19 research outputs found

    Escalation of Security and Privacy in Internet of Things using Advanced IPv6 Based Security Mechanism

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    Kevin Ashton coined the phrase Internet of Things in 1999 with high performance implementation for corporate and social world. Thanks to the success of high-performing Internet of Things (IoT) whereby the tags and sensors are the foundation for IoT implementation of radio frequency identification with enormous implementation patterns. Real world objects and systems that are remotely managed using program- based tools may be outfitted with RFID tags. Radio frequency recognition devices may identify objects and sense information. Very thin micro-sized RFID chips that can attach remotely are built. The internet of things will cross over USD 267 billion in 2020. According to the report by Gartner, there would be $273 billion linked devices around the world in 2014. The quantity, which is equal to 8.4 billion goods, is 31% more than last year. This study examines security and productivity in the IoT. It is very popular to use Internet of Things (IoT) in robotics because of sensor sensors, advanced wireless technology and use of software programming. Both wireless IP-based systems come with built-in GPS modules. The utility of smart cities and home automation was increasingly accentuated by the appearance of vast databases of smart IP-based sensors. Within the scope of this study, one of the goals is to establish simulation trends that can cover protection weakness of the Internet of Things. In the novel, the simulation processes were implemented through Contiki Cooja and CupCarbon. The modern age is greatly being affected by impossibly sophisticated technical devices. It is treated under the umbrella of Internet of Things (IoT). Several applications are commonly using IoT linked technologies to a broad variety of purposes. IoT contains many other concepts such as universal computing, widespread computing, ambient computing, among several others. The work presents the implementation using high performance framework for the security in the IoT environment using security mechanism on IPv6

    New improvement in digital forensic Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

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    In today’s digital forensic investigation, there are hundreds of specific and unique application software packages and hardware device that could be used in the investigation. Even with all this yet there are quite number of failure in SOP that being practiced by the current digital forensic investigator.In this research paper an improved SOP is being proposed. This proposed SOP will be flexible rather than being limited to a particular process of an investigation

    The Quality of Interactive E-Learning for Students to understand the Course Material

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    E-learning is the acquiring of information that takes place through electronic devices and media, also known as online learning or electronic learning. E-learning can be understood as "learning is enabled electronically". Typically, online learning is conducted online. E-Learning typically occurs in the form of online courses, online degrees or online programmes. Online learning has many benefits over in person classes. These include students being able to undertake and study using self-paced learning and the opportunity to choose their study environment. This leads to low expenditure, low staff training, and low capital outlay. All these factors prove that e-learning will perform well in terms of business growth and development. Over the long-term, worldwide e-learning market is expected to grow significantly from 107Billionin2015to107 Billion in 2015 to 325 Billion in 2025. E-learning forces learners to concede some of their privileges. Higher cheating rate, peer pressure, and lack of skill development for online students are some challenges that need to be dealt with. This work integrates the usage patterns and reviews on the quality factors of e-learning based course materials for effectual outcomes in the academi

    Complete Security Package for USB Thumb Drive

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    This paper is devoted to design and implement a complete security platform for USB flash disks due to the popularity of this device in exchanging data, it is a complete system security solution as it concerns the thumb drive due to the manipulation of I/O operation not the file system.  USB flash disks have been the major threat for computer system beside the internet threats where viruses can spread from computer to computer or from computer to network. USB complete security system presented by this paper is composed of three essential elements: kernel filter driver which will be installed in USB device driver stack to intercept all exchanged packets and send it to encryption unit, kernel level encryption/decryption unit and configuration unit. In contrary to most USB security modules the system presented by this paper will store only the round number of the key generator with the encrypted data. Round number will be coded using MD5 algorithm to increase the immunity of attacking data stored in the flash disks. Keywords: USB protection, kernel driver, device stack, encryption/decryption, filter driver, MD5.


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    ABSTRACT. In today's digital forensic investigation, there are hundreds of specific and unique application software packages and hardware device that could be used in the investigation .Even with all this yet there are quite number of failure in SOP that being practiced by the current digital forensic investigator .In this research paper an improved SOP is being proposed. This proposed SOP will be flexible rather than being limited to a particular process of an investigation

    The success model of evolution from government to e-governance

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    As the world is streaming into the electronic world there are still huge communities which don’t understand the revolution of government which already switch into the era of e-government.There are still a huge community which till now does not understand what is actually e-government and e –governance. And at the same time they don’t understand what is actually the transmission between the old government and the new e government framework model. The actual positive idea to develop this model is to understand the e-governance better and at the same time this will avoid from possible problem during the period of transition. Towards introducing the new model we also will identify new model we also will identify few unique cases of e-government. As fast as WWW (World Wide Web) concern it grows beyond the limitation line, this made a considerable attention to be focused on the adoption of web-based technology to the business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) sector. As the heat of this sector goes on another few are also entering into the picture whereby involving government such as government to business (G2B) and government to citizen (G2C) this wont be a shocking if the government whether local, regional, national, or even supranational have been slower to clamber onto the web enabled bandwagon. The concepts of the traditional government are more conservative entity,slower to change into new initiatives, than operators in the commercial fields

    Preventive measures for cross site request forgery attacks on web-based applications

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    Today's contemporary business world has incorporated Web Services and Web Applications in its core of operating cycle nowadays and security plays a major role in the amalgamation of such services and applications with the business needs worldwide. OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) states that the effectiveness of security mechanisms in a Web Application can be estimated by evaluating the degree of vulnerability against any of the nominated top ten vulnerabilities, nominated by the OWASP. This paper sheds light on a number of existing tools that can be used to test for the CSRF vulnerability. The main objective of the research is to identify the available solutions to prevent CSRF attacks. By analyzing the techniques employed in each of the solutions, the optimal tool can be identified. Tests against the exploitation of the vulnerabilities were conducted after implementing the solutions into the web application to check the efficacy of each of the solutions. The research also proposes a combined solution that integrates the passing of an unpredictable token through a hidden field and validating it on the server side with the passing of token through URL

    Query translation for multilingual content with semantic technique

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    Cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) allows user query in a different language from the language of target resources. Thus, translation is the key element in the query processing. There are three translation approaches: query, document, or hybrid query-document. However, query translation is very challenging due to the polysemy problem. Different linguistic nature of the languages will lead to ambiguity of meaning subsequently user’s true intention could be misinterpreted. This paper presents a semantic technique on query translation for a multilingual knowledge repository to improve the query processing. Offline translated documents or parallel corpora in English, Arabic, and Malay language including Jawi text was used as the data. Set of keywords were constructed preidentified by expert related to prophetic food. These keywords were annotated with the relevant Quranic verses, Hadith texts, Manuscript text images and scientific article determined by expert. The synonym and context-based translation was annotated together with the specific keyword. A query will do a three-way pattern match based on the keyword indexing list that link to the relevant documents. A one-stop knowledge repository on prophetic food was developed as a proof of concept using sources are from al-Quran, Hadith, classical manuscript, and scientific articles verified by experts to ensure the content authenticity and integrity

    Comprehensive literature review on delay tolerant network (DTN) framework for improving the efficiency of internet connection in rural regions of Malaysia

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    This paper brief in detail the technology reviews of current available technologies and literature reviews that starts with the history of the Internet and the understanding of the working of the Internet through a conceptual model of TCP/IP and OSI models, the numerous technologies developed to cater for different connectivity environments and recent popular topics in the field of communication technologies. Detailed review is done on the subject of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN), the chosen technology from which the intended framework can be proposed for improving the efficiency of internet connections. From these literatures, comparisons are made to find the best possible combinations of technologies to design a mini- mum viable product, followed by a generic DTN framework

    Proposed data quality evaluation method for a transportation agency

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    The data quality evaluation is essential towards designing a data assessment method for any company because data is an important asset. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop the data quality evaluation method for a transportation agency in Malaysia in order to quantify the quality of data in the SIKAP licensing system. This can benefit the transportation agency to improve the quality of data for the use of reporting, forecasting business operations and data integration with other agency’s systems. The relevant data evaluation dimensions have been identified from literature study and relative data evaluation framework which are necessarily required by the transportation agency to maintain high data quality in the SIKAP system. The process design for the proposed method involves data dimension identification, capturing the relevant database structure, subjective evaluation with a questionnaire and objective evaluation with data profiling. From the design process, the result shows that data evaluation method for a transportation agency must have a minimum of six data quality dimensions. SIKAP, the legacy system is in the process to revamp into a new system. Thus, this research contributes to enhance the current system’s data quality during revamping process and data migration into the new system