32 research outputs found

    Biological or microbial carbon pump? The role of phytoplankton stoichiometry in ocean carbon sequestration

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    Once fixed by photosynthesis carbon becomes part of the marine food web. The fate of this carbon has two possible outcomes: it may be respired and released back to the ocean and potentially to the atmosphere as CO2 or retained in the ocean interior and/or marine sediments for extended time scales. The most important biologically mediated processes responsible for long term carbon storage in the ocean are the biological carbon pump (BCP) and the microbial carbon pump (MCP). While acting simultaneously in the ocean, the balance between these two mechanisms is thought to vary depending on the trophic state of the environment. Using previously published formulations, we propose a modelling framework to simulate variability in the MCP: BCP ratio as a function of external nutrients. Our results suggest that the role of the MCP might become more significant under future climate change conditions where increased stratification enhances the oligotrophic nature of the surface ocean. Based on these model results, we propose a conceptual framework in which the internal stoichiometry of phytoplankton, modulating both grazing pressure and DOM production (via phytoplankton exudation), plays a crucial role in regulating the MCP: BCP ratio

    Evolving paradigms in biological carbon cycling in the ocean

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    Carbon is a keystone element in global biogeochemical cycles. It plays a fundamental role in biotic and abiotic processes in the ocean, which intertwine to mediate the chemistry and redox status of carbon in the ocean and the atmosphere. The interactions between abiotic and biogenic carbon (e.g., CO2, CaCO3, organic matter) in the ocean are complex, and there is a half-century-old enigma about the existence of a huge reservoir of recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon (RDOC) that equates to the magnitude of the pool of atmospheric CO2. The concepts of the biological carbon pump (BCP) and the microbial loop (ML) shaped our understanding of the marine carbon cycle. The more recent concept of the microbial carbon pump (MCP), which is closely connected to those of the BCP and the ML, explicitly considers the significance of the ocean's RDOC reservoir and provides a mechanistic framework for the exploration of its formation and persistence. Understanding of the MCP has benefited from advanced “omics”, and novel research in biological oceanography and microbial biogeochemistry. The need to predict the ocean’s response to climate change makes an integrative understanding of the MCP, BCP and ML a high priority. In this review, we summarize and discuss progress since the proposal of the MCP in 2010 and formulate research questions for the future

    Modelling mixotrophic functional diversity and implications for ecosystem function

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    Mixotrophy is widespread among protist plankton displaying diverse functional forms within a wide range of sizes. However, little is known about the niches of different mixotrophs and how they affect nutrient cycling and trophodynamics in marine ecosystems. Here we built a plankton food web model incorporating mixotrophic functional diversity. A distinction was made between mixotrophs with the innate capacity for photosynthesis (constitutive mixotrophs, CMs) and those which acquire phototrophy from their prey (non-constitutive mixotrophs, NCMs). We present the simulations of ecosystems limited by different light and nutrient regimes. Our simulations show that strict autotrophic and heterotrophic competitors increased in relative importance in the transition from nutrient to light limitation, consistent with observed oceanic biomass ratios. Among CMs, cells <20 ÎŒm dominate in nutrient-poor conditions while larger cells dominate in light-limited environments. The specificity of the prey from which NCMs acquire their phototrophic potential affects their success, with forms able to exploit diverse prey dominating under nutrient limitation. Overall, mixotrophy decreases the regeneration of inorganics and boosts the trophic transfer efficiency of carbon. Our results show that mixotrophic functional diversity has the potential to radically change our understanding of the ecosystem functioning in the lower trophic levels of food webs

    Enhanced river runoff and permafrost thaw affect Arctic shelf processes

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    Enhanced river runoff and coastal erosion are causing greater amounts of terrestrial material supply to Arctic shelf waters. Increasing freshwater export of carbon and nutrient loads from land (terr-OM) together with compositional shifts - due to changing hydrologic flow paths and permafrost thaw, can modify shelf water chemistry and biogeochemical processes. Here, we examine how shifts in land-ocean terr-OM supply may alter shelf primary productivity, respiration and ultimately net regional CO2 air–sea fluxes. Unique insights into terr-OM dynamics and composition during transit through riverine, deltaic and shelf waters were collected through multiple field campaigns on the Lena River and Laptev Sea shelf region. Harnessing these field data, we examine the effects of contemporary and future terr-OM supply to shelf waters using newly developed 1-D and 3-D regional biogeochemical models specifically capable of parameterising terr-OM, composition and degradation. In agreement with prior studies, we find that land-derived nutrients could strengthen coastal production sustaining up to ~50% of primary productivity under current terr-OM conditions. However, we also found that additional terr-OM supply caused increased light limitation in coastal waters, offsetting nutrient fertilization effects and stimulating zooplankton grazing. Model experiments indicate that future increases in terr-OM of between 25-50% and/ or shifts to more biologically reactive coastal OM -such as to be expected with permafrost thaw, will reduce net CO2 uptake and lead to positive CO2 feedback from Arctic shelf waters. Our results question the capacity of the coastal Arctic Ocean to serve as a net sink for atmospheric CO2 with future increasing land-ocean connectivity and terr-OM supply

    Microbial uptake dynamics of choline and glycine betaine in coastal seawater

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    Choline and glycine betaine (GBT) are utilized as osmolytes to counteract osmotic stress, but also constitute important nutrient sources for many marine microbes. Bacterial catabolism of these substrates can then lead to the production of climate active trace gases such as methylamine and methane. Using radiotracers, we investigated prokaryotic choline/GBT uptake and determined biotic and abiotic factors driving these processes in the Western English Channel, UK. Kinetic uptake parameters indicated high affinity (nM range) for both osmolytes and showed a seasonal pattern for choline uptake. Generalized linear modeling of uptake parameters suggested a significant influence of sea surface temperature and salinity on prokaryotic uptake of both osmolytes. The presence of diatoms significantly influenced prokaryotic choline/GBT uptake dynamics. Choline uptake was further related to the occurrence of Phaeocystis spp., which were highly abundant in the phytoplankton community during spring, and dinoflagellates abundance during summer. While Rhodobacteraceae were the most important bacterial drivers for prokaryotic choline uptake, prokaryotic GBT uptake was associated with various groups such as SAR11 (Pelagibacterales) and Gammaproteobacteria, suggesting a wider capacity for GBT catabolism than previously recognized. Furthermore, using a newly developed approach we determined the first available data for dissolved GBT concentrations in seawater and found both osmolytes to be at the sub-nanomolar range. Together, this study improves our understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of these environmentally important osmolytes and highlights how their cycles may be affected by a changing climate

    Degrading permafrost river catchments and their impact on Arctic Ocean nearshore processes

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    Arctic warming is causing ancient perennially frozen ground (permafrost) to thaw, resulting in ground collapse, and reshaping of landscapes. This threatens Arctic peoples' infrastructure, cultural sites, and land-based natural resources. Terrestrial permafrost thaw and ongoing intensification of hydrological cycles also enhance the amount and alter the type of organic carbon (OC) delivered from land to Arctic nearshore environments. These changes may affect coastal processes, food web dynamics and marine resources on which many traditional ways of life rely. Here, we examine how future projected increases in runoff and permafrost thaw from two permafrost-dominated Siberian watersheds - the Kolyma and Lena, may alter carbon turnover rates and OC distributions through river networks. We demonstrate that the unique composition of terrestrial permafrost-derived OC can cause significant increases to aquatic carbon degradation rates (20 to 60% faster rates with 1% permafrost OC). We compile results on aquatic OC degradation and examine how strengthening Arctic hydrological cycles may increase the connectivity between terrestrial landscapes and receiving nearshore ecosystems, with potential ramifications for coastal carbon budgets and ecosystem structure. To address the future challenges Arctic coastal communities will face, we argue that it will become essential to consider how nearshore ecosystems will respond to changing coastal inputs and identify how these may affect the resiliency and availability of essential food resources

    Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON; outputs from 2023 meeting)

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    Rapports Scientifiques du CIEM. Volume 6, nÂș 12The Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON) was set up to provide ICES and stakeholders with a summary of knowledge on the role of fishing in the process of carbon budgets, sequestration and footprint in the ocean. The workshop addressed the potential impact of fishing on the biological carbon pump (BCP), the possible impacts of bottom trawling on carbon stores in the seabed, as well as considering emissions from fishing vessels. The overall aim was to generate proposals on how to develop an ICES approach to fishing and its role in the ocean carbon budget, and to develop a roadmap for a way forward. The main findings were that knowledge of the BCP in the open ocean was reasonably well developed, but that key gaps existed. In particular, information on the biomass of mesopelagic fish and other biota, and of some of the key processes e.g. fluxes and fish bioenergetics. Knowledge is much weaker for the BCP in shelf seas, where the bulk of fishing occurs. In particular, while biomass of fish was often well quantified, unlike the open ocean, the understanding of the important processes was lacking, particularly for the fate of faecal pellets and deadfall at the seabed. There is extensive scientific knowledge of the impact of fishing on the seabed, but what is un-clear is what it means for seabed carbon storage. There have been numbers of studies, which give a very divided view on this. There has also been open controversy about this in the literature. Physical disturbance to the seabed from fishing can affect sediment transport and has the potential to facilitate remineralization, but precise impacts will depend on habitat, fishing mĂ©tier, and other environmental factors. From this, it is clear that more research is needed to resolve the controversy, and to quantify the impacts from different fishing gears and on different substrates or habitats in terms of carbon storage. There has been much more research on minimizing fuel use by fishing vessels, and hence emissions, but this has mainly focused on fuel efficiency, fuel use per unit of landed catch, and less on the total emissions. Baselines for fuel use are available at the global level, but are lacking at the national and vessel level. There is a need for standardization of methodologies and protocols, and for improving the uptake of fuel conservation measures by industry, as well as for improving the uptake of existing and potential fuel conservation and efficiency measures by industry. Finally, a roadmap was proposed to develop research and synthesis, on the understandings of the processes involved, the metrics and how to translate this into possible advice for policy-makers. To that end, a further workshop was proposed in 2024.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correcting a major error in assessing organic carbon pollution in natural waters

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    Microbial degradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aquatic environments can cause oxygen depletion, water acidification, and CO2 emissions. These problems are caused by labile DOC (LDOC) and not refractory DOC (RDOC) that resists degradation and is thus a carbon sink. For nearly a century, chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been widely used for assessment of organic pollution in aquatic systems. Here, we show through a multicountry survey and experimental studies that COD is not an appropriate proxy of microbial degradability of organic matter because it oxidizes both LDOC and RDOC, and the latter contributes up to 90% of DOC in high-latitude forested areas. Hence, COD measurements do not provide appropriate scientific information on organic pollution in natural waters and can mislead environmental policies. We propose the replacement of the COD method with an optode-based biological oxygen demand method to accurately and efficiently assess organic pollution in natural aquatic environments

    Modelling the impact of changing riverine permafrost input on an Arctic coastal ecosystem

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    The Arctic ocean receives 11% of the global river discharge and the Arctic rivers drain large permafrost rich catchments. Where these rivers outflow into the marginal shelf seas of the Arctic ocean the terrestrial dissolved organic matter (tDOM) which they transport has an important role to play in the coastal ecosystem. This tDom is derived from inland permafrost and as it thaws under future climate scenarios there are expected to be changes to both the composition and quantity of riverine tDOM. At the same time there will be changes to the seasonality and magnitude of river discharge, due to increased precipitation and earlier snow melt, and to the light availability, due to reduced seasonal sea ice. To understand the possible impact of these changes on the coastal ecosystem it is important to understand the present role of permafrost derived tDOM and the possible changes to the nearshore circulation. We model the hydrodynamics of the extensive shallow shelf of the Laptev sea, into which drains the Lena river – the 13th largest in the world by discharge. The output from the hydrodynamic model is used to drive the ecosystem model ERSEM which has been adapted to explicitly include a permafrost tDOM input. This coupled model system allows us to investigate both the role of present day tDOM in an Arctic coastal ecosystem and to hypothesise on the impact of increases in future. In particular we attempt to quantify the efficacy of the microbial carbon pump under different tDOM inputs

    Changing Arctic Carbon cycle in the Coastal Ocean Near-shore (CACOON): a new project on the changing Arctic coast

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    No other region has warmed as much or as rapidly in the past decades as the Arctic. A new project, CACOON, investigates how the ecosystems are influenced by this warming. Funded by the British Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), CACOON will help to better predict changes to the Arctic coastal-marine environment. Arctic rivers (Fig. 1) annually carry around 13% of all dissolved organic carbon transported globally from land to ocean, despite the Arctic Ocean making up only approximately 1% of the Earth's ocean volume. Arctic shelf waters are therefore dominated by terrestrial carbon pools, so that shelf ecosystems are intimately linked to freshwater supplies. Arctic ecosystems also contain perennially frozen carbon that may be released by further warming. Climate change already thaws permafrost, reduces sea-ice and increases riverine discharge over much of the pan-Arctic, triggering important feedbacks (Mann et al. 2015). The importance of the near-shore region, consisting of several tightly connected ecosystems that include rivers, deltas, estuaries and the continental shelf, is however often overlooked. We need year-round studies to be able to predict the impact of shifting seasonality, fresher water, changing nutrient supply and greater proportions of permafrost-derived carbon on coastal water