581 research outputs found

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    Using Deep Learning to Count Albatrosses from Space

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    In this paper we test the use of a deep learning approach to automatically count Wandering Albatrosses in Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery. We use a dataset of manually labelled imagery provided by the British Antarctic Survey to train and develop our methods. We employ a U-Net architecture, designed for image segmentation, to simultaneously classify and localise potential albatrosses. We aid training with the use of the Focal Loss criterion, to deal with extreme class imbalance in the dataset. Initial results achieve peak precision and recall values of approximately 80%. Finally we assess the model’s performance in relation to interobserver variation, by comparing errors against an image labelled by multiple observers. We conclude model accuracy falls within the range of human counters. We hope that the methods will streamline the analysis of VHR satellite images, enabling more frequent monitoring of a species which is of high conservation concern

    Using deep learning to count albatrosses from space: Assessing results in light of ground truth uncertainty

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    Many wildlife species inhabit inaccessible environments, limiting researchers ability to conduct essential population surveys. Recently, very high resolution (sub-metre) satellite imagery has enabled remote monitoring of certain species directly from space; however, manual analysis of the imagery is time-consuming, expensive and subjective. State-of-the-art deep learning approaches can automate this process; however, often image datasets are small, and uncertainty in ground truth labels can affect supervised training schemes and the interpretation of errors. In this paper, we investigate these challenges by conducting both manual and automated counts of nesting Wandering Albatrosses on four separate islands, captured by the 31 cm resolution WorldView-3 sensor. We collect counts from six observers, and train a convolutional neural network (U-Net) using leave-one-island-out cross-validation and different combinations of ground truth labels. We show that (1) interobserver variation in manual counts is significant and differs between the four islands, (2) the small dataset can limit the networks ability to generalise to unseen imagery and (3) the choice of ground truth labels can have a significant impact on our assessment of network performance. Our final results show the network detects albatrosses as accurately as human observers for two of the islands, while in the other two misclassifications are largely caused by the presence of noise, cloud cover and habitat, which was not present in the training dataset. While the results show promise, we stress the importance of considering these factors for any study where data is limited and observer confidence is variable

    Fixed point actions for SU(3) gauge theory

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    We summarize our recent work on the construction and properties of fixed point (FP) actions for lattice SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge theory. These actions have scale invariant instanton solutions and their spectrum is exact through 1--loop, i.e. in their physical predictions there are no ana^n nor g2ang^2 a^n cut--off effects for any nn. We present a few-parameter approximation to a classical FP action which is valid for short correlation lengths. We perform a scaling test of the action by computing the quantity G=Lσ(L)G = L \sqrt{\sigma(L)}, where the string tension σ(L)\sigma(L) is measured from the torelon mass ÎŒ=Lσ(L)\mu = L \sigma(L), on lattices of fixed physical volume and varying lattice spacing aa. While the Wilson action shows scaling violations of about ten per cent, the approximate fixed point action scales within the statistical errors for 1/2≄aTc 1/2 \ge aT_c.Comment: 11 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript fil

    The classically perfect fixed point action for SU(3) gauge theory

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    In this paper (the first of a series) we describe the construction of fixed point actions for lattice SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge theory. Fixed point actions have scale invariant instanton solutions and the spectrum of their quadratic part is exact (they are classical perfect actions). We argue that the fixed point action is even 1--loop quantum perfect, i.e. in its physical predictions there are no g2ang^2 a^n cut--off effects for any nn. We discuss the construction of fixed point operators and present examples. The lowest order qqˉq {\bar q} potential V(r⃗)V(\vec{r}) obtained from the fixed point Polyakov loop correlator is free of any cut--off effects which go to zero as an inverse power of the distance rr.Comment: 34 pages (latex) + 7 figures (Postscript), uuencode
