7,151 research outputs found

    Molecular Differentiation of Alfalfa Weevil Strains (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Mitochondrial DNA was amplified and sequenced from eastern, western, and Egyptian strains of alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal). Eastern and Egyptian weevils differed at only 2 nucleotide sites in 1,031 base pairs sequenced; western weevils differed by 5% sequence divergence. Three restriction sites were identified which separated eastern and western haplotypes. No intrastrain polymorphism was detected in 150 weevils from Nebraska. Collections from Lincoln in eastern Nebraska and Scottsbluff in western Nebraska were fixed for the eastern and western haplotypes, respectively. Eastern and western haplotypes were found together in the same fields in a broad overlap region in central Nebraska

    Liana Competition with Tropical Trees Varies Seasonally but not with Tree Species Identity

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    Lianas in tropical forests compete intensely with trees for above‐ and belowground resources and limit tree growth and regeneration. Liana competition with adult canopy trees may be particularly strong, and, if lianas compete more intensely with some tree species than others, they may influence tree species composition. We performed the first systematic, large‐scale liana removal experiment to assess the competitive effects of lianas on multiple tropical tree species by measuring sap velocity and growth in a lowland tropical forest in Panama. Tree sap velocity increased 60% soon after liana removal compared to control trees, and tree diameter growth increased 25% after one year. Although tree species varied in their response to lianas, this variation was not significant, suggesting that lianas competed similarly with all tree species examined. The effect of lianas on tree sap velocity was particularly strong during the dry season, when soil moisture was low, suggesting that lianas compete intensely with trees for water. Under the predicted global change scenario of increased temperature and drought intensity, competition from lianas may become more prevalent in seasonal tropical forests, which, according to our data, should have a negative effect on most tropical tree species

    First Report of Columbia Root Knot Nematode (\u3ci\u3eMeloidogyne chitwoodi\u3c/i\u3e) in Potato in Texas

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    Columbia root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (1) was identified from potatoes, Solanum tuberosum L., collected from Dallam County, Texas in October 2000. Seed potatoes are the most likely source for this introduction. This nematode is currently found infecting potatoes grown in California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Some countries prohibit import of both seed and table stock potatoes originating in states known to harbor M. chitwoodi. Lesions on the potatoes had discrete brown coloration with white central spots in the outer 1 cm of the tuber flesh. Female nematode densities averaged 3 per square centimeter of a potato section beneath the lesions. Nematodes were morphologically identified as M. chitwoodi based on the perineal pattern of mature females and the tail shape of juveniles per Golden et al. (1)

    Vesicle shape, molecular tilt, and the suppression of necks

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    Can the presence of molecular-tilt order significantly affect the shapes of lipid bilayer membranes, particularly membrane shapes with narrow necks? Motivated by the propensity for tilt order and the common occurrence of narrow necks in the intermediate stages of biological processes such as endocytosis and vesicle trafficking, we examine how tilt order inhibits the formation of necks in the equilibrium shapes of vesicles. For vesicles with a spherical topology, point defects in the molecular order with a total strength of +2+2 are required. We study axisymmetric shapes and suppose that there is a unit-strength defect at each pole of the vesicle. The model is further simplified by the assumption of tilt isotropy: invariance of the energy with respect to rotations of the molecules about the local membrane normal. This isotropy condition leads to a minimal coupling of tilt order and curvature, giving a high energetic cost to regions with Gaussian curvature and tilt order. Minimizing the elastic free energy with constraints of fixed area and fixed enclosed volume determines the allowed shapes. Using numerical calculations, we find several branches of solutions and identify them with the branches previously known for fluid membranes. We find that tilt order changes the relative energy of the branches, suppressing thin necks by making them costly, leading to elongated prolate vesicles as a generic family of tilt-ordered membrane shapes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phy. Rew.

    The Index of (White) Noises and their Product Systems

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    (See detailed abstract in the article.) We single out the correct class of spatial product systems (and the spatial endomorphism semigroups with which the product systems are associated) that allows the most far reaching analogy in their classifiaction when compared with Arveson systems. The main differences are that mere existence of a unit is not it sufficient: The unit must be CENTRAL. And the tensor product under which the index is additive is not available for product systems of Hilbert modules. It must be replaced by a new product that even for Arveson systems need not coincide with the tensor product

    Species discovery and diversity in \u3ci\u3eLobocriconema \u3c/i\u3e(Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions

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    There are many nematode species that, following formal description, are seldom mentioned again in the scientific literature. Lobocriconema thornei and L. incrassatum are two such species, described from North American forests, respectively 37 and 49 years ago. In the course of a 3-year nematode biodiversity survey of North American ecoregions, specimens resembling Lobocriconema species appeared in soil samples from both grassland and forested sites. Using a combination of molecular and morphological analyses, together with a set of species delimitation approaches, we have expanded the known range of these species, added to the species descriptions, and discovered a related group of species that form a monophyletic group with the two described species. In this study, 148 specimens potentially belonging to the genus Lobocriconema were isolated from soil, individually measured, digitally imaged, and DNA barcoded using a 721 bp region of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI). One-third of the specimens were also analyzed using amplified DNA from the 3’ region of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18SrDNA) and the adjacent first internal transcribed spacer (ITS1). Eighteen mitochondrial haplotype groups, falling into four major clades, were identified by well-supported nodes in Bayesian and maximum likelihood trees and recognized as distinct lineages by species delimitation metrics. Discriminant function analysis of a set of morphological characters indicated that the major clades in the dataset possessed a strong morphological signal that decreased in comparisons of haplotype groups within clades. Evidence of biogeographic and phylogeographic patterns was apparent in the dataset. COI haplotype diversity was high in the southern Appalachian Mountains and Gulf Coast states and lessened in northern temperate forests. Lobocriconema distribution suggests the existence of phylogeographic patterns associated with recolonization of formerly glaciated regions by eastern deciduous forest, but definitive glacial refugia for this group of plant parasitic nematodes have yet to be identified. Unlike agricultural pest species of plant-parasitic nematodes, there is little evidence of long-distance dispersal in Lobocriconema as revealed by haplotype distribution. Most haplotype groups were characterized by low levels of intragroup genetic variation and large genetic distances between haplotype groups. The localization of nematode haplotypes together with their characteristic plant communities could provide insight into the historical formation of these belowground biotic communities

    Commuting self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators defined from the partial derivatives

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    We consider the problem of finding commuting self-adjoint extensions of the partial derivatives {(1/i)(\partial/\partial x_j):j=1,...,d} with domain C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the self-adjointness is defined relative to L^2(\Omega), and \Omega is a given open subset of R^d. The measure on \Omega is Lebesgue measure on R^d restricted to \Omega. The problem originates with I.E. Segal and B. Fuglede, and is difficult in general. In this paper, we provide a representation-theoretic answer in the special case when \Omega=I\times\Omega_2 and I is an open interval. We then apply the results to the case when \Omega is a d-cube, I^d, and we describe possible subsets \Lambda of R^d such that {e^(i2\pi\lambda \dot x) restricted to I^d:\lambda\in\Lambda} is an orthonormal basis in L^2(I^d).Comment: LaTeX2e amsart class, 18 pages, 2 figures; PACS numbers 02.20.Km, 02.30.Nw, 02.30.Tb, 02.60.-x, 03.65.-w, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Db, 61.12.Bt, 61.44.B

    Modeling the series of (n x 2) Si-rich reconstructions of beta-SiC(001): a prospective atomic wire?

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    We perform ab initio plane wave supercell density functional calculations on three candidate models of the (3 x 2) reconstruction of the beta-SiC(001) surface. We find that the two-adlayer asymmetric-dimer model (TAADM) is unambiguously favored for all reasonable values of Si chemical potential. We then use structures derived from the TAADM parent to model the silicon lines that are observed when the (3 x 2) reconstruction is annealed (the (n x 2) series of reconstructions), using a tight-binding method. We find that as we increase n, and so separate the lines, a structural transition occurs in which the top addimer of the line flattens. We also find that associated with the separation of the lines is a large decrease in the HOMO-LUMO gap, and that the HOMO state becomes quasi-one-dimensional. These properties are qualititatively and quantitatively different from the electronic properties of the original (3 x 2) reconstruction.Comment: 22 pages, including 6 EPS figure

    Beating patterns of filaments in viscoelastic fluids

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    Many swimming microorganisms, such as bacteria and sperm, use flexible flagella to move through viscoelastic media in their natural environments. In this paper we address the effects a viscoelastic fluid has on the motion and beating patterns of elastic filaments. We treat both a passive filament which is actuated at one end, and an active filament with bending forces arising from internal motors distributed along its length. We describe how viscoelasticity modifies the hydrodynamic forces exerted on the filaments, and how these modified forces affect the beating patterns. We show how high viscosity of purely viscous or viscoelastic solutions can lead to the experimentally observed beating patterns of sperm flagella, in which motion is concentrated at the distal end of the flagella

    A systematic review of the relationship between rigidity/flexibility and transdiagnostic cognitive and behavioral processes that maintain psychopathology

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    An ever-growing number of transdiagnostic processes that maintain psychopathology across disorders have been identified. However, such processes are not consistently associated with psychological distress and symptoms. An understanding of what makes such processes pathological is required. One possibility is that individual differences in rigidity in the implementation of these processes determine the degree of psychopathology. The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between rigidity/flexibility and transdiagnostic maintenance processes. Initial searches were made for research examining relationships between 18 transdiagnostic processes and rigidity/flexibility. Relationships between rumination, perfectionism, impulsivity and compulsivity, and rigidity/flexibility were systemically reviewed; 50 studies met inclusion criteria. The majority of studies indicated that transdiagnostic cognitive and behavioral maintenance processes and rigidity were correlated, co-occurring, or predictive of each other. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that it is inflexibility in the manner in which processes are employed that makes them pathologically problematic. However, further research is required to test and establish this