16 research outputs found

    Imaging the Electric Field with X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy

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    The properties of semiconductors and functional dielectrics are defined by their response in electric fields, which may be perturbed by defects and the strain they generate. In this work, we demonstrate how diffraction-based X-ray microscopy techniques may be utilized to image the electric field in insulating crystalline materials. By analysing a prototypical ferro- and piezoelectric material, BaTiO3_{3}, we identify trends that can guide experimental design towards imaging the electric field using any diffraction-based X-ray microscopy technique. We explain these trends in the context of dark-field X-ray microscopy, but the framework is also valid for Bragg scanning probe X-ray microscopy, Bragg coherent diffraction imaging and Bragg X-ray ptychography. The ability to quantify electric field distributions alongside the defects and strain already accessible via these techniques offers a more comprehensive picture of the often complex structure-property relationships that exist in many insulating and semiconducting materials

    Simultaneous Bright- and Dark-Field X-ray Microscopy at X-ray Free Electron Lasers

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    The structures, strain fields, and defect distributions in solid materials underlie the mechanical and physical properties across numerous applications. Many modern microstructural microscopy tools characterize crystal grains, domains and defects required to map lattice distortions or deformation, but are limited to studies of the (near) surface. Generally speaking, such tools cannot probe the structural dynamics in a way that is representative of bulk behavior. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction based imaging has long mapped the deeply embedded structural elements, and with enhanced resolution, Dark Field X-ray Microscopy (DFXM) can now map those features with the requisite nm-resolution. However, these techniques still suffer from the required integration times due to limitations from the source and optics. This work extends DFXM to X-ray free electron lasers, showing how the 101210^{12} photons per pulse available at these sources offer structural characterization down to 100 fs resolution (orders of magnitude faster than current synchrotron images). We introduce the XFEL DFXM setup with simultaneous bright field microscopy to probe density changes within the same volume. This work presents a comprehensive guide to the multi-modal ultrafast high-resolution X-ray microscope that we constructed and tested at two XFELs, and shows initial data demonstrating two timing strategies to study associated reversible or irreversible lattice dynamics

    Self-Poling and Ageing in PZT Thin Films With Interdigitated Electrodes - Work done at Laboratoire de CĂ©ramique (LC), EPFL

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    This work details advances in thin-film lead zirconate titanate (PZT) devices with interdigitated electrodes (IDEs). They are interesting for energy harvesting applications, as they can provide small amounts of electrical energy to devices such as wireless sensors. A simple equation relating the electric field to the sample geometry of IDEs was derived in this work, and PV hysteresis loops of fabricated films were used to verify the validity of the numerical finding. A fabrication route was developed for partially covering samples with SiO2 and self-poling was observed in these samples by measuring the piezoelectric coefficient descriptive of IDEs. The self-poling observed was limited in magnitude and the origin is still not clear. Slanted PV loops were observed when measuring as-fabricated samples and the slanting was compared to the effect of an interface layer, modelled as described by A.K. Tagantsev and G. Gerra. The model gave inconsistent values for the thickness of the interface layer when comparing samples with varying electrode spacing, and the slanting is therefore thought to have other causes. The time evolution of PV loops has been observed and characterised, and possible causes are discussed. The time evolution of individual samples was found to fit well with the model by M. Grossmann et al. for charge injection across a passive layer at the electrode interface, but this model does not agree with the observed dependence on electrode spacing. Charge injection across passive regions at the grain boundaries is suggested as an alternative that would agree with the observed dependence on electrode spacing. The models by A.K. Tagantsev and M.Grossmann were made to describe devices with parallel plate electrodes, and some inconsistency with the experimental results is to be expected

    A unified approach for the calculation of in-plane dielectric constant of films with interdigitated electrodes

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    Interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) on dielectric films is an important electrode design in electrical components such as transducers and sensors. Further development and use of IDEs for characterization of the in-plane properties of dielectric films requires models for the capacitance, particularly when used in a multilayer stack. Previous models for the capacitance have permitted erroneous boundary conditions between layers with associated limitations to accuracy. In this work we present a new model based on fulfilling the boundary conditions between layers with different dielectric constant. We further demonstrate how the model can be used to calculate the in-plane dielectric constant and polarization of BaTiO3 films. The model is shown to outperform previous models using both the experimental data from BaTiO3 films on SrTiO3 substrates and finite element method simulations of the corresponding case. One important advantage compared to previous work is that the new model provides good results regardless of film thickness

    A unified approach for the calculation of in-plane dielectric constant of films with interdigitated electrodes

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    Interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) on dielectric films is an important electrode design in electrical components such as transducers and sensors. Further development and use of IDEs for characterization of the in-plane properties of dielectric films requires models for the capacitance, particularly when used in a multilayer stack. Previous models for the capacitance have permitted erroneous boundary conditions between layers with associated limitations to accuracy. In this work we present a new model based on fulfilling the boundary conditions between layers with different dielectric constant. We further demonstrate how the model can be used to calculate the in-plane dielectric constant and polarization of BaTiO3 films. The model is shown to outperform previous models using both the experimental data from BaTiO3 films on SrTiO3 substrates and finite element method simulations of the corresponding case. One important advantage compared to previous work is that the new model provides good results regardless of film thickness

    Structural Disorder and Coherence across the Phase Transitions of Lead-Free Piezoelectric Bi0.5K0.5TiO3

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    Relaxor ferroelectrics exhibit superior properties for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, and vice versa, but the structural disorder hampers an understanding of structure–property relationships and impedes rational design of new, lead-free materials. Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 (BKT) is a prototypical lead-free relaxor ferroelectric, but the microscopic origins of polarization, nature of the ferroelectric transition (TC), and structural changes across the tetragonal to pseudocubic transition (T2) are poorly understood. Here the local and intermediate structure of BKT is studied from room temperature to above TC by pair distribution functions (PDFs) from synchrotron X-ray total scattering experiments and complemented by ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations. The local structure varies smoothly across T2 as well as TC, in contrast to the abrupt changes at TC inferred from conventional diffraction. Ferroelectric distortions are larger on the local scale than in the average structure, with polar Ti4+ displacements prevailing above TC. We find that local polar regions partly cancel each other below TC, while completely averaging out above, implying that BKT goes through a transition from partial to complete disorder across TC

    Epitaxial (100), (110), and (111) BaTiO3 films on SrTiO3 substrates — A transmission electron microscopy study

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    Chemical solution deposition (CSD) is a versatile method to fabricate oxide films. Here, the structure and local variations in the chemical composition of BaTiO3 (BTO) films prepared by CSD on (100), (110), and (111) SrTiO3 (STO) substrates were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The films were shown to be epitaxial and the relaxation of the films occurred by the formation of edge dislocations at the substrate–film interfaces. The Burgers vectors of the dislocations were determined to be a⟨010⟩, a[11¯0] and a[001], and a⟨110⟩ for the (100), (110), and (111) films, respectively. Due to the difference in thermal expansion between STO and BTO, the films are demonstrated to be under tensile strain. Furthermore, the boundaries between each deposited layer in the BTO films were found to be Ba-deficient in all cases. In the case of the (111) oriented film, defects like an anti-phase boundary or a thin layer with a twinned crystal structure were identified at the boundary between each deposited layer. Moreover, a larger grain was observed at the film surface with a twinned crystal structure. The interdiffusion length of A-cations at the STO–BTO interface, studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy, was found to be 3.4, 5.3, and 5.3 nm for the (100), (110), and (111) oriented films, respectively. Interdiffusion of cations across the STO–BTO interface was discussed in relation to cation diffusion in bulk BTO and STO. Despite the presence of imperfections demonstrated in this work, the films possess excellent ferroelectric properties, meaning that none of the imperfections are detrimental to the ferroelectric properties

    Enhanced in-plane ferroelectricity in BaTiO3 thin films fabricated by aqueous chemical solution deposition

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    Ferroelectric BaTiO3 is widely used in capacitors, but the low Curie temperature limits a further use of BaTiO3. In this work we present an aqueous chemical solution deposition (CSD) route for BaTiO3 thin films, demonstrating that organic solvents are not required for CSD. Textured BaTiO3 thin films were deposited on SrTiO3 substrates. The in-plane dielectric properties were investigated using interdigitated electrodes and ferroelectric switching was observed up to 160±5 °C. The increased Curie temperature is proposed to result from thermal strain due to a mismatch in thermal expansion coefficient between the film and the substrate, and is in good agreement with the theory of strain engineering in BaTiO3. Finally, the decomposition and crystallization of BaTiO3 during thermal treatment were determined by the combination of thermal analysis, IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of powder prepared from the solution.publishedVersion© 2018 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Simulations of dislocation contrast in dark-field X-ray microscopy

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    Dark-field X-ray microscopy (DFXM) is a full-field imaging technique that non-destructively maps the structure and local strain inside deeply embedded crystalline elements in three dimensions. In DFXM, an objective lens is placed along the diffracted beam to generate a magnified projection image of the local diffracted volume. This work explores contrast methods and optimizes the DFXM setup specifically for the case of mapping dislocations. Forward projections of detector images are generated using two complementary simulation tools based on geometrical optics and wavefront propagation, respectively. Weak and strong beam contrast and the mapping of strain components are studied. The feasibility of observing dislocations in a wall is elucidated as a function of the distance between neighbouring dislocations and the spatial resolution. Dislocation studies should be feasible with energy band widths of 10-2, of relevance for fourth-generation synchrotron and X-ray free-electron laser sources

    Anisotropic in-plane dielectric and ferroelectric properties of tensile-strained BaTiO3 films with three different crystallographic orientations

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    Ferroelectric properties of films can be tailored by strain engineering, but a wider space for property engineering can be opened by including crystal anisotropy. Here, we demonstrate a huge anisotropy in the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3 films. Epitaxial BaTiO3 films deposited on (100), (110), and (111) SrTiO3 substrates were fabricated by chemical solution deposition. The films were tensile-strained due to thermal strain confirmed by the enhanced Curie temperature. A massive anisotropy in the dielectric constant, dielectric tunability, and ferroelectric hysteresis loops was observed depending on the in-plane direction probed and the orientation of the films. The anisotropy was low for (111) BaTiO3, while the anisotropy was particularly strong for (110) BaTiO3, reflecting the low in-plane rotational symmetry. The anisotropy also manifested at the level of the ferroelectric domain patterns in the films, providing a microscopic explanation for the macroscopic response. This study demonstrates that the properties of ferroelectric films can be tailored not only by strain but also by crystal orientation. This is particularly interesting for multilayer stacks where the strain state is defined by the boundary conditions. We propose that other materials can be engineered in a similar manner by utilizing crystal anisotropy