156 research outputs found

    Chapter Strategie digitali per conoscere e valorizzare i modelli di fortificazioni di Luigi Ferdinando Marsili

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Innovative costruction techniques for sustainable building

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    L'obiettivo di questa ricerca Ăš definire a livello progettuale e attraverso la prototipazione in scala nuove tecniche costruttive a secco per l’edilizia di qualitĂ  a basso costo, basate su tecniche costruttive storiche, attualizzate in una concezione moderna ed innovativa dell’arte del costruire. Sistemi versatili e adattabili a diverse situazioni progettuali, per edifici di nuova realizzazione, potenzialmente utili anche per lo sviluppo di tecniche e componenti per il recupero di edifici esistenti, nonchĂ© dotati di alte prestazioni in contesti sismici. I criteri fondamentali sono quelli della bioclimatica e dell’edilizia sostenibile, con particolare attenzione alle prestazioni energetiche, all’innovazione dal punto di vista dei materiali utilizzati e dei processi di realizzazione. Questo progetto di ricerca ha contribuito allo sviluppo di strumenti innovativi utilizzabili sia nelle nuove costruzioni sia negli interventi di recupero dell’edilizia recente, proponendo processi e metodi validi per la progettazione, nell’ottica di un’architettura ecosostenibile. Avvalendosi inoltre della collaborazione di aziende esterne, questa ricerca attua ed implementa quelle sinergie al giorno d’oggi sempre piĂč ricercate all’interno dell’UniversitĂ  di Bologna, volte a garantire un rapporto piĂč stretto fra la teoria e la pratica del costruire.Main objective of this research is to define, at design level and through scale modeling, new dry construction techniques for low-cost building, recovering historic constructive techniques, updated in a modern and innovative concept of building art. Versatile systems, adaptable to different design situations, in new constructions, potentially useful in developing techniques and components for existing buildings refurbishment, as well as provided with high performance in seismic contexts. The fundamental criteria are bioclimatic and sustainable construction, with particular attention to energy performance, innovation concerning materials and implementation processes. This research project contributed to the development of innovative tools that can be used both in new constructions and in recent building renovation, providing processes and methods valid for design, with the goal of an eco-sustainable architecture. With the collaboration of external companies, this research puts into effect and implements those increasingly sought-after synergies within the University of Bologna, aimed at ensuring a closer relationship between the theory and the practice of building

    Wooden Truss Analysis, Preservation Strategies, and Digital Documentation through Parametric 3D Modeling and HBIM Workflow

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    The main focus of this paper is the most recent phase of a large research project that has studied several wooden roof structures in the area of Bologna, belonging to a set of important historical buildings, all dating back to the 16th and 18th centuries. In particular, the behavior of the wooden trusses that support pitched roofs is analyzed, according to a methodological approach, based on generative algorithms that can help researchers and technicians to improve the comprehension of wooden structures\u2019 behavior during their entire lifespan. While all the previous case studies concerned churches, this latest step extends the survey to the roofing system of the Municipal Theater of Bologna, which has a span of approximately 25 m. The core of the process concerns the automatic transformation of the point cloud into 3D models using parametric modeling tools, such as Grasshopper generative algorithms. Following this workflow, it is possible to speed up the creation of different truss models by changing only a few input parameters. This updating of the research protocol automatically creates a Building Information Modeling (BIM) model and a calculation model for the wooden trusses to perform a structural stress analysis by linking Grasshopper tools with Dynamo-Revit features. The procedure that has been developed from previous studies is still evolving and aims to speed up the modeling procedure and introduce new tools and methods for interpreting the functioning of these structural elements when surveyed through terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) devices

    Exploring the effect of Au/Pt ratio on glycerol oxidation in presence and absence of a base

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    Bimetallic AuPt nanoparticles with different Au:Pt ratios (molar ratio: 9-1, 8-2, 6-4, 2-8, 1-9) and the corresponding Au and Pt monometallic ones were prepared by sol immobilization and immobilized on commercial TiO2 (P25). The catalytic activity was evaluated in the liquid phase glycerol oxidation in presence and absence of a base (NaOH). It was found that the Au:Pt molar ratio and reaction conditions strongly influence the catalytic performance. In the presence of NaOH, Au-rich catalysts were more active than Pt-rich ones, with the highest activity observed for Au9Pt1/TiO2 (6575 h−1). In absence of a base, a higher content of Pt is needed to produce the most active catalyst (Au6Pt4/TiO2, 301 h−1). In terms of selectivity, in presence of NaOH, Au-rich catalysts showed a high selectivity to C3 products (63–72%) whereas Pt-rich catalysts promote the formation of formic and glycolic acids. The opposite trend was observed in absence of a base with Pt-rich catalysts showing higher selectivity to C3 products (83–88%)

    Kriteriji za ocjenu sposobnosti za rad u zdravstvenih radnika inficiranih virusima hepatitisa B i C

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    The aim of this study was to propose a protocol for assessment of markers of infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in exposed health care professionals and to define criteria for evaluation of fitness for the job of the infected personnel. The study comprised 800 persons involved in operative procedures, including 414 surgeons, 275 nurses, and 111 anaesthetists. A graduated protocol was created for monitoring markers of HBV and HCV infection. A well-defined combination of markers of antigenantibody systems enabled identification of four groups of persons with HBV infection differing in fitness for work: 1) HBsAg-positive, HBeAgpositive, HBV DNA-positive; 2) HBsAg-positive, anti-HBe-positive, HBV DNA-positive; 3) HBsAgpositive, anti-HBe-positive, HBV DNA-negative; and 4) anti-HBs-positive, anti-HBc-positive, anti-HBe-positive group. For HCV infection, two groups with different job fitness were identified: 1) anti-HCV-positive, HCV RNA-negative and 2) anti-HCV-positive, HCV RNA-positive. Screening of hospital personnel at risk to HBV and HCV infection requires a well-defined protocol which may help to evaluate the fitness of the infected personnel for a specific job.U priopćenju je predloĆŸen stupnjevani protokol za procjenu pokazatelja infekcije virusom hepatitisa B (HBV) i virusom hepatitisa C (HCV) u profesionalno izloĆŸenih zdravstvenih radnika kao i za utvrđivanje kriterija za ocjenu sposobnosti za rad inficiranog osoblja. U istraĆŸivanju je obuhvaćeno 800 zdravstvenih radnika koji sudjeluju u operativnim zahvatima: 414 kirurga, 275 medicinskih sestara i 111 anesteziologa. Prema definiranim kombinacijama ispitivanih pokazatelja u sustavima antigen-antitijelo, ispitanici inficirani virusom hepatitisa B razvrstani su u četiri skupine s različitom sposobnoơću za rad, prema ovim nalazima: 1) HBsAg pozitivan, HBeAg pozitivan, HBV DNK pozitivan; 2) HBsAg pozitivan, anti-HBe pozitivan, HBV DNK pozitivan; 3) HBsAg pozitivan, anti-HBe pozitivan, HBV DNK negativan; 4) anti-HBs pozitivan, anti-HBc pozitivan, anti-HBe pozitivan. Slično su razvrstane osobe inficirane virusom hepatitisa C u dvije skupine, prema ovim nalazima: 1) anti-HCV pozitivan, HCV RNK negativan; 2) anti-HCV pozitivan, HCV RNK pozitivan. Zaključeno je da, budući da u Italiji SluĆŸba medicine rada nema u nadleĆŸnosti nadzor medicinskog osoblja koje je u povećanom riziku od infekcije HBV-om i HCV-om, valja usvojiti jasno definirani protokol za utvrđivanje pokazatelja infekcije u profesionalno izloĆŸenih osoba. Takav protokol mogao bi posluĆŸiti za donoĆĄenje kriterija za ocjenu sposobnosti za rad inficiranog osoblja

    Bio adipic acid production from sodium muconate and muconic acid: a comparison of two systems

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    sodium muconate and trans,trans‐muconic acid were heterogeneously hydrogenated to adipic acid, a strategic intermediate for the industry of polyamides and high performance polymers. Hydrogen pressure, metal to substrate ratio, substrate concentration and reaction temperature were varied to study the effect of these parameters on the reaction products. Commercial Pd/AC 5 % was used as catalyst and characterized by TEM, BET and XPS analyses. The results revealed that temperature is the parameter which mainly affect the reaction. Moreover, hydrogenation of trans,trans‐muconic acid is faster than sodium muconate reduction. Full conversion and full yield toward adipic acid was obtained using trans,trans‐muconic acid as substrate after 60 min at the following operating conditions: temperature=70 °C, metal/substrate=1/200 (molPd/molsub), trans,trans‐muconic acid concentration=1.42E‐02M and hydrogen pressure=1 bar. In all reactions (2E)hexenedioic acid was detected as main intermediate

    International support for the Arab uprisings: Understanding sympathetic collective action using theories of social dominance and social identity

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    Inspired by the popular Arab protests against oppressive regimes that began in 2010, people around the world protested in sympathy with the Arab peoples. The present research draws on two major theories of intergroup relations to develop an initial integrative model of sympathetic collective action. We incorporate social dominance theory’s (SDT) concept of (rejectionist) legitimizing myths with the solidarity and emotional mediation concept of the social identity model of collective action (SIMCA) to understand motivations for sympathetic collective action among bystanders. Using data from 12 nations (N = 1,480), we tested three models: (a) SIMCA (i.e., solidarity, anger, and efficacy), (b) a social dominance theory model of collective action (i.e., social dominance orientation and ideologies concerning Arab competence), and (c) an integrated model of sympathetic collective action combining both theories. Results find the greatest support for an integrated model of collective action. Discussion focuses on theoretical pluralism and suggestions for future research

    Evaluation of user behavior and acceptance of an on-bike system

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    In this study, users\u2019 acceptance of an on-bike system that warns about potential collisions with motorized vehicles as well as its influence on cyclists\u2019 behavior was evaluated. Twenty-five participants took part in a field study that consisted of three different experimental tasks. All participants also completed a follow-up questionnaire at the completion of the three-task series to elicit information about the acceptance of the on-bike system. In the experiment phase, participants were asked to ride the bicycle throughout a circuit and to interact with a car at an intersection. Participants completed three laps of the circuit. The first lap involved no interaction with the car and served the purpose of habituation. In the second and third laps participants experienced a conflict with an incoming car at an intersection. In the second lap, the on-bike device was not activated, while in the third lap, participants received a warning message signaling the imminent conflict with the car. We compared the difference in user's behavior between the second lap (conflict with a car without the warning of the on-bike system) and the third lap (conflict with a car with the warning of the on-bike system). Results showed that, when entering the crossroad, participants were more likely to decrease their speed in case of warning of the on-bike system. Further, the on-bike system was relatively well accepted by the participants. In particular, participants did not report negative emotions when using the system, while they trusted it and believed that using such technology would be free from effort. Participants were willing to spend on average 57.83 \u20ac for the system. This study highlights the potential of the on-bike system for promoting bicycle safety
