5,852 research outputs found

    Free vibration of a three-layered sandwich beam using the dynamic stiffness method and experiment

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    In this paper, an accurate dynamic stiffness model for a three-layered sandwich beam of unequal thicknesses is developed and subsequently used to investigate its free vibration characteristics. Each layer of the beam is idealised by the Timoshenko beam theory and the combined system is reduced to a tenth-order system using symbolic computation. An exact dynamic stiffness matrix is then developed by relating amplitudes of harmonically varying loads to those of the responses. The resulting dynamic stiffness matrix is used with particular reference to the Wittrick-Williams algorithm to carry out the free vibration analysis of a few illustrative examples. The accuracy of the theory is confirmed both by published literature and by experiment. The paper closes with some concluding remarks. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    DNA adducts in human urinary bladder and other tissues.

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    Tobacco smoking is associated with an increased risk of cancer in a number of organs, including bladder and lung. Tobacco smoke contains at least 50 known chemical carcinogens that exert their biological effects through their covalent binding to cellular DNA. Examining human DNA for the presence of altered nucleotides is a means of monitoring exposure to genotoxic chemicals. DNA isolated from 73 human bladder biopsies has been analyzed by 32P-postlabeling for the presence of aromatic/hydrophobic adducts. Butanol extraction of DNA digests resulted in up to a 3-fold greater recovery of adducts than nuclease P1 digestion. Among 16 nonsmokers, adduct levels were in the range 3.2-20.8/10(8) nucleotides (mean 9.7). Eight ex-smokers had values in the range 2.6-12.3 (mean 7.1). Thirteen smokers had adduct levels between 1.3 and 26.7 adducts/10(8) nucleotides (mean 9.5, not different from nonsmokers). Six cigar smokers had higher levels of adducts (mean 12.1, range 7.3-15.0), but pipe smokers did not (five samples, mean 8.6, range 2.9-12.7). A further 8 samples from nonsmokers and 17 from smokers were examined in more detail. Although most of the DNA binding appears not to be smoking related, the levels of one adduct were found to be on average 2-fold higher in smokers (p < 0.005, one-tailed t test). Studies on tissues of the respiratory tract demonstrate a correlation between DNA adduct levels and exposure to tobacco smoke. Evidence to date on the influence of smoking on adducts in peripheral blood cells is equivocal; some studies demonstrate a significant effect, whereas others do not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Development of smart inner city recreational facilities to encourage active living

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    Lowfield Park in Sheffield, UK is a green recreational space main-tained by the City Council. Lowfield Park was selected as the primary Sheffield FieldLab for the ProFit project which ended in 2015. The ProFit project was European Interreg IVbNWE funded with the aim of encouraging physical activ-ity through innovations in products, services and ICT systems. In 2014 the Sheffield Hallam University City Athletics Stadium (SHUCAS) was introduced as a secondary FieldLab. A number of innovative systems have been installed into the FieldLabs, these include: Pan Tilt Zoom cameras, automatically timed sprint and running tracks, outdoor displays/touchscreen and a gait analyser. This paper describes the hardware, software and cloud infrastructure created to enable these systems. Pilot testing has been carried out over the last year and has found a positive effect on both sites. The systems created will be taken for-ward to Sheffield’s Olympic Legacy Park, which is currently under develop-ment

    Contextual adaptative interfaces for Industry 4.0

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    [EN] Information technologies are intrinsically connected to the manufacturing processes, with more data generated each second. To efficiently operate machines, users must sort out information that is relevant to them in specific moments and contexts. In this paper, we propose an architecture that combines context – e.g. location, type of order, available assets, previous actions – with information established through user stereotypes

    Histidine switch controlling pH-dependent protein folding and DNA binding in a transcription factor at the core of synthetic network devices

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    © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Therapeutic strategies have been reported that depend on synthetic network devices in which a urate-sensing transcriptional regulator detects pathological levels of urate and triggers production or release of urate oxidase. The transcription factor involved, HucR, is a member of the multiple antibiotic resistance (MarR) protein family. We show that protonation of stacked histidine residues at the pivot point of long helices that form the scaffold of the dimer interface leads to reversible formation of a molten globule state and significantly attenuated DNA binding at physiological temperatures. We also show that binding of urate to symmetrical sites in each protein lobe is communicated via the dimer interface. This is the first demonstration of regulation of a MarR family transcription factor by pH-dependent interconversion between a molten globule and a compact folded state. Our data further suggest that HucR may be utilized in synthetic devices that depend on detection of pH changes

    LiPISC: A Lightweight and Flexible Method for Privacy-Aware Intersection Set Computation

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    Privacy-aware intersection set computation (PISC) can be modeled as secure multi-party computation. The basic idea is to compute the intersection of input sets without leaking privacy. Furthermore, PISC should be sufficiently flexible to recommend approximate intersection items. In this paper, we reveal two previously unpublished attacks against PISC, which can be used to reveal and link one input set to another input set, resulting in privacy leakage. We coin these as Set Linkage Attack and Set Reveal Attack. We then present a lightweight and flexible PISC scheme (LiPISC) and prove its security (including against Set Linkage Attack and Set Reveal Attack)

    The AzTEC mm-Wavelength Camera

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    AzTEC is a mm-wavelength bolometric camera utilizing 144 silicon nitride micromesh detectors. Herein we describe the AzTEC instrument architecture and its use as an astronomical instrument. We report on several performance metrics measured during a three month observing campaign at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and conclude with our plans for AzTEC as a facility instrument on the Large Millimeter Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notice

    Post-tsunami natural regeneration of coastal vegetation in the Hambantota district in south-eastern Sri Lanka

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    A qualitative rapid survey was conducted in 45 plots distributed in the gentle seashore vegetation andsand dunes (n = 13), coastal scrublands (n = 19), and mangroves (n = 13) along the coastline ofHambantota District, affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami. The objective of the survey was toinvestigate the natural regeneration of coastal vegetation 20 months after the tsunami disturbance21 plant species belonging to 19 families were recorded as the prominent plants regenerating inaffected mangroves, while 16 species in 15 families and 32 species in 23 families were observed asprom inent plants to regenerate in affected areas of the gentle sea-shore vegetation and coastalscrublands respectively.In tsunami affected mangrove stands Acanthus iltctfolius (in 50% of study plots), Achrosticumaureum (40%) and Lumnitzera racemosa (17%) were the dominant species establishing in openmuddy substrates, while Clerodendrum inerme (57%), Lumnitzera racemosa and Excoecariaaga//ocha (29% each) were regenerating in sand deposited in the mangrove patches.Ipomoea pes-caprae (85%), Scaevola taccada and Calotropis gigantea (23% each) were observedas the dominant species re-establishing in the gentle seashore vegetation, while Spinifex littoreusshows a slow rate of regeneration. Most of the destroyed Pandanus odoratissimus bushes facingthe beach are not regenerating. Instead a new row of Pandanus was observed regenerating immediatelybacking the original stands. Prominent species regenerating in coastal scrublands are Crotonbonplandianus and Gymnema sylvestre (37% each), Clerodendrum inerme (16%), Calotropisgigantea (10%) and Crateva adansonii (10%) and saplings of Azadirachta indica and Limoniaacidissitna .Invasive alien plants, mainly Opuntia dillennii have established well and spreading vigorously inaffected coastal scrublands (58%), some study plots of gentle seashore vegetation (31 %) as wellas on sand depositions in the affected mangroves (15%). This species was observed replacing thespaces occupied by destroyed Pandanus odoratissimus bushes and Spinifex littoreus beds.Invasive alien plants such as Prosopis juliflora and Lantana camara were also spreading intsunami disturbed coastal scrublands.
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