5,325 research outputs found

    Geometric phase and quantum phase transition in an inhomogeneous periodic XY spin-1/2 model

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    The notion of geometric phase has been recently introduced to analyze the quantum phase transitions of many-body systems from the geometrical perspective. In this work, we study the geometric phase of the ground state for an inhomogeneous period-two anisotropic XY model in a transverse field. This model encompasses a group of familiar spin models as its special cases and shows a richer critical behavior. The exact solution is obtained by mapping on a fermionic system through the Jordan-Wigner transformation and constructing the relevant canonical transformation to realize the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian coupled in the kk-space. The results show that there may exist more than one quantum phase transition point at some parameter regions and these transition points correspond to the divergence or extremum properties of the Berry curvature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. As a backup of a previous work and some typos in the published version are fixe

    Examining Chinese Postgraduate Students’ Academic Adjustment in the UK Higher Education Sector: a Process-Based Stage Model

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    The current theories relating to international student transition have largely tended to concentrate on what is to be adapted. This research contributes to the pedagogic literature examining how the transition is made by international postgraduate students. Using data from 20 qualitative in-depth interviews in conjunction with observations of teaching sessions and the researchers’ field notes, we discovered a process-based stage model which identifies a step-by-step approach at a micro-level of academic transition. Our findings extended the prior stage modes to incorporate students’ pre-arrival experience and claim that the pre-departure stage plays a crucial role on Chinese students’ later academic adjustment in the UK. The finding of our four-stage-model helps not only higher education institutions increasing sensitivity to the design of study programmes and induction provision but provides practical implications for recruitment agents that attempt to engage students’ pre-arrival preparations in terms of enhancing their marketing strategy in the long term

    Judgment Sieve: Reducing Uncertainty in Group Judgments through Interventions Targeting Ambiguity versus Disagreement

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    When groups of people are tasked with making a judgment, the issue of uncertainty often arises. Existing methods to reduce uncertainty typically focus on iteratively improving specificity in the overall task instruction. However, uncertainty can arise from multiple sources, such as ambiguity of the item being judged due to limited context, or disagreements among the participants due to different perspectives and an under-specified task. A one-size-fits-all intervention may be ineffective if it is not targeted to the right source of uncertainty. In this paper we introduce a new workflow, Judgment Sieve, to reduce uncertainty in tasks involving group judgment in a targeted manner. By utilizing measurements that separate different sources of uncertainty during an initial round of judgment elicitation, we can then select a targeted intervention adding context or deliberation to most effectively reduce uncertainty on each item being judged. We test our approach on two tasks: rating word pair similarity and toxicity of online comments, showing that targeted interventions reduced uncertainty for the most uncertain cases. In the top 10% of cases, we saw an ambiguity reduction of 21.4% and 25.7%, and a disagreement reduction of 22.2% and 11.2% for the two tasks respectively. We also found through a simulation that our targeted approach reduced the average uncertainty scores for both sources of uncertainty as opposed to uniform approaches where reductions in average uncertainty from one source came with an increase for the other

    Hahn echo and criticality in spin-chain systems

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    We establish a relation between Hahn spin-echo of a spin-12\frac 1 2 particle and quantum phase transition in a spin-chain, which couples to the particle. The Hahn echo is calculated and discussed at zero as well as at finite temperatures. On the example of XY model, we show that the critical points of the chain are marked by the extremal values in the Hahn echo, and influence the Hahn echo in surprising high temperature. An explanation for the relation between the echo and criticality is also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Lightweight Face Relighting

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    In this paper we present a method to relight human faces in real time, using consumer-grade graphics cards even with limited 3D capabilities. We show how to render faces using a combination of a simple, hardware-accelerated parametric model simulating skin shading and a detail texture map, and provide robust procedures to estimate all the necessary parameters for a given face. Our model strikes a balance between the difficulty of realistic face rendering (given the very specific reflectance properties of skin) and the goal of real-time rendering with limited hardware capabilities. This is accomplished by automatically generating an optimal set of parameters for a simple rendering model. We offer a discussion of the issues in face rendering to discern the pros and cons of various rendering models and to generalize our approach to most of the current hardware constraints. We provide results demonstrating the usability of our approach and the improvements we introduce both in the performance and in the visual quality of the resulting faces

    Constraints on Holographic Dark Energy from Latest Supernovae, Galaxy Clustering, and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Observations

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    The holographic dark energy model is proposed by Li as an attempt for probing the nature of dark energy within the framework of quantum gravity. The main characteristic of holographic dark energy is governed by a numerical parameter cc in the model. The parameter cc can only be determined by observations. Thus, in order to characterize the evolving feature of dark energy and to predict the fate of the universe, it is of extraordinary importance to constrain the parameter cc by using the currently available observational data. In this paper, we derive constraints on the holographic dark energy model from the latest observational data including the gold sample of 182 Type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) given by the three-year {\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} ({\it WMAP}) observations, and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The joint analysis gives the fit results in 1-σ\sigma: c=0.910.18+0.26c=0.91^{+0.26}_{-0.18} and Ωm0=0.29±0.03\Omega_{\rm m0}=0.29\pm 0.03. That is to say, though the possibility of c<1c<1 is more favored, the possibility of c>1c>1 can not be excluded in one-sigma error range, which is somewhat different from the result derived from previous investigations using earlier data. So, according to the new data, the evidence for the quintom feature in the holographic dark energy model is not as strong as before.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Landau-Zener transition of a two-level system driven by spin chains near their critical points

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    The Landau-Zener(LZ) transition of a two-level system coupling to spin chains near their critical points is studied in this paper. Two kinds of spin chains, the Ising spin chain and XY spin chain, are considered. We calculate and analyze the effects of system-chain coupling on the LZ transition. A relation between the LZ transition and the critical points of the spin chain is established. These results suggest that LZ transitions may serve as the witnesses of criticality of the spin chain. This may provide a new way to study quantum phase transitions as well as LZ transitions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. European Physical Journals D accepte

    Abelian and Non-Abelian Quantum Geometric Tensor

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    We propose a generalized quantum geometric tenor to understand topological quantum phase transitions, which can be defined on the parameter space with the adiabatic evolution of a quantum many-body system. The generalized quantum geometric tenor contains two different local measurements, the non-Abelian Riemannian metric and the non-Abelian Berry curvature, which are recognized as two natural geometric characterizations for the change of the ground-state properties when the parameter of the Hamiltonian varies. Our results show the symmetry-breaking and topological quantum phase transitions can be understood as the singular behavior of the local and topological properties of the quantum geometric tenor in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Graphite Nanoeraser

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    We present here a method for cleaning intermediate-size (5~50nm) contamination from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Electron beam deposition causes a continuous increase of carbonaceous material on graphene and graphite surfaces, which is difficult to remove by conventional techniques. Direct mechanical wiping using a graphite nanoeraser is observed to drastically reduce the amount of contamination. After the mechanical removal of contamination, the graphite surfaces were able to self-retract after shearing, indicating that van der Waals contact bonding is restored. Since contact bonding provides an indication of a level of cleanliness normally only attainable in a high-quality clean-room, we discuss potential applications in preparation of ultraclean surfaces.Comment: 10 pages, two figure

    Weak Signal Inclusion Under Dependence and Applications in Genome-wide Association Study

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    Motivated by the inquiries of weak signals in underpowered genome-wide association studies (GWASs), we consider the problem of retaining true signals that are not strong enough to be individually separable from a large amount of noise. We address the challenge from the perspective of false negative control and present false negative control (FNC) screening, a data-driven method to efficiently regulate false negative proportion at a user-specified level. FNC screening is developed in a realistic setting with arbitrary covariance dependence between variables. We calibrate the overall dependence through a parameter whose scale is compatible with the existing phase diagram in high-dimensional sparse inference. Utilizing the new calibration, we asymptotically explicate the joint effect of covariance dependence, signal sparsity, and signal intensity on the proposed method. We interpret the results using a new phase diagram, which shows that FNC screening can efficiently select a set of candidate variables to retain a high proportion of signals even when the signals are not individually separable from noise. Finite sample performance of FNC screening is compared to those of several existing methods in simulation studies. The proposed method outperforms the others in adapting to a user-specified false negative control level. We implement FNC screening to empower a two-stage GWAS procedure, which demonstrates substantial power gain when working with limited sample sizes in real applications.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2006.1566