382 research outputs found

    Numeri per argomentare: strategie di dispositio nelle produzioni scritte degli studenti universitari

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    This paper concerns text organization and the signalling of its arrangement in parts. Drawing on text linguistics and combining a qualitative and a quantitative description, it explores the use of enumerative markers as linguistic devices of discursive structure, adopted by Italian second-year university students while fulfilling a timed writing task. More precisely, the paper presents a corpus-based analysis, focusing on textual segments opened by two types of enumerative markers: in primo luogo (in the first place) and in primis. The occurrences are extracted from UniverS-ITA, a corpus made by a total of 2016 students’ written texts (813,000 words). The paper aims at documenting and characterizing, on a qualitative level, the functioning of numerical sequencers (or ordinatori numerici del discorso), mainly drawing on textual scope, i.e. their effect on the textual segments involved. Findings suggest that the strategy most applied by students in the process of writing is an additive one, also emphasized by the frequent use of inoltre (moreover), whereas the homogenous series introduced by a marker acting as a trigger are rather scarce. Nevertheless, some attempts to give a linear ordering to the contents occur. Besides their descriptive value, these findings present relevant implications for teaching and learning academic writing at universities

    Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language learning contexts

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    The integration of audiovisual translation (AVT), in its multiple forms (i.e., interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic, Jakobson 1959) and modes (revoicing and subtitling), with a key focus on multimodality have found their way more recently in the foreign language education (FLE) context. If subtitles and subtitling remain a hugely discussed topic in their pedagogical application (see Díaz-Cintas and Wang 2022), over recent years studies about didactic AVT have definitely enlarged their scope and come to comprise the various AVT techniques that can be used in the classroom as a motivating booster of language learning, since, especially in active practices, the learner is really at the centre of his/her learning process. Current research on didactic AVT shares the premises that this kind of translation is beneficial not only as a complex problem-solving activity triggering integrated skills as well as critical thinking, but also as a multisensorial and intersemiotic experience demanding a holistic approach, which fosters sociopragmatic competences and intercultural awareness in learners (Incalcaterra McLoughlin, and Talaván 2018). In the past twenty years, one of the most innovative and promising fields within AVT has been Media Accessibility (MA) research and practice, in line with the urgent need of providing accessible and inclusive services to all members of society (Díaz-Cintas, Orero, and Remael 2007). The great potentials of MA tools, including SDH and AD addressed to the aurally and visually impaired audiences respectively, also started to attract the interest of scholars in AVT in language learning. Learning a language by learning to translate, as well as by reflecting on translation(s) through media resources, has certainly gained a specific status in the ongoing “new relationships” between translation and contemporary language teaching (Koletnik and Froeliger 2019). However, while a lot has been achieved in AVT, there is much still to explore and learn

    Categorizzazioni e educazione linguistica

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    Internationalisation of education is approached here from the angle of actors – learners – seen as both a collective entity (the classrooms) and individual subjects. This paper problematises, in the (Italian) academic discourses, the use of the word international, which is restricted to higher educational domains, but quite rarely applied to schools, where multiethnic is the word used. Yet still, it is learners' heterogeneity (in native language, culture, geographical origins…) to be basically at stake in both cases. Conceptions underlying these usages are deconstructed, also by exemplifying categorizations analyses of learners. The ultimate goal is to highlight implications for language education

    Structural performance of an IP2 package in free drop test conditions: numerical and experimental evaluations

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    The casks or packaging systems used for the transportation of nuclear materials, especially spent fuel elements, have to be designed according to rigorous acceptance requirements, like the IAEA ones, in order to provide protection to human beings and environment against radiation exposure and contamination. This study deals with the free drop test of an Italian design packaging system to be used for the transportation of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes. Impact drop experiments were performed in the Lab. Scalbatraio of the DICI - University of Pisa. Dynamic analyses too have been carried out, by refined models of both the cask and target surface to predict the effects of the impact shock (vertical drop) on the package. The experimental tests and numerical analyses are thoroughly compared, presented and discussed. The numerical approach shows to be suitable to reproduce with good reliability the test situations and results


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    La certeza del derecho en la concepción de Flavio López de Oñate

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    This article recovers the work of a young Italian jurist, Flavio Lopez de Onate (1912-1944), The certezza del diritto. An Italian-language book, which came to light in 1943 and known in Buenos Aires ten years later, led to the Spanish language again recently, is of interest to bring the echo of the decades before the end of the second war, in relation to a core problem that is the essence of law, as is its certainty and its close relationship with justice.    El presente artículo rescata la obra de un joven jurista italiano, Flavio López de Oñate (1912-1944), La certezza del diritto. Un libro en idioma italiano, que salió a la luz en 1943 y se conoció en Buenos Aires diez años más tarde, nuevamente llevado a lengua española hace muy poco, resulta de interés para traer el eco de las décadas previas a la finalización de la segunda guerra, con relación a una problemática medular, que hace a la esencia del derecho, como es la de su certeza y su íntima relación con la justicia.  

    Simple and complex images: Operationalization and first calibration

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    The aim of this study is to operationalize the construction of the complexity related to images. In particular, we want to calibrate the judgments of complexity related to colourful images and black and white images who belong to different categories (animals, fruit, transports, technological tools and faces) and examine the parameters related to the different levels of their categorical complexity.The first part of this composition put forward a definition of the construction, a comparison between the various theories of the complexity of the images and an analysis of the various fields of application.In the second part, the purpose is to operationalize the construction, together with the method, the procedures used, and the sample that are described in detail.The article ends with a debate about the results and some thoughts about the importance to operationalize the construct of the complexity.The added value of this study is to provide, for the first time, a contribution to the operationalization of the construct of complexity. The complex and simple images can be used by the scientific community as a catalog that could be used in different fields of application (for example clinical/experimental, marketing/advertising, etc.)

    Numeri per argomentare: strategie di dispositio nelle produzioni scritte degli studenti universitari

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    This paper concerns text organization and the signalling of its arrangement in parts. Drawing on text linguistics and combining a qualitative and a quantitative description, it explores the use of enumerative markers as linguistic devices of discursive structure, adopted by Italian second-year university students while fulfilling a timed writing task. More precisely, the paper presents a corpus-based analysis, focusing on textual segments opened by two types of enumerative markers: in primo luogo (in the first place) and in primis. The occurrences are extracted from UniverS-ITA, a corpus made by a total of 2016 students’ written texts (813,000 words). The paper aims at documenting and characterizing, on a qualitative level, the functioning of numerical sequencers (or ordinatori numerici del discorso), mainly drawing on textual scope, i.e. their effect on the textual segments involved. Findings suggest that the strategy most applied by students in the process of writing is an additive one, also emphasized by the frequent use of inoltre (moreover), whereas the homogenous series introduced by a marker acting as a trigger are rather scarce. Nevertheless, some attempts to give a linear ordering to the contents occur. Besides their descriptive value, these findings present relevant implications for teaching and learning academic writing at universities

    Crocus cancellatus subsp. damascenus stigmas: chemical profile, and inhibition of α-amylase, α-glucosidase and lipase, key enzymes related to type 2 diabetes and obesity

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    Spices are appreciated for their medicinal properties besides their use as food adjuncts to enhance the sensory quality of food. In this study, Crocus cancellatus subsp. damascenus was investigated for its antioxidant activities employing different in vitro systems. Stigma extract demonstrated a radical scavenging activity against both 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) radicals with IC50 values of 34.6 and 21.6 µg/mL and a good ferric reducing ability (53.9 µM Fe(II)/g). In order to clarify the potential functional properties of this spice, the carbohydrate-hydrolysing enzymes and pancreatic lipase inhibitory properties were investigated. Crocus cancellatus subsp. damascenus extract inhibited α-amylase and α-glucosidase with IC50 values of 57.1 and 68.6 µg/mL, respectively. The bioactivity was discussed in terms of phytochemicals content. The obtained results may be of interest from a functional point of view or as food additive and to promote the revalorization of this species

    I distretti del Mezzogiorno

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    CAP. 1. Definizione e caratteristiche del distretto; CAP. 2. Come sono nati i distretti nel Mezzogiorno: fattori di successo ed insuccesso;2.1.Lo sviluppo dei distretti del Mezzogiorno: Brevi cenni storici; CAP. 3. I Distretti del Mezzogiorno; Il "Triangolo del Salotto"; Il polo calzaturiero aversano; La corsetteria di Lavello ;Il TAC del tacco Il distretto barlettano delle calzature; L'abbigliamento della Puglia centrale; La percezione del fenomeno "distretto" dei piccoli e medi imprenditori in Campania, il caso di S. Giuseppe vesuviano e Solofra; Il distretto industriale di Solofra; Conclusioni