17 research outputs found

    La educación sexual en el ámbito universitario : estudio diagnóstico en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

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    Programa de Doctorado en Desigualdades e Intervención SocialLa presente investigación profundiza en el estudio de la educación sexual en el ámbito universitario costarricense, con el fin de relevar su estado de situación y brindar insumas para el mejoramiento y diseño de intervenciones socio-educativas, que contribuyan a una vivencia más segura y placentera de la sexualidad en la población estudiantil universitaria. Se abordan los enfoques y las acciones que realizan las cuatro universidades estatales costarricenses en la educación sexual de sus estudiantes, profundizando en el caso particular de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), con un análisis del conocimiento, uso y valoración, por parte de su población estudiantil, de las intervenciones existentes. Se puntualiza en las concepciones y vivencias de la sexualidad de las y los estudiantes de la UNA. En el análisis se hace especial énfasis en la población del Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE) de la UNA, instancia formadora de educadoras y educadores del país, lo cual genera una serie de reflexiones sobre el aporte de la UNA frente a la responsabilidad social de coadyuvar con la educación sexual de la población escolarizada y la necesidad de perfilar nuevos abordajes en la educación sexual universitaria. Los análisis que se realizan se basan en el enfoque de la sexualidad integral, desde un marco de Derechos Humanos y con Enfoque de Género.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Antropología Social, Psicología Básica y Salud Públic

    Desafíos de la formación docente en materia de educación sexual

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    This article identifies the existing gaps in sex education in the student population of the Center for Research in Teaching and Education of the National University of Costa Rica, and its purpose is to contribute to the decision-making process to improve training for these students. A questionnaire was applied, using a structured sample stratified by unequal clusters, to 242 regular undergraduate students. The margin of error was 1.5 % and the confidence level was 95%. Data was tabulated using the CSPRO software and analyzed with the R software. A focus group was also held with teachers in sexuality courses in order to reflect on the results of the questionnaire application. Data was analyzed through the Integral Sexuality Approach and suggests that students lack the information necessary to exercise healthy, safe, and violence-free sexuality. This condition leads them to high risk situations because of the rare or lack of contraceptive use and the practice of coitus interruptus and makes them experience fears and guilt when being sexually active. Students have low sexual autonomy, which makes them vulnerable to violent situations and gives them stereotypes and prejudices that lead them to discriminate others for their sexual orientation or to become victims. In general, they are unaware of their reproductive and sexual rights and, therefore, are not capable of demanding them. These indicators should warn teacher training institutions to improve and strengthen their sexual education processes.Recibido 30 de octubre de 2014 • Corregido 21 de noviembre de 2014 • Aceptado 22 de noviembre de 2014 El presente artículo identifica los vacíos existentes en materia de educación sexual en la población estudiantil del Centro de Investigación en Docencia y Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, y su propósito es contribuir a la toma de decisiones para mejorar la formación de estos estudiantes. Se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado a una muestra por conglomerados desiguales estratificados, compuesta por 242 estudiantes regulares de las carreras de grado. El margen de error fue de 1.5% y el nivel de confianza del 95%. Los datos se tabularon mediante el software CSPRO y se analizaron con el software R. Asimismo se organizó un grupo focal con la participación de docentes de cursos de sexualidad, con el fin de reflexionar sobre los resultados de la aplicación del cuestionario. Los datos fueron analizados desde el Enfoque de Sexualidad Integral y apuntan a que el estudiantado carece de la información necesaria para ejercer una sexualidad sana, segura y libre de violencia. Esta condición les lleva a situaciones de riesgo ante la baja o nula utilización de anticonceptivos y a la práctica del coito interrumpido; de igual manera, les hace experimentar temores y culpa al mantener relaciones sexuales. Presentan una baja autonomía sexual, lo que les vuelve vulnerables ante situaciones de violencia, con estereotipos y prejuicios, que les llevan a discriminar a otras personas por su orientación sexual o a ser víctimas de ellos. En general, desconocen sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y, por tanto, no están en capacidad de exigir su cumplimiento. Estos indicadores constituyen un llamado de atención a las instituciones dedicadas a la formación de docentes para mejorar y fortalecer sus procesos de educación sexual

    Educación sexual de la población joven universitaria: Algunos determinantes y desafíos

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    In general terms, higher education institutions not only face the challenge of teaching some discipline to their students, but also of strengthening their life skills. Since university students are majorly young, the desire to provide them with comprehensive training is particularly relevant, since it is at this stage of life when they model their behavior for adulthood. In this training challenge, sex education plays a decisive role. This research paper aims to show that factors such as information gaps, unsafe sexual practices, myths, prejudices and stereotypes persist in the university student population and do not allow them to live sexuality safely and pleasurable. Moreover, these factors show Costa Rica’s need for higher education institutions to strengthen their actions in sex education. A brief tour is made from various angles through the sexual experiences of the university student population, namely: their perceptions about the training requirements they face, their main concerns, their unsafe sexual practices, their inability to negotiate sexual and reproductive health care, their knowledge and preventive practices in terms of sexual and reproductive health, the existence of forms of violence within university life, among others. The findings set out are part of a larger research, based on contributions from the theory of gender and social constructionism. Such data derives from the application of a questionnaire to a sample stratified by unequal conglomerates composed of 766 regular students of undergraduate courses, enrolled in the first cycle of 2011, at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. The margin of error is 1.5% and the confidence level, 95%. The data was tabulated using the software CSPRO and analyzed with software R. After obtaining the results of the instrument’s application, a focus group was created with the participation of professionals who teach sexuality courses in this university, and two other groups with students, aimed at analyzing the findings and propose actions for their care, at a university level.Recibido 14 de junio de 2015 • Corregido 19 de julio de 2015 • Aceptado 31 de julio de 2015 Las instituciones de educación superior no solo enfrentan el reto de enseñar alguna disciplina a sus estudiantes, sino también de fortalecer sus capacidades y aptitudes para la vida. Al ser la población estudiantil universitaria mayoritariamente joven, la aspiración de brindarle una formación integral adquiere particular relevancia, pues es en esta etapa de la vida cuando se modelan las conductas propias y se sientan pautas de comportamiento para la vida adulta. En este reto formativo, la educación sexual asume un papel determinante. El presente artículo de investigación tiene por objetivo evidenciar que persisten en el estudiantado universitario vacíos de información, prácticas sexuales en condiciones de riesgo, mitos, prejuicios y estereotipos, que no les permiten vivir de manera segura y placentera su sexualidad, y ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de que las instituciones costarricenses de educación superior fortalezcan sus acciones en educación sexual. Se elabora un breve recorrido por distintos ángulos de las vivencias de la sexualidad de la población estudiantil universitaria, entre los que destacan: sus percepciones acerca de los requerimientos de formación que enfrentan, las principales dudas que les inquietan, las prácticas sexuales en condiciones de riesgo que realizan, la falta de capacidades para negociar el cuidado de su salud sexual y reproductiva, sus conocimientos y prácticas preventivas en salud sexual y reproductiva, la existencia de formas de violencia a lo interno de la vida universitaria, entre otros. Los hallazgos que se exponen forman parte de un trabajo de investigación más amplio, sustentado en aportes de la teoría de género y el construccionismo social, cuyos datos se derivan de la aplicación de un cuestionario a una muestra por conglomerados desiguales estratificados, compuesta por 766 estudiantes regulares de las carreras de grado, matriculados en el I ciclo de 2011, en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. El margen de error es de 1,5% y el nivel de confianza del 95%. Los datos fueron tabulados con el software CSPRO y analizados con el software R. Una vez obtenidos los resultados de la aplicación del instrumento, se realizó un grupo focal con participación de docentes que imparten cursos de sexualidad en esta casa de estudios, y otros dos grupos con estudiantes, con el objetivo de analizar los hallazgos encontrados y proponer acciones para su atención, desde el ámbito universitario

    Challenges of Teacher Training in Sex Education

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    <p><span>This article identifies the existing gaps in sex education in the student population of the Center for Research in Teaching and Education of the National University of Costa Rica, and its purpose is to contribute to the decision-making process to improve training for these students. A questionnaire was applied, using a structured sample stratified by unequal clusters, to 242 regular undergraduate students. The margin of error was 1.5 % and the confidence level was 95%. Data was tabulated using the CSPRO software and analyzed with the R software. A focus group was also held with teachers in sexuality courses in order to reflect on the results of the questionnaire application. Data was analyzed through the Integral Sexuality Approach and suggests that students lack the information necessary to exercise healthy, safe, and violence-free sexuality. This condition leads them to high risk situations because of the rare or lack of contraceptive use and the practice of <em>coitus interruptus</em> and makes them experience fears and guilt when being sexually active. Students have low sexual autonomy, which makes them vulnerable to violent situations and gives them stereotypes and prejudices that lead them to discriminate others for their sexual orientation or to become victims. In general, they are unaware of their reproductive and sexual rights and, therefore, are not capable of demanding them. These indicators should warn teacher training institutions to improve and strengthen their sexual education processes.</span></p><div><span><br /></span></div

    Sexual Education of Young University Students: Some Key Factors and Challenges

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    In general terms, higher education institutions not only face the challenge of teaching some discipline to their students, but also of strengthening their life skills. Since university students are majorly young, the desire to provide them with comprehensive training is particularly relevant, since it is at this stage of life when they model their behavior for adulthood. In this training challenge, sex education plays a decisive role. This research paper aims to show that factors such as information gaps, unsafe sexual practices, myths, prejudices and stereotypes persist in the university student population and do not allow them to live sexuality safely and pleasurable. Moreover, these factors show Costa Rica’s need for higher education institutions to strengthen their actions in sex education. A brief tour is made from various angles through the sexual experiences of the university student population, namely: their perceptions about the training requirements they face, their main concerns, their unsafe sexual practices, their inability to negotiate sexual and reproductive health care, their knowledge and preventive practices in terms of sexual and reproductive health, the existence of forms of violence within university life, among others. The findings set out are part of a larger research, based on contributions from the theory of gender and social constructionism. Such data derives from the application of a questionnaire to a sample stratified by unequal conglomerates composed of 766 regular students of undergraduate courses, enrolled in the first cycle of 2011, at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. The margin of error is 1.5% and the confidence level, 95%. The data was tabulated using the software CSPRO and analyzed with software R. After obtaining the results of the instrument’s application, a focus group was created with the participation of professionals who teach sexuality courses in this university, and two other groups with students, aimed at analyzing the findings and propose actions for their care, at a university level.</p

    Vivencias y practicas sexuales de las mujeres jóvenes residentes en Rincón Grande de Pavas

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    Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer. Maestría Regional en Estudios de la Muje

    Abordajes de la educación sexual en universidades públicas costarricenses: Un estudio exploratorio

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    This research paper aims to show the panorama and scope of the current existing sex education practices carried out by the Costa Rican public universities. It analyzes different initiatives, its theoretical approaches that guide the actions, their purposes and other relevant aspects. The analysis includes secondary information as well as the point of view of students and university staff, as inputs for decision-making aimed at improving the overall education of young people. The findings take part of an exploratory research based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies based on gender and constructionism perspective. The information was gathered via the application of a questionnaire to a specific uneven stratified cluster groups, composed by 766 enrolled undergraduate students since first semester 2011 at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. The statistical margin of error was 1.5% and the confidence level of 95%. In addition, two focus groups with students and depth interviews with 16 persons were made. Data were tabulated with CSPRO software and analyzed using R software.  The findings suggest that Costa Rican universities recognize the importance of sex education as an essential part of overall development of students. Most of the initiatives are institutionalized; however, the lack of guidelines or policies on the subject, in most institutions, affects quality, consolidation and expansion of services. The need to strengthen and expand training activities on sexuality was identified as well. The students have a high opinion about the services offered, but few of them use these services, because they are perceived as less accessible and friendly. This paper concludes that it is a priority to maintain and strengthen existing initiatives on sexual education, so that they can effectively satisfy the needs of youth, with timely interventions and quality to enjoy a healthy and safe sexuality free from violence. El presente artículo de investigación tiene como propósito describir el panorama y alcances de las intervenciones en educación sexual que llevan a cabo las universidades estatales costarricenses, así como las percepciones que el estudiantado tiene sobre estas.  Se analizan las iniciativas existentes; los enfoques teóricos que guían las acciones, sus fines, permanencia y otros aspectos relacionados, y las valoraciones que, al respecto, elabora la población estudiantil. El análisis abarca información secundaria, así como el punto de vista del estudiantado y del personal universitario, en tanto insumos para la toma de decisiones encaminadas a mejorar la formación integral de la población joven universitaria. Los resultados forman parte de un estudio exploratorio, realizado desde un enfoque mixto de investigación, sustentado en aportes de la teoría de género y el construccionismo social. La información primaria proviene de un cuestionario estructurado, de 115 ítems, aplicado a una muestra por conglomerados desiguales estratificados de 766 estudiantes de las carreras de grado, matriculados en el I ciclo de 2011, en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. El margen de error fue de 1.5% y el nivel de confianza del 95%. Adicionalmente, se realizaron dos grupos focales con estudiantes y entrevistas a profundidad a 16 personas relacionadas con acciones de educación sexual en el ámbito universitario. Los datos fueron tabulados con el software CSPRO y analizados con el software R. Los hallazgos apuntan a que las universidades estatales costarricenses reconocen la importancia de la educación sexual como parte esencial de desarrollo integral de sus estudiantes, para lo que impulsan acciones de atención y promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva, atención psicológica individual y orientación, actividades informativas y cursos de formación. La mayor parte de las iniciativas están institucionalizadas; sin embargo, la falta de lineamientos o políticas sobre la temática, en la mayoría de instituciones, afecta la calidad, consolidación y expansión de los servicios. Se identificó la necesidad de fortalecer y ampliar la formación en sexualidad, especialmente en las carreras del área de educación. El estudiantado universitario valora de manera positiva los servicios que se ofrecen, pero la utilización de algunos es sumamente limitada, especialmente porque se perciben como poco accesibles y amigables. Se concluye que es prioritario mantener y fortalecer las iniciativas existentes en educación sexual, de manera que respondan, efectivamente, a las necesidades de la juventud, con intervenciones oportunas y de calidad, adecuadas a una población joven diversa y cambiante, desde enfoques que brinden las herramientas necesarias para disfrutar de una vida sana, segura y libre de violencia

    Desafíos de la formación docente en materia de educación sexual

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    This article identifies the existing gaps in sex education in the student population of the Center for Research in Teaching and Education of the National University of Costa Rica, and its purpose is to contribute to the decision-making process to improve training for these students. A questionnaire was applied, using a structured sample stratified by unequal clusters, to 242 regular undergraduate students. The margin of error was 1.5 % and the confidence level was 95%. Data was tabulated using the CSPRO software and analyzed with the R software. A focus group was also held with teachers in sexuality courses in order to reflect on the results of the questionnaire application. Data was analyzed through the Integral Sexuality Approach and suggests that students lack the information necessary to exercise healthy, safe, and violence-free sexuality. This condition leads them to high risk situations because of the rare or lack of contraceptive use and the practice of coitus interruptus and makes them experience fears and guilt when being sexually active. Students have low sexual autonomy, which makes them vulnerable to violent situations and gives them stereotypes and prejudices that lead them to discriminate others for their sexual orientation or to become victims. In general, they are unaware of their reproductive and sexual rights and, therefore, are not capable of demanding them. These indicators should warn teacher training institutions to improve and strengthen their sexual education processes.</div

    Sex Education Approaches at Costa Rican Public Universities: An Exploratory Paper

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    This research paper aims to show the panorama and scope of the current existing sex education practices carried out by the Costa Rican public universities. It analyzes different initiatives, its theoretical approaches that guide the actions, their purposes and other relevant aspects. The analysis includes secondary information as well as the point of view of students and university staff, as inputs for decision-making aimed at improving the overall education of young people. The findings take part of an exploratory research based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies based on gender and constructionism perspective. The information was gathered via the application of a questionnaire to a specific uneven stratified cluster groups, composed by 766 enrolled undergraduate students since first semester 2011 at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. The statistical margin of error was 1.5% and the confidence level of 95%. In addition, two focus groups with students and depth interviews with 16 persons were made. Data were tabulated with CSPRO software and analyzed using R software.  The findings suggest that Costa Rican universities recognize the importance of sex education as an essential part of overall development of students. Most of the initiatives are institutionalized; however, the lack of guidelines or policies on the subject, in most institutions, affects quality, consolidation and expansion of services. The need to strengthen and expand training activities on sexuality was identified as well. The students have a high opinion about the services offered, but few of them use these services, because they are perceived as less accessible and friendly. This paper concludes that it is a priority to maintain and strengthen existing initiatives on sexual education, so that they can effectively satisfy the needs of youth, with timely interventions and quality to enjoy a healthy and safe sexuality free from violence

    The historical trajectory of contraception in Costa Rica. From centralism inthe discourse of overpopulation to its transformation into a human right

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    Este documento analiza parte del recorrido histórico que atravesó la introducción y el desarrollo de la anticoncepción en la vida de las mujeres costarricenses por parte del Estado. La investigación inicia en la década de 1960,fecha en la cual se comenzó a facilitar un mayor acceso a dispositivos contraceptivos a la población femenina. Por aquellos años se alertaba sobre una posible explosión demográfica, catástrofe de sobrepoblación y la necesidad de la planificación familiar. Con el pasar del tiempo y con la integración de otros actores sociales, el discurso varió hacia la centralidad en los derechos humanos y particularmente al tema de los derechos reproductivos. A partir de esto, se puntualizan algunos de los retos que actualmente se desprenden de este contexto. Para acceder a esta información se utilizó una metodología basada en la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas (periódicos, tesis, artículos, libros, informes de investigación)This document seeks to analyze part of the historical journey through theintroduction and development of contraception in the life of Costa Rican women bythe State. The investigation begins in the sixties, which is when greater access tocontraceptive devices began to be facilitated. In those years, there was an alertabout a possible population explosion, about an overpopulation catastrophe andthe need for family planning. With the passage of time and with the integration ofother social actors, the discourse varied towards the centrality of human rights andparticularly to the issue of reproductive rights. From this, some of the challengescurrently emerging from this context are pointed out. To access this information, amethodology based on the review of bibliographic sources (newspapers, theses,articles, books, research reports) was used.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaInstituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestale