses between 5 and 13 times that of Jupiter. This system resembles a scaled-up version of the outer portion of our Solar System.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, Research Article published online in Science Express Nov 13th, 200

    Astrometric Monitoring of the HR 8799 Planets: Orbit Constraints from Self-Consistent Measurements

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    We present new astrometric measurements from our ongoing monitoring campaign of the HR 8799 directly imaged planetary system. These new data points were obtained with NIRC2 on the W.M. Keck II 10 meter telescope between 2009 and 2014. In addition, we present updated astrometry from previously published observations in 2007 and 2008. All data were reduced using the SOSIE algorithm, which accounts for systematic biases present in previously published observations. This allows us to construct a self-consistent data set derived entirely from NIRC2 data alone. From this dataset, we detect acceleration for two of the planets (HR 8799b and e) at >>3σ\sigma. We also assess possible orbital parameters for each of the four planets independently. We find no statistically significant difference in the allowed inclinations of the planets. Fitting the astrometry while forcing coplanarity also returns χ2\chi^2 consistent to within 1σ\sigma of the best fit values, suggesting that if inclination offsets of \lesssim20o^{o} are present, they are not detectable with current data. Our orbital fits also favor low eccentricities, consistent with predictions from dynamical modeling. We also find period distributions consistent to within 1σ\sigma with a 1:2:4:8 resonance between all planets. This analysis demonstrates the importance of minimizing astrometric systematics when fitting for solutions to highly undersampled orbits.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    VLT/NACO astrometry of the HR8799 planetary system. L'-band observations of the three outer planets

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    HR8799 is so far the only directly imaged multiple exoplanet system. The orbital configuration would, if better known, provide valuable insight into the formation and dynamical evolution of wide-orbit planetary systems. We present L'-band observations of the HR8799 system obtained with NACO at VLT, adding to the astrometric monitoring of the planets HR8799b, c and d. We investigate how well the two simple cases of (i) a circular orbit and (ii) a face-on orbit fit the astrometric data for HR8799d over a total time baseline of ~2 years. The results indicate that the orbit of HR8799d is inclined with respect to our line of sight, and suggest that the orbit is slightly eccentric or non-coplanar with the outer planets and debris disk.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A\&A. Updated version includes minor changes made in the proof

    TRIDENT: an infrared camera optimized for the detection of methanated substellar companions around nearby stars

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    A near-infrared (0.85-2.5 microns) camera in use at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and at the 1.6m telescope of the Observatoire du Mont-Megantic is described. The camera is based on a Hawaii-1 1024x1024 HgCdTe array detector. Its main feature is to acquire three simultaneous images at three wavelengths (simultaneous differential imaging) across the methane absorption bandhead at 1.6 micron, enabling an accurate subtraction of the stellar point spread function (PSF) and the detection of faint close methanated companions. The instrument has no coronagraph and features a fast (1 MHz) data acquisition system without reset anomaly, yielding high observing efficiencies on bright stars. The performance of the instrument is described, and it is illustrated by CFHT images of the nearby star Ups And. TRIDENT can detect (3 sigma) a methanated companion with DeltaH=10 at 0.5 arcsec from the star in one hour of observing time. Non-common path aberrations between the three optical paths are the limiting factors preventing further PSF attenuation. Reference star subtraction and instrument rotation improve the detection limit by one order of magnitude.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to appear in SPIE 486