1,060 research outputs found

    On the Gas Surrounding High Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    Francis & Hewett (1993) identified two 10-Mpc scale regions of the high redshift universe that were seemingly very overdense in neutral hydrogen. Subsequent observations showed that at least one of these gas-rich regions enveloped a cluster of galaxies at redshift 2.38. We present improved observations of the three background QSOs with sightlines passing within a few Mpc of this cluster of galaxies. All three QSOs show strong neutral hydrogen absorption at the cluster redshift, suggesting that this cluster (and perhaps all high redshift clusters) may be surrounded by a ~5 Mpc scale region containing ~ 10^12 solar masses of neutral gas. If most high redshift clusters are surrounded by such regions, we show that the gas must be in the form of many small ( 0.03 cm^-3) clouds, each of mass < 10^6 solar masses. These clouds are themselves probably gathered into > 20 kpc sized clumps, which may be galaxy halos or protogalaxies. If this gas exists, it will be partially photoionised by the UV background. We predict the diffuse Ly-alpha flux from this photoionisation, and place observational limits on its intensity.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Witnessing the formation of a brightest cluster galaxy at z>2

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    We present deep observations taken with the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys of the central massive galaxy in a forming cluster at z=2.2. The galaxy hosting the powerful radio source MRC 1138-262 is associated with one of the most extensive merger systems known in the early universe. Our HST/ACS image shows many star-forming galaxies merging within a ~200 kpc region that emits both diffuse line emission and continuum in the rest-frame UV. Because this galaxy lives in an overdense environment, it represents a rare view of a brightest cluster galaxy in formation at z>2 which may serve as a testbed for predictions of massive cluster galaxy formation.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of "The Fate of Gas in Galaxies", Dwingeloo, July 2006, with 2 colour figures. To appear in New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 51 (2007), eds. Morganti, Oosterloo, Villar-Martin & van Gorko

    Evolution in the Escape Fraction of Ionizing Photons and the Decline in Strong Lya Emission from z>6 Galaxies

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    The rapid decline in the number of strong Lyman Alpha (Lya) emitting galaxies at z > 6 provides evidence for neutral hydrogen in the IGM, but is difficult to explain with plausible models for reionization. We demonstrate that the observed reduction in Lya flux from galaxies at z > 6 can be explained by evolution in the escape fraction of ionizing photons, f_esc. We find that the median observed drop in the fraction of galaxies showing strong Lya emission, as well as the observed evolution of the Lya luminosity function both follow from a small increase in f_esc of Delta f_esc ~ 0.1 from f_esc ~ 0.6 at z ~ 6. This high escape fraction may be at odds with current constraints on the ionising photon escape fraction, which favor smaller values of f_esc < 20%. However, models that invoke a redshift evolution of f_ esc that is consistent with these constraints can suppress the z~7 Lya flux to the observed level, if they also include a small evolution in global neutral fraction of Delta x_HI ~ 0.2. Thus, an evolving escape fraction of ionising photons can be a plausible part of the explanation for evolution in the Lya emission of high redshift galaxies. More generally, our analysis also shows that the drop in the Lya fraction is quantitatively consistent with the observed evolution in the Lya luminosity functions of Lya Emitters.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Added references & brief discussion on line shape evolutio

    On the X-ray emission of z~2 radio galaxies: IC scattering of the CMB & no evidence for fully-formed potential wells

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    We present the results of 20 ksec Chandra observations for each of 5 radio galaxies in the redshift range 2.0 < z < 2.6. For 4 of the 5 targets we detect unresolved X-ray components coincident with the radio nuclei. From spectral analysis of one of the cores and comparison to the empirical radio to X-ray luminosity ratio correlation, we find that obscuring material (n(HI)~10^22 cm^-2) may be surrounding the nuclei. We detect X-ray emission coincident with the radio hotspots or lobes in 4 of the 5 targets, which can be explained by Inverse-Compton (IC) scattering of CMB photons. The magnetic field strengths of ~100-200 muG that we derive agree with the equipartition magnetic field strengths. The relative ease with which the lobe X-ray emission is detected is a consequence of the (1+z)^4 increase in the energy density of the CMB. An HST image of one of the sources shows that the X-ray emission could also be produced by a reservoir of hot, shocked gas, as evidenced by a bright, optical bow-shock. By stacking our data we created a deep, 100 ksec exposure to search for diffuse X-ray emission from intra-cluster gas. We detect no diffuse emission and derive upper limits of ~1e+44 erg/s, thereby ruling out a virialized structure of cluster-size scale at z~2. The average number of soft X-ray sources in our fields is consistent with the number density of AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields. Their angular distribution shows no evidence for large-scale structure associated with the radio galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures (3 color figs), 6 tables, Accepted for Publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Spiderweb galaxy: a forming massive cluster galaxy at z~2

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    We present a deep image of the radio galaxy MRC 1138-262 taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) at a redshift of z = 2.2. The galaxy is known to have properties of a cD galaxy progenitor and be surrounded by a 3 Mpc-sized structure, identified with a protocluster. The morphology shown on the new deep HST/ACS image is reminiscent of a spider's web. More than 10 individual clumpy features are observed, apparently star-forming satellite galaxies in the process of merging with the progenitor of a dominant cluster galaxy 11 Gyr ago. There is an extended emission component, implying that star formation was occurring over a 50 times 40 kpc region at a rate of more than 100 M_sun/yr. A striking feature of the newly named ``Spiderweb galaxy'' is the presence of several faint linear galaxies within the merging structure. The dense environments and fast galaxy motions at the centres of protoclusters may stimulate the formation of these structures, which dominate the faint resolved galaxy populations in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The new image provides a unique testbed for simulations of forming dominant cluster galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (reduced to grayscale); ApJ Letter

    Proto-clusters in the Lambda CDM Universe

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    We compare the highly clustered populations of very high redshift galaxies with proto-clusters identified numerically in a standard Λ\LambdaCDM universe (Ω0=0.3,λ0=0.7\Omega_0=0.3, \lambda_0=0.7) simulation. We evolve 256^3 dark matter particles in a comoving box of side 150h^{-1}Mpc. By the present day there are 63 cluster sized objects of mass in excess of 10^{14}h^{-1}Mo in this box. We trace these clusters back to higher redshift finding that their progenitors at z=4--5 are extended regions of typically 20--40 Mpc (comoving) in size, with dark halos of mass in excess of 10^{12}h^{-1}Mo and are overdense by typically 1.3--13 times the cosmological mean density. Comparison with the observation of Lyman alpha emitting (LAEs) galaxies at z=4.86 and at z=4.1 indicates that the observed excess clustering is consistent with that expected for a proto-cluster region if LAEs typically correspond to massive dark halos of more than 10^{12}h^{-1}Mo. We give a brief discussion on the relation between high redshift concentration of massive dark halos and present day rich clusters of galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Observing the very low-surface brightness dwarfs in a deep field in the VIRGO cluster: constraints on Dark Matter scenarios

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    We report the discovery of 11 very faint (r< 23), low surface brightness ({\mu}_r< 27 mag/arcsec^2) dwarf galaxies in one deep field in the Virgo cluster, obtained by the prime focus cameras (LBC) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). These extend our previous sample to reach a total number of 27 galaxies in a field of just of 0.17 deg^2 located at a median distance of 390 kpc from the cluster center. Their association with the Virgo cluster is supported by their separate position in the central surface brightness - total magnitude plane with respect to the background galaxies of similar total magnitude. For a significant fraction (26\%) of the sample the association to the cluster is confirmed by spectroscopic follow-up. We show that the mere abundance of satellite galaxies corresponding to our observed number in the target field provides extremely tight constraints on Dark Matter models with suppressed power spectrum compared to the Cold Dark Matter case, independently of the galaxy luminosity distribution. In particular, requiring the observed number of satellite galaxies not to exceed the predicted abundance of Dark Matter sub-halos yields a limit m_X >3 keV at 1-{\sigma} and m_X > 2.3 keV at 2-{\sigma} confidence level for the mass of thermal Warm Dark Matter particles. Such a limit is competitive with other limits set by the abundance of ultra-faint satellite galaxies in the Milky Way, is completely independent of baryon physics involved in galaxy formation, and has the potentiality for appreciable improvements with next observations. We extend our analysis to Dark Matter models based on sterile neutrinos, showing that our observations set tight constraints on the combination of sterile neutrino mass m_{\nu} and mixing parameter sin^2(2{\theta}). We discuss the robustness of our results with respect to systematics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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