907 research outputs found

    Perhehoitotyön hyödyt ja aloittamisen haasteet

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    Perhehoitotyö on yksilön ja perheen sekä terveyden että sairauden välisten yhteyksien huomioonottamista hoitosuunnitelmassa ja hoitoa arvioitaessa. Perhehoitotyön tärkeimmät tavoitteet ovat perheen tukeminen ja tiedon lisääminen sekä hoidon jatkuvuuden turvaaminen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä eri tavoin työskennellään potilaan perheen kanssa, hoitajien kokemuksia perhehoitotyön hyödyistä ja perhehoitotyön aloittamisen haasteista uuden potilaan kanssa, sekä tarvittavan tuen tarpeesta omalta työyhteisöltään. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli, että saatua tietoa voidaan hyödyntää perhehoitotyön toimintamallin edelleen kehittämisessä psykiatrisella osastolla. Lähestymistapa tässä tutkimuksessa oli kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kyselyä avoimin kysymyksin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin psykiatrisen osaston perhehoitotyötä tekeviltä hoitajilta. Saatu aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällön analyysillä. Tulosten mukaan perhehoitotyö koettiin erittäin tärkeäksi. Suurimpana hyötynä oli tiedon antaminen ja saaminen. Haasteina koettiin perheiden erilaisuuden ja yksilöllisyyden huomioiminen sekä käytännön tuomat ongelmat. Koulutus ja käytännön harjoittelu kokeneemman hoitajan kanssa koettiin tärkeimmiksi työyhteisön antamaksi tueksi. Osastolla vallitseva perhehoitomyönteisyys antoi myös merkityksellistä tukea. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voitaisiin selvittää perhehoitotyön hyödyt, haasteet ja odotukset perheen näkökulmasta.Family nursing means taking into account the connections between an individual and family and between health and illness when planning and assessing nursing care. The main goals of family nursing are to support the family, to increase knowledge, and to secure the continuity of nursing care. The aim of the study was to find out the different ways that work is carried out with the patient's family, and nurses' experiences of the benefits of family nursing, the initial challenges of family nursing with a new patient and the need for support from their own work community. The goal of the study was to be able to utilize the obtained information in the further development of an operational model of family nursing on a psychiatric ward. The approach in this study was qualitative. A questionnaire with open-ended questions was used to gather data. The material for the study was collected from nurses involved in family nursing on a psychiatric ward. The material obtained was processed using inductive analysis of the contents. According to the results, family nursing was considered to be very important. The greatest benefit was the giving and receiving of information. Taking into account the differences between families and individuality and problems that came up in practice were seen as challenges. Education and practical training with a more experienced nurse were regarded as the most important support given by the work community. The positive attitude towards family nursing prevailing on the ward also provided significant support. A subject for a further study would be to find out the benefits and challenges of, and the expectations for, family nursing from the family's point of view

    Finnish vocational education and training (VET) students’ perceptions of the joy of studying in an online learning environment

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    We examined the perceptions of students in Finnish vocational education and training (VET) institutions about the joy of studying in online learning environments. The data consisted of 290 students’ answers to a survey and a thematic interview with eight students. The phenomenographic analysis revealed students’ experiences of joy in practical learning using digital programmes, independent learning online, collaborative learning online, and working life-oriented online learning. Students experienced the joy of studying when the teacher was positive, supportive, and interested in the subject being taught and treated all students equally. Some students experienced the joy of studying when they could study with others, while others experienced joy alone, regardless of time and place. The research contributed a profound understanding of the joy of learning in different online learning environments, which helps develop teaching and learning in VET in a student-centred manne

    Teachers as leaders?:Finnish student teachers’ perceptions of participation in leadership in school

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    School teachers’ work is increasingly associated with leadership. Teacher autonomy is exceptionally high in Finland, and newly qualified teachers are expected to take responsibility for and participate in leadership processes, both inside their classrooms and schoolwide. To develop these abilities, student teachers should recognise the leadership dimensions of their profession to be active agents: their opportunities to participate in and influence the development of pedagogical solutions and the operation of the school. This study explores how student teachers perceive their participation and agency in leadership in their future work. The data consist of student teachers’ (N = 68) empathy-based written stories describing either the promising future of a teacher or a future in which things went poorly. The data were analysed using a narrative approach. The results show that student teachers perceive leadership to be composed of individual professional skills and external factors that enable them to be active, such as opportunities provided by the principal and the general school culture.School teachers’ work is increasingly associated with leadership. Teacher autonomy is exceptionally high in Finland, and newly qualified teachers are expected to take responsibility for and participate in leadership processes, both inside their classrooms and schoolwide. To develop these abilities, student teachers should recognise the leadership dimensions of their profession to be active agents: their opportunities to participate in and influence the development of pedagogical solutions and the operation of the school. This study explores how student teachers perceive their participation and agency in leadership in their future work. The data consist of student teachers’ (N = 68) empathy-based written stories describing either the promising future of a teacher or a future in which things went poorly. The data were analysed using a narrative approach. The results show that student teachers perceive leadership to be composed of individual professional skills and external factors that enable them to be active, such as opportunities provided by the principal and the general school culture

    The Polylith Software Bus

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    We describe a system called POLYLITH that helps programmers prepare and interconnect mixedlanguage software components for execution in heterogeneous environments. POLYLITH'S principal benefit is that programmers are free to implement functional requirements separately from their treatment of interfacing requirements; this means that once an application has been developed for use in one execution environment (such as a distributed network) it can be adapted for reuse in other environments (such as a share d-memory multiprocessor) by automatic techniques. This flexibility is provided without loss of performance. We accomplish this by creating a new run-time organization for software. An abstract decoupling agent, called the software toolbus, is introduced between the system components. Heterogeneity in language and architecture is accommodated since program units are prepared to interface directly to the toolbus, not to other program units. Programmers specify application structure in terms of a module interconnection language (MIL); POLYLITH uses this specification to guide packaging (static interfacing acti vities such as stub generation, source program adaptation, compilation and linking). At run time, an implementation of the toolbus abstraction may assist in message delivery, name service or system reconfiguration. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-90-65

    Conceptions of Adult Education Teachers-in-Training Regarding the Media Literacy Education of Older People: A Phenomenographic Study to Inform a Course Design

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    This phenomenographic study represents part of an ongoing design-based research initiative to inform the design of a new course on older people’s media literacy in the adult-education teacher-education context. The aim was to describe the conceptions of teachers-in-training regarding media literacy education for older people. The data consist of students’ written assignments in which they defined the concept of older people, their societal roles, and of the media literacy education targeting them. The participants included teachers-in-training (N = 22) from a Finnish university’s teacher education program. The data were analyzed qualitatively with the aim of exploring how these students define “older people,” the kinds of roles they perceive older people as having, the pedagogical content and approaches they see as most useful in media literacy education targeting older people, and the kinds of learning aims they set for themselves in the course. The results reveal implications for the design of the abovementioned new course

    Detecting runtime anomalies in AJAX applications through trace analysis

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    AJAX applications are prone to security vulnerabilities due to the ease of inadvertently entrusting the client with security-critical logic. We characterize exploits of such vulnerabilities as violations of a protocol implicitly defined in the client-side code, and we introduce a method to detect and prevent these protocol violations in middleware, without having to modify the original application. We accomplish this by instrumenting the client code to send fragments of execution traces to the server, allowing the server to efficiently prove that the incoming message complies with the protocol. By combining replay execution and constraint solving, our method exploits the componentized structure of applications to minimize the server computing power and network bandwidth required to monitor them. A prototype running on the Google Web Toolkit platform demonstrates our method

    Metrics-based investigation of distributed intrusion detection and attack surface reduction

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    Two distinct but related projects --- titled "Improved product assurance through automatic trace generation and analysis" and "Improved cyber security via decentralized intrusion detection and dynamic reconfiguration" respectively --- have been under way in this laboratory, both with support from Office of Naval Research, which the authors gratefully acknowledge. The purpose of this report is to frame the even broader goal we envision, which is ultimately to understand how to not just measure properties of a running system which characterize its susceptibility to vulnerabilities in the eyes of potential intruders, but also to dynamically adjust the running system so as to either reduce or remove those vulnerabilities. What is of greatest concern in a running system is not the vulnerabilities we already know about --- after all, they would likely have been repaired at the point of discovery --- but rather the vulnerability that only an intruder understands. Our hypothesis is that static analysis together with measurements at run time may telegraph suggestions for dynamic reconfiguration which might repel an intruder, without loss of service by the system, long enough for operators to identify and understand whatever might have been the specific defect that had been probed. The present report updates our statement of the long term research goals and presents our status on the two projects under way
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