8,615 research outputs found

    Fast network configuration in Software Defined Networking

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides a framework to dynamically adjust and re-program the data plane with the use of flow rules. The realization of highly adaptive SDNs with the ability to respond to changing demands or recover after a network failure in a short period of time, hinges on efficient updates of flow rules. We model the time to deploy a set of flow rules by the update time at the bottleneck switch, and formulate the problem of selecting paths to minimize the deployment time under feasibility constraints as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). To reduce the computation time of determining flow rules, we propose efficient heuristics designed to approximate the minimum-deployment-time solution by relaxing the MILP or selecting the paths sequentially. Through extensive simulations we show that our algorithms outperform current, shortest path based solutions by reducing the total network configuration time up to 55% while having similar packet loss, in the considered scenarios. We also demonstrate that in a networked environment with a certain fraction of failed links, our algorithms are able to reduce the average time to reestablish disrupted flows by 40%

    Estudio palinológico de los sedimentos maastrichtienses del Barranco de la Posa (Prepirineo, Lérida, España)

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    El Maastrichtiense que se extiende entre Tremp y Coll de Nargó está representado por depósitos de carácter lagunar y salobre, con pequeños niveles marinos intercqlados . En la sección estudiada l a intercalación marina corresponde a un banco de Hippurites castroi al que acompañan a l g unos coral es . Los Narmapolles no son muy numerosos ni en especies ni en individuos . Entre los tipos 'que caracterizan la vegetación cabe destacar las formas de Inaperturados, ( Taxodiaceae-Cupressaceae) , Palmae y t ipo Platycarya . Localmente Cycadale~, Cupuliferoipollenites y Subtriporopollenites pueden ser abundantes. La frecuencia de Cycadales + Palmae en el conjunto esporopolínico de La Posa se aproxima al tipo de asociación polínica del Maastrichtiense de Africa pro parte. Sin embargo, Trilobospori tes ( Tuberos isporites) se encuentra en la l ocalidad tipo del Maastrichtiense, en la región boreal. Por el momento , parece que se trata de un conjunto pol ínico del r~aastrichtiense con un carácter parti cular en relación a los i ndicadosLe Maastrichtien affleurant entre Tremp et Coll de Nargó est représenté par dép8ts lagunaires et saum§tres ave e ni veaux marins i ntercalés. A la section étudiée 1 ' intercalation mar ine est determinée par un banc a Hippurites castroi avec quelques coraux . Le nombre des taxa et la quantitée des Normapolles ne sont pas tres élevées . En ce qui concerne les types qui caractérisent la végetation, les polles i na perturés ( TaxodiaceaeCupressaceae) 1 Palmae et l e type de Pl atycarya sont en premier l i eu remarquables. Localement les Cycadales , Cupuliferoipolleni tes et Subtriporopol l enites peuvent se rencontrer en quantitée remarquable . L' a bondance des formes Cycadal es + Palmae se révéle au type d'association pollin i que du ~1aastric h tien en 1' Afrique pro parte . Mai s Trilobospori tes ( Tuberosisporites) se trouve dans la l ocal i tés type de Maastricht 1 dans la région boréale. A notre avis il s'agit d 'un type d'association pollinique du Maastrichtien particulier 1 par rapport aux précédent

    Molecular approaches for low-cost point-of-care pathogen detection in agriculture and forestry

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    Early detection of plant diseases is a crucial factor to prevent or limit the spread of a rising infection that could cause significant economic loss. Detection test on plant diseases in laboratory can be laborious, time consuming, expensive and normally requires specific technical expertise. Moreover in the developing Countries it is often difficult to find laboratories equipped for this kind of analysis. Therefore, in the last years a high effort has been made for the development of fast, specific, sensitive and cost-effective tests that can be successfully used in plant pathology directly in the field, by low-specialized personnel using minimal equipment. Nucleic acid-based methods have proven to be a good choice for the development of detection tools in several fields, such as human/animal health, food safety and water analysis and their application in plant pathogen detection is becoming more and more common. In the present review, the more recent nucleic acid-based protocols for point-of care plant pathogen detection and identification are described and analyzed. All these methods have a high potential for early detection of destructive diseases in agriculture and forestry; they should help making molecular detection for plant pathogens accessible to anyone, anywhere and at anytime. We do not suggest that on site methods should replace completely lab-testing, which remains crucial for more complex researches, such as identification and classification of new pathogens or the study of plant defence mechanisms. Instead, POC analysis can provide a useful, fast and efficient preliminary in field screening that is crucial in the struggle against plant pathogens

    Characterization of serine proteinase expression in agaricus bisporus and coprinopsis cinerea by using green fluorescent protein and the A. bisporus SPR1 Promoter

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    The Agaricus bisporus serine proteinase 1 (SPR1) appears to be significant in both mycelial nutrition and senescence of the fruiting body. We report on the construction of an SPR promoter::green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion cassette, pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP, for the investigation of temporal and developmental expression of SPR1 in homobasidiomycetes and to determine how expression is linked to physiological and environmental stimuli. Monitoring of A. bisporus pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP transformants on media rich in ammonia or containing different nitrogen sources demonstrated that SPR1 is produced in response to available nitrogen. In A. bisporus fruiting bodies, GFP activity was localized to the stipe of postharvest senescing sporophores. pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP was also transformed into the model basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea. Endogenous C. cinerea proteinase activity was profiled during liquid culture and fruiting body development. Maximum activity was observed in the mature cap, while activity dropped during autolysis. Analysis of the C. cinerea genome revealed seven genes showing significant homology to the A. bisporus SPR1 and SPR2 genes. These genes contain the aspartic acid, histidine, and serine residues common to serine proteinases. Analysis of the promoter regions revealed at least one CreA and several AreA regulatory motifs in all sequences. Fruiting was induced in C. cinerea dikaryons, and fluorescence was determined in different developmental stages. GFP expression was observed throughout the life cycle, demonstrating that serine proteinase can be active in all stages of C. cinerea fruiting body development. Serine proteinase expression (GFP fluorescence) was most concentrated during development of young tissue, which may be indicative of high protein turnover during cell differentiatio

    Mean-field dynamics of fermions with relativistic dispersion

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    We extend the derivation of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation recently obtained by Benedikter et al. ["Mean-field evolution of fermionic systems," Commun. Math. Phys. (to be published)] to fermions with a relativistic dispersion law. The main new ingredient is the propagation of semiclassical commutator bounds along the pseudo-relativistic Hartree-Fock evolution. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Primeros datos cromoestratigráficos de las series evaporíticas del triásico superior de Valencia (España)

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    El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos  preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales

    Experimental Lagrangian Acceleration Probability Density Function Measurement

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    We report experimental results on the acceleration component probability distribution function at Rλ=690R_\lambda = 690 to probabilities of less than 10710^{-7}. This is an improvement of more than an order of magnitude over past measurements and allows us to conclude that the fourth moment converges and the flatness is approximately 55. We compare our probability distribution to those predicted by several models inspired by non-extensive statistical mechanics. We also look at acceleration component probability distributions conditioned on a velocity component for conditioning velocities as high as 3 times the standard deviation and find them to be highly non-Gaussian.Comment: submitted for the special issue of Physica D: "Anomalous Distributions" 11 pages, 6 figures revised version: light modifications of the figures and the tex

    Stratigraphy and petrology of the Miocene Montjuïc delta (Barcelona, Spain)

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    The Neogene rift in the Catalan Coastal Ranges, which is located in the NE part of the Eastern Iberian Margin, corresponds to a system of grabens formed at the north-western edge of the Valencia Trough. In the central part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges are the Vallès - Penedès half-graben in the onshore and the Barcelona half-graben in the offshore, which are separated by the Garraf and the Collserola-Montnegre horsts. Montjuïc hill is a tilted block, which is located to the S of the Barcelona city, between the Collserola-Montnegre horst and the Barcelona half-graben . The Middle Miocene section of Montjuïc is constituted by an alternation of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and marlstone beds. The Montjuïc section was divided into four lithostratigraphic units from base to top: (1) The Morrot conglomerate and sandstone Unit, interpreted as delta plain deposits; (2) the Castell conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone Unit considered as proximal delta front deposits; (3) the Miramar marlstone Unit attributed to prodelta deposits; and (4) the Mirador conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone Unit interpreted as delta front deposits. As regards the foraminifera association, the Miocene of Montjuïc may be attributed to the N9-N10 zones of Blow, indicating a Serravallian age. The palaeobotanical record suggests that the climate during the deposition of the Miocene of Montjuïc was temperate-warm and humid. The sandstones and conglomerates are litharenites and lithorudites; they show variable amounts of matrix and are well cemented. The main framework components are quartz, rock fragments and K-feldspar. The Collserola mountain, where Palaeozoic materials crop out is the deduced source area. Montjuïc sandstones are characterized by an early silicic cementation consisting of K-feldspar overgrowths, quartz overgrowths, mesoquartz intergranular cement and a microquartz transformation of a former detrital matrix. A surface cementation is considered for these cements in the absence of compaction and the geological setting

    Penta-hepta defect chaos in a model for rotating hexagonal convection

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    In a model for rotating non-Boussinesq convection with mean flow we identify a regime of spatio-temporal chaos that is based on a hexagonal planform and is sustained by the {\it induced nucleation} of dislocations by penta-hepta defects. The probability distribution function for the number of defects deviates substantially from the usually observed Poisson-type distribution. It implies strong correlations between the defects inthe form of density-dependent creation and annihilation rates of defects. We extract these rates from the distribution function and also directly from the defect dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Cronoestratigrafía (Palinología) del Triásico Sudpirenaico y del Pirineo Vasco-Cantábrico

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    This paper presients a general chronostratigraphy of the south Pyrenean Triassic basi:d on palynological studies. The Triassic in Les Nogueres-Cadí and the Basque Country areas is divided into the Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper facies and the Isábena Forrnation. The Conglomeratic, sandstone and lutitic Unit of the Buntsandstein in the Puerto dr Otxondo (Basque Country) presents Stellapollenites thiergartii and together with the absence of Praecirculina granifer, suggests a Lower-middle Anisian age. The Lutitic Unit of the Buntsandstein in Igüem, Sant Sebastia de Buseu and Baga (Les Nogueres-Cadí) presenits Illinites kosankeii and Stellapollenites thiergartii, and the absence of Praecirculina granifer, indicates a Lower Anisian age. The Muschelkailk in Hostalets (Les Nogueres) presents Camerosporites secatus, suggesting an upper Ladinian age. The transit zone between the Muschelkaik and the Keuper facies in Odkn (Cadí) shows a palynological assemblage with Patinasporites densus, Partitisporites quadruplicis and Staurosaccites quadrifidus, indicating a Camain age, possibly Middie-upper Camian. The lower part of the Keuper in Noguera de Tor and Adons, in the Les Nogueres area, presents a palynological assemblage with Classopollis, Granuloperculatipollis rudis, Ovalipollis ovalis, Praecirculina granifer and Triadispora. The abundance of Classopollis and the presence of Granul~p~erculatipollrius dis suggest a Norian age, possibly lower-middle. The upper part of the Keuper in La Nou (Pedraforca) is Rhaetian in age due to the presence of cf. Deltaidospora and cf. Taeniasporites. The base of tlie Isábena Formation in Noves de Segre presents Corollina zwolinskae and Cerebropollenites pseudomassulae, indicating a Rhaetian age. The palynological studies, together with the forarninifera and conodonta data, deteimine the existence of important stratigraphicc hiatuses in the south Pyrenean Triassic supercycle