4,581 research outputs found

    Word order in the Old Italian DP

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    In this article I examine the impact of a cartographic approach on research about diachronic change and investigate the internal structure of the DP in Old Italian (OI). I propose that some of its marked word orders can be interpreted as instances of a scrambling phenomenon which allows a series of DP internal elements to move in front of the head noun. I show that scrambling in the DP displays similar properties to those found in the vP and the CP layers, which suggests an analysis in terms of left peripheral movements in a way similar to the one usually assumed for the V2-like property of OI. Although I will not analyze in detail scrambling in the vP phase or V2 in this article (see Poletto (2006), (forthcoming) for a detailed discussion), I will assume that all phases are built in a parallel fashion (see Poletto (2006)) in particular with respect to the formal properties associated with the left peripher

    Evolution of active region outflows throughout an active region lifetime

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    We have shown previously that SOHO/UVCS data allow us to detect active region (AR) outflows at coronal altitudes higher than those reached by other instrumentation. These outflows are thought to be a component of the slow solar wind. Our purpose is to study the evolution of the outflows in the intermediate corona from AR 8100, from the time the AR first forms until it dissolves, after several transits at the solar limb. Data acquired by SOHO/UVCS at the time of the AR limb transits, at medium latitudes and at altitudes ranging from 1.5 to 2.3 R_sun, were used to infer the physical properties of the outflows through the AR evolution. To this end, we applied the Doppler dimming technique to UVCS spectra. These spectra include the H I Lyman alpha line and the O VI doublet lines at 1031.9 and 1037.6 A. Plasma speeds and electron densities of the outflows were inferred over several rotations of the Sun. AR outflows are present in the newly born AR and persist throughout the entire AR life. Moreover, we found two types of outflows at different latitudes, both possibly originating in the same negative polarity area of the AR. We also analyzed the behavior of the Si XII 520 A line along the UVCS slit in an attempt to reveal changes in the Si abundance when different regions are traversed. Although we found some evidence for a Si enrichment in the AR outflows, alternative interpretations are also plausible. Our results demonstrate that outflows from ARs are detectable in the intermediate corona throughout the whole AR lifetime. This confirms that outflows contribute to the slow wind.Comment: 13 pages, Astronomy and Astrophysics accepte

    Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data

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    n this article we discuss the use of big corpuses or databases as a first step for qualitative analysis of linguistic data. We concentrate on ASIt, the Syntactic Atlas of Italy, and take into consideration the different types of dialectal data that can be collected from similar corpora and databases. We analyze all the methodological problems derived from the necessary compromise between the strict requirements imposed by a scientific inquiry and the management of big amounts of data. As a possible solution, we propose that the type of variation is per se a tool to derive meaningful generalizations. To implement this idea, we examine three different types of variation patterns that can be used in the study of morpho-syntax: the geographical distribution of properties (and their total or partial overlapping, or complementary distribution), the so-called leopard spots variation, and the lexical variation index, which can be used to determine the internal complexity of functional items

    Magnetic field re-arrangement after prominence eruption

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    It has long been known that magnetic reconnection plays a fundamental role in a variety of solar events. Although mainly invoked in flare problems, large scale loops interconnecting active regions, evolving coronal hole boundaries, the solar magnetic cycle itself, provide different evidence of phenomena which involve magnetic reconnection. A further example might be given by the magnetic field rearrangement which occurs after the eruption of a prominence. Since most often a prominence reforms after its disappearance and may be observed at about the same position it occupied before erupting, the magnetic field has to undergo a temporary disruption of relax back, via reconnection, to a configuration similar to the previous one. The above sequence of events is best observable in the case of two ribbon (2-R) flares but most probably is associated with all filament eruptions. Even if the explanation of the magnetic field rearrangement after 2-R flares in terms of reconnection is generally accepted, the lack of a 3-dimensional model capable of describing the field reconfiguration, has prevented, up to now, a thorough analysis of its topology as traced by H alpha/x ray loops. A numerical technique is presented which enables oneto predict and visualize the reconnected configuration, at any time, and therefore allows one to make a significant comparison of observations and model predictions throughout the whole process

    Large-scale electric fields resulting from magnetic reconnection in the corona

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    The method of Forbes and Priest (2-D model) is applied to the large two-ribbon flare of July 29, 1973, for which both detailed H observations and magnetic data are available. For this flare the ribbons were long, nearly straight, and parallel to each other, and the 2-D model for the coronal field geometry may be adequate. The temporal profile E(t) is calculated and indicates that reconnection sets in at the beginning of the decay phase. From this time the electric field grows rapidly to a maximum value of about 2 V/cm within just a few minutes. Thereafter it decreases monotonically with time

    Compression of extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulses by grating configurations

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    The design and realization of grating instruments to condition the spectral phase of ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet pulses are discussed. The main application of such configurations is the temporal compression of pulses by compensating the phase chirp and getting close to the Fourier limit. We discuss the two configurations useful for the realization of ultrafast grating compressors, namely, the classical diffraction mount and the off-plane one. The configuration may be applied to free-electron lasers and high-order laser harmonics

    Design study of time-preserving grating monochromators for ultrashort pulses in the extreme-ultraviolet and soft X-rays

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    The design of grating-based instruments to handle and condition coherent ultrafast pulses in the extreme-ultraviolet is discussed. The main application of such instruments is the monochromatization of high-order laser harmonics and free-electron-laser pulses in the femtosecond time scale. Broad-band monochromators require the use of diffraction gratings at grazing incidence. A grating can be used for the spectral selection of ultrashort pulses without altering the pulse duration in a significant way, provided that the number of illuminated grooves is equal to the resolution. We discuss here the design conditions to be fulfilled by a grating monochromator that does not increase the pulse duration significantly longer than the Fourier limit

    A tunable rf SQUID manipulated as flux and phase qubit

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    We report on two different manipulation procedures of a tunable rf SQUID. First, we operate this system as a flux qubit, where the coherent evolution between the two flux states is induced by a rapid change of the energy potential, turning it from a double well into a single well. The measured coherent Larmor-like oscillation of the retrapping probability in one of the wells has a frequency ranging from 6 to 20 GHz, with a theoretically expected upper limit of 40 GHz. Furthermore, here we also report a manipulation of the same device as a phase qubit. In the phase regime, the manipulation of the energy states is realized by applying a resonant microwave drive. In spite of the conceptual difference between these two manipulation procedures, the measured decay times of Larmor oscillation and microwave-driven Rabi oscillation are rather similar. Due to the higher frequency of the Larmor oscillations, the microwave-free qubit manipulation allows for much faster coherent operations.Comment: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium "Qubits for future quantum computers", Goeteborg, Sweden, May 25-28, 2009; to appear in Physica Script

    Analytical computation of the epidemic threshold on temporal networks

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    The time variation of contacts in a networked system may fundamentally alter the properties of spreading processes and affect the condition for large-scale propagation, as encoded in the epidemic threshold. Despite the great interest in the problem for the physics, applied mathematics, computer science and epidemiology communities, a full theoretical understanding is still missing and currently limited to the cases where the time-scale separation holds between spreading and network dynamics or to specific temporal network models. We consider a Markov chain description of the Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible process on an arbitrary temporal network. By adopting a multilayer perspective, we develop a general analytical derivation of the epidemic threshold in terms of the spectral radius of a matrix that encodes both network structure and disease dynamics. The accuracy of the approach is confirmed on a set of temporal models and empirical networks and against numerical results. In addition, we explore how the threshold changes when varying the overall time of observation of the temporal network, so as to provide insights on the optimal time window for data collection of empirical temporal networked systems. Our framework is both of fundamental and practical interest, as it offers novel understanding of the interplay between temporal networks and spreading dynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure
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