1,488 research outputs found

    Design und Entwicklung einer REST-API fĂŒr eine verteilte Gutscheinverwaltung

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    Verschiedene GeschĂ€fte aus dem Grossraum Ostschweiz haben 2016 ein gemeinsames Gutscheinheft fĂŒr ihre Kunden lanciert. Das Prinzip des Gutscheins funktioniert so, dass alle EinkĂ€ufe bei den teilnehmenden GeschĂ€ften von den Kunden gesammelt werden, wobei beim letzten Einkauf ein individueller Gutschein ausgestellt wird. Der gewĂ€hrte Gutscheinbetrag ist dabei abhĂ€ngig vom Gesamteinkaufsbetrag und wird beim letzten Einkauf abgezogen. An einem eingelösten Gutschein beteiligen sich jene Unternehmen, bei denen die jeweilige Kundschaft eingekauft hat, wobei das zuletzt besuchte Unternehmen zwangslĂ€ufig in Vorleistung geht und den Rabatt vom Einkauf in Abzug bringt. Bis anhin haben die GeschĂ€fte in unregelmĂ€ssigen AbstĂ€nden untereinander abgerechnet, was mit grossem manuellem Aufwand verbunden war. Diese Arbeit beantwortet die Frage, wie sich die manuellen AufwĂ€nde mit einer Softwarelösung maximal automatisieren und dadurch reduzieren lassen. Um sĂ€mtliche VorgĂ€nge so effizient wie möglich abwickeln zu können, wurde die optimale BenutzerfĂŒhrung (Usability) fĂŒr die Anwendung erarbeitet. Die am Gutscheinheft beteiligten GeschĂ€fte können mit der neuen Lösung die gewĂ€hrleisteten GutscheinbetrĂ€ge untereinander automatisch abrechnen lassen. Der manuelle Rechenaufwand entfĂ€llt dabei

    Tree diversity and vegetation dynamics of a one hectare forest plot census in the lowland rain forests of the Piedras Blancas National Park ("Regenwald der Österreicher"), Costa Rica

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    Der Esquinas Regenwald in Costa Rica gehört zu den artenreichsten Pflanzengesellschaften in Mittelamerika (QUESADA et al 1997). Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Struktur und floristische DiversitĂ€t eines Forschungsplots in einem PrimĂ€rwald im Piedras Blancas Nationalpark (“Esquinas rainforest” oder "Regenwald der Österreicher"), welcher in einer Seehöhe von 300-336 msm und einer geographischen Lage von N 8°41’ und W 83°12’ auf einem gut drainagierten sĂŒdwestlich exponierten Hangwald liegt. Der durchschnittliche jĂ€hrliche Niederschlag liegt bei etwa 6000 mm, die jĂ€hrliche Durchschnittstemperatur bei ca. 28°C. Diese Eigenschaften sowie die Abwesenheit einer ausgeprĂ€gten Trockenzeit fĂŒhrten zur Ausbildung eines „Perhumid tropical lowland wet forest“ gemĂ€ĂŸ HOLDRIDGE et al 1971. Die Feldaufnahmen wurden zwischen 2000 und 2001 durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese wurden in Form von Besammlungen und Bestimmungen von holzigen Pflanzen mit einem Brusthöhendurchmesser (dbh) ≄ 10 cm sowie ≄ 2 cm dbh durchgefĂŒhrt. Ein detaillierter Lageplan wurde erstellt, Daten jedes einzelnen Individuums und der gesamten UntersuchungsflĂ€che erhoben mit laufender Nummer, dbh, Baumhöhe, BestandesgrundflĂ€che und Biomasse. Weiters wurden Wachstums- und MortalitĂ€tsraten sowie verschiedene Artendichte- und DiversitĂ€tsindices (Simpson, Shannon-Wiener, FisherÂŽs α), Importance Value (IVI) und Family Importance Value (FIVI) berechnet. Alle Berechnungen wurden mit jenen aus frĂŒheren Studien von HUBER (1996a, 2005) und WEISSENHOFER (1996, 2005) verglichen. Insgesamt 2849 Individuen aus 232 Arten ≄ 2 cm dbh sowie 453 Individuen aus 108 Arten ≄ 10 cm dbh wurden ermittelt. Palmen wiesen eine ausgesprochene HĂ€ufigkeit vor allem mit den Arten Iriartea deltoidea (62 Individuen) und Welfia regia (43 Individuen) fĂŒr alle Individuen dbh ≄ 10 cm auf. Bei den niederen GrĂ¶ĂŸenklassen traten Unterbauarten wie Henriettea tuberculata (Melastomataceae) und Psychotria elata (Rubiaceae) sehr hĂ€ufig auf (184 bzw. 145 Individuen). Die graphische Darstellung der GrĂ¶ĂŸenklassenverteilung zeigt die typische reverse J-Kurve mit den meisten Individuen in den niederen GrĂ¶ĂŸenklassen. Der durchschnittliche dbh aller Individuen ≄ 10 cm betrug 25.9 cm, im Jahr 1993 23.5 cm. Der durchschnittliche dbh aller Individuen ≄ 2 cm betrug 7.0 cm. Die BestandesgrundflĂ€che betrug 35.9 mÂČ (dbh ≄ 10 cm) beziehungsweise 38.7 mÂČ (dbh ≄ 2 cm). Dieses Ergebnis liegt im unteren Bereich verglichen mit Ă€hnlich designten Studien in lateinamerikanischen WĂ€ldern. Es wurde ein Ă€hnliches Ergebnis wie bei WEISSENHOFER (2005) erzielt, welcher 35.5 mÂČ in 1993 ermittelte. Hauptgrund einer niedrigeren BestandesgrundflĂ€che sind schwere Störungen in den vergangenen Jahren mit AusfĂ€llen von Individuen mit höherem dbh. Das Relief ist ebenfalls ein fĂŒr die BestandesgrundflĂ€che entscheidender Parameter. WEISSENHOFER (2005) zeigte höchste BestandesgrundflĂ€che auf steileren UntersuchungsflĂ€chen sowie auf RĂŒcken (bis zu 43.5 mÂČ). HARTSHORN (1983) ermittelte ebenfalls höhere BestandesgrundflĂ€chen auf SteilhĂ€ngen und RĂŒcken (bis zu 45.8 mÂČ), sowie niedrigere in flacheren BestĂ€nden desselben Areals. Der Esquinas Forschungsplot weist mit 339 Mg ha-1 eine durchschnittliche Biomasse im Vergleich mit anderen tropischen WĂ€ldern auf. WEISSENHOFER ermittelte 315 Mg ha-1 in 1993. Die Biomasseakkumulation (NettoprimĂ€rproduktion) war mit 7.9 Mg ha-1 y-1 hoch. Die Zuwachsrate (Netto-Ökosystemproduktion oder Biomassezunahme abzĂŒglich Verluste durch Absterben) lag mit 1.9 Mg ha-1 y-1 im typischen Bereich vergleichbarer tropischer WĂ€lder. Die hohe NettoprimĂ€rproduktion kann durch den hohen Anteil an gap-FlĂ€che im unteren Bereich des Plots erklĂ€rt werden. Hohe Produktionswerte charakterisieren typische SekundĂ€rwĂ€lder und PrimĂ€rwĂ€lder mit einem höheren Anteil an gap-Areal. Die MortlitĂ€tsrate betrug 3.54 % y-1 fĂŒr alle Individuen dbh ≄ 10 cm. MortalitĂ€t war ungleich ĂŒber die GrĂ¶ĂŸenklassen verteilt. Höhere Raten traten in den niedrigeren Klassen auf. Beinahe 60 % aller ausgefallenen Individuen wiesen einen dbh unter 15 cm auf. Über die höheren Klassen verlief die MortalitĂ€t nahezu konstant. Die Einwuchsraten betrugen 1.29 % y-1 fĂŒr alle Individuen dbh ≄ 10 cm. Auf der UntersuchungsflĂ€che wurden 232 Arten aus 59 Familien bestimmt. Die Palmen Iriartea deltoidea und Welfia regia wie auch die Clusiaceae Symphonia globulifera und Marila laxiflora sowie Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae) waren sehr hĂ€ufig. Viele Unterwuchspflanzen sowie Besiedler von Störungsregimes, Arten der Familien Rubiaceae und Melastomataceae (eg. Psychotria elata, Isertia laevis, Henriettea tuberculata) traten ebenfalls ausgesprochen oft auf. Eine hohe Abundanz an Palmen ist charakteristisch fĂŒr sehr humide WĂ€lder sowie BestĂ€nde in denen Störungen hĂ€ufig auftreten. 57 Arten traten nur mit einem Individuum auf. Der Shannon-Wiener Index betrug HÂŽ= 6.427, Simpson Index ergab D = 0.035, der Simpson DiversitĂ€tsindex 1-D = 0.965 und Alpha Index betrug α = 59.699. Die Familien mit dem höchsten FIVI waren die Arecaceae (33.846), Moraceae (26.648), Rubiaceae (22.134) und die Clusiaceae (19.075). Die Arten mit dem höchsten IVI waren Welfia regia (Arecaceae; 17.277), Brosimum utile (Moraceae; 16.432), Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae; 15.838) und Iriartea deltoidea (Arecaceae; 10.192). Diese ausgesprochen hohe DiversitĂ€t des Esquinas Regenwalds ist darauf zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, dass hohe NiederschlĂ€ge, keine ausgeprĂ€gte Trockenzeit, stark strukturierte BestĂ€nde sowie heterogene Böden dieses System charakterisieren.The Esquinas rainforest in Costa Rica is among the plant communities with the highest number of species in Central America (QUESADA et al 1997). The thesis describes the structure and the floristic diversity of a research plot of an undisturbed primary forest in the Piedras Blancas / Esquinas National Park ("Regenwald der Österreicher"). The data were collected between 2000 and 2001. Analyses were performed collecting and identifying woody plants of ≄ 10 cm and ≄ 2 cm dbh respectively. A detailed site map was generated, data were collected and calculated of each tree and the whole plot with individual number, diameter in breast height (dbh), tree height, basal area (BA), and biomass. Further growth and mortality rates were calculated. Furthermore species density, diversity indices (Simpson, Shannon-Wiener, FisherÂŽs α), Importance Value (IVI) and Family Importance Value (FIVI) were calculated. All data were compared with former studies performed by HUBER (1996a, 2005) and WEISSENHOFER (1996, 2005) In total 2849 individuals of 232 species ≄ 2 cm dbh and 453 individuals of 108 species ≄ 10 cm dbh were recorded. Palms were very abundant with the most frequent species Iriartea deltoidea (62 individuals) and Welfia regia (43 individuals) for all trees dbh ≄ 10 cm. In the lower size classes understorey species like Henriettea tuberculata (Melastomataceae) and Psychotria elata (Rubiaceae) were very frequent with 184 and 145 individuals respectively. The graph of the size class distribution showed the anticipated J graph. The average dbh of all individuals ≄ 10 cm was 25.9 cm, in 1993 23.5 cm. The average dbh of all individuals ≄ 2 cm was 7.0 cm. The BA was 35.9 mÂČ (dbh ≄ 10 cm) and 38.7 mÂČ (dbh ≄ 2 cm), an amount found on the lower range in similar studies in Latin American forests. Compared to WEISSENHOFER (2005) who calculated 35.5 mÂČ in 1993 similar values could be reported. Root causes of lower BA were suffering several severe disturbances in the past years with loss of many bigger trees. Also relief was deciding the amount of BA. WEISSENHOFER (2005) showed highest BA on plots with higher slopes and on ridges (up to 43.5 mÂČ). HARTSHORN (1983) confirmed this statement with BA of 45.8 mÂČ on those stands and lower values on sites with lower gradients in the same area. The Esquinas research plot showed average biomass (339 Mg ha-1) compared to other tropical forests. WEISSENHOFER calculated 315 Mg ha-1 in 1993. Biomass accumulation (net primary production NPP) was high with 7.9 Mg ha-1 y-1. Ingrowth rate (net ecosystem production NEP or uptake of biomass minus losses through death) was with 1.9 Mg ha-1 y-1 in the range of comparable tropical forests. The high NPP could be explained with the great gap-similar area in the lower part of the research plot. High NPP values are typical for secondary forests and primary forests with high amount of gap areal. The mortality rate was 3.54 % y-1for all stems dbh ≄ 10 cm. The size class distribution for mortality was different. Lower size classes showed a higher rate. Nearly 60 % of all dead individuals were below dbh 15 cm. In the higher size classes mortality was nearly constant. Recruitment was 1.29 % y-1 for all stems dbh ≄ 10 cm. In the research plot 232 species out of 59 families occurred. The palms Iriartea deltoidea and Welfia regia as well as the Clusiaceae Symphonia globulifera and Marila laxiflora as well as Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae) were very common. Many understorey and disturbance species of the families Rubiaceae and Melastomataceae (eg. Psychotria elata, Isertia laevis, Henriettea tuberculata) were also characterized by a very high abundance. Due to the high disturbance degree of the research plot palms were very frequent in different succession phases, a characteristic where disturbances frequently occur and results in gaps or gap areas in the forests. 57 ssp. were represented with only one individual. The Shannon-Wiener index was HÂŽ= 6.427, Simpson index gave D = 0.035, Simpson index of diversity 1-D = 0.965 and Alpha index α = 59.699. The families with the highest FIVI were the Arecaceae (33.846), Moraceae (26.648) Rubiaceae (22.134) and the Clusiaceae (19.075). The species with the highest IVI were Welfia regia (Arecaceae; 17.277), Brosimum utile (Moraceae; 16.432), Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae; 15.838) and Iriartea deltoidea (Arecaceae; 10.192). Probably due to the high precipitation, the missing dry season, the strong structured landscape and soil heterogeneity the Esquinas forest has a very high species diversity for a tropical forest

    Aberrant tRNA processing causes an autoinflammatory syndrome responsive to TNF inhibitors

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterise the clinical features, immune manifestations and molecular mechanisms in a recently described autoinflammatory disease caused by mutations in TRNT1, a tRNA processing enzyme, and to explore the use of cytokine inhibitors in suppressing the inflammatory phenotype. METHODS: We studied nine patients with biallelic mutations in TRNT1 and the syndrome of congenital sideroblastic anaemia with immunodeficiency, fevers and developmental delay (SIFD). Genetic studies included whole exome sequencing (WES) and candidate gene screening. Patients' primary cells were used for deep RNA and tRNA sequencing, cytokine profiling, immunophenotyping, immunoblotting and electron microscopy (EM). RESULTS: We identified eight mutations in these nine patients, three of which have not been previously associated with SIFD. Three patients died in early childhood. Inflammatory cytokines, mainly interleukin (IL)-6, interferon gamma (IFN-Îł) and IFN-induced cytokines were elevated in the serum, whereas tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and IL-1ÎČ were present in tissue biopsies of patients with active inflammatory disease. Deep tRNA sequencing of patients' fibroblasts showed significant deficiency of mature cytosolic tRNAs. EM of bone marrow and skin biopsy samples revealed striking abnormalities across all cell types and a mix of necrotic and normal-appearing cells. By immunoprecipitation, we found evidence for dysregulation in protein clearance pathways. In 4/4 patients, treatment with a TNF inhibitor suppressed inflammation, reduced the need for blood transfusions and improved growth. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations of TRNT1 lead to a severe and often fatal syndrome, linking protein homeostasis and autoinflammation. Molecular diagnosis in early life will be crucial for initiating anti-TNF therapy, which might prevent some of the severe disease consequences

    Case report: ETS1 gene deletion associated with a low number of recent thymic emigrants in three patients with Jacobsen syndrome

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    Jacobsen syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with a terminal deletion in chromosome 11. The clinical presentation is variable. Although immunodeficiency has been described in patients with Jacobsen syndrome, a clear genotype-phenotype correlation has not yet been established. Here, we report on the immunologic phenotypes of four patients with Jacobsen syndrome. All four patients showed one or more atypical immunologic features. One patient suffered from recurrent viral infections, two patients had experienced a severe bacterial infection and one had received antibiotic prophylaxis since early childhood. One patient had experienced severe, transient immune dysregulation. Hypogammaglobulinemia and low B cell counts were found in two patients, while the number of recent thymic emigrants (CD31+CD45RA+ CD4 cells) was abnormally low in three. When considering the six immune-related genes located within the affected part of chromosome 11 (ETS1, TIRAP, FLI1, NFRKB, THYN1, and SNX19), only the ETS1 gene was found be deleted in the three patients with low numbers of recent thymic emigrants and non-switched memory B cells. Our findings support the hypothesis whereby Jacobsen syndrome is associated with a combined immunodeficiency with variable presentation. Further investigations of potential genotype-phenotype correlations are warranted and might help to personalize patient management in individuals lacking immune-related genes. In addition, we recommend immunologic follow-up for all patients with Jacobsen syndrome, as immune abnormalities may develop over time. Keywords: ETS1; Jacobsen syndrome; genetic disorder; immunodeficiency; recent thymic emigrants

    Late Eocene to middle Miocene (33 to 13 million years ago) vegetation and climate development on the North American Atlantic Coastal Plain (IODP Expedition 313, Site M0027)

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    ArticleWe investigated the palynology of sediment cores from Site M0027 of IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) Expedition 313 on the New Jersey shallow shelf to examine vegetation and climate dynamics on the east coast of North America between 33 and 13 million years ago and to assess the impact of over-regional climate events on the region. Palynological results are complemented with pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions. Our results indicate that the hinterland vegetation of the New Jersey shelf was characterized by oak–hickory forests in the lowlands and conifer-dominated vegetation in the highlands from the early Oligocene to the middle Miocene. The Oligocene witnessed several expansions of conifer forest, probably related to cooling events. The pollen-based climate data imply an increase in annual temperatures from ∌11.5 °C to more than 16 °C during the Oligocene. The Mi-1 cooling event at the onset of the Miocene is reflected by an expansion of conifers and mean annual temperature decrease of ∌4 °C, from ∌16 °C to ∌12 °C around 23 million years before present. Relatively low annual temperatures are also recorded for several samples during an interval around ∌20 million years before present, which may reflect the Mi-1a and the Mi-1aa cooling events. Generally, the Miocene ecosystem and climate conditions were very similar to those of the Oligocene. Miocene grasslands, as known from other areas in the USA during that time period, are not evident for the hinterland of the New Jersey shelf, possibly reflecting moisture from the proto-Gulf Stream. The palaeovegetation data reveal stable conditions during the mid-Miocene climatic optimum at ∌15 million years before present, with only a minor increase in deciduous–evergreen mixed forest taxa and a decrease in swamp forest taxa. Pollen-based annual temperature reconstructions show average annual temperatures of ∌14 °C during the mid-Miocene climatic optimum, ∌2 °C higher than today, but ∌1.5 °C lower than preceding and following phases of the Miocene. We conclude that vegetation and regional climate in the hinterland of the New Jersey shelf did not react as sensitively to Oligocene and Miocene climate changes as other regions in North America or Europe due to the moderating effects of the North Atlantic. An additional explanation for the relatively low regional temperatures reconstructed for the mid-Miocene climatic optimum could be an uplift of the Appalachian Mountains during the Miocene, which would also have influenced the catchment area of our pollen record.We thank the entire IODP Expedition 313 Scientific Party for input, and the IODP staff for support. We thank M. Drljepan, R. Zanatta, V. Menke, K. Reichel, and S. Namyslo for their assistance with preparing and processing the samples, and during photographing. Discussions with C. Bjerrum, J. Browning, T. Donders, L. Fang, M. Katz, Y. Milker, K. Miller, and P. Sugarman are gratefully acknowledged. Input from K. DybkjĂŠr and anonymous reviewers was very much appreciated and contributed to a significant condensing of the manuscript. The German Science Foundation supported the research (DFG project KO 3944/3-1 to U. Kotthoff). Funding was also provided by NSERC Discovery Grants to F. M. G. McCarthy and to D. R. Greenwood respectively. NERC supported work by S. P. Hesselbo. This research used samples and/or data provided by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)

    Rapid impact modal testing for bridge flexibility: towards objective evaluation of infrastructures

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    Current infrastructure condition evaluation by visual inspection is a subjective endeavor while maintenance, repair and retrofit are effective only when designed and implemented by engineers with extensive experience and heuristic knowledge. As experienced engineers retire and as available funds dwindle, infrastructure owners, managers, and operators face a loss of expertise as well as diminishing resources for preservation and renewal. In this research, an integrated analytical/experimental strategy and an associated experimental tool is proposed for an objective evaluation of bridge condition to supplement visual inspection. Termed as rapid modal analysis, this test technique aims at reducing both the time and personnel required to produce estimates of bridge flexibility at strategic coordinates using spatially truncated measurement grids.The reported research started with an overview of modal analysis by impact and through the process of applying modal analysis to bridges, limitations to its widespread application were identified including, time and personnel requirements, traffic control requirements, and scaling factor reliability. To address these limitations several mitigation strategies were identified, validated, and implemented to increase the applicability of modal analysis for evaluating large populations of bridges.The use of a spatially truncated measurement grid to evaluate bridge flexibility along a girder, diaphragm, or traffic lane was evaluated by examining the variability of flexibility estimates at a point using a full grid, truncated grid, and single point estimates of flexibility. It was found that reliable estimates of flexibility were possible using truncated measurement grids by integrating individual single input multiple output test setups. To overcome the identified problems in obtaining reliable scaling factors, the use of an analytical mass matrix for scaling of mode shapes was examined using several simulated impact tests subjected to extraneous noise sources. It was determined that the use of an analytical mass matrix for mode shape scaling is a reliable substitute for traditional scaling methods if accurate estimates of material properties are available.Ph.D., Structural Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Treatment with human growth hormone in patients with Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome reduces body fat and increases muscle mass and physical performance

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    Twelve children with documented Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome were treated with human growth hormone (24 U/m2/week) during 1 year. The children were divided into three groups: group 1: overweight and prepubertal (n = 6, age 3.8-7.0 years); group 2: underweight and prepubertal (n = 3, age 0.6-4.1 years); group 3: pubertal (n = 3, age 9.2-14.6 years). In group 1, height increased from -1.7 SD to -0.6 SD, while weight decreased from 1.1 SD to 0.4 SD, with a dramatic drop in weight for height from 3.8 SD to 1.2 SD. Hand length increased from -1.5 SD to -0.4 SD and foot length from -2.5 SD to -1.4 SD. Body fat, measured by dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, dropped by a third, whereas muscle mass increased by a fourth. Physical capability (Wingate test) improved considerably. The children were reported to be much more active and capable. In group 2, similar changes were seen, but weight for height increased, probably because muscle mass increase exceeded fat mass decrease. Changes in group 3 were similar as in group 1, even though far less distinct. Conclusion: Growth hormone treatment in Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome led to dramatic changes: distinct increase in growth velocity, height and muscle mass, as well as an improvement in physical performance. Fat mass and weight for height decreased in the initially overweight children, and weight for height increased in underweight childre
