12 research outputs found

    Experimental performance of three design factors for ventral nozzles for SSTOVL aircraft

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    An experimental study of three variations of a ventral nozzle system for supersonic short-takeoff and vertical-landing (SSTOVL) aircraft was performed at the NASA LeRC Powered Lift Facility. These test results include the effects of an annular duct flow into the ventral duct, a blocked tailpipe, and a short ventral duct length. An analytical study was also performed on the short ventral duct configuration using the PARC3D computational dynamics code. Data presented include pressure losses, thrust and flow performance, internal flow visualization, and pressure distributions at the exit plane of the ventral nozzle

    Use of an approximate similarity principle for the thermal scaling of a full-scale thrust augmenting ejector

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    Full temperature ejector model simulations are expensive, and difficult to implement experimentally. If an approximate similarity principle could be established, properly chosen performance parameters should be similar for both hot and cold flow tests if the initial Mach number and total pressures of the flow field are held constant. Existing ejector data is used to explore the utility of one particular similarity principle; the Munk and Prim similarity principle for isentropic flows. Static performance test data for a full-scale thrust augmenting ejector are analyzed for primary flow temperatures up to 1560 R. At different primary temperatures, exit pressure contours are compared for similarity. A nondimensional flow parameter is then used to eliminate primary nozzle temperature dependence and verify similarity between the hot and cold flow experiments

    Traversing Microphone Track Installed in NASA Lewis' Aero-Acoustic Propulsion Laboratory Dome

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    The Aero-Acoustic Propulsion Laboratory is an acoustically treated, 65-ft-tall dome located at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Inside this laboratory is the Nozzle Acoustic Test Rig (NATR), which is used in support of Advanced Subsonics Technology (AST) and High Speed Research (HSR) to test engine exhaust nozzles for thrust and acoustic performance under simulated takeoff conditions. Acoustic measurements had been gathered by a far-field array of microphones located along the dome wall and 10-ft above the floor. Recently, it became desirable to collect acoustic data for engine certifications (as specified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)) that would simulate the noise of an aircraft taking off as heard from an offset ground location. Since nozzles for the High-Speed Civil Transport have straight sides that cause their noise signature to vary radially, an additional plane of acoustic measurement was required. Desired was an arched array of 24 microphones, equally spaced from the nozzle and each other, in a 25 off-vertical plane. The various research requirements made this a challenging task. The microphones needed to be aimed at the nozzle accurately and held firmly in place during testing, but it was also essential that they be easily and routinely lowered to the floor for calibration and servicing. Once serviced, the microphones would have to be returned to their previous location near the ceiling. In addition, there could be no structure could between the microphones and the nozzle, and any structure near the microphones would have to be designed to minimize noise reflections. After many concepts were considered, a single arched truss structure was selected that would be permanently affixed to the dome ceiling and to one end of the dome floor

    Exploration Laboratory Analysis FY13

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    The Exploration Laboratory Analysis (ELA) project supports the Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) risk, which is stated as the Risk of Inability to Adequately Treat an Ill or Injured Crew Member, and ExMC Gap 4.05: Lack of minimally invasive in-flight laboratory capabilities with limited consumables required for diagnosing identified Exploration Medical Conditions. To mitigate this risk, the availability of inflight laboratory analysis instrumentation has been identified as an essential capability in future exploration missions. Mission architecture poses constraints on equipment and procedures that will be available to treat evidence-based medical conditions according to the Space Medicine Exploration Medical Conditions List (SMEMCL), and to perform human research studies on the International Space Station (ISS) that are supported by the Human Health and Countermeasures (HHC) element. Since there are significant similarities in the research and medical operational requirements, ELA hardware development has emerged as a joint effort between ExMC and HHC. In 2012, four significant accomplishments were achieved towards the development of exploration laboratory analysis for medical diagnostics. These achievements included (i) the development of high priority analytes for research and medical operations, (ii) the development of Level 1 functional requirements and concept of operations documentation, (iii) the selection and head-to-head competition of in-flight laboratory analysis instrumentation, and (iv) the phase one completion of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects under the topic Smart Phone Driven Blood-Based Diagnostics. To utilize resources efficiently, the associated documentation and advanced technologies were integrated into a single ELA plan that encompasses ExMC and HHC development efforts. The requirements and high priority analytes was used in the selection of the four in-flight laboratory analysis performers. Based upon the competition results, a down select process will be performed in the upcoming year. Looking ahead, this unified effort has positioned each element for an in-flight lab analysis demonstration of select diagnostics measurements in the 2015 timeframe

    Gravitational Effects upon Locomotion Posture

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    Researchers use actual microgravity (AM) during parabolic flight and simulated microgravity (SM) obtained with horizontal suspension analogs to better understand the effect of gravity upon gait. In both environments, the gravitational force is replaced by an external load (EL) that returns the subject to the treadmill. However, when compared to normal gravity (N), researchers consistently find reduced ground reaction forces (GRF) and subtle kinematic differences (Schaffner et al., 2005). On the International Space Station, the EL is applied by elastic bungees attached to a waist and shoulder harness. While bungees can provide EL approaching body weight (BW), their force-length characteristics coupled with vertical oscillations of the body during gait result in a variable load. However, during locomotion in N, the EL is consistently equal to 100% body weight. Comparisons between AM and N have shown that during running, GRF are decreased in AM (Schaffner et al, 2005). Kinematic evaluations in the past have focussed on joint range of motion rather than joint posture at specific instances of the gait cycle. The reduced GRF in microgravity may be a result of differing hip, knee, and ankle positions during contact. The purpose of this investigation was to compare joint angles of the lower extremities during walking and running in AM, SM, and N. We hypothesized that in AM and SM, joints would be more flexed at heel strike (HS), mid-stance (MS) and toe-off (TO) than in N

    Kinematic and EMG Comparison of Gait in Normal and Microgravity

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    Astronauts regularly perform treadmill locomotion as a part of their exercise prescription while onboard the International Space Station. Although locomotive exercise has been shown to be beneficial for bone, muscle, and cardiovascular health, astronauts return to Earth after long duration missions with net losses in all three areas [1]. These losses might be partially explained by fundamental differences in locomotive performance between normal gravity (NG) and microgravity (MG) environments. During locomotive exercise in MG, the subject must wear a waist and shoulder harness that is attached to elastomer bungees. The bungees are attached to the treadmill, and provide forces that are intended to replace gravity. However, unlike gravity, which provides a constant force upon all body parts, the bungees provide a spring force only to the harness. Therefore, subjects are subjected to two fundamental differences in MG: 1) forces returning the subject to the treadmill are not constant, and 2) forces are only applied to the axial skeleton at the waist and shoulders. The effectiveness of the exercise may also be affected by the magnitude of the gravity replacement load. Historically, astronauts have difficulty performing treadmill exercise with loads that approach body weight (BW) due to comfort and inherent stiffness in the bungee system. Although locomotion can be executed in MG, the unique requirements could result in performance differences as compared to NG. These differences may help to explain why long term training effects of treadmill exercise may differ from those found in NG. The purpose of this investigation was to compare locomotion in NG and MG to determine if kinematic or muscular activation pattern differences occur between gravitational environments

    Erosion Coatings Developed to Increase the Life and Durability of Composites

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    Both the NASA Glenn Research Center and the Allison Advanced Development Company (AADC) have worked to develop and demonstrate erosion-resistant coatings that would increase the life and durability of composite materials used in commercial aircraft engines. These composite materials reduce component weight by 20 to 30 percent and result in less fuel burn and emissions and more fuel savings. Previously, however, their use was limited because of poor erosion resistance, which causes concerns about safety and leads to high maintenance costs. The coatings were tested by the University of Cincinnati, and the composites were manufactured by Texas Composites and coated by Engelhard and NASA Glenn. Rolls-Royce Corporation uses composite materials, which are stronger and less dense than steel or titanium, to make bypass vanes for their AE3007 engines. These engines are widely used in regional jet aircraft (Embraer) and unmanned air vehicles such as the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk. Coatings developed by NASA/Rolls-Royce can reduce erosion from abrasive materials and from impurities in the air that pass over these vanes, allowing Rolls-Royce to take advantage of the benefits of composite materials over titanium without the added costs of increased maintenance and/or engine failure. The Higher Operating Temperature Propulsion Components (HOTPC) Project developed cost-effective, durable coatings as part of NASA's goal to increase aviation system capacity growth. These erosion coatings will reduce the number of special inspections or instances of discontinued service due to erosion, allowing aircraft capacity to be maintained without inconveniencing the traveling public. A specific example of extending component life showed that these coatings increased the life of graphite fiber and polymer composite bypass vanes up to 8 times over that of the uncoated vanes. This increased durability allows components to operate to full design life without the fear of wear or failure. Recently, Rolls-Royce completed over 2000 hr of engine testing with the coated fan exit bypass vanes. There was no loss of coating after nearly 5000 typical engine cycles. Midway through the engine tests, the coated vanes were removed from the engine during a scheduled maintenance and inspection period. The vanes were shipped back to Glenn, where they underwent further stress testing in the Structural Dynamics Lab, mimicking more extreme conditions than those typical of the AE3007 engine cycle. These vanes were then replaced in the AE3007 and subjected to another 1000 hr of engine tests. Once again, there was no loss of coating and only a minimal appearance of cracking

    Zero-Gravity Locomotion Simulators: New Ground-Based Analogs for Microgravity Exercise Simulation

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    Maintaining health and fitness in crewmembers during space missions is essential for preserving performance for mission-critical tasks. NASA's Exercise Countermeasures Project (ECP) provides space exploration exercise hardware and monitoring requirements that lead to devices that are reliable, meet medical, vehicle, and habitat constraints, and use minimal vehicle and crew resources. ECP will also develop and validate efficient exercise prescriptions that minimize daily time needed for completion of exercise yet maximize performance for mission activities. In meeting these mission goals, NASA Glenn Research Center (Cleveland, OH, USA), in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio, USA), has developed a suite of zero-gravity locomotion simulators and associated technologies to address the need for ground-based test analog capability for simulating in-flight (microgravity) and surface (partial-gravity) exercise to advance the health and safety of astronaut crews and the next generation of space explorers. Various research areas can be explored. These include improving crew comfort during exercise, and understanding joint kinematics and muscle activation pattern differences relative to external loading mechanisms. In addition, exercise protocol and hardware optimization can be investigated, along with characterizing system dynamic response and the physiological demand associated with advanced exercise device concepts and performance of critical mission tasks for Exploration class missions. Three zero-gravity locomotion simulators are currently in use and the research focus for each will be presented. All of the devices are based on a supine subject suspension system, which simulates a reduced gravity environment by completely or partially offloading the weight of the exercising test subject s body. A platform for mounting treadmill is positioned perpendicularly to the test subject. The Cleveland Clinic Zero-g Locomotion Simulator (ZLS) utilizes a pneumatic subject load device to apply a near constant gravity-replacement load to the test subject during exercise, and is currently used in conjunction with the General Clinical Research Center for evaluating exercise protocols using a bedrest analog. The enhanced ZLS (eZLS) at NASA Glenn Research Center features an offloaded treadmill that floats on a thin film of air and interfaces to a force reaction frame via variably-compliant isolators, or vibration isolation system. The isolators can be configured to simulate compliant interfaces to the vehicle, which affects mechanical loading to crewmembers during exercise, and has been used to validate system dynamic models for new countermeasures equipment designs, such as the second International Space Station treadmill slated for use in 2010. In the eZLS, the test subject and exercise device can be pitched at the appropriate angle for partial gravity simulations, such as lunar gravity (1/6th earth gravity). On both the eZLS and the NASA-Johnson Space Center standalone ZLS installed at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, USA, the subject's body weight relative to the treadmill is controlled via a linear motor subject load device (LM-SLD). The LM-SLD employs a force-feedback closed-loop control system to provide a relatively constant force to the test subject during locomotion, and is set and verified for subject safety prior to each session. Locomotion data were collected during parabolic flight and on the eZLS. The purpose was to determine the similarities and differences between locomotion in actual and simulated microgravity. Subjects attained greater amounts of hip flexion during walking and running during parabolic flight. During running, subjects had greater hip range of motion. Trunk motion was significantly less on the eZLS than during parabolic flight. Peak impact forces, loading rate, and impulse were greater on the eZLS than during parabolic while walking with a low external load (EL) and rning with a high EL. Activation timing differences existed between locations in all muscles except for the rectus femoris. The tibialis anterior and gluteus maximus were active for longer durations on the eZLS than in parabolic flight during walking. Ground reaction forces were greater with the LM-SLD than with bungees during eZLS locomotion. While the eZLS serves as a ground-based analog, researchers should be aware that subtle, but measurable, differences in kinematics and leg musculature activities exist between the environments. Aside from space applications, zero-gravity locomotion simulators may help medical researchers in the future with development of rehabilitative or therapeutic protocols for injured or ill patients. Zero-gravity locomotion simulators may be used as a ground-based test bed to support future missions for space exploration, and eventually may be used to simulate planetary locomotion in partial gravity environments, including the Moon and Mars. Figure: Zero-gravity Locomotion Simulator at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, US

    Testing of Composite Fan Vanes With Erosion-Resistant Coating Accelerated

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    The high-cycle fatigue of composite stator vanes provided an accelerated life-state prior to insertion in a test stand engine. The accelerated testing was performed in the Structural Dynamics Laboratory at the NASA Glenn Research Center under the guidance of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics Branch personnel. Previous research on fixturing and test procedures developed at Glenn determined that engine vibratory conditions could be simulated for polymer matrix composite vanes by using the excitation of a combined slip table and electrodynamic shaker in Glenn's Structural Dynamics Laboratory. Bench-top testing gave researchers the confidence to test the coated vanes in a full-scale engine test

    Novel Exercise Hardware Requirements, Development, and Selection Process for Long-Duration Space Flight

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    Long-duration space flight poses many hazards to the health of the crew. Among those hazards is the physiological deconditioning of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems due to prolonged exposure to microgravity. To combat the physical toll that exploration space flight may take on the crew, NASAs Human Research Program is charged with developing exercise protocols and hardware to maintain astronaut health and fitness during long-term missions. The goal of this effort is to preserve the physical capability of the crew to perform mission critical tasks in transit and during planetary surface operations. As NASA aims toward space travel outside of low-earth orbit (LEO), the constraints placed upon exercise equipment onboard the vehicle increase. Proposed vehicle architectures for transit to and from locations outside of LEO call for limits to equipment volume, mass, and power consumption. While NASA has made great strides in providing for the physical welfare of the crew, the equipment currently used onboard ISS is too large, too massive, and too power hungry to consider for long-duration flight. The goal of the Advanced Exercise Concepts (AEC) project is to maintain the resistive and aerobic capabilities of the current, ISS suite of exercise equipment, while making reductions in size, mass, and power consumption in order to make the equipment suitable for long-duration missions