5,936 research outputs found

    Legendre expansion of the neutrino-antineutrino annihilation kernel: Influence of high order terms

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    We calculate the Legendre expansion of the rate of the process Îœ+Μˉ↔e++e−\nu + \bar{\nu} \leftrightarrow e^+ + e^- up to 3rd order extending previous results of other authors which only consider the 0th and 1st order terms. Using different closure relations for the moment equations of the radiative transfer equation we discuss the physical implications of taking into account quadratic and cubic terms on the energy deposition outside the neutrinosphere in a simplified model. The main conclusion is that 2nd order is necessary in the semi-transparent region and gives good results if an appropriate closure relation is used.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. To be published in A&A Supplement Serie

    Anisotropic thermal emission from magnetized neutron stars

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    The thermal emission from isolated neutron stars is not well understood. The X-ray spectrum is very close to a blackbody but there is a systematic optical excess flux with respect to the extrapolation to low energy of the best blackbody fit. This fact, in combination with the observed pulsations in the X-ray flux, can be explained by anisotropies in the surface temperature distribution.We study the thermal emission from neutron stars with strong magnetic fields in order to explain the origin of the anisotropy. We find (numerically) stationary solutions in axial symmetry of the heat transportequations in the neutron star crust and the condensed envelope. The anisotropy in the conductivity tensor is included consistently. The presence of magnetic fields of the expected strength leads to anisotropy in the surface temperature. Models with toroidal components similar to or larger than the poloidal field reproduce qualitatively the observed spectral properties and variability of isolated neutron stars. Our models also predict spectral features at energies between 0.2 and 0.6 keV.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, version accepted for publication in A&

    Relativistic r-modes and shear viscosity

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    We derive the relativistic equations for stellar perturbations, including in a consistent way shear viscosity in the stress-energy tensor, and we numerically integrate our equations in the case of large viscosity. We consider the slow rotation approximation, and we neglect the coupling between polar and axial perturbations. In our approach, the frequency and damping time of the emitted gravitational radiation are directly obtained. We find that, approaching the inviscid limit from the finite viscosity case, the continuous spectrum is regularized. Constant density stars, polytropic stars, and stars with realistic equations of state are considered. In the case of constant density stars and polytropic stars, our results for the viscous damping times agree, within a factor two, with the usual estimates obtained by using the eigenfunctions of the inviscid limit. For realistic neutron stars, our numerical results give viscous damping times with the same dependence on mass and radius as previously estimated, but systematically larger of about 60%.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, France, July 200

    Non-radial oscillation modes as a probe of density discontinuities in neutron stars

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    A phase transition occurring in the inner core of a neutron star could be associated to a density discontinuity that would affect the frequency spectrum of the non-radial oscillation modes in two ways. Firstly, it would produce a softening of the equation of state, leading to more compact equilibrium configurations and changing the frequency of the fundamental and pressure modes of the neutron star. Secondly, a new non-zero frequency g-- mode would appear, associated to each discontinuity. These discontinuity g--modes have typical frequencies larger than those of g--modes previously studied in the literature (thermal, core g-- modes, or g--modes due to chemical inhomogeneities in the outer layers), and smaller than that of the fundamental mode; therefore they should be distinguishable from the other modes of non radial oscillation. In this paper we investigate how high density discontinuities change the frequency spectrum of the non-radial oscillations, in the framework of the general relativistic theory of stellar perturbations. Our purpose is to understand whether a gravitational signal, emitted at the frequencies of the quasi normal modes, may give some clear information on the equation of state of the neutron star and, in particular, on the parameters that characterize the density discontinuity. We discuss some astrophysical processes that may be associated to the excitation of these modes, and estimate how much gravitational energy should the modes convey to produce a signal detectable by high frequency gravitational detectors.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Unstable g-modes in Proto-Neutron Stars

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    In this article we study the possibility that, due to non-linear couplings, unstable g-modes associated to convective motions excite stable oscillating g-modes. This problem is of particular interest, since gravitational waves emitted by a newly born proto-neutron star pulsating in its stable g-modes would be in the bandwidth of VIRGO and LIGO. Our results indicate that nonlinear saturation of unstable modes occurs at relatively low amplitudes, and therefore, even if there exists a coupling between stable and unstable modes, it does not seem to be sufficiently effective to explain, alone, the excitation of the oscillating g-modes found in hydrodynamical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to appear on Class. Quant. Gra

    Hyperbolic character of the angular moment equations of radiative transfer and numerical methods

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    We study the mathematical character of the angular moment equations of radiative transfer in spherical symmetry and conclude that the system is hyperbolic for general forms of the closure relation found in the literature. Hyperbolicity and causality preservation lead to mathematical conditions allowing to establish a useful characterization of the closure relations. We apply numerical methods specifically designed to solve hyperbolic systems of conservation laws (the so-called Godunov-type methods), to calculate numerical solutions of the radiation transport equations in a static background. The feasibility of the method in any kind of regime, from diffusion to free-streaming, is demonstrated by a number of numerical tests and the effect of the choice of the closure relation on the results is discussed.Comment: 37 pags, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Generally covariant theories: the Noether obstruction for realizing certain space-time diffeomorphisms in phase space

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    Relying on known results of the Noether theory of symmetries extended to constrained systems, it is shown that there exists an obstruction that prevents certain tangent-space diffeomorphisms to be projectable to phase-space, for generally covariant theories. This main result throws new light on the old fact that the algebra of gauge generators in the phase space of General Relativity, or other generally covariant theories, only closes as a soft algebra and not a a Lie algebra. The deep relationship between these two issues is clarified. In particular, we see that the second one may be understood as a side effect of the procedure to solve the first. It is explicitly shown how the adoption of specific metric-dependent diffeomorphisms, as a way to achieve projectability, causes the algebra of gauge generators (constraints) in phase space not to be a Lie algebra --with structure constants-- but a soft algebra --with structure {\it functions}.Comment: 22 pages, version to be published in Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Faddeev-Jackiw approach to gauge theories and ineffective constraints

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    The general conditions for the applicability of the Faddeev-Jackiw approach to gauge theories are studied. When the constraints are effective a new proof in the Lagrangian framework of the equivalence between this method and the Dirac approach is given. We find, however, that the two methods may give different descriptions for the reduced phase space when ineffective constraints are present. In some cases the Faddeev-Jackiw approach may lose some constraints or some equations of motion. We believe that this inequivalence can be related to the failure of the Dirac conjecture (that says that the Dirac Hamiltonian can be enlarged to an Extended Hamiltonian including all first class constraints, without changes in the dynamics) and we suggest that when the Dirac conjecture fails the Faddeev-Jackiw approach fails to give the correct dynamics. Finally we present some examples that illustrate this inequivalence.Comment: 21 pages, Latex. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.
