102 research outputs found

    Life history and demographic determinants of effective/census size ratios as exemplified by brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    A number of demographic factors, many of which related to human-driven encroachments, are predicted to decrease the effective population size (Ne) relative to the census population size (N), but these have been little investigated. Yet, it is necessary to know which factors most strongly impact Ne, and how to mitigate these effects through sound management actions. In this study, we use parentage analysis of a stream-living brown trout (Salmo trutta) population to quantify the effect of between-individual variance in reproductive success on the effective number of breeders (Nb) relative to the census number of breeders (Ni). Comprehensive estimates of the Nb/N ratio were reduced to 0.16–0.28, almost entirely due to larger than binomial variance in family size. We used computer simulations, based on empirical estimates of age-specific survival and fecundity rates, to assess the effect of repeat spawning (iteroparity) on Ne and found that the variance in lifetime reproductive success was substantially higher for repeat spawners. Random family-specific survival, on the other hand, acts to buffer these effects. We discuss the implications of these findings for the management of small populations, where maintaining high and stable levels of Ne is crucial to extenuate inbreeding and protect genetic variability.publishedVersio

    Can we rely on selected genetic markers for population identification? Evidence from coastal Atlantic cod

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    The use of genetic markers under putative selection in population studies carries the potential for erroneous identification of populations and misassignment of individuals to population of origin. Selected markers are nevertheless attractive, especially in marine organisms that are characterized by weak population structure at neutral loci. Highly fecund species may tolerate the cost of strong selective mortality during early life stages, potentially leading to a shift in offspring genotypes away from the parental proportions. In Atlantic cod, recent genetic studies have uncovered different genotype clusters apparently representing phenotypically cryptic populations that coexist in coastal waters. Here, we tested if a high‐graded SNP panel specifically designed to classify individual cod to population of origin may be unreliable because of natural selection acting on the SNPs or their linked background. Temporal samples of cod were collected from two fjords, starting at the earliest life stage (pelagic eggs) and carried on until late autumn (bottom‐settled juveniles), covering the period during summer of high natural mortality. Despite the potential for selective mortality during the study period, we found no evidence for selection, as both cod types occurred throughout the season, already in the earliest egg samples, and there was no evidence for a shift during the season in the proportions of one or the other type. We conclude that high‐graded marker panels under putative natural selection represent a valid and useful tool for identifying biological population structure in this highly fecund species and presumably in others.publishedVersio

    Inferring genetic connectivity in real populations, exemplified by coastal and oceanic atlantic cod

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    Genetic data are commonly used to estimate connectivity between putative populations, but translating them to demographic dispersal rates is complicated. Theoretical equations that infer a migration rate based on the genetic estimator FST, such as Wright’s equation, FST ≈ 1/(4Nem + 1), make assumptions that do not apply to most real populations. How complexities inherent to real populations affect migration was exemplified by Atlantic cod in the North Sea and Skagerrak and was examined within an age-structured model that incorporated genetic markers. Migration was determined under various scenarios by varying the number of simulated migrants until the mean simulated level of genetic differentiation matched a fixed level of genetic differentiation equal to empirical estimates. Parameters that decreased the Ne/Nt ratio (where Ne is the effective and Nt is the total population size), such as high fishing mortality and high fishing gear selectivity, increased the number of migrants required to achieve empirical levels of genetic differentiation. Higher maturity-at-age and lower selectivity increased Ne/Nt and decreased migration when genetic differentiation was fixed. Changes in natural mortality, fishing gear selectivity, and maturity-at-age within expected limits had a moderate effect on migration when genetic differentiation was held constant. Changes in population size had the greatest effect on the number of migrants to achieve fixed levels of FST, particularly when genetic differentiation was low, FST ≈ 10−3. Highly variable migration patterns, compared with constant migration, resulted in higher variance in genetic differentiation and higher extreme values. Results are compared with and provide insight into the use of theoretical equations to estimate migration among real populations.publishedVersio

    Genetic differentiation between inshore and offshore populations of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)

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    Many marine organisms have a permanent presence both inshore and offshore and spawn in multiple areas, yet their status as separate populations or stocks remain unclear. This is the situation for the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) around the Arctic Ocean, which in northern Norway represents an important income for a small-scale coastal fishery and a large-vessel offshore fleet. In Norwegian waters, we uncovered two distinct genetic clusters, viz. a Norwegian coastal and a Barents Sea cluster. Shrimps with a mixed heritage from the Norwegian coastal and the Barents Sea clusters, and genetically different from both, inhabit the fjords at the northernmost coast (Finnmark). Genetic structure between fjords did not display any general trend, and only the Varangerfjord in eastern Finnmark displayed significant genetic structure within the fjord. Shrimps in the Finnmark fjords differed in some degree from shrimps both in the adjacent Barents Sea and along the rest of the coast and should probably be considered a separate management unit

    The making of a genetic cline: introgression of oceanic genes into coastal cod populations in the Northeast Atlantic

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    Abstract: Coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Northeast Atlantic has seen a continuous decline since the industrialization of the coastal fishery, and management needs to address the spatial and temporal complexities of coexisting cod stocks. Toward that end, genetic analyses and oceanographic modelling of coastal and oceanic cod larval drift patterns were combined to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for an observed genetic cline over a >1500 km stretch along the coast of Norway. The results indicate that the north­south cline in coastal cod represents an extended contact zone between genetically divergent North Sea and Northeast Arctic cod and is maintained by two-way gene flow: by northward drift of pelagic eggs and larvae and by southward spawning migrations of Northeast Arctic cod. Computer simulations verify that the genetic cline can be established rapidly if gene flow into coastal populations is substantial. The shape of the cline, on the other hand, was found to be largely insensitive to the total amount of gene flow and therefore carries little information on extent of gene flow into and among coastal populations.publishedVersio

    Demographic history has shaped the strongly differentiated corkwing wrasse populations in Northern Europe

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    Understanding the biological processes involved in genetic differentiation and divergence between populations within species is a pivotal aim in evolutionary biology. One particular phenomenon that requires clarification is the maintenance of genetic barriers despite the high potential for gene flow in the marine environment. Such patterns have been attributed to limited dispersal or local adaptation, and to a lesser extent to the demographic history of the species. The corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) is an example of a marine fish species where regions of particular strong divergence are observed. One such genetic break occurred at a surprisingly small spatial scale (FST ~0.1), over a short coastline (<60 km) in the North Sea‐Skagerrak transition area in southwestern Norway. Here, we investigate the observed divergence and purported reproductive isolation using genome resequencing. Our results suggest that historical events during the post‐glacial recolonization route can explain the present population structure of the corkwing wrasse in the northeast Atlantic. While the divergence across the break is strong, we detected ongoing gene flow between populations over the break suggesting recent contact or negative selection against hybrids. Moreover, we found few outlier loci and no clear genomic regions potentially being under selection. We concluded that neutral processes and random genetic drift e.g., due to founder events during colonization have shaped the population structure in this species in Northern Europe. Our findings underline the need to take into account the demographic process in studies of divergence processes

    Geographic variation in gene flow from a genetically distinct migratory ecotype drives population genetic structure of coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

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    Identifying how physical and biotic factors shape genetic connectivity among populations in time and space is essential to our understanding of the evolutionary trajectory as well as the management of marine species. Atlantic cod is a widespread and commercially important marine species displaying several ecotypes with different life history strategies. Using three sets of SNPs: neutral, informative, and genome-inversion linked, we studied population genetic structure of ~2500 coastal Atlantic cod (CC) from 40 locations along Norway's 2500 km coastline, including nine fjords. We observed: (1) a genetic cline, suggesting a mechanism of isolation by distance, characterized by a declining FST between CC and North East Arctic Cod (NEAC—genetically distinct migratory ecotype) with increasing latitude, (2) that in the north, samples of CC from outer-fjord areas were genetically more similar to NEAC than were samples of CC from their corresponding inner-fjord areas, (3) greater population genetic differentiation among CC sampled from outer-fjord areas along the coast, than among CC sampled from their corresponding inner-fjord areas, (4) genetic differentiation among samples of CC from both within and among fjords. Collectively, these results permit us to draw two main conclusions. First, that differences in the relative presence of the genetically highly distinct, migratory ecotype NEAC, declining from north to south and from outer to inner fjord, plays the major role in driving population genetic structure of the Norwegian CC. Second, that there is limited connectivity between CC from different fjords. These results suggest that the current management units implemented for this species in Norway should be divided into smaller entities. Furthermore, the situation where introgression from one ecotype drives population genetic structure of another, as is the case here, may exist in other species and geographical regions, thus creating additional challenges for sustainable fisheries management.publishedVersio

    Stabilizing selection on Atlantic cod supergenes through a millennium of extensive exploitation

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    Life on Earth has been characterized by recurring cycles of ecological stasis and disruption, relating biological eras to geological and climatic transitions through the history of our planet. Due to the increasing degree of ecological abruption caused by human influences many advocate that we now have entered the geological era of the Anthropocene, or “the age of man.” Considering the ongoing mass extinction and ecosystem reshuffling observed worldwide, a better understanding of the drivers of ecological stasis will be a requisite for identifying routes of intervention and mitigation. Ecosystem stability may rely on one or a few keystone species, and the loss of such species could potentially have detrimental effects. The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) has historically been highly abundant and is considered a keystone species in ecosystems of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Collapses of cod stocks have been observed on both sides of the Atlantic and reported to have detrimental effects that include vast ecosystem reshuffling. By whole-genome resequencing we demonstrate that stabilizing selection maintains three extensive “supergenes” in Atlantic cod, linking these genes to species persistence and ecological stasis. Genomic inference of historic effective population sizes shows continued declines for cod in the North Sea–Skagerrak–Kattegat system through the past millennia, consistent with an early onset of the marine Anthropocene through industrialization and commercialization of fisheries throughout the medieval period.publishedVersionPaid open acces

    Stabilizing selection on Atlantic cod supergenes through a millennium of extensive exploitation

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    Life on Earth has been characterized by recurring cycles of ecological stasis and disruption, relating biological eras to geological and climatic transitions through the history of our planet. Due to the increasing degree of ecological abruption caused by human influences many advocate that we now have entered the geological era of the Anthropocene, or “the age of man.” Considering the ongoing mass extinction and ecosystem reshuffling observed worldwide, a better understanding of the drivers of ecological stasis will be a requisite for identifying routes of intervention and mitigation. Ecosystem stability may rely on one or a few keystone species, and the loss of such species could potentially have detrimental effects. The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) has historically been highly abundant and is considered a keystone species in ecosystems of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Collapses of cod stocks have been observed on both sides of the Atlantic and reported to have detrimental effects that include vast ecosystem reshuffling. By whole-genome resequencing we demonstrate that stabilizing selection maintains three extensive “supergenes” in Atlantic cod, linking these genes to species persistence and ecological stasis. Genomic inference of historic effective population sizes shows continued declines for cod in the North Sea–Skagerrak–Kattegat system through the past millennia, consistent with an early onset of the marine Anthropocene through industrialization and commercialization of fisheries throughout the medieval period.publishedVersio