89 research outputs found

    Noise generator

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce „Šumový generátor“ je návrh a sestrojení šumového generátoru. První část práce je zaměřena na popis náhodných signálů. V druhé části jsou obvodové realizace šumových generátorů. Ve třetí části je příklad využití šumových generátorů v mikrovlnných senzorech. A ve čtvrté části je navržený šumový generátor a provedená měření.The goal of bachelor’s thesis „Noise generator“ is circuit design and construction of noise generator. The first part is concentrated on description of random signals. There are circuits of noise generators in the second part. In the third part is example of utilization noise generator in microwave sensors. And in fourth part are designed circuit and made measurements.

    Web Application for Panorama Search

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit webový front-end, který umožňuje lokalizaci místa na fotografii v horách. Fotografie pro lokalizaci mohou být do aplikace nahrány přímo, nebo mohou být použity fotografie z webové služby Flickr. Služba Flickr je integrována v aplikaci pomocí Flickr API. Pro lokalizaci vybrané fotografie je využito horizontu hor. Pro jeho poloautomatickou detekci s asistencí uživatele je implementováno speciální uživatelské rozhraní s využitím segmentačního algoritmu GrabCut. Lokalizaci zajišťuje serverový back-end, se kterým je navrhovaná aplikace integrována. Výsledky lokalizace pro detekovaný horizont jsou webovou aplikací vizualizovány ve formě zarovnaných křivek horizontu s jejich pozicí zobrazenou pomocí Google Maps API. Výsledná, plně funkční aplikace byla testována moderovaným testem s uživateli. V tomto testování si aplikace vedla velmi dobře. I přes nedostatky, které test identifikoval, je aplikace snadno použitelná.The aim of my bachelor thesis is to create a web front-end, which provides mountain localisation of images. Images can be uploaded directly to the application or you can use images from the Flickr web service. Flickr is integrated in the application by Flickr API. Localisation of selected image is based on mountain horizon. User-aided semi-automatic horizon detection is approached by special user interface utilising the GrabCut algorithm for segmentation. Localisation is provided by server back-end which is connected and integrated with the designed application. Results for the detected horizon are visualised in a form of aligned horizon curves with position displayed using the Google Maps API. The final fully functional application was tested by moderated usability test with users. Application in this test performed well. Despite several shortcomings detected by the test the application was easy to use.

    Linear Transponder Model

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice družicových transpondérů. V první části práce jsou popsány základy družicové komunikace, definice satelitních služeb, frekvenční pásma a družicové orbity. Náplň druhé části práce tvoří rozbor satelitních transpondérů. Jsou zde popsány transparentní transpondéry a transpondéry s vlastním zpracováním. V poslední části je uveden návrh transpondéru a jeho simulace v komunikačním řetězci.This master’s thesis deals with satellite transponders. Firstly, satellite communication basics, satellite services definitions, frequency bands and satellite orbits are investigated. The second chapter forms the satellite transponders analysis. The transparent transponder and the transponder with on-board processing are described. Finally, a transponder model is designed and simulated in communication chain.

    Online System for Visual Geo-Localization in Natural Environment

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvořit online systém, který bude fungovat jako demonstrační aplikace pro prezentaci výsledků vizuální geo-lokalizace v přírodním a horském prostředí. Systém nabídne uživateli možnost vybrat si jednu z předdefinovaných fotografií nebo nahrát vlastní fotografii výběrem souboru nebo zadáním URL adresy. Systém bude hledat pozici kamery daného obrázku na základě vizuální geo-lokalizace. Geo-lokalizace využívá horizontu hor jako klíčovou charakteristiku pro vyhledávání podobných horizontů. Křivka horizontu je extrahována z fotografie plně automatickým algoritmem, založeným na strojovém učení s učitelem a dynamickém programování. Vizuální geo-lokalizace probíhá na serveru, který využívá nový inverzní index s cachovací politikou umožňující další škálování systému. Server zpracuje detekovanou křivku horizontu a vrátí nejlepší kandidáty na výsledky, které jsou pak vizualizovány uživateli formou klasické mapy, detailního satelitního pohledu a vykreslení nalezeného panoramatu.The goal of this master thesis is creation of an online system serving as a performing application for presentation results of visual geo-localization in nature and mountain environment. The system offers the users to choose one of the pre-defined photographs or~to~upload one's own photography while choosing a file or inserting an URL address. The~system will localizate a camera of a given image based on a visual geo-localization. The~geo-localization uses the mountain horizon as a key characteristic when searching for similar horizons. The~curve line of the horizon is extracted by a fully automatic algorithm based on supervised learning and dynamic programming. Visual geo-localization running on the server which using new inversed index with cache politic. This allows further scaling of the system. The server processing detected horizon curve and respond with set of the best candidates on results. Results are visualised to the user in form of classic map, detailed sattelite view and rendering of found panorama.

    Risk and Geodynamically active areas of Carpathian lithosphere

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    This paper illustrates an application of multidisciplinary data analysis to the Carpathian–Pannonian region and presents a verification of a Complex model of the Carpathian - Pannonian lithosphere by recent data sets and geophysical data analyses and its utilization for the determination of risk and active geodynamic and tectonic zones of Ist order . This model can be used for the analysing any Carpathian area from the point of view of the seismic risk, hazards and geodynamic activity, which is important to know for the building of a repository for the radioactive wasted material. Besides the traditionally used geological (sedimentological and volcanological data) and geomorphological data (Remote Sensing), an emphasis was laid on geodetic, grav/mag data, seismic, seismological and other geophysical data (magnetotelluric, heat flow, paleomagnetic etc.). All available geonomic (geologic, geodetic, geophysical, geomorphological) data were verified and unified on the basis of the same scale and in the Western Carpathians on the Remote Sensing data. The paper concentrates on two problematic areas – the so call “rebounding area” in the Eastern Carpathians and the Raba – Muran - Malcov tectonic systems


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    Employment policy as part of the social policy of the state has two basic objectives - achieving full employment and protection against unemployment. There are many groups of people who are highly vulnerable to unemployment on the labour market. For these people, the existence of socalled integration social enterprises, which can offer them a job opportunity, can be particularly useful. If integration social enterprises are supported by the state, we can talk about an active employment policy. Objective of this research is to determine representation of integration social enterprises in a selected region of the Czech Republic and to assess their potential in the context of state employment policy. Although legislative conditions for social enterprises have not yet been developed in the Czech Republic, the research shows that social enterprises have the potential to become a useful tool of active employment policy. It was found that the target group of analysed social enterprises are mainly people with disabilities, who may have a problem with finding a job under current circumstances in the labour market of the Czech Republic. Without the contribution of analysed social enterprises, the excess of supply over demand for labour of people with disabilities would increase an additional 7.37 percent.Politika zapošljavanja kao dio socijalne politike države ima dva osnovna cilja - postizanje pune zaposlenosti i zaštitu od nezaposlenosti. Postoje mnoge skupine ljudi koje su vrlo osjetljive na nezaposlenost na tržištu rada. Za ove ljude, posebno je korisno postojanje takozvanih integracijskih socijalnih poduzeća, koja im mogu ponuditi mogućnost zapošljavanja. Ako država potpomaže integracijska socijalna poduzeća, možemo govoriti o aktivnoj politici zapošljavanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi zastupljenost integracijskih socijalnih poduzeća u odabranoj regiji u Republici Češkoj i procijeniti njihov potencijal u kontekstu državne politike zapošljavanja. Iako zakonski uvjeti za socijalna poduzeća još nisu razvijeni u Republici Češkoj, istraživanje pokazuje da socijalna poduzeća imaju potencijal postati korisnim alatom aktivne politike zapošljavanja. Utvrđeno je da su ciljna skupina analiziranih socijalnih poduzeća uglavnom osobe s invaliditetom, koje mogu imati problem s pronalaskom posla u trenutnim okolnostima na tržištu rada u Republici Češkoj. Bez doprinosa analiziranih socijalnih poduzeća, višak ponude nad potražnjom za radnom snagom osoba s invaliditetom povećao bi se za dodatnih 7,37 posto

    Time series analysis by fuzzy linear regression

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    Fuzzy set theory constitutes the theoretical background for abstractly formalizing the vague phenomenon of complex systems. Vague data are defined herein as specialized fuzzy sets, i.e., fuzzy numbers, and a fuzzy linear regression model is described as a fuzzy function with such numbers as vague parameters. We applied a generic algorithm to identify the associated coefficients of the model, and provide both analytically and graphically, a linear approximation of the vague function, together with description of its potential application. We also provide an example of the fuzzy linear regression model being employed in a time series with economic indicators, namely the evolution of the unemployment, agricultural production, and construction between 2009 and 2011 in the Czech Republic. We selected this period since it represents the period when the financial and economic crisis started, and a certain degree of uncertainty existed in the evolution of economic indicators. Results take the form of fuzzy regression models in relation to variables of the time-specific series. For the period 2009-2011, analysis confirmed assumptions held by the authors on the seasonal behaviour of such variables and connections between them. In 2010, the system behaved in a fuzzier manner; hence, relationships between variables were vaguer than otherwise, brought about by factors such as difference in the elasticity of demand, state interventions, globalization, and transnational impacts.Web of Science321

    Miocénní sedimenty ve vrtu HVS -2 v areálu spalovny SAKO a. s. v Brně-Líšni

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    The borehole HVS-2 was subdivided to 6 depth intervals based on lithology, associations of heavy minerals, and petrography of psefitic fraction. Pleistocene fluvial sandy gravels represent the top of the section. Underlying sandy gravels are Early Badenian sediments of coarse-grained delta. The underlying brown grey and multicolored clays and silts separated by coarse sands may be interpreted as lacustrine or lagoonal and fluvial deposits. They are late Karpatian or younger based on ?reworked foraminifer fauna with Globorotalia cf. bykovae. Basal grey green clayey sands are probably aluvial deposits of unknown age

    The French View on German Question Since the end of the Second World War Till Schuman's Declaration

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    Department of European StudiesKatedra evropských studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Globalizace - výzva pro Francii, výzva Francie

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    The diploma thesis - Globalization challenge for France, challenge by France, analysis the singular report of this Western European state to the dynamics of globalization. Globalization understood as a multidimensional process of increased interdependence among states in particular through the movements of finance, goods and ideas, has taken in the French public debates a considerable place. By analyzing the challenges of a liberal approach in the dominant logic of the global economy, this work identifies the main reasons of what might be described as a French resistance to globalization. Continuing with the field of culture and politics, the diploma thesis analyzes the reactions that this phenomenon raises in France. While a challenge to France, globalization is also a challenge by France. Thanks to an Universalist tradition, France is proposing, through its international commitment, to address some adverse effects of this process. Especially, through its position within the European Union and the United Nations, as well as for example through funding for Public development assistance, France has proposed a multilateral approach for a mastered globalization. Thus, what we call mastered globalization appears as an Ideological posture of the French Foreign Policy, which advocates a model of globalization...Le mémoire Mondialisation-défi pour la France, défi par la France analyse le rapport particulier de cet état d'Europe occidentale aux dynamiques de la mondialisation. La mondialisation entendue comme processus multidimensionnel de l'intensification des interdépendances entre les États travers notamment les flux de finances, de marchandises et d'idées a pris, dans les débats publics français, une place considérable. En analysant les défis d'une approche libérale dominante dans les logiques de l'économie mondiale, le mémoire identifie les principales raisons de ce que l'on peut qualifier d'une réticence française la mondialisation. En poursuivant avec le domaine culturel et politique, le mémoire analyse les réactions que ce phénomne soulve en France. Tout en étant un défi pour la France, la mondialisation est aussi un défi par la France. Grâce une tradition universaliste, la France propose, par son engagement international, de corriger certains effets néfastes de ce processus. Notamment par sa position au sein de l'Union européenne et de l'Organisation des Nations-Unies, ainsi que par le financement d'une aide publique au développement, la France propose une approche multilatérale pour une mondialisation maitrisée. Ainsi, ce que l'on appelle la mondialisation maitrisée apparait comme une posture idéologique...Department of European StudiesKatedra evropských studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science