42 research outputs found

    Development of foreign language auditive competence of studentsof a non-linquistic university

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    This article is devoted to the development of foreign language auditive competence of students of a non-linguistic university on the example of the North-Eastern Federal University in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The teaching of foreign language auditive competence of students of a non-linguistic university in a conversational and professionally-oriented context is one of the fundamental factors of the system of training specialists in a non-linguistic university for the purposes of effective foreign-language communicative interaction.Данная статья посвящена вопросам развития иноязычной аудитивной компетенции студентов неязыкового вуза на примере Северо-восточного федерального университета в Республике Саха (Якутия)

    Modern world behind the looking-glass

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    Статья посвящена рассмотрению виртуальной реальности и ее влияния на сознание современного человека, изменение его этических норм и требований.This article devoted to consideration a virtual reality and its influence on the consciousness of a modern man, the change in its ethical standards and requirements

    Sedimentation of Dust Particles and Small Bodies in the Protosolar Nebula

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    The dynamics of dust particles and small bodies in a protosolar nebula is investigated. The analytical solution and numerical calculations show that the motion of small bodies of size a ∼ 102 cm in the region r < 0.1 AU is oscillatory. In the case of smaller particles the motion is an aperiodic attenuation in the region of r up to 40 AU. Sedimentation time in the protosolar nebula is estimated.Исследуется динамика пылинок и малых тел в протосолнечной туманности. Аналитическое и численное решения показывают, что движение тел размером a ∼ 102 см в области r < 0.1 а. е. носит колебательный характер. В случае частиц меньших размеров в области по r < 40 а. е. движение представляет собой апериодическое затухание. Оцениваются времена седиментации частиц

    Experience of Reconstruction of Yakut Women’s Clothing of the 17th-18th Centuries (based on the Materials of At-Daban (At-Byran) VI Burial)

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    The experience of carrying out a hypothetical reconstruction of women's clothing "tangalai" XVII-XVIII centuries is considered. It is reported that this sample of clothing was found during archaeological research in 2016 in the area of At-Byran, Khangalassky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Earlier it was revealed that the tangalai was part of the bride’s costume, which means an indispensable element of the wedding ceremony. As a result of studies of the Yakut burials of the XVII-XVIII centuries, it was established that the tangalai was included in the complex of accompanying material during the funeral rite of a married woman. An analysis of ethnographic literature, the results of field scientific research, available visual sources was made, fragments of clothing stored in museums extracted from funerary monuments were studied. As the study showed, the tangalai from the At-Daban VI burial has similar features with samples of similar shoulder-clothes found and studied earlier: general principles of decor, color scheme, and peculiarities of the location of sewn jewelry. Distinctive features: a lowered waist line and narrow bibs were revealed. Based on a detailed study of the original source, masters of decorative and applied art carried out a hypothetical reconstruction of the tangalaya. Attention was paid to leather processing, seams, design features. Unsaved pieces of clothing were recreated using existing analogues

    Climate change impacts on streamflow, sediment load and carbon fluxes in the Lena River delta

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    Water and sediment supply are essential to the health of deltaic ecosystems. Diverse datasets were integrated to better understand how climate change is shifting the supply of water and sediment to the largest polar distributary channel pattern – the Lena River Delta. Here the increase in warming rate from an average air temperature is from 4.1 °C for the period 1950–99 to 6.1 °C during 2000–21, which is higher than in the adjacent polar regions. Streamflow and sediment yield entering the Lena Delta have increased since 1988 by 56.3 km3 and 6.1×106 t, respectively; meanwhile, the Lena River’s increases in water temperature in June, July–August and September were found to be as much as 1.1, 0.6 and 0.05 °C. These changes have a pronounced effect on sediment regimes in particular parts of the delta. Based on analyses of correlations between various hydroclimatic drivers and sediment concentration changes across particular distributaries of the Lena Delta extracted from Landsat datasets, bank degradation driven by thermal erosional processes (which are in turn related to air and soil temperature increases) is proved to be the primary factor of the sediment regime in the delta. The study also highlights that sediment load changes are sensitive to wind speed due to remobilization of bottom sediment. Sums of daily air temperature and wind speed over 3 days are correlated with sediment concentration changes in the delta. The results also indicate that carbon transport across the delta (both POC and DOC) depends on sediment transport conditions and water discharge and might increase by up to 10 %. We conclude that the Lena Delta can be recognized as the global hot spot in terms of the hydrological consequences of climate change, which is altering sediment regimes, stream hydromorphology and carbon transport