7 research outputs found

    Bell Pepper Cultivar Evaluation, Central Kentucky, 2018

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    This is a compilation of 20 research trial reports from four land-grant universities in the Midwestern United States. Crops include cantaloupe, pickling cucumber, pepper, potato, pumpkin, summer squash and zucchini, sweet corn, tomato, and watermelon. Somecrops were evaluated in high tunnels or hoophouses. Most trials evaluated different cultivars or varieties. One report addressed plant spacing for sweet corn and one addressed soil block for production of tomato seedlings. A list of vegetable seed sources and a list of other online sources of vegetable trial reports are also included

    Pie/Decorative Pumpkin Cultivar Evaluation

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    Fourteen pie and decorative pumpkin cultivars were evaluated in a replicated trial to determine their performance under Central Kentucky growing conditions. Plants were grown using standard commercial growing practices, using raised beds with trickle tube irrigation and fertigation, and covered with black plastic film. Fungicides and insecticides were applied following University of Kentucky Extension guidelines. Yields per-acre, fruit dimensions, weights and sugar contents were measured. Cultivars were also evaluated for visual attributes, such as size- and color uniformity and stem attractivness. Bisbee Gold’, ‘Baby Wrinkles’, ‘Darling’, ‘Fall Splendor Plus’, ‘Jack Sprat’, ‘Little Giant’ and ‘Cinnamon Girl’ were the best overall performers based on yield-related parameters and visual attributes. Powdery- and Downy mildew severity ratings were also determined. Severity ratings for both diseases were similar for most cultivars. ‘Lumina’, ‘Baby Pam’ and ‘Jack Sprat’ had some of the lowest Powdery- plus Downy mildew severity ratings. A culinary evaluation of roasted pumpkin slices was also conducted. ‘Speckled Hound’, ‘Lumina’, ‘Cinnamon Girl’, ‘Little Giant’ and ‘Jack Sprat’ rated highly overall for taste, flesh smoothness, flesh firmness, aroma, and color after roasting. Considering yield, fruit attractiveness a nd roasted pumpkin evaluations, ‘Bisbee Gold’, ‘Baby Wrinkles’, ‘Fall Splendor Plus’ and ‘Jack Sprat’ were the best pumpkins in this trial. ‘Speckled Hound’, one of two squash in the trial, also performed well

    Pumpkin Fungicide and Cultivar Evaluation, 2017

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    This is a compilation of 18 research trial reports from four land-grant universities in the Midwestern United States. Crops include cantaloupe, pickling cucumber, pepper, potato, pumpkin, summer squash and zucchini, sweet corn, tomato, and watermelon. Somecrops were evaluated in high tunnels or hoophouses. Most trials evaluated different cultivars or varieties. One report addressed plant spacing for sweet corn and one addressed soil block for production of tomato seedlings. A list of vegetable seed sources and a list of other online sources of vegetable trial reports are also included