78 research outputs found

    THERIA_G: a software program to numerically model prograde garnet growth

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    We present the software program THERIA_G, which allows for numerical simulation of garnet growth in a given volume of rock along any pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path. THERIA_G assumes thermodynamic equilibrium between the garnet rim and the rock matrix during growth and accounts for component fractionation associated with garnet formation as well as for intracrystalline diffusion within garnet. In addition, THERIA_G keeps track of changes in the equilibrium phase relations, which occur during garnet growth along the specified P-T-t trajectory. This is accomplished by the combination of two major modules: a Gibbs free energy minimization routine is used to calculate equilibrium phase relations including the volume and composition of successive garnet growth increments as P and T and the effective bulk rock composition change. With the second module intragranular multi-component diffusion is modelled for spherical garnet geometry. THERIA_G allows to simulate the formation of an entire garnet population, the nucleation and growth history of which is specified via the garnet crystal size frequency distribution. Garnet growth simulations with THERIA_G produce compositional profiles for the garnet porphyroblasts of each size class of a population and full information on equilibrium phase assemblages for any point along the specified P-T-t trajectory. The results of garnet growth simulation can be used to infer the P-T-t path of metamorphism from the chemical zoning of garnet porphyroblasts. With a hypothetical example of garnet growth in a pelitic rock we demonstrate that it is essential for the interpretation of the chemical zoning of garnet to account for the combined effects of the thermodynamic conditions of garnet growth, the nucleation history and intracrystalline diffusio

    Silicon and oxygen self diffusion in enstatite polycrystals: the Milke et al. (2001) rim growth experiments revisited

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    Milke et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 142:15-26, 2001) studied the diffusion of Si, Mg and O in synthetic polycrystalline enstatite reaction rims. The reaction rims were grown at 1,000°C and 1GPa at the contacts between forsterite grains with normal isotopic compositions and a quartz matrix extremely enriched in 18O and 29Si. The enstatite reaction rim grew from the original quartz-forsterite interface in both directions producing an inner portion, which replaced forsterite and an outer portion, which replaced quartz. Here we present new support for this statement, as the two portions of the rim are clearly distinguished based on crystal orientation mapping using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Milke et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 142:15-26, 2001) used the formalism of LeClaire (J Appl Phys 14:351-356, 1963) to derive the coefficient of silicon grain boundary diffusion from stable isotope profiles across the reaction rims. LeClaire's formalism is designed for grain boundary tracer diffusion into an infinite half space with fixed geometry. A fixed geometry is an undesired limitation in the context of rim growth. We suggest an alternative model, which accounts for simultaneous layer growth and superimposed silicon and oxygen self diffusion. The effective silicon bulk diffusivity obtained from our model is approximately equal within both portions of the enstatite reaction rim: D Si,En eff =1.0-4.3×10−16m2s−1. The effective oxygen diffusion is relatively slow in the inner portion of the reaction rim, D O,En eff =0.8-1.4×10−16m2s−1, and comparatively fast, D O,En eff =5.9-11.6×10−16m2s−1, in its outer portion. Microstructural evidence suggests that transient porosity and small amounts of fluid were concentrated at the quartz-enstatite interface during rim growth. This leads us to suspect that the presence of an aqueous fluid accelerated oxygen diffusion in the outer portion of the reaction rim. In contrast, silica diffusion does not appear to have been affected by the spatial variation in the availability of an aqueous flui

    A Quaternary Solution Model for White Micas Based on Natural Coexisting Phengite-Paragonite Pairs

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    A thermodynamic model for the quaternary white mica solid solution with end-members muscovite-Mg-celadonite-paragonite-Fe-celadonite (Ms-MgCel-Pg-FeCel) is presented. The interaction energies for the MgCel-Pg join, the FeCel-Pg join and the ternary interactions were obtained from natural coexisting phengite-paragonite pairs. Phengite-paragonite pairs were selected based on the criteria that their chemical compositions may be represented as a linear combination of the model end-member compositions and that the respective formation conditions (350-650°C, 4-21 kbar) are accurately known. Previously published excess free energy expressions were used for the Ms-Pg, Ms-MgCel and Ms-FeCel binaries. The suggested mixing model was tested by calculating multicomponent equilibrium phase diagrams. This proved to be particularly well suited to reproduce compositional variations of white micas from amphibolite-facies metapelite

    Prograde garnet growth along complex P-T-t paths: results from numerical experiments on polyphase garnet from the Wölz Complex (Austroalpine basement)

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    Garnet in metapelites from the Wölz Complex of the Austroalpine crystalline basement east of the Tauern Window characteristically consists of two growth phases, which preserve a comprehensive record of the geothermal history during polymetamorphism. From numerical modelling of garnet formation, detailed information on the pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) evolution during prograde metamorphism is obtained. In that respect, the combined influences of chemical fractionation associated with garnet growth, modification of the original growth zoning through intragranular diffusion and the nucleation history on the chemical zoning of garnet as P and T change during growth are considered. The concentric chemical zoning observed in garnet and the homogenous rock matrix, which is devoid of chemical segregation, render the simulation of garnet growth through successive equilibrium states reliable. Whereas the first growth phase of garnet was formed at isobaric conditions of ∼3.8kbar at low heating/cooling rates, the second growth phase grew along a Barrovian P-T path marked with a thermal peak of ∼625°C at ∼10kbar and a maximum in P of ∼10.4kbar at ∼610°C. For the heating rate during the growth of the second phase of garnet, average rates faster than 50°CMa−1 are obtained. From geochronological investigations the first growth phase of garnet from the Wölz Complex pertains to the Permian metamorphic event. The second growth phase grew in the course of Eo-Alpine metamorphism during the Cretaceou

    Phase Relations and Chemical Composition of Phengite and Paragonite in Pelitic Schists During Decompression: a Case Study from the Monte Rosa Nappe and Camughera-Moncucco Unit, Western Alps

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    The metamorphic evolution of metapelites from the eastern part of the Monte Rosa nappe and the Camughera-Moncucco unit, both situated in the upper Penninic units SW of the Simplon line, were investigated using microstructural relationships and equilibrium phase diagrams. The units under consideration experienced pre-Alpine amphibolite-facies conditions and underwent a complex metamorphic evolution during the Alpine orogeny. Peak pressures during an early Alpine high-pressure stage of 12·5-16 kbar were similar in the Monte Rosa nappe and Camughera-Moncucco unit. A pronounced thermal gradient is indicated during decompression leading to an amphibolite-facies overprint, as the decompression paths went through the chlorite, biotite and plagioclase stability fields in most of the Monte Rosa nappe, through the staurolite field in the easternmost Monte Rosa nappe and in the Camughera-Moncucco unit, and through the sillimanite field in the easternmost Camughera-Moncucco unit. In high-Al metapelites the initial formation of staurolite is related to continuous paragonite breakdown and associated formation of biotite. In the course of this reaction phengite becomes successively sodium enriched. In low-Al metapelites, in contrast, the initial staurolite formation occurs via the continuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite. In both low- and high-Al metapelites the largest volume of staurolite is formed during the continuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite below P-T conditions of about 9·5 kbar at 600-650°C. During this reaction phengite becomes successively potassium enriched as sodium from phengite is used to form the albite component in plagioclase. For ‘normal' pelitic chemistries, phengite becomes Na enriched during decompression through the breakdown of paragonite along a near-isothermal decompression path. The Na content in phengite reaches its maximum when paragonite is entirely consumed. During further decompression the paragonite component in phengite decreases again because Na is preferentially incorporated into the albite component of plagioclas

    Spinodal decomposition in alkali feldspar studied by atom probe tomography

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    We used atom probe tomography to complement electron microscopy for the investigation of spinodal decomposition in alkali feldspar. To this end, gem-quality alkali feldspar of intermediate composition with a mole fraction of aK=0.43 of the K end-member was prepared from Madagascar orthoclase by ion-exchange with (NaK)Cl molten salt. During subsequent annealing at 550∘C and close to ambient pressure the ion-exchanged orthoclase unmixed producing a coherent lamellar intergrowth of Na-rich and K-rich lamellae. The chemical separation was completed, and equilibrium Na–K partitioning between the different lamellae was attained within four days, which was followed by microstructural coarsening. After annealing for 4 days, the wavelength of the lamellar microstructure was ≈17nm and it increased to ≈30nm after annealing for 16 days. The observed equilibrium compositions of the Na-rich and K-rich lamellae are in reasonable agreement with an earlier experimental determination of the coherent solvus. The excess energy associated with compositional gradients at the lamellar interfaces was quantified from the initial wavelength of the lamellar microstructure and the lamellar compositions as obtained from atom probe tomography using the Cahn–Hilliard theory. The capability of atom probe tomography to deliver quantitative chemical compositions at nm resolution opens new perspectives for studying the early stages of exsolution. In particular, it helps to shed light on the phase relations in nm scaled coherent intergrowth

    Effect of chemically induced fracturing on the ice nucleation activity of alkali feldspar

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    Feldspar is an important constituent of airborne mineral dust. Some alkali feldspars exhibit particularly high ice nucleation (IN) activity. This has been related to structural similarities of the ice (101¯0) prism planes and the (100) planes of alkali feldspar. Here the effect of generating feldspar surfaces with close to (100) orientation by means of chemically induced fracturing on the IN activity of alkali feldspar was investigated experimentally. To this end, gem-quality K-rich alkali feldspar was shifted towards more Na-rich compositions by cation exchange with an NaCl–KCl salt melt at 850 ∘C. By this procedure, a system of parallel cracks with an orientation close to the (100) plane of the feldspar was induced. Droplet-freezing assay experiments performed on grain mounts of the cation-exchanged alkali feldspars revealed an increase in the overall density of ice-nucleating active site (INAS) density with respect to the untreated feldspar. In addition, annealing at 550 ∘C subsequent to primary cation exchange further enhanced the INAS density and led to IN activity at exceptionally high temperatures. Although very efficient in experiment, fracturing by cation exchange with an alkali halide salt is unlikely to be of relevance in the conditioning of alkali feldspars in nature. However, parting planes with similar orientation as the chemically induced cracks may be generated in lamellar microstructures resulting from the exsolution of initially homogeneous alkali feldspar, a widespread phenomenon in natural alkali feldspar known as perthite formation. Perthitic alkali feldspars indeed show the highest IN activity. We tentatively ascribe this phenomenon to the preferential exposure of feldspar crystal surfaces oriented sub-parallel to (100)

    Extreme magnesium isotope fractionation at outcrop scale records the mechanism and rate at which reaction fronts advance

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    Isotopic fractionation of cationic species during diffusive transport provides novel means of constraining the style and timing of metamorphic transformations. Here we document a major (~1‰) decrease in the Mg isotopic composition of the reaction front of an exhumed contact between rocks of subducted crust and serpentinite, in the Syros mélange zone. This isotopic perturbation extends over a notable length-scale (~1 m), implicating diffusion of Mg through an intergranular fluid network over a period of ~100 kyr. These novel observations confirm models of diffusion-controlled growth of reaction zones formed between rocks of contrasting compositions, such as found at the slab-mantle interface in subduction zones. The results also demonstrate that diffusive processes can result in exotic stable isotope compositions of major elements with implications for mantle xenoliths and complex intrusions

    In Situ Observations of Phase Transitions in Metastable Nickel (Carbide)/Carbon Nanocomposites.

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    Nanocomposite thin films comprised of metastable metal carbides in a carbon matrix have a wide variety of applications ranging from hard coatings to magnetics and energy storage and conversion. While their deposition using nonequilibrium techniques is established, the understanding of the dynamic evolution of such metastable nanocomposites under thermal equilibrium conditions at elevated temperatures during processing and during device operation remains limited. Here, we investigate sputter-deposited nanocomposites of metastable nickel carbide (Ni3C) nanocrystals in an amorphous carbon (a-C) matrix during thermal postdeposition processing via complementary in situ X-ray diffractometry, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. At low annealing temperatures (300 °C) we observe isothermal Ni3C decomposition into face-centered-cubic Ni and amorphous carbon, however, without changes to the initial finely structured nanocomposite morphology. Only for higher temperatures (400-800 °C) Ni-catalyzed isothermal graphitization of the amorphous carbon matrix sets in, which we link to bulk-diffusion-mediated phase separation of the nanocomposite into coarser Ni and graphite grains. Upon natural cooling, only minimal precipitation of additional carbon from the Ni is observed, showing that even for highly carbon saturated systems precipitation upon cooling can be kinetically quenched. Our findings demonstrate that phase transformations of the filler and morphology modifications of the nanocomposite can be decoupled, which is advantageous from a manufacturing perspective. Our in situ study also identifies the high carbon content of the Ni filler crystallites at all stages of processing as the key hallmark feature of such metal-carbon nanocomposites that governs their entire thermal evolution. In a wider context, we also discuss our findings with regard to the much debated potential role of metastable Ni3C as a catalyst phase in graphene and carbon nanotube growth

    An ultraviolet simulator for the incident Martian surface radiation and its applications

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    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can act on putative organic/biological matter at the Martian surface in several ways. Only absorbed, but not transmitted or reflected, radiation energy can be photo-chemically effective. The most important biological UV effects are due to photochemical reactions in nucleic acids, DNA or RNA, which constitute the genetic material of all cellular organisms and viruses. Protein or lipid effects generally play a minor role, but they are also relevant in some cases. UV radiation can induce wavelengths-specific types of DNA damage. At the same time it can also induce the photo-reversion reaction of a UV induced DNA photoproduct of nucleic acid bases, the pyrimidine dimers. Intense UVB and UVC radiation, experienced on early Earth and present-day Mars, has been revealed to be harmful to all organisms, including extremophile bacteria and spores. Moreover, the formation of oxidants, catalytically produced in the Martian environment through UV irradiation, may be responsible for the destruction of organic matter on Mars. Following this, more laboratory simulations are vital in order to investigate and understand UV effects on organic matter in the case of Mars. We have designed a radiation apparatus that simulates the anticipated Martian UV surface spectrum between 200 and 400 nm (UVC-UVA). The system comprises a UV enhanced xenon arc lamp, special filter-sets and mirrors to simulate the effects of the Martian atmospheric column and dust loading. We describe the technical setup and performance of the system and discuss its uses for different applications. The design is focused on portability, therefore, the Mars-UV simulator represents a device for several different Mars simulation facilities with specific emphasis on Mars research topics