1,802 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz on the GKP vacuum as a defect spin chain: scattering, particles and minimal area Wilson loops

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    Moving from Beisert-Staudacher equations, the complete set of Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz equations and SS-matrix for the excitations over the GKP vacuum is found. The resulting model on this new vacuum is an integrable spin chain of length R=2lnsR=2\ln s (s=s= spin) with particle rapidities as inhomogeneities, two (purely transmitting) defects and SU(4)SU(4) (residual R-)symmetry. The non-trivial dynamics of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM appears in elaborated dressing factors of the 2D two-particle scattering factors, all depending on the 'fundamental' one between two scalar excitations. From scattering factors we determine bound states. In particular, we study the strong coupling limit, in the non-perturbative, perturbative and giant hole regimes. Eventually, from these scattering data we construct the 4D4D pentagon transition amplitudes (perturbative regime). In this manner, we detail the multi-particle contributions (flux tube) to the MHV gluon scattering amplitudes/Wilson loops (OPE or BSV series) and re-sum them to the Thermodynamic Bubble Ansatz.Comment: 103 pages; typos corrected, references added: journal versio

    On the scattering over the GKP vacuum

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    By converting the Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz (ABA) of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM into non-linear integral equations, we find 2D scattering amplitudes of excitations on top of the GKP vacuum. We prove that this is a suitable and powerful set-up for the understanding and computation of the whole S-matrix. We show that all the amplitudes depend on the fundamental scalar-scalar one.Comment: final version, 14 pages, to appear in Physics Letters

    Exact results for the low energy AdS(4)XCP(3) string theory

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    We derive the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for the relativistic sigma model describing the AdS(4)XCP(3) string II A theory at strong coupling (i.e. in the Alday-Maldacena decoupling limit). The corresponding Y-system involves an infinite number of Y functions and is of a new type, although it shares a peculiar feature with the Y-system for AdS(4)XCP(3). A truncation of the equations at level p and a further generalisation to generic rank N allow us an alternative description of the theory as the N=4, p= \infty representative in an infinite family of models corresponding to the conformal cosets CP(N-1)_p X U(1), perturbed by a relevant composite field \phi(N,p) =\phi_[CP(N-1)_p] X \phi[U(1)] that couples the two independent conformal field theories. The calculation of the ultraviolet central charge confirms the conjecture by Basso and Rej and the conformal dimension of the perturbing operator, at every N and p, is obtained using the Y-system periodicity. The conformal dimension of \phi[CP(N-1)_p] matches that of the field identified by Fendley while discussing integrability issues for the purely bosonic CP(N-1) sigma model.Comment: Latex fil

    Internet and Social Media: Influence on the parent’s vaccination decision

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    Information is now abundantly available with a click of a button. Access to more information imaginable can be obtained instantly. Unfortunately, not all of this information is backed by scientifically researched facts. This is causing problems for the healthcare industry, especially in the area of vaccinations. Scientifically sound information provided by the healthcare providers is being challenged by information parents are finding that is provided by the anti-vaccination movement. This information is found on websites, shared on social media, and is spreading rapidly. This research investigates this conflicting information between healthcare providers and the anti-vaccination movement. It is designed to determine if information found on the Internet and Social Media sites has a bigger influence on the parent’s vaccination decision than that provided by government agencies and healthcare providers

    Ultrasound shear wave elastography for liver disease. A critical appraisal of the many actors on the stage

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    In the last 12\u200a-\u200a18 months nearly all ultrasound manufacturers have arrived to implement ultrasound shear wave elastography modality in their equipment for the assessment of chronic liver disease; the few remaining players are expected to follow in 2016.When all manufacturers rush to a new technology at the same time, it is evident that the clinical demand for this information is of utmost value. Around 1990, there was similar demand for color Doppler ultrasound; high demand for contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was evident at the beginning of this century, and around 2010 demand increased for strain elastography. However, some issues regarding the new shear wave ultrasound technologies must be noted to avoid misuse of the resulting information for clinical decisions. As new articles are expected to appear in 2016 reporting the findings of the new technologies from various companies, we felt that the beginning of this year was the right time to present an appraisal of these issues. We likewise expect that in the meantime EFSUMB will release a new update of the existing guidelines 1 2.The first ultrasound elastography method became available 13 years ago in the form of transient elastography with Fibroscan(\uae) 3. It was the first technique providing non-invasive quantitive information about the stiffness of the liver and hence regarding the amount of fibrosis in chronic liver disease 3. The innovation was enormous, since a non-invasive modality was finally available to provide findings otherwise achievable only by liver biopsy. In fact, prior to ultrasound elastography, a combination of conventional and Doppler ultrasound parameters were utilized to inform the physician about the presence of cirrhosis and portal hypertension 4. However, skilled operators were required, reproducibility and diagnostic accuracy were suboptimal, and it was not possible to differentiate the pre-cirrhotic stages of fibrosis. All these limitations were substantially improved by transient elastography, performed with Fibroscan(\uae), a technology dedicated exclusively to liver elastography. Since then, more than 1300 articles dealing with transient elastography have been listed in PubMed, some describing results with more than 10,000 patients 5. The technique has been tested in nearly all liver disease etiologies, with histology as the reference standard. Meta-analysis of data, available in many etiologies 6, showed good performance and reproducibility as well as some situations limiting reliability 5. Thresholds for the different fibrosis stages (F0 to F4) have been provided by many large-scale studies utilizing histology as the reference standard 7. Transient elastography tracks the velocity of shear waves generated by the gentle hit of a piston on the skin, with the resulting compression wave traveling in the liver along its longitudinal axis. The measurement is made in a 4\u200acm long section of the liver, thus able to average slightly inhomogeneous fibrotic deposition.In 2008 a new modality became available, Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) quantification, and classified by EFSUMB 1 as point shear wave elastography (pSWE), since the speed of the shear wave (perpendicular to the longitudinal axis) is measured in a small region (a "point", few millimeters) at a freely-choosen depth within 8\u200acm from the skin. This technology was the first to be implemented in a conventional ultrasound scanner by Siemens(\uae) 8. Several articles have been published regarding this technology, most with the best reference standards 9, some including findings on more than 1000 hepatitis C patients 10 or reporting meta-analysis of data 11. Although the correlation between Siemens pSWE and transient elastography appeared high 12 13, the calculated thresholds for the different fibrosis stages and the stiffness ranges between the two techniques are not superimposable.Interestingly, pSWE appears to provide greater applicability than transient elastography for measuring both liver 13 and spleen stiffness, which is a new application of elastography 14, of interest for the prediction of the degree of portal hypertension 15 16.Nowadays other companies have started producing equipment with pSWE technology, but only very few articles have been published so far, for instance describing the use of Philips(\uae) equipment, which was the second to provide pSWE. These articles show preliminary good results also in comparison with TE 17 18. Not enough evidence is currently available in the literature about the elastographic performance of the products most recently introduced to the market. Furthermore, with some products the shear wave velocities generated by a single ultrasound acoustic push pulse can be measured in a bidimensional area (a box in the range of 2\u200a-\u200a3\u200acm per side) rather than in a single small point, producing a so-called bidimensional 2D-SWE 1. The stiffness is depicted in color within the area and refreshing of the measurement occurs every 1\u200a-\u200a2 seconds. Once the best image is acquired, the operator chooses a Region Of Interest (ROI) within the color box, where the mean stiffness is then calculated. 2D-SWE can be performed as a "one shot" technique or as a semi-"real-time" technique for a few seconds (at about 1 frame per second) in order to obtain a stable elastogram. With either technique, there should be no motion/breathing during image acquisition. A bidimensional averaged area should overcome the limitation of pSWE to inadvertently investigate small regions of greater or lesser stiffness than average. A shear wave quality indicator could be useful to provide real-time feedback and optimize placement of the sampling ROIs, a technology recently presented by Toshiba(\uae), but which is still awaiting validation in the literature.Supersonic Imagine by Aixplorer(\uae) which works with a different modality of insonation and video analysis compared to the the previously-mentioned three techniques (i.\u200ae., transient elastography, pSWE and 2D-SWE), leading to a bidimensional assessment of liver stiffness in real time up to 5\u200aHz and in larger regions; thus this technique is also termed real-time 2\u200aD SWE. It has been available on the market for a few years 19 20, and many articles have been published showing stiffness values quite similar to those of Fibroscan(\uae) 21; likewise, defined thresholds based on histological findings have appeared in several articles 19 20 21.After this brief summary of the technological state of the art we would like to mention the following critical issues that we believe every user should note prior to providing liver stiffness reports. \ub7 The thresholds obtained from the "oldest" techniques for the various fibrosis stages based on hundreds of patients with histology as reference standard cannot be straightforwardly applied to the new ultrasound elastography techniques, even if based on the same principle (e.\u200ag. pSWE). In fact, the different manufacturers apply proprietary patented calculation modes, which might result in slightly to moderately different values. It should be kept in mind that the range for intermediate fibrosis stages (F1 to F3) is quite narrow, in the order of 2\u200a-\u200a3 kilopascal (over a total range spanning 2 to 75 kPa with Fibroscan), so that slightly different differences in outputs could shift the assessment of patients from one stage to another. Comparative studies using phantoms and healthy volunteers, as well as patients, are eagerly awaited. In fact, the equipment might not produce linear correlations of measurements at different degrees of severity of fibrosis. As a theoretical example, some equipment might well correlate in their values with an older technique, such as transient elastography, at low levels of liver fibrosis, but not as well in cases of more advanced fibrosis or vice versa. Consequentely, when elastography data are included in a report, the equipment utilized for the measurement should be clearly specified, and conclusions about the fibrosis stage should be withheld if an insufficient number of comparative studies with solid reference standards are available for that specific equipment.. \ub7 Future studies using histology as a reference might be biased in comparison to previous studies, since nowadays fewer patients with chronic hepatitis C or hepatitis B undergo biopsy. In fact, due to wide availability of effective drugs as well as the use of established elastography methods for patients with viral hepatitis, most cases submitted to biopsy today have uncertain etiology or inconsistent and inconclusive clinical data. Therefore, extrapolated thresholds from such inhomogeneous populations applied to more ordinary patients with viral hepatitis might become problematic in the future, although no better solution is currently anticipated. This situation might lead to the adoption of a standard validated elastographic method as reference, but this has to be agreed-upon at an international level.. \ub7 Ultrasound elastography embedded in conventional scanners usually allows the choice of where to place the ROI within the color stiffness box and whether to confirm or exclude each single measurement when determining the final value. Thus, the operator has a greater potential to influence the final findings than with Fibroscan\uae, where these choices are not available. This has to be kept in mind to avoid the possibility that an operator could, even inadvertently, tend to confirm an assumption about that specific patient or to confirm the patient's expectations.. \ub7 Quality criteria for the new technologies following transient elastography are absent (depending on the manufacturer) or have not been satisfactorily defined, so that the information potentially inserted in a report cannot currently be judged for its reliability by the clinician.. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED

    Acceleration of supersonic/hypersonic reactive CFD simulations via heterogeneous CPU-GPU supercomputing

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    The numerical study of reactive flows subjected to supersonic conditions is accelerated by the co-design of a novel strategy to integrate finite-rate chemistry by an adaptive multi-block ODE algebra solver for Graphical Processing Units (GPU), that is coupled to a parallel, shock-capturing Finite-Volume reactive flow solver running on CPUs. The resulting GPGPU solver is validated on Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a scramjet configuration, whose experimental measurements are available from the literature. It is demonstrated that the proposed method significantly accelerates the solution of reactive CFD computations with Direct Integration of the finite-rate chemistry

    Boundary conditions and SGS models for LES of wall-bounded separated flows: an application to engine-like geometries

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    The implementation and the combination of advanced boundary conditions and subgrid scale models for Large Eddy Simulations are presented. The goal is to perform reliable cold flow LES simulations in complex geometries, such as in the cylinders of internal combustion engines. The implementation of an inlet boundary condition for synthetic turbulence generation and of two subgrid scale models, the local Dynamic Smagorinsky and the Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-viscosity SGS model (WALE) is described. The WALE model is based on the square of the velocity gradient tensor and it accounts for the effects of both the strain and the rotation rate of the smallest resolved turbulent fluctuations and it recovers the proper y(3) near-wall scaling for the eddy viscosity without requiring dynamic pressure; hence, it is supposed to be a very reliable model for ICE simulation. Model validation has been performed separately on two steady state flow benches: a backward facing step geometry and a simple IC engine geometry with one axed central valve. A discussion on the completeness of the LES simulation (i.e. LES simulation quality) is given