207 research outputs found

    Ab initio RNA folding

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    RNA molecules are essential cellular machines performing a wide variety of functions for which a specific three-dimensional structure is required. Over the last several years, experimental determination of RNA structures through X-ray crystallography and NMR seems to have reached a plateau in the number of structures resolved each year, but as more and more RNA sequences are being discovered, need for structure prediction tools to complement experimental data is strong. Theoretical approaches to RNA folding have been developed since the late nineties when the first algorithms for secondary structure prediction appeared. Over the last 10 years a number of prediction methods for 3D structures have been developed, first based on bioinformatics and data-mining, and more recently based on a coarse-grained physical representation of the systems. In this review we are going to present the challenges of RNA structure prediction and the main ideas behind bioinformatic approaches and physics-based approaches. We will focus on the description of the more recent physics-based phenomenological models and on how they are built to include the specificity of the interactions of RNA bases, whose role is critical in folding. Through examples from different models, we will point out the strengths of physics-based approaches, which are able not only to predict equilibrium structures, but also to investigate dynamical and thermodynamical behavior, and the open challenges to include more key interactions ruling RNA folding.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Coarse-grained simulations of RNA and DNA duplexes

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    Although RNAs play many cellular functions little is known about the dynamics and thermodynamics of these molecules. In principle, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations can investigate these issues, but with current computer facilities, these simulations have been limited to small RNAs and to short times. HiRe-RNA, a recently proposed high-resolution coarse-grained for RNA that captures many geometric details such as base pairing and stacking, is able to fold RNA molecules to near-native structures in a short computational time. So far it had been applied to simple hairpins, and here we present its application to duplexes of a couple dozen nucleotides and show how with our model and with Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) we can easily predict the correct double helix from a completely random configuration and study the dissociation curve. To show the versatility of our model, we present an application to a double stranded DNA molecule as well. A reconstruction algorithm allows us to obtain full atom structures from the coarse-grained model. Through atomistic Molecular Dynamics (MD) we can compare the dynamics starting from a representative structure of a low temperature replica or from the experimental structure, and show how the two are statistically identical, highlighting the validity of a coarse-grained approach for structured RNAs and DNAs.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    A refined pH-dependent coarse-grained model for peptide structure prediction in aqueous solution

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    Introduction: Peptides carry out diverse biological functions and the knowledge of the conformational ensemble of polypeptides in various experimental conditions is important for biological applications. All fast dedicated softwares perform well in aqueous solution at neutral pH.Methods: In this study, we go one step beyond by combining the Debye-Hückel formalism for charged-charged amino acid interactions and a coarse-grained potential of the amino acids to treat pH and salt variations.Results: Using the PEP-FOLD framework, we show that our approach performs as well as the machine-leaning AlphaFold2 and TrRosetta methods for 15 well-structured sequences, but shows significant improvement in structure prediction of six poly-charged amino acids and two sequences that have no homologous in the Protein Data Bank, expanding the range of possibilities for the understanding of peptide biological roles and the design of candidate therapeutic peptides

    A Multiscale Approach to Characterize the Early Aggregation Steps of the Amyloid-Forming Peptide GNNQQNY from the Yeast Prion Sup-35

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    The self-organization of peptides into amyloidogenic oligomers is one of the key events for a wide range of molecular and degenerative diseases. Atomic-resolution characterization of the mechanisms responsible for the aggregation process and the resulting structures is thus a necessary step to improve our understanding of the determinants of these pathologies. To address this issue, we combine the accelerated sampling properties of replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations based on the OPEP coarse-grained potential with the atomic resolution description of interactions provided by all-atom MD simulations, and investigate the oligomerization process of the GNNQQNY for three system sizes: 3-mers, 12-mers and 20-mers. Results for our integrated simulations show a rich variety of structural arrangements for aggregates of all sizes. Elongated fibril-like structures can form transiently in the 20-mer case, but they are not stable and easily interconvert in more globular and disordered forms. Our extensive characterization of the intermediate structures and their physico-chemical determinants points to a high degree of polymorphism for the GNNQQNY sequence that can be reflected at the macroscopic scale. Detailed mechanisms and structures that underlie amyloid aggregation are also provided

    A multiscale approach to characterize the early aggregation steps of the amyloid-forming peptide GNNQQNY from the yeast prion sup-35

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    ABSTRACT: The self-organization of peptides into amyloidogenic oligomers is one of the key events for a wide range of molecular and degenerative diseases. Atomic-resolution characterization of the mechanisms responsible for the aggregation process and the resulting structures is thus a necessary step to improve our understanding of the determinants of these pathologies. To address this issue, we combine the accelerated sampling properties of replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations based on the OPEP coarse-grained potential with the atomic resolution description of interactions provided by all-atom MD simulations, and investigate the oligomerization process of the GNNQQNY for three system sizes: 3-mers, 12-mers and 20-mers. Results for our integrated simulations show a rich variety of structural arrangements for aggregates of all sizes. Elongated fibril-like structures can form transiently in the 20-mer case, but they are not stable and easily interconvert in more globular and disordered forms. Our extensive characterization of the intermediate structures and their physico-chemical determinants points to a high degree of polymorphism for the GNNQQNY sequence that can be reflected at the macroscopic scale. Detailed mechanisms and structures that underlie amyloid aggregation are also provided

    Cutoff scores for the “Interest game”, an application for the assessment of diminished interest in neurocognitive disorders

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    Diminished interest is a core feature of apathy that shows high prevalence in people with Mild and Major Neurocognitive disorders (NCD). In the clinical setting, apathy is mainly assessed using clinical scales and questionnaires, but new technologies are starting to be employed to complement classical instruments. Here, we explored the performance of the “Interest game,” a ludic application that assesses personal interests, in discriminating between persons with and without diminished interest based on the Apathy Diagnostic Criteria. Two hundred and twenty-seven elderly participants (56 healthy controls, 118 persons with mild-NCD, and 53 with major-NCD) completed the Interest game and were assessed by clinicians concerning the presence and the severity of apathy. Results showed that the application scores varied with the presence of apathy, the type of disorder, and the education level. Cutoff scores calculated for persons with Mild-NCD resulted in a sensitivity of 0.68 and a specificity of 0.65 for the main score index, suggesting the interest of employing this application in the clinical setting to complement the classical assessment