194 research outputs found

    Burden of disease of four foodborne pathogens : a harmonized approach in Denmark

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaConsumption of contaminated food products and exposure to a variety of health hazards can lead to a wide spectrum of foodborne diseases (FBD). The true impact of these diseases is still unknown worldwide. Burden of illness (BoI) and burden of disease (BoD) studies can be developed in order to help decision makers implement intervention and control measures to improve food safety systems. This thesis describes an integrated model to estimate the public health impact of four zoonotic foodborne pathogens in Denmark in 2016 – Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica and verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC). The applied model consisted of two general components: a BoI study, which was applied to estimate total incidence of these pathogens in the Danish population, accounting for underdiagnosis and under-reporting; and a BoD study, which built on the first and estimated disease burden in terms of the disability adjusted life year metric (DALYs). It also describes the model developed to estimate the BoD of yersiniosis – the first developed in Denmark and in Europe. Total incidence estimates point to 66,202 cases of illness, with Campylobacter contributing the most (51,225 cases), and Yersinia the least (1,860 cases). The total BoD is 2,290 DALYs. Ranking in first place with the highest burden is campylobacteriosis, followed by salmonellosis, yersiniosis and VTEC infections, with 30, 8, 1 and 0.8 DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. Gastroenteritis was the sequela which born the highest burden, when compared to long-term sequelea. Total incidence estimates for all four pathogens show that children under five years old have the highest incidence when compared to other age groups, while BoD estimates regarding Campylobacter and Salmonella show the highest burden on elderly people, which can be explained by the high number of fatal cases estimated for that age group. Still, those two diseases have a considerable high burden on young children, as does yersiniosis and VTEC infections. Differences in methodological approach used to estimate total incidence and the BoD makes comparison among countries difficult. The burden of these preventable diseases is still considerable, even in developed countries like Denmark. Understanding the contribution of each cause to the burden of FBD and incorporating estimates into policy development worldwide will enable efficient and effective interventions and improvements throughout all the food chain.RESUMO - Impacto na saúde pública de quatro agentes patogénicos de origem alimentar: uma abordagem harmonizada na Dinamarca - O consumo de alimentos contaminados e a exposição a fatores de risco pode causar um alargado espectro de doenças de origem alimentar. O verdadeiro impacto destas doenças é ainda desconhecido. Estudos de burden of illness (BoI) e burden of disease (BoD) podem ser desenvolvidos, facilitando a implementação de medidas de intervenção e controlo por parte das autoridades, com o intuito de melhorar os sistemas de segurança dos alimentos. Esta tese descreve um modelo integrado para estimar o impacto na saúde pública de quatro agentes zoonóticos transmitidos por alimentos – Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica e Escherichia coli verocitotoxinogénica (VTEC). O modelo aplicado é composto por duas componentes: um estudo de BoI para estimar a incidência total destes agentes patogénicos na população dinamarquesa, tendo em conta o grau de sub-diagnóstico e sub-notificação; e um estudo de BoD que contabiliza o impacto destas doenças utilizando uma medida universal designada: disability adjusted life year (DALYs). Também está descrito o modelo concebido para estimar o impacto da yersiniose – o primeiro a ser desenvolvido quer na Dinamarca, quer na Europa. A incidência total estimada aponta para 66,202 casos de doença; com Campylobacter dando um maior contributo (51,225 casos) e Yersinia o menor (1,860 casos). A totalidade do impacto destas quatro doenças foi de 2,290 DALYs. O maior impacto na saúde pública é causado por campilobacteriose, seguida de salmonelose, yersiniose e infeções por VTEC, com 30, 8, 1 e 0.8 DALYs por 100,000 habitantes, respetivamente. A gastroenterite foi a sequela com maior impacto, quando comparada com sequelas de longa duração. As estimativas de incidência total para os quatro agentes patogénicos mostram que crianças com menos de cinco anos têm uma maior incidência, comparando com outras faixas etárias, enquanto as estimativas de BoD para Campylobacter e Salmonella mostram um maior impacto em idosos. Ainda assim, essas duas doenças têm um considerável impacto em crianças, como o têm a yersiniose e as infeções VTEC. As diferenças na abordagem metodológica utilizada para estimar a incidência total e o BoD dificultam a comparação entre países. O impacto dessas doenças evitáveis é ainda considerável, mesmo em países desenvolvidos como a Dinamarca. Compreender a contribuição de cada causa para o peso das doenças transmitidas por alimentos e incorporar estimativas no desenvolvimento de políticas em todo o mundo permitirá intervenções e melhorias eficientes e efetivas em toda a cadeia alimentar.N/

    Estudo técnico do suporte dos painéis do retábulo-mor da Sé de Lamego de Grão Vasco processo e interpretação da radiografia

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    Under the project Materials and Techniques of the Northern Painters of Portugal, a team of researchers met, whose common objectives were the study, valorisation and divulgation of this stream of the national artistic heritage. It was up to this research, the survey’s technical support of the five panels belonging to the altarpiece of the Cathedral of Lamego (1506-1511), authored by Vasco Fernandes. The indispensable partnership with the Institute of Museums and Conservation, has allowed a multidisciplinary approach in situ. The essay that follows, reflects the radiographic process from the work-field until the conclusions drawn from their interpretation. Through innovative information, this is assumed to contribute to the History of Art and History of Conservation and Restoration.En el marco del proyecto de Materiales y Técnicas de pintores del Norte de Portugal, se reunió un equipo de investigadores cuyos objetivos comunes fueron el estudio, reconocimiento y divulgación del patrimonio artístico nacional. Corresponde a esta investigación el levantamiento técnico de los soportes de los cinco paneles del retablo-mayor de la Catedral de Lamego (1506-1511), del pintor Vasco Fernandes. La colaboración esencial con el Instituto de Museos y Conservación ha permitido un enfoque multidisciplinario in situ. El ensayo que sigue refleja el trabajo del proceso radiográfico y a las conclusiones derivadas de su interpretación. La información. Su innovadora información hace que este sea una contribuición a la Historia del Arte e Historia de Conservación y Restauración.No âmbito do projecto Materiais e Técnicas de Pintores do Norte de Portugal, reuniu-se uma equipa de investigadores, cujos objectivos comuns foram o estudo,valorização e divulgação desta vertente de património artístico nacional. Coube à presente investigação, o levantamento técnico do suporte dos cinco painéis do Retábulo-mor da Sé de Lamego (1506-1511), da autoria de Vasco Fernandes. A imprescindível parceria com o Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação, permitiu uma abordagem in situ e multidisciplinar. O ensaio que se segue, reflecte o trabalho radiográfico desde o processo, às conclusões obtidas através da sua interpretação. Pela informação inovadora, este assume-se como contributo para a História da Arte e História da Conservação e Restauro

    Implementação da tecnologia anaeróbia para a remoção de AOX da corrente de branqueamento de pastas químicas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia do AmbienteO objectivo deste projecto consistiu em averiguar a aplicação do processo de digestão anaeróbia para eliminar/ reduzir os compostos de AOX presentes no efluente do primeiro estágio de branqueamento de pasta Kraft, de modo a evitar o seu lançamento para o meio ambiente, quer através da deposição das lamas biológicas produzidas na estação de tratamento de efluentes industriais (ETEI) quer através do efluente líquido tratado. A presença de compostos AOX no efluente do primeiro estágio do branqueamento de pasta resulta na obtenção de elevadas concentrações desses compostos nas lamas biológicas, dado que o processo utilizado no tratamento do efluente fabril global não levou à sua degradação, o que impossibilitou o uso destas lamas para fins agrícolas, uma vez que a concentração destes compostos nas lamas é superior à permitida por lei. Atendendo a este facto e ao longo tempo de vida destes compostos, é preferível efectuar a remoção dos mesmos logo após a sua produção, reduzindo deste modo a quantidade que chega às lamas biológicas produzidas na ETEI. Numa primeira abordagem experimental, através da realização de testes descontínuos pretendeu-se avaliar a biodegradabilidade do efluente em estudo e a remoção de compostos AOX para diferentes proporções de biomassa/ substrato, tendo-se ainda monitorizado outros parâmetros relevantes. Os resultados obtidos nesta fase permitiram concluir que a remoção de AOX é mais eficiente usando uma maior concentração de biomassa, para se poderem atingir cargas orgânicas mais elevadas. Para além disso, a maior concentração de biomassa confere uma maior estabilidade à remoção de matéria orgânica. Verificou-se ainda que o efluente em estudo contém compostos dificilmente biodegradáveis, para além do AOX, pelo que a biomassa necessita de se adaptar ao efluente, de tal modo que a maioria da matéria orgânica removida e da produção de metano apenas se verificaram ao fim de 24 horas de operação. III . Numa segunda fase, através da operação de reactores semi-contínuos, pretendeu-se obter dados adicionais aos ensaios descontínuos de biodegradabilidade e assim poderem ser optimizadas as condições de operação dos reactores anaeróbios tratando este tipo de efluente. Os resultados obtidos nesta fase mostram que no ensaio conduzido com a maior concentração de biomassa (10g SSV L-1) os incrementos de carga orgânica não afectaram negativamente a remoção de AOX. Assim, o ensaio conduzido com a maior concentração de biomassa é aquele que apresenta melhores remoções de AOX, obtendo-se valores de 70 a 75% para cargas até cerca de 0,5g CQOs L-1.dia-1. No que diz respeito à remoção de matéria orgânica verifica-se que quanto maior for a carga orgânica aplicada menor é a remoção de matéria orgânica, o que denota haver inibição do processo de biodegradação pelo substrato. O uso de uma maior concentração de biomassa conduz maioritariamente a eficiências mais elevadas de remoção de matéria orgânica. A quantidade de metano produzido nos ensaios conduzidos com maior concentração de biomassa é maioritariamente superior aos ensaios realizados a menor concentração de biomassa, sendo é máxima para a carga de 0,34 g CQOs L-1.dia-1, que também é a carga obtida na maximização da remoção de AOX (73%). ABSTRACT: The aim of this study consisted on the evaluation of the anaerobic digestion process to eliminate or remove the AOX compounds present in the effluent of the first stage of bleaching Kraft pulp, in order to avoid their discharge to the natural environment, either through the disposal of biological sludge produced in the wastewater treatment plant or through the discharge of the treated effluent. The presence of this compounds in this effluent results in high concentrations in the biological sludge, because the aerobic process used in the treatment of the industrial effluent did not remove them. This fact does not allow the use of biological sludge for agricultural purposes, because their AOX concentration is above the limit established by law. Considering this fact and that these compounds have long half-life periods, it is preferable to remove them after their production, reducing the amount that reach the biological sludge in the treatment plant. In a first phase, it was intended to evaluate the biodegradability of the effluent under study and the removal of AOX compounds using different biomass/substrat ratios in batch assays. In these assays were also monitored other relevant parameters. V abstract The results obtained in the first phase allow the conclusion that the AOX removal is more efficient using a higher biomass concentration, in order to reach higher organic loads. Another conclusion is that a higher biomass concentration gives more stability to the process namely organic matter removal. The effluent under study is rich in slow biodegradable compounds besides AOX. Due to that, the time required for biomass acclimation is higher, so organic matter removal and methane production only begins after 24 hours of operation. In a second phase, with the operation of semi-continuos reactors, it was aimed to obtain additional data to those obtained in the batch assays, in order to optimize the operational conditions for the anaerobic reactors treating this type of effluent. The results obtained in this phase show that the increase on organic load do not affect the AOX removal in the assay conducted with a higher biomass concentration (10g VSS.L-1). Therefore, this assay presents the higher AOX removal efficiencies (70-75%) for loads up to 0,48g CODs.L-1.day-1. Concerning the organic matter removal the higher the organic load applied the lower the removal, indicating that the effluent compounds have an inhibitory effect on the biodegradation. The use of a higher biomass concentration leads to higher removals. The amount of methane produced in the assay using a higher biomass concentration is also superior, being the highest at the load of 0,34g CODs.L- 1.day-1. It is also for this load that the AOX removal reaches the maximum

    A systematic review to assess the effectiveness of pre-harvest meat safety interventions to control foodborne pathogens in beef

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    Safe beef is a priority for consumers, policy makers, official veterinarians, and producers. This systematic review aims to update the recent knowledge on pre-harvest interventions to control main foodborne pathogens in beef and to assess their effectiveness. Only controlled trials in beef or dairy cattle were included. A total of 1514 studies were retrieved from PubMed® and Web of ScienceTM for 13 selected pathogens in particular Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). After the screening, 28 papers remained for Campylobacter (n = 1), Clostridium botulinum (n = 1), Clostridium perfringens (n = 1), Extended spectrum-lactamase AmpC gene-carrying bacteria (ESBL/AmpC) (n = 1), Salmonella (n = 11), and STEC (n = 13). Results were synthesised narratively using tables as support. Research on pre-harvest interventions to control foodborne zoonoses in bovines was mostly focused on Salmonella spp. and STEC. The studies retained on Salmonella and STEC showed that vaccination, and cleaning, disinfection, management, and biosecurity were the most tested and effective interventions, denoting their potential to control or reduce detection and shedding of these pathogens. The correct implementation of such measures is crucial for their efficacy. While vaccination can be implemented to prevent severe outcomes of disease and reduce shedding; cleaning, disinfection, and biosecurity can prevent the introduction and/or the spread of pathogens to/within farms. The use of feed additives and treatments had mixed results but seemed to be effective for Salmonella. The criteria for paper selection excluded observational studies which document effective practices like depopulation and repopulation with healthy animals. Overall, high herd health status coupled with good management and biosecurity were effective to control or prevent the important foodborne pathogens in cattle at pre-harvest level

    Identification of amino acid residues critical for distinguishing mono- and di-Carboxylate substrates in JEN 1

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    The knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the transport of carboxylic acids is crucial towards an efficient biological production of carboxylates which have been used for many years in industry namely for the production of biodegradable polymers and as substitute for petroleum-derived chemicals. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Jen1p is major monocarboxylate H+ symporter specific primarily for lactate, pyruvate and for acetate (Casal et al, 1999). A phylogenetic tree of ScJen1p homologues (Casal et al, 2008) showed the existence of two main clusters: a Jen1 group of proteins (monocarboxylate transporters) and a Jen2-like proteins (dicarboxylate transporters). In this work, we rationally design, combine and analyse novel mutations in two conserved regions located in TMS5 and TMS11 of Jen1p, which we predicted to affect more dramatically Jen1p specificity. The domain in TMS5 was identified by structure/function studies based on phylogenetic molecular comparisons among Jen1p homologues with different specificities and is critical for distinguishing mono- and di-carboxylate permeases. The conserved aminoacids in TMS11 domain pointed to the importance of this domain that was demonstrated to be involved in substrate binding. We thus identify several residues critical for Jen1p activity, among which some also function as critical specificity determinants for the distinction of mono- from di-carboxylates which constitutes a first step towards the elucidation and genetic manipulation of substrate specificity in the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily (TC#2.A.1.12.2) and a tool for the in silico prediction of the function of Jen1p homologues in other fungi of industrial importance.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) SFRH/BPD/22976/2005 (ISS) and SFRH/BD/61530/2009 (JSP

    De resistências à aprendizagem da língua inglesa

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    Este trabalho analisa narrativas sobre o contexto e as razões de desistência do estudo do inglês como língua estrangeira, especificamente entre estudantes e professoras/es da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Goiás. O objetivo é compreender os significados culturais e as práticas identitárias das/os participantes em relação ao papel hegemônico do inglês como língua estrangeira no Brasil. Os resultados mostram que a desistência ocorreu em diferentes contextos educacionais e que a dificuldade com a língua inglesa é vista como limitação individual, reforçando a noção de aprendizado focado no indivíduo, nesses casos narrados como fracassados. Há ainda identificações antagônicas e aparentemente contraditórias sobre a construção da língua inglesa no mundo hoje. A partir da noção de habitus, aponta-se que as narrativas sobre o inglês legitimam o lugar de autoridade dessa língua ABSTRACT This paper analyses narratives of students and teachers from the Faculdade de Letras at the Universidade Federal de Goiás concerning the time and the reasons why they gave up studying English as a foreign language. It is aimed at understanding the college cultural meanings and identity practices with respect to the hegemonic role of English as a foreign language in Brazil. The research shows that the participants gave up studying English in different educational contexts and that the difficulty with English is seen as an individual limitation, reinforcing the notion of learning focused on the individual, in this case narrated as unsuccessful. Besides, it indicates that they disapprove of English and produce apparently contradictory narratives about the English language construction in the world today. Based on the notion of habitus, it is claimed that the narratives about English legitimize the place of authority of this language. Keywords: students of Letras; English language; hegemony; resistanc

    The perspective of cyclists on current practices with digital tools and envisioned services for urban cycling

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    This is a preprint version of an accepted manuscript in WorldCist'21 -9th World Conference on Information Systems and TechnologiesAs cycling becomes increasingly important in sustainable mobility policies, there is also an urge for new digital applications and services for urban cycling. This new generation of cycling applications should be able to connect cyclists with their local cycling ecosystem, promote cycling, and empower cyclists to become active agents of urban mobility. In this work, we aim to explore the new opportunity space of digital tools and applications designed specifically for urban cycling. We pursue this goal by trying to uncover current practices associated with digital tools that are already available and also by trying to uncover new information needs, even those that cyclists are not yet able to fully express. To explore these topics, we conducted 2 focus group sessions and 10 interviews with cyclists. The result is a set of design opportunities for the development of new applications, tools and methods for improving the cycling experience in the context of urban mobility. We expect this contribution might help to better define the design space of innovative digital tools for urban cyclists.This work is supported by: European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247- FEDER-039334


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    The competitive advantage of a destination in relation to other similar destinations should stimulate the commitment of stakeholders on the supply side to encourage more investments and actions in the tourism sector, making it more attractive, competitive and sustainable. The objective of this study is to analyze the competitive position that the tourist destination São Luís occupies in relation to the other capitals of the Brazilian northeast. The study is characterized as descriptive-explanatory, whose universe is composed of 10 destinations in the northeast region of Brazil. The methodology of quantitative nature simultaneously analyzes, in a descriptive and explanatory way, the data regarding the tourist flow and the competitiveness indicators, based on the National Tourism Competitiveness Model. Non-parametric statistical tests were used for comparison and ranking of competitors. The data indicate that the tourist destination São Luís is ranked 6th among the Northeast capitals, both in terms of performance regarding the tourist flow and regional competitiveness. However, it presents a low coefficient of variation along the analyzed period, which indicates a slow and moderate growth, however, positive. The results can contribute to the tourism industry by subsidizing managers in decision making and effective action