230 research outputs found

    A French working group on biological invasions in aquatic environments: towards an improvement of knowledge and management of freshwater invasive alien species

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    In order to respond to the growing concern on invasive alien species and their impact in freshwater environments in France, a working group on biological invasions in freshwater environments was created in 2009. Meeting internationally recognised recommendations, its main objective is to increase management capacity by valuating and promoting expert knowledge, digesting and giving access to scientific information and providing guidance on decision-making. Coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency and the IUCN French Committee, the group brings together more than 60 members from communities of practitioners, scientists and policy-makers. The group's activities are determined by the shared needs of the formed network. Examples of projects undertaken to date include: the development of an internet platform to provide access to information; the publication of a best practices guide with fully detailed feedbacks from management efforts; and the setting up of an information database focussed on the operational management of introduced aquatic species in France

    The biological condition of French rivers has not improved over the last seventeen years according to the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI)

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    We evaluate, for the first time, variations of the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI) over a seventeen-year period for 1583 sampled sites evenly distributed across the French territory. As far as we know this is one of the first studies analyzing the temporal trends of a fish-based biotic indicator for such a consistent set of records going back over almost two decades. Our results provide four important insights. First, the index is efficient in discriminating sites in good condition from sites experiencing anthropogenic disturbances. Second, according to the index, the ecological state of French riverine fish assemblages is rather poor, as around half of the assessed sites, thought to reflect the diverse conditions within the French riverine system, are significantly impaired. Third, according to the index, there is no noticeable amelioration through time of sites fish assemblage structure and function despite management efforts initiated two decades ago to comply with the EU’s 2000 Water Framework Directive. Fourth, the index might start being influenced by climate change as early signs of response to warming are happening since the last 10 yr. According to the FBI, the current efforts for improving the biological condition of riverine systems in France are not yet creating desired outcomes

    What do we know to evaluate the health of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations?

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    peer reviewedThe renewed emphasis on the concept of the health of ecosystems highlights society’s interest in taking measures to protect environments transformed by human activity. The criteria used for evaluating the health of fish population are rarely discussed within the scientific community. The exercise proposed here aimed to discuss these for the brown trout (Salmo trutta), a flagship species from the freshwater fish community typical from headwaters of watercourses which represent most of the French hydrographic network. This initiative aimed to gather the ideas of a limited number of experts on the function of these populations and on the criteria for evaluating their function. The main key parameters were identified and organised into a hierarchical framework for each development stage. A consensus emerged on the fact that in the current stage of knowledge, the diagnosis can be established based on the analysis of abiotic parameters crucial for the biology and, with more difficulty, on the analysis of biotic parameters. For all the development stages, the identified parameters are linked to habitat (substrate, stream flow, temperature and water quality), hydrology and connectivity. Further knowledge must be acquired in order to be able to measure the biological criteria. That implies to reinforce longterm biological monitoring and research to understand the variability in biological parameters, the relevant spatiotemporal scales and the functional processes

    Systematic conservation planning for intraspecific genetic diversity

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    Intraspecific diversity informs the demographic and evolutionary histories of populations, and should be a main conservation target. Although approaches exist for identifying relevant biological conservation units, attempts to identify priority conservation areas for intraspecific diversity are scarce, especially within a multi-specific framework. We used neutral molecular data on six European freshwater fish species (Squalius cephalus, Phoxinus phoxinus, Barbatula barbatula, Gobio occitaniae, Leuciscus burdigalensis and Parachondrostoma toxostoma) sampled at the riverscape scale (i.e. the Garonne-Dordogne river basin, France) to determine hot-and coldspots of genetic diversity, and to identify priority conservation areas using a systematic conservation planning approach. We demonstrate that systematic conservation planning is efficient for identifying priority areas representing a predefined part of the total genetic diversity of a whole landscape. With the exception of private allelic richness (PA), classical genetic diversity indices (allelic richness, genetic uniqueness) were poor predictors for identifying priority areas. Moreover, we identified weak surrogacies among conservation solutions found for each species, implying that conservation solutions are highly species-specific. Nonetheless, we showed that priority areas identified using intraspecific genetic data from multiple species provide more effective conservation solutions than areas identified for single species or on the basis of traditional taxonomic criteria

    Genetic characterization of introduced Tunisian and French populations of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) by species-specific microsatellites and mitochondrial haplotypes

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    The pike-perch is among the economically most valuable fish species for both commercial and recreational fishermen. This could be seen as the main reason for its introductions into Western Europe (including France) and Tunisia. Knowledge of the genetic structure of the introduced populations is a prerequisite for their successful long-term management. The present study focuses on the genetic characterization of introduced Tunisian and French pike-perch populations using species-specific microsatellite loci and mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes in order to better understand their genetic relationships and to try to trace the origin of the Tunisian populations. Lowered levels of genetic diversity have been observed in the two introduced Tunisian populations and a farmed Czech strain compared to a native wild German population. The reduction of microsatellite genetic variability of these three populations was supported by a genetic bottleneck signature. In contrast, the French populations showed high genetic diversity, probably due to multiple introductions and admixture of genetically differing sources. A high genetic differentiation level (significant F-ST values) between most pike-perch populations and a high average accuracy of self-assignments of individuals to populations of their origin were observed, probably resulting from genetic drift. The average pairwise relatedness values and results of the structure analysis highlighted a closer relationship between Tunisian and French populations than between Tunisian and German ones. Indeed, the two Tunisian populations clustered together with the French populations on a Neighbour-Joining tree based on D-A genetic distances. This was also sustained by the distribution of cytochrome b haplotypes A and B in the studied populations. The present results demonstrate that, despite the genetic differences, the studied populations cluster according to their phylogeographic origin. The Tunisian populations seem to be introduced from a French hatchery where the brood stock had the haplotype B of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene

    Genetic admixture between captive-bred and wild individuals affects patterns of dispersal in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population

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    Genetic admixture between captive-bred and wild individuals has been demonstrated to affect many individual traits, although little is known about its potential influence on dispersal, an important trait governing the eco-evolutionary dynamics of populations. Here, we quantified and described the spatial distribution of genetic admixture in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population from a small watershed that was stocked until 1999, and then tested whether or not individual dispersal parameters were related to admixture between wild and captive-bred fish. We genotyped 715 fish at 17 microsatellite loci sampled from both the mainstream and all populated tributaries, as well as 48 fish from the hatchery used to stock the study area. First, we used Bayesian clustering to infer local genetic structure and to quantify genetic admixture. We inferred first generation migrants to identify dispersal events and test which features (genetic admixture, sex and body length) affected dispersal parameters (i.e. probability to disperse, distance of dispersal and direction of the dispersal event). We identified two genetic clusters in the river basin, corresponding to wild fish on the one hand and to fish derived from the captive strain on the other hand, allowing us to define an individual gradient of admixture. Individuals with a strong assignment to the captive strain occurred almost exclusively in some tributaries, and were more likely to disperse towards a tributary than towards a site of the mainstream. Furthermore, dispersal probability increased as the probability of assignment to the captive strain increased, and individuals with an intermediate level of admixture exhibited the lowest dispersal distances. These findings show that various dispersal parameters may be biased by admixture with captive-bred genotypes, and that management policies should take into account the differential spread of captive-bred individuals in wild populations

    Loss of Trex1 in Dendritic Cells Is Sufficient To Trigger Systemic Autoimmunity

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    Defects of the intracellular enzyme 3' repair exonuclease 1 (Trex1) cause the rare autoimmune condition Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Trex1(-/-) mice develop type I IFN-driven autoimmunity, resulting from activation of the cytoplasmic DNA sensor cyclic GMP-AMP synthase by a nucleic acid substrate of Trex1 that remains unknown. To identify cell types responsible for initiation of autoimmunity, we generated conditional Trex1 knockout mice. Loss of Trex1 in dendritic cells was sufficient to cause IFN release and autoimmunity, whereas Trex1-deficient keratinocytes and microglia produced IFN but did not induce inflammation. In contrast, B cells, cardiomyocytes, neurons, and astrocytes did not show any detectable response to the inactivation of Trex1. Thus, individual cell types differentially respond to the loss of Trex1, and Trex1 expression in dendritic cells is essential to prevent breakdown of self-tolerance ensuing from aberrant detection of endogenous DNA

    The N-terminal domains of TRF1 and TRF2 regulate their ability to condense telomeric DNA

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    TRF1 and TRF2 are key proteins in human telomeres, which, despite their similarities, have different behaviors upon DNA binding. Previous work has shown that unlike TRF1, TRF2 condenses telomeric, thus creating consequential negative torsion on the adjacent DNA, a property that is thought to lead to the stimulation of single-strand invasion and was proposed to favor telomeric DNA looping. In this report, we show that these activities, originating from the central TRFH domain of TRF2, are also displayed by the TRFH domain of TRF1 but are repressed in the full-length protein by the presence of an acidic domain at the N-terminus. Strikingly, a similar repression is observed on TRF2 through the binding of a TERRA-like RNA molecule to the N-terminus of TRF2. Phylogenetic and biochemical studies suggest that the N-terminal domains of TRF proteins originate from a gradual extension of the coding sequences of a duplicated ancestral gene with a consequential progressive alteration of the biochemical properties of these proteins. Overall, these data suggest that the N-termini of TRF1 and TRF2 have evolved to finely regulate their ability to condense DNA

    Evidence for the formation of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through gravitational collapse of a bound clump of pebbles

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    The processes that led to the formation of the planetary bodies in the Solar System are still not fully understood. Using the results obtained with the comprehensive suite of instruments on-board ESA’s Rosetta mission, we present evidence that comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko likely formed through the gentle gravitational collapse of a bound clump of mm-sized dust aggregates (“pebbles”), intermixed with microscopic ice particles. This formation scenario leads to a cometary make-up that is simultaneously compatible with the global porosity, homogeneity, tensile strength, thermal inertia, vertical temperature profiles, sizes and porosities of emitted dust, and the steep increase in water-vapour production rate with decreasing heliocentric distance, measured by the instruments on-board the Rosetta spacecraft and the Philae lander. Our findings suggest that the pebbles observed to be abundant in protoplanetary discs around young stars provide the building material for comets and other minor bodies

    Ki-67: level of evidence and methodological considerations for its role in the clinical management of breast cancer: analytical and critical review

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    Clinicians can use biomarkers to guide therapeutic decisions in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer. One such biomarker is cellular proliferation as evaluated by Ki-67. This biomarker has been extensively studied and is easily assayed by histopathologists but it is not currently accepted as a standard. This review focuses on its prognostic and predictive value, and on methodological considerations for its measurement and the cut-points used for treatment decision. Data describing study design, patients’ characteristics, methods used and results were extracted from papers published between January 1990 and July 2010. In addition, the studies were assessed using the REMARK tool. Ki-67 is an independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival (HR 1.05–1.72) in multivariate analyses studies using samples from randomized clinical trials with secondary central analysis of the biomarker. The level of evidence (LOE) was judged to be I-B with the recently revised definition of Simon. However, standardization of the techniques and scoring methods are needed for the integration of this biomarker in everyday practice. Ki-67 was not found to be predictive for long-term follow-up after chemotherapy. Nevertheless, high KI-67 was found to be associated with immediate pathological complete response in the neoadjuvant setting, with an LOE of II-B. The REMARK score improved over time (with a range of 6–13/20 vs. 10–18/20, before and after 2005, respectively). KI-67 could be considered as a prognostic biomarker for therapeutic decision. It is assessed with a simple assay that could be standardized. However, international guidelines are needed for routine clinical use