5 research outputs found

    LÀÀkÀri-, sairaanhoitaja- ja fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden kokemukset yhteisestÀ monialaisesta ohjatusta osastoharjoittelusta

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selittÀÀ, millaisia kokemuksia lÀÀkĂ€ri-, sairaanhoitaja- ja fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoilla on yhteisestĂ€ monialaisesta ohjatusta osastoharjoittelusta. Tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa siitĂ€, millaisia kokemuksia ohjatut monialaiset harjoittelut ovat antaneet ja siten tehostaa koulutuksen ja monialaisen osastoharjoittelun kehittĂ€mistĂ€. Työ on luonteeltaan kirjallisuuskatsaus. Ainestonkeruu on toteutettu CINAHL (EBSCO), Pubmed (Medline) sekĂ€ Medic- tietokannoista helmikuussa 2018. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen on valikoitunut kahdeksan tieteellistĂ€, vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, jotka on julkaistu vuosina 2013−2018. Aineiston analyysissa on kĂ€ytetty apuna aineistolĂ€htöistĂ€ sisĂ€llönanalyysia. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella muodostuivat pÀÀkategoriat, joita ovat asiantuntijuus, yhteistyöosaaminen, tunteet, oppimisympĂ€ristö sekĂ€ ohjaus. NĂ€mĂ€ muodostivat pÀÀkĂ€sitteen monialainen oppiminen ohjatussa harjoittelussa. Monialainen ohjattu harjoittelu vaikutti oman asiantuntijuuden, roolin ja identiteetin parantumiseen. Yhteistyöosaamista arvostettiin. Voimannuttavat tunteet tulivat esille lĂ€hes kaikissa tutkimuksissa. OpiskeluympĂ€ristö koettiin antoisaksi. Tutkimuksista tuli esille myös ammattikohtaisen oppimisen haasteita, turhautumista, stressin kokemuksia sekĂ€ harjaantumattomuuden tunnetta monialaisen työskentelyn osalta. OppimisympĂ€ristö koettiin tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi monialaisen harjoittelun onnistumisen kannalta. Katsauksen mukaan monialainen harjoittelu vaikutti positiivisesti asiantuntijuuteen sekĂ€ yhteistyöosaamiseen ja sai aikaan voimaannuttavia tunteita. Harjoittelu vaatii henkilökunnan, ohjaajien sitoutumista sekĂ€ hyvÀÀ suunnittelua, jotta monialainen oppiminen mahdollistuu parhaiten

    Development and testing of an instrument to measure the collegiality competence of social and health care educators

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    Abstract Background: Previous studies have investigated the competence of social and health care educators from different perspectives. However, there has been little research on the collegiality competence of social and health educators. Aim/Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and psychometrically test a new collegiality competence instrument (CollegialityComp) designed to enable social and health care educators to self-evaluate their competence in collegiality. Design: A cross-sectional study design for instrument development and psychometric testing. Methods: Data were collected in the winter of 2020–2021 from social and health care educators at ten universities of applied sciences and ten vocational institutions in Finland (N = 1179), of whom 243 decided to participate. Face and content validity was assessed by seven experts, while structural validity and internal consistency were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha, respectively. Results: The CollegialityComp development and testing process produced an instrument that includes 35 items representing five factors: (1) individual-centered collaboration, (2) educator action and fairness, (3) collaboration among colleagues, (4) collaboration outside the organization, and (5) communication and trust. Conclusion: The CollegialityComp instrument can be used to measure the collegiality competence of social and health care educators in the context of vocational and higher education. It may also be useful during the training of teacher candidates

    The influence of digital learning on health sciences students’ competence development:a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background: Health care experts need high levels of competence, yet there is little evidence on the influence of digital learning on health science students’ competence development. Objectives: This study aims to describe health sciences students’ experiences of the development of their competence and the influences of digital learning upon their competence. Design: A qualitative descriptive research. Participants: A total of 15 health sciences students were interviewed. Methods: The data was collected by using individual semi-structured interviews during the spring of 2021. The data was analyzed using content analysis. Results: The health sciences students felt that their expertise encompasses motivation for future career development, understanding the social and professional influences on their career development, versatile expertise in various aspects of health sciences, and developing competence in different learning environments. The students recognized that digital learning requires the active participation, digitalization is a part of a successful learning environment, and digital learning challenges social interactions. The students’ digital learning facilitated competence development, which broadened their understanding of skills relevant to health sciences; however, these benefits could only be obtained when including adequate support. Conclusions: The results hold social value for the development of health sciences education as policy-makers can use the presented information to develop high-quality, digital learning procedures

    Mentors’ self‐assessed competence in mentoring nursing students in clinical practice:a systematic review of quantitative studies

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    Abstract Aims and objectives: To examine registered nurses’ self‐evaluation of their competence in mentoring nursing students in clinical practice. Background: Clinical mentors have significant roles and responsibility for nursing students’ clinical learning. Moreover, the mentors’ role is becoming increasingly important internationally, as the role of nurse teachers in mentoring students in clinical practice has declined. However, in most EU countries there are no specific educational requirements for clinical mentors, although they need targeted education to increase their competence in mentoring nursing students. Design: The systematic review of quantitative studies was designed according to guidelines of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and PRISMA protocol. Methods: Studies published during 2000–2019 that met inclusion criteria formulated in PiCOS format were systematically reviewed by three independent reviewers. CINAHL (Ebsco), PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, ERIC and Medic databases were used to retrieve the studies. Three independent reviewers conducted the systematic review process. The studies were tabulated, thematically compared and narratively reported. Results: In total, 16 peer‐reviewed studies met the inclusion criteria. The studies identified various dimensions of mentors’ competence and associated environmental factors. Generally, participating mentors rated competences related to the clinical environment, mentoring, supporting students’ learning processes and relevant personal characteristics fairly high. They also rated organisational practices in their workplaces, resources in the clinical environment and their mentor–student and mentor–stakeholder pedagogical practices, as respectable or satisfactory. Conclusion: The results indicate considerable scope for improving mentors’ competence, particularly through enhancing organisational mentoring practices and relevant resources in clinical environments. Relevance for clinical practice: Pedagogical practices of mentors in relations with both students and stakeholders should be enhanced to improve future nurses’ learning. This systematic review addresses a gap in knowledge of mentors’ self‐evaluated competence that could assist the formulation of effective educational programmes for mentors internationally and improving clinical environments