90 research outputs found

    Estructura, organización y expresión de los genes que codifican la trans-sialidasa de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Fil: Pollevick, Guido Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    The expression of the major shed Trypanosoma cruzi antigen results from the developmentally-regulated transcription of a small gene family

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    AbstractTo better understand the mechanisms involved in the developmental expression of Trypanosoma cruzi antigens we examined the gene structure and transcription properties of the major shed trypomastigote (SAPA). We report in this paper that SAPA is encoded by a small family of at least 6 genes which differ mainly in the length of a repeat region made up of tandemly arranged 36-bp repeat units. SAPA genes are located distant from chromosomal telomeres as inferred from their insensitivity to Ba131 nuclease treatment. Furthermore, Northern blot and S1 protection analyses strongly support the fact that most (or all) SAPA genes are transcribed in the infective form of the parasite

    Relevance of the Diversity among Members of the Trypanosoma Cruzi Trans-Sialidase Family Analyzed with Camelids Single-Domain Antibodies

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    The sialic acid present in the protective surface mucin coat of Trypanosoma cruzi is added by a membrane anchored trans-sialidase (TcTS), a modified sialidase that is expressed from a large gene family. In this work, we analyzed single domain camelid antibodies produced against trans-sialidase. Llamas were immunized with a recombinant trans-sialidase and inhibitory single-domain antibody fragments were obtained by phage display selection, taking advantage of a screening strategy using an inhibition test instead of the classic binding assay. Four single domain antibodies displaying strong trans-sialidase inhibition activity against the recombinant enzyme were identified. They share the same complementarity-determining region 3 length (17 residues) and have very similar sequences. This result indicates that they likely derived from a unique clone. Probably there is only one structural solution for tight binding inhibitory antibodies against the TcTS used for immunization. To our surprise, this single domain antibody that inhibits the recombinant TcTS, failed to inhibit the enzymatic activity present in parasite extracts. Analysis of individual recombinant trans-sialidases showed that enzymes expressed from different genes were inhibited to different extents (from 8 to 98%) by the llama antibodies. Amino acid changes at key positions are likely to be responsible for the differences in inhibition found among the recombinant enzymes. These results suggest that the presence of a large and diverse trans-sialidase family might be required to prevent the inhibitory response against this essential enzyme and might thus constitute a novel strategy of T. cruzi to evade the host immune system

    Trypanosoma cruzi surface mucins with exposed variant epitopes

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    The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, has a large number of mucin molecules on its surface, whose expression is regulated during the life cycle. These mucins are the main acceptors of sialic acid, a monosaccharide that is required by the parasite to infect and survive in the mammalian host. A large mucin-like gene family named TcMUC containing about 500 members has been identified previously in T. cruzi. TcMUC can be divided into two subfamilies according to the presence or absence of tandem repeats in the central region of the genes. In this work, T. cruzi parasites were transfected with one tagged member of each subfamily. Only the product from the gene with repeats was highly O-glycosylated in vivo. The O-linked oligosaccharides consisted mainly of β-D-Galp(1→4)-GlcNAc and β-D-Galp(1→4)[β-D-Galp(1→6)]-D-GlcNAc. The same glycosyl moieties were found in endogenous mucins. The mature product was anchored by glycosylphosphatidylinositol to the plasma membrane and exposed to the medium. Sera from infected mice recognized the recombinant product of one repeats-containing gene thus showing that they are expressed during the infection. TcMUC genes encode a hypervariable region at the N terminus. We now show that the hypervariable region is indeed present in the exposed mature N termini of the mucins because sera from infected hosts recognized peptides having sequences from this region. The results are discussed in comparison with the mucins from the insect stages of the parasite (Di Noia, J. M., D'Orso, I., Sanchez, D. O., and Frasch, A. C. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 10218-10227) which do not have variable regions.Fil:Pollevick, G.D. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Di Noia, J.M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Salto, M.L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Leguizamón, M.S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:De Lederkremer, R.M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    High diversity in mucin genes and mucin molecules in Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Mucins are highly O-glycosylated molecules which in mammalian cells accomplish essential functions, like cytoprotection and cell-cell interactions. In the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, mucin-related glycoproteins have been shown to play a relevant role in the interaction with and invasion of host cells. We have previously reported a family of mucin- like genes in T. cruzi whose overall structure resembled that of mammalian mucin genes. We have now analyzed the relationship between these genes and mucin proteins. A monoclonal antibody specific for a mucin sugar epitope and a polyclonal serum directed to peptide epitopes in a MUC gene-encoded recombinant protein, detected identical bands in three out of seven strains of T. cruzi. Immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed these results. When expressed in eukaryotic cells, the MUC gene product is post-translationally modified, most likely, through extensive O-glycosylation. Gene sequencing showed that the central domains encoding the repeated sequences with the consensus T 8KP 2, varies in number from 1 to 10, and the number of Thr residues in each repeat could be 7, 8, or 10. A run of 16 to 18 Thr residues was present in some, but not all, MUC gene-derived sequences. Direct compositional analysis of mucin core proteins showed that Thr residues are much more frequent than Ser residues. The same fact occurs in MUC gene- derived protein sequences. Molecular mass determinations of the 35-kDa glycoproteins further extend the heterogeneity of the family to the natural mucin molecules. Difficulties in assigning each of the several MUC genes identified to a mucin product arise from the high diversity and partial sequence conservation of the members of this family.Fil:Di Noia, J.M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Pollevick, G.D. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Sánchez, D.O. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina