13 research outputs found

    Towards thread aware component behavior specifications

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    The component based development is a well established methodology of software development. The industry, however does not take the advantage of component behavior modeling. Although the analyses of models guarantee notiobn of correctness in form of behavioral compatibility of component composition, the application in practice is limited by the expressiveness of the modeling languages as well as by the fact that the manual preparation of models is demanding and error prone task. To ease the application of behavioral modeling in practice, we propose Threaded Behavior Protocols (TBP) |a modeling language aiming at the gap between the modeling and imperative languages and the imperative languages. By providing the developers with the concepts known from the imperative languages at the model level, we enable easier preparation of component models. The theoretical framework of TBP provides the notion of correctness based on absence of communication errors and the re nement relation preserving the correctness in arbitrary environment. Thus, the analyses supported by the framework provide similar bene ts as the legacy modeling languages, however considering also the imperative language concepts

    Specifikace chování komponent zohledňující vlákna

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    The component based development is a well established methodology of software development. The industry, however does not take the advantage of component behavior modeling. Although the analyses of models guarantee notiobn of correctness in form of behavioral compatibility of component composition, the application in practice is limited by the expressiveness of the modeling languages as well as by the fact that the manual preparation of models is demanding and error prone task. To ease the application of behavioral modeling in practice, we propose Threaded Behavior Protocols (TBP) |a modeling language aiming at the gap between the modeling and imperative languages and the imperative languages. By providing the developers with the concepts known from the imperative languages at the model level, we enable easier preparation of component models. The theoretical framework of TBP provides the notion of correctness based on absence of communication errors and the re nement relation preserving the correctness in arbitrary environment. Thus, the analyses supported by the framework provide similar bene ts as the legacy modeling languages, however considering also the imperative language concepts.Komponentový přístup je již poměrně zavedenou metodologií používanou při vývoji software. Při komerčním vývoji aplikací, se však ještě nevyužívají modely chování komponent a jejich následná analýza, ačkoliv by to zaručilo, že komunikace mezi složenými komponentami nebude obsahovat chyby. Reálnému použití v praxi brání jkk relativně omezené výrazové prostředky modelovacích jazyků tak i náročnost psaní modelů. Abychom usnadnili použití modelů chování, navrhujeme modelovací jazyk Threaded Behavior Protocols (TBP), který se snaží překlenout rozdíly mezi modelovacími a imperativními programovacími jazyky. Tím, že umožníme programátorům používat koncepty z imperativních jazyků, na které jsou zvyklí, usnadníme přípravu modelů. Teorie TBP de finuje pojem správnosti kompozice komponent jako absenci dvou pevně daných komunikačních chyb a poskytuje relaci zjemňovíní modelu, která zachovává správnost vzhledem k libovolnému prostředí. Díky tomu, přináší analýza TBP podobné výhody jako starší modelovací jazyky, přičemž bere v úvahu i koncepty z imperativních jazyků.Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůDepartment of Distributed and Dependable SystemsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Distributed Behavior Protocol Checker

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    Growth of the computability power in the last years enabled practical use of model checking of software systems. However the state space explosion is still a burning problem that limits usage of this technique to the relatively small tasks. One of the approaches that significantly decrease state space of the task is Behavior Protocol [1]. Behavior protocol is regular language that describes behavior of software component so that component implementation details are hidden during checking of whole application - what is reduced to the checking whether behavior protocols of used components are compliant. However even checking of behavior protocols compliance faces the exponential growth of number of states. Distributed state space traversing together with 'on the fly' state space generation [2] can be used to improve both time and space requirements

    Distributed Behavior Protocol Checker

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    Growth of the computability power in the last years enabled practical use of model checking of software systems. However the state space explosion is still a burning problem that limits usage of this technique to the relatively small tasks. One of the approaches that significantly decrease state space of the task is Behavior Protocol [1]. Behavior protocol is regular language that describes behavior of software component so that component implementation details are hidden during checking of whole application - what is reduced to the checking whether behavior protocols of used components are compliant. However even checking of behavior protocols compliance faces the exponential growth of number of states. Distributed state space traversing together with 'on the fly' state space generation [2] can be used to improve both time and space requirements

    Distributed Behavior Protocol Checker

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    Growth of the computability power in the last years enabled practical use of model checking of software systems. However the state space explosion is still a burning problem that limits usage of this technique to the relatively small tasks. One of the approaches that significantly decrease state space of the task is Behavior Protocol [1]. Behavior protocol is regular language that describes behavior of software component so that component implementation details are hidden during checking of whole application - what is reduced to the checking whether behavior protocols of used components are compliant. However even checking of behavior protocols compliance faces the exponential growth of number of states. Distributed state space traversing together with 'on the fly' state space generation [2] can be used to improve both time and space requirements

    Towards thread aware component behavior specifications

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    The component based development is a well established methodology of software development. The industry, however does not take the advantage of component behavior modeling. Although the analyses of models guarantee notiobn of correctness in form of behavioral compatibility of component composition, the application in practice is limited by the expressiveness of the modeling languages as well as by the fact that the manual preparation of models is demanding and error prone task. To ease the application of behavioral modeling in practice, we propose Threaded Behavior Protocols (TBP) |a modeling language aiming at the gap between the modeling and imperative languages and the imperative languages. By providing the developers with the concepts known from the imperative languages at the model level, we enable easier preparation of component models. The theoretical framework of TBP provides the notion of correctness based on absence of communication errors and the re nement relation preserving the correctness in arbitrary environment. Thus, the analyses supported by the framework provide similar bene ts as the legacy modeling languages, however considering also the imperative language concepts

    Simulation Level of Detail for Virtual Humans

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    Abstract. Graphical level of detail (LOD) is a set of techniques for coping with the issue of limited computational resources by reducing the graphical detail of the scene far from the observer. Simulation LOD reduces quality of the simulation at the places unseen. Contrary to graphical LOD, simulation LOD has been almost unstudied. As a part of our on-going effort on a large virtualstorytelling game populated by tens of complex virtual humans, we have developed and implemented a set of simulation LOD algorithms for simplifying virtual space and behaviour of virtual humans. The main feature of our technique is that it allows for several degrees of detail, i.e. for gradual varying of simulation quality. In this paper, we summarise the main lessons learned, introduce the prototype implementation called IVE and discuss the possibility of scaling our technique to other applications featuring virtual humans.

    Affordances and level-of-detail AI for virtual humans

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    Anyone who aims at developing a virtual reality application featuring a large artificial world inhabited by intelligent virtual humans will face two problems—the problem with simulation speed, and the problem with adding new components to the simulation both during the development and after the release. We have developed a framework that copes with these issues. The solution is based on augmentation of the level-of-detail AI technique and theories of affordances and practical reasoning. Contrary to existing approaches, our solution is theoretically well-founded, robust and deals with both these issues at once. In this paper, we present the key concepts of our framework and evaluate a test scenario