705 research outputs found

    Kinematic and dynamic vortices in a thin film driven by an applied current and magnetic field

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    Using a Ginzburg-Landau model, we study the vortex behavior of a rectangular thin film superconductor subjected to an applied current fed into a portion of the sides and an applied magnetic field directed orthogonal to the film. Through a center manifold reduction we develop a rigorous bifurcation theory for the appearance of periodic solutions in certain parameter regimes near the normal state. The leading order dynamics yield in particular a motion law for kinematic vortices moving up and down the center line of the sample. We also present computations that reveal the co-existence and periodic evolution of kinematic and magnetic vortices

    Modern cartographic reproduction technologies

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    In the diploma work the field of modern cartographic reproduction technologies are presented. The analogical and digital prints and their importance in the cartography are described. The special emphasis is given to the modern digital printing Xeikon and to the conventional analogical offset printing. Both techniques are taken part in the empirical research where the two map prints of the same area have been compared. Graphical quality, which is defined by the calculation of the informational value, colour deviation and the cartographic quality have been examined. Advantages of the modern digital techniques in the cartography are pointed out

    Statin therapy in critical illness : an international survey of intensive care physicians' opinions, attitudes and practice

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    Background Pleotropic effects of statins on inflammation are hypothesised to attenuate the severity of and possibly prevent the occurrence of the host inflammatory response to pathogen and infection-related acute organ failure. We conducted an international survey of intensive care physicians in Australia, New Zealand (ANZ) and United Kingdom (UK). The aims of the survey were to assess the current prescribing practice patterns, attitudes towards prescribing statin therapy in critically ill patients and opinions on the need for an interventional trial of statin therapy in critically ill patients. Methods Survey questions were developed through an iterative process. An expert group reviewed the resulting 26 items for face and content validity and clarity. The questions were further refined following pilot testing by ICU physicians from Australia, Canada and the UK. We used the online Smart SurveyTM software to administer the survey. Results Of 239 respondents (62 from ANZ and 177 from UK) 58% worked in teaching hospitals; most (78.2%) practised in ‘closed’ units with a mixed medical and surgical case mix (71.0%). The most frequently prescribed statins were simvastatin (77.6%) in the UK and atorvastatin (66.1%) in ANZ. The main reasons cited to explain the choice of statin were preadmission prescription and pharmacy availability. Most respondents reported never starting statins to prevent (65.3%) or treat (89.1%) organ dysfunction. Only a minority (10%) disagreed with a statement that the risks of major side effects of statins when prescribed in critically ill patients were low. The majority (84.5%) of respondents strongly agreed that a clinical trial of statins for prevention is needed. More than half (56.5%) favoured rates of organ failure as the primary outcome for such a trial, while a minority (40.6%) favoured mortality. Conclusions Despite differences in type of statins prescribed, critical care physicians in the UK and ANZ reported similar prescription practices. Respondents from both communities agreed that a trial is needed to test whether statins can prevent the onset of new organ failure in patients with sepsis

    Zinc-zinc bonded decamethyldizincocene Zn-2(eta(5)-C5Me5)(2) as catalyst for the inter- and intramolecular hydroamination reaction

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The Zn–Zn bonded compound [(η5-Cp*)2Zn2] was investigated as catalyst for the inter- and intramolecular hydroamination reaction. High reaction rates under mild conditions were observed. This is the first application of a Zn–Zn bonded compound as catalyst.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi
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