615 research outputs found

    The Palestinian in Diaspora

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    There were several things I was interested in learning. First, I wanted to examine individual Palestinian views to compare them with what the Palestinian leadership states in representing them. Also, I wanted to discover how the Palestinians outside of the Occupied Territories feel about a Palestinian nation its leadership, and the leadership's goals. Second, I wanted to learn about the socialization and politicalization process of Palestinians because most Palestinians under thirty living in Diaspora have never seen Palestine let alone lived there. I was interested in how these young Palestinians have come to relate so strongly to a land they have never seen and how Palestinian history is passed on to them. Third, I want to examine two statements I have repeatedly seen in scholarly wrks on Palestinians: 1) That education is extremely important to the Palestinians because it helps them move up the social ladder; and 2) That Palestiniane as a nation did not exist until the expulsion in 1948 and that this expulsion created the Palestinian nation (nation as different from a state which requires territory). Finally, I wanted to find out how Palestinians view themselves in this Diaspora

    Chat and Shared Drawing Board for Mobile Phones with Bluetooth

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou, návrhem a implementací aplikace pro mobilní zařízení, která umožní dvěma uživatelům komunikovat. Jako příklad by mohla sloužit situace, kdy se lidé potřebují dohodnout, ale není možné rušit okolí rozhovorem. Komunikace probíhá textově nebo graficky. Program je napsán v jazyce Java 2 Micro Edition a ke spojení zařízení využívá rozhraní Bluetooth.This work deals with analysis, design and implementation of application for mobile devices which allows two users to communicate. As an examle would be a situation where people wants to comunicate but it is not alowed to disturb the surrounding with conversation. The comunication is with text messages or graphic primitives. The program is written in Java 2 Micro Edition and a Bluetooth interface is used for a connection between devices.

    Experimental investigations of factors controlling the spread of DNAPL contamination in undisturbed columns of fractured saprolite

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    A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to further investigate the physical and chemical factors influencing the spread of TCE (trichloroethylene) contamination m fractured saprolite formed from sedimentary rock. The experiments involve simulation of a spill by injection of dyed immiscible phase TCE into two undisturbed columns of fractured saprolite, allowing a period of time for dissolution and diffusion of the TCE, and then dismantling them to map the resulting distribution of contamination. The use of dyed TCE allowed for the identification of preferential flow paths, which were associated with fractures and macropores in the two dominant saprolite lithology types, namely clay-rich limestone saprolite and blocky siltstone/shale saprolite, that comprise the columns. Despite evidence of discrete and erratic flow paths, TCE contamination was found throughout almost all of each column, with only small areas below detection limits. Based on observations and supported by calculations, the variable saprolite lithology and the processes of dissolution and diffusion are responsible for rapidly spreading the contamination. Comparisons were made of fracture aperture and porosity values derived from the cubic law and bulk hydraulic conductivity with DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid) entry pressure apertures and estimates of residual DNAPL volumes. These comparisons indicate that the cubic law can underestimate fracture aperture and may underestimate residual DNAPL volumes

    Normalization of Unstructured Log Data into Streams of Structured Event Objects

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    Monitoring plays a crucial role in the operation of any sizeable distributed IT infrastructure. Whether it is a university network or cloud datacenter, monitoring information is continuously used in a wide spectrum of ways ranging from mission-critical jobs, e.g. accounting or incident handling, to equally important development-related tasks, e.g. debugging or fault-detection. Whilst pursuing a novel vision of new-generation event-driven monitoring systems, we have identified that a particularly rich source of monitoring information, computer logs, is also one of the most problematic in terms of automated processing. Log data are predominantly generated in an ad-hoc manner using a variety of incompatible formats with the most important pieces of information, i.e. log messages, in the form of unstructured strings. This clashes with our long-term goal of designing a system enabling its users to transparently define real-time continuous queries over homogeneous streams of properly defined monitoring event objects with explicitly described structure. Our goal is to bridge this gap by normalizing the poorly structured log data into streams of structured event objects. The combined challenge of this goal is structuring the log data, whilst considering the high velocity with which they are generated in modern IT infrastructures. This paper summarizes the contributions of a dissertation thesis "Normalization of Unstructured Log Data into Streams of Structured Event Objects" dealing with the matter at hand in detail

    Optimization of Cyber Defense Exercises Using Balanced Software Development Methodology

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    Cyber defense exercises (CDXs) represent an effective way to train cybersecurity experts. However, their development is lengthy and expensive. The reason lies in current practice where the CDX life cycle is not sufficiently mapped and formalized, and then exercises are developed ad-hoc. However, the CDX development shares many aspects with software development, especially with ERP systems. This paper presents a generic CDX development method that has been derived from existing CDX life cycles using the SPEM standard meta-model. The analysis of the method revealed bottlenecks in the CDX development process. Observations made from the analysis and discussed in the paper indicate that the organization of CDXs can be significantly optimized by applying a balanced mixed approach with agile preparation and plan-driven disciplined evaluation


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    Report on Electoral College Reform

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    Medical treatment of women with myoma

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    Miomi su vrlo česti dobroćudni tumori maternice koji se pri kraju generativne dobi nalaze u oko ¾ populacije. Najčešće tegobe koje su prisutne su nenormalno krvarenje iz maternice te tegobe koje dolaze zbog pritiska mioma na okolne strukture. U dijagnostici najčešće se koristi transvaginalna ultrasonografija a po potrebi i trantransabdominalni pristup. Magnetska rezonanca zbog svoje dostupnosti i cijene rjeđe se koristi. Liječenje mioma ovisi o više faktora, a najviše o tegobama kojima su oni uzrok. Operativno liječenje može biti kirurško radikalno, odstranjivanjem maternice ili konzervativnije, odstranjivanjem mioma. Poštednije i češće je liječenje lijekovima. Nenormalna krvarenja iz maternice najčešća su posljedica mioma a u njihovom reguliranju koriste se oralna kontraceptivna sredstva, peroralni i paretneralni gestageni, intrauterini ulošci s kontinuiranim otpuštanjem gestagena, nesteroidni antireumatici i antifibrilonolitici. Agonisti gonadotropnih hormona smanjuju razinu spolnih hormona u krvi te tako dovode do smanjenja odnosno prestanka krvarenja i do redukcije veličine mioma, što se koristi u preoperativnoj pripremi. Primjena selektivnih modulatora progesteronskih receptora, posebno ulipristalacetata, omogućila je kontrolu krvarenja i dovela do dugotrajnog smanjivanja pa i nestanka mioma. U mnogih pacijentica tako je moguće dugotrajnije odgoditi ili i izbjeći operativni zahvat, što je posebno važno kod žena koje nisu rodile ili je operativno liječenje preopasno. Popratno smanjivanje mioma primjećeno je i kod pacijentica koje su uzimale antifibrotične lijekove, imunoterapiju te statine. Veličinu mioma i maternice moguće je smanjiti i radiološkom tehnikom embolizacije uterinih arterija, njihovim laparoskopskim zatvaranjem ili prolaznom transvaginalnom okluzijom te MR vođenim fokusirajućim ultrazvučnim zračenjem.Uterine leiomyoma are very common benign tumors that affect ¾ women at the end of reproductive age. They typically present with symptoms of abnormal menstrual bleeding or pelvic pain or pressure. Transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasound are the most frequently used methods in diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging is used less frequent due to its expense and availability. Leiomyoma management depends on several factors, and present symptoms are decisive. Surgical treatment can be radical, meaning hysterectomy or more conservative, in case of myomectomy. More often medical therapy is used. Combined hormonal contraceptives, oral and parenteral gestagens, intrauterine system with prolonged releasing of gestagen, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and antifibrinolytic agents are commonly prescribed to regulate abnormal uterine bleeding. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are used preoperatively. They decrease sex hormones level in blood witch causes reduction or cessation of bleeding and shrinkage of leiomyoma. Usage of progesterone receptor modulators, especially ulipristal acetate, enables bleeding control, reduces volume of myomas and occasionally leads to their disappearance. In many patients it is possible to postpone or even avoid surgery. That is important for women who have not given birth or in whom the operation is dangerous. Reduction of myoma was noticed in patients who used antifibrotic agents, immunotherapy or statins. Uterine artery embolization, laparoscopic permanent or transient transvaginal uterine artery occlusion and MR guided focused ultrasound treatment are another options for shrinkage of myomas and uterine size reduction