56 research outputs found

    XLO-II, a high-repetition rate X-ray laser oscillator

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    Recently we proposed to build an X-ray laser oscillator (XLO) in the 6-10 keV range providing intense, stable, transform-limited x-ray pulses in the 6-10 keV range, based on an x-ray pulse train operated at 100 Hz repetition rate. Here, we provide an analysis of recent experimental results and theoretical/numerical simulations showing that it is possible to build and operate a second generation x-ray laser oscillator, XLO-II, operating at up to 125 kHz and pumped by 6-10 keV x-ray SASE pulses generated by the new LCLS-II-HE x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) now under construction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. XLO-II will generate transform limited, coherent x-ray pulses, with an average power in the tens of mW range. It will open new experimental capabilities, for instance in fields like imaging, interferometry and quantum x-ray optics. We discuss the recent results leading to this conclusion and present the main characteristics of XLO-II and of its main components, like the optical cavity


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    A silagem de milho é um dos alimentos volumosos empregados em maior quantidade na alimentação de bovinos leiteiros. Existem vários fatores que devem ser observados, desde o plantio até armazenagem, para a produção de uma silagem de qualidade. O tamanho de partículas é um dos principais pontos a serem discutidos, pois possui interferência direta na digestibilidade e na efetividade da fibra no ambiente ruminal. Neste estudo, foram coletadas amostras aleatórias de silagem de milho produzidas por diferentes propriedades da região do Extremo Oeste Catarinense, para a determinação do tamanho de partícula por meio do método Penn State. Apenas 24% das amostras avaliadas apresentaram a fragmentação das partículas em conformidade com ao padrão estabelecido pela metodologia. Os maiores percentuais de amostras fora do padrão exigido pelo método foram observados para a peneira com malha de 1,18 a 8mm e para a peneira que retém partículas maiores que 19 mm. A avaliação do escore de fragmentação das partículas é uma estratégia que permite ajustes no processamento da silagem, possibilitando melhorias na digestibilidade e por consequência no desempenho dos animais

    Defects in AMPAR trafficking and microglia activation underlie socio-cognitive deficits associated to decreased expression of Phosphodiesterase 2A

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    Phosphodiesterase 2 A (PDE2A) is an enzyme involved in the homeostasis of cAMP and cGMP and is the most highly expressed PDE in human brain regions critical for socio-cognitive behavior. In cerebral cortex and hippocampus, PDE2A expression level is upregulated in Fmr1-KO mice, a model of the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Indeed, PDE2A translation is negatively modulated by FMRP, whose functional absence causes FXS. While the pharmacological inhibition of PDE2A has been associated to its pro-cognitive role in normal animals and in models of ID and ASD, homozygous PDE2A mutations have been identified in patients affected by ID, ASD and epilepsy. To clarify this apparent paradox about the role of PDE2A in brain development, we characterized here Pde2a+/− mice (homozygote animals being not viable) at the behavioral, cellular, molecular and electrophysiological levels. Pde2a+/− females display a milder form of the disorder with reduced cognitive performance in adulthood, conversely males show severe socio-cognitive deficits throughout their life. In males, these phenotypes are associated with microglia activation, elevated glutathione levels and increased externalization of Glutamate receptor (GluR1) in CA1, producing reduced mGluR-dependent Long-term Depression. Overall, our results reveal molecular targets of the PDE2A-dependent pathway underlying socio-cognitive performance. These results clarify the mechanism of action of pro-cognitive drugs based on PDE2A inactivation, which have been shown to be promising therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, FXS as well as other forms of ASD

    Bioinformatics in Italy: BITS2011, the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Bioinformatics

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    The BITS2011 meeting, held in Pisa on June 20-22, 2011, brought together more than 120 Italian researchers working in the field of Bioinformatics, as well as students in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biology, Computer Sciences, and Engineering, representing a landscape of Italian bioinformatics research

    A novel caspase 8 selective small molecule potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death

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    Recombinant soluble TRAIL and agonistic antibodies against TRAIL receptors (DR4 and DR5) are currently being created for clinical cancer therapy, due to their selective killing of cancer cells and high safety characteristics. However, resistance to TRAIL and other targeted therapies is an important issue facing current cancer research field. An attractive strategy to sensitize resistant malignancies to TRAIL-induced cell death is the design of small molecules that target and promote caspase 8 activation. For the first time, we describe the discovery and characterization of a small molecule that directly binds caspase 8 and enhances its activation when combined with TRAIL, but not alone. The molecule was identified through an in silico chemical screen for compounds with affinity for the caspase 8 homodimer’s interface. The compound was experimentally validated to directly bind caspase 8, and to promote caspase 8 activation and cell death in single living cells or population of cells, upon TRAIL stimulation. Our approach is a proof-of-concept strategy leading to the discovery of a novel small molecule that not only stimulates TRAIL-induced apoptosis in cancer cells, but may also provide insights into the structure-function relationship of caspase 8 homodimers as putative targets in cancer

    Generation of Intense Phase-Stable Femtosecond Hard X-ray Pulse Pairs

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    Coherent nonlinear spectroscopies and imaging in the X-ray domain provide direct insight into the coupled motions of electrons and nuclei with resolution on the electronic length and time scale. The experimental realization of such techniques will strongly benefit from access to intense, coherent pairs of femtosecond X-ray pulses. We have observed phase-stable X-ray pulse pairs containing more thank 3 x 10e7 photons at 5.9 keV (2.1 Angstrom) with about 1 fs duration and 2-5 fs separation. The highly directional pulse pairs are manifested by interference fringes in the superfluorescent and seeded stimulated manganese K-alpha emission induced by an X-ray free-electron laser. The fringes constitute the time-frequency X-ray analogue of the Young double-slit interference allowing for frequency-domain X-ray measurements with attosecond time resolution.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures, to be publishe

    Artificial graphene as a tunable Dirac material

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    Artificial honeycomb lattices offer a tunable platform to study massless Dirac quasiparticles and their topological and correlated phases. Here we review recent progress in the design and fabrication of such synthetic structures focusing on nanopatterning of two-dimensional electron gases in semiconductors, molecule-by-molecule assembly by scanning probe methods, and optical trapping of ultracold atoms in crystals of light. We also discuss photonic crystals with Dirac cone dispersion and topologically protected edge states. We emphasize how the interplay between single-particle band structure engineering and cooperative effects leads to spectacular manifestations in tunneling and optical spectroscopies.Comment: Review article, 14 pages, 5 figures, 112 Reference

    Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results

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    To what extent are research results influenced by subjective decisions that scientists make as they design studies? Fifteen research teams independently designed studies to answer fiveoriginal research questions related to moral judgments, negotiations, and implicit cognition. Participants from two separate large samples (total N > 15,000) were then randomly assigned to complete one version of each study. Effect sizes varied dramatically across different sets of materials designed to test the same hypothesis: materials from different teams renderedstatistically significant effects in opposite directions for four out of five hypotheses, with the narrowest range in estimates being d = -0.37 to +0.26. Meta-analysis and a Bayesian perspective on the results revealed overall support for two hypotheses, and a lack of support for three hypotheses. Overall, practically none of the variability in effect sizes was attributable to the skill of the research team in designing materials, while considerable variability was attributable to the hypothesis being tested. In a forecasting survey, predictions of other scientists were significantly correlated with study results, both across and within hypotheses. Crowdsourced testing of research hypotheses helps reveal the true consistency of empirical support for a scientific claim.</div

    Platform Competition with Endogenous Multihoming

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