27 research outputs found

    Samsun ili ve çevresindeki atopik dermatitisli köpeklerde serum spesifik IgE tespiti ile alerjen tayini

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    Bu çalışma ile Samsun ili ve çevresindeki Atopik Dermatitis (AD)’li köpeklerde ilk kez serum spesifik immunoglobin E (IgE) ile alerjen profillerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Değişik ırk, cinsiyet ve yaşlardaki 21 adet köpeğe Favrot Kriterleri ile AD teşhisi konulmuştur. Köpeklere ait serum örnekleri serolojik olarak 20 farklı alerjene spesifik IgE yönünden incelenmiştir. AD’li köpeklerde 20 farklı alerjenin görülme oranlarına cinsiyet, yaş ve beslenme şekillerinin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Samsun ili ve çevresindeki AD’li köpeklerdeki farklı alerjen profilleri arasında en yüksek %95 oranında ev tozu akarı Dermatophagoides farinae seropozitifliği saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte köpeklerde farklı oranlarda diğer alerjenlere yönelik seropozitiflik saptanmıştır. Dişi köpeklerde erkek köpeklere oranla sadece Ctenocephalides spp. seropozitifliğinin yüksek olduğu istatistiksel olarak tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Bununla birlikte AD’li köpeklerde yaş ve beslenme şekillerinin alerjen görülme sıklığına etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir (p>0,05). Samsun ili ve çevresindeki AD’li köpeklerde ev tozu ile depo akarlarının serum spesifik IgE değerlerinin çok yüksek oranlarda pozitiflik verdiği saptanmıştır.It is aimed to detect allergen determination via serum specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) for the first time in dogs diagnosed as Atopic Dermatitis (AD) from Samsun and vicinity within this present study. Twenty one dogs with different age, breed and gender diagnosed with AD based up on the Favrot’s criteria. Serum samples of the dogs were analyzed by detection of serum specific IgE for determination of 20 different allergens. The effects of gender, age and the feeding routes for those 20 different allergens separately were analyzed. Based up on the grading of the allergens detected in 21 dogs with AD from Samsun and vicinity; results reflects that Dermatophagoides farinae was stated as first degree within a very high seropositivity rate (95%). Moreover, in varying degree of seropositivitiy rates of other allergens were also detected. Females showed statistically (p<0.05) higher positivity rate to the 20th allergen, Ctenocephalides spp. more than males. Furthermore, we did not found any significant effects of age and feeding routes on the allergens in the dogs with AD (p>0.05). Dogs with AD from Samsun and vicinity had very high serum specific IgE levels against to the house dust and storage mites. Keywords: Allergen, Atopic dermatitis, Dog, Samsun, Specific Ig

    Molecular characterization of Demodex Canis (Acarina: Demodicidae) in Domestic Dogs (Canis Familiaris)

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    Kanin demodikozis (KD) Demodex akarlarının (Acarina: Demodicidae) kıl köklerinde ve yağ bezlerinde aşırı çoğalmasının neden olduğu inflamatuar bir deri hastalığıdır. Bugüne kadar evcil köpeklerde Canis familiaris bildirilen üç Demodex türü D. canis, D. injai ve D. cornei’dir. Türkiye’de pet köpeklerinde Demodex spp.’nin morfolojik identifikasyonu ile ilgili raporlar vardır. Buna rağmen Türkiye'de evcil köpeklerde Demodex akarlarının iyi tanımlanmış mitokondriyal DNA gen sekanslarının moleküler karakterizasyonu ile ilgili raporlar yoktur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de evcil köpeklerde (Canis familiaris) D. canis üzerine ilk moleküler karakterizasyon verilerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Demodex akarları KD'li köpeklerin deri kazıntılarından elde edildi ve mikroskobik incelemeler ile D. canis olarak teşhis edildi. Mitokondriyal DNA’nın 12S rRNA geni çoğaltıldı, sekanslandı ve Genbank’ta BLAST analizleriyle mevcut bilinen Demodex sekansları ile karşılaştırıldı. Araştırmada elde edilen D. canis izolatı (DP-Samsun, MH374631) Çin’de daha önce köpeklerde rapor edilen D. canis 12S rRNA gen sekansı (KX264486, Demo.can2) ile % 100 (474/474) olarak eşleşti. Türkiye'den D. canis'in 12S rRNA dizisi (MH374631) ile Çin'den rapor edilmiş D. canis izolatlarının (KX264486-88) 12S rRNA sekansları arasındaki ikili hizalama analizleri % 0,0 ile % 0,6 arasında değişen farklılıkları ortaya çıkarmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu araştırma ile Türkiye’de ilk kez evcil köpeklerde D. canis türünün moleküler karakterizasyonu mitokondriyal DNA sekansları kullanarak sağlandı.Canine demodicosis (CD) is an inflammatory skin disease caused by excessive proliferation of Demodex mites (Acarina: Demodicidae) former in the dogs’ follicles latter in the sebaceous glands. To date Demodex canis, D. injai, and D. cornei are the three Demodex species that recognized in the domestic dog Canis familiaris. There are reports of morphological identification of Demodex spp. from pet dogs in Turkey. Nevertheless there had been no reports of characterizing the Demodex mite from pet dogs in Turkey using well-defined mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. The aim of the present study is to reveal first molecular characterization data on D. canis infesting domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) in Turkey. Demodex mites were obtained from skin scrapings of dogs with CD and identified microscopically as D. canis. The mitochondrial DNA 12S (mtDNA 12S) rRNA gene amplified, sequenced and compared with available Demodex sequences in Genbank using BLAST analyses. D. canis isolate (DP-Samsun, MH374631) obtained in the study matched 100% (474/474) with previously reported gene sequences for the 12S rRNA of mtDNA in D. canis (KX264486, isolate Demo.can2) from dogs in China. Pairwise comparison between the 12S rRNA sequences of the D. canis from Turkey (MH374631) and other mtDNA rRNA gene of D. canis isolates from China (KX264486-88) presented differences ranging from 0.0 to 0.6 %. In conclusion, within the present study, we provided the molecular characterization of D. canis in domestic dogs for the first time by sequencing of the partial mtDNA in Turkey

    Molecular Detection of Zoonotic Microsporidia in Domestic Cats in Turkey: A Preliminary Study

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    ObjectiveThis preliminary study was conducted to reveal that the molecular identity of Encephalitozoon spp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in indoor domestic cats' fecal samples from Turkey was screened using the PCR.Materials and MethodsNested PCR was performed using MSP and EBITS primers.All of the amplification products were sequenced to identify the microsporidia species.ResultsFour (5.5%) and three (4.1%) genomic DNA isolates of the fecal samples from 72 indoor domestic cats showed amplification of the ITS regions of E. bieneusi and Encephalitozoon spp., respectively. Two different genotypes, D and IV, of E. bieneusi were determined in two cats each based on the ITS sequence analyses. Moreover, Encephalitozoon spp. sequence analyses revealed three isolates belonging to E. intestinalis.ConclusionsThispreliminary study has provided the first molecular data on the zoonotic genotypes of E. bieneusi and E. intestinalis in cats in Turkey. Furthermore, E. bieneusi genotype IV (accession number MG727664) was submitted to GenBank for the first time in the Western Palearctic Region as hosted by a domestic cat. Additionally, E. intestinalis (accession number MG570080) was also submitted to GenBank as a valid ITS sequence for the first time as hosted by a domestic cat worldwide

    Evaluation of serum cystatinC concentrations in dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis

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    To assess glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in dogs naturally infected by D. immitis new renal marker serum cystatinC (sCysC) was measured with canine CysC ELISA kit. Twenty infected microfilaremic-seropositive and 20 amicrofilaremic and seronegative dogs evaluated in the study. Serum urea and creatinine (sCre) concentrations were measured in both groups. Mean sCysC concentrations in infected dogs were detected as 2.40 mg/L and 2.30 mg/L in controls. Mean serum urea 9.97 mmol/L and sCre 116.24 mu mol/L concentrations in infected and in the uninfected group detected as 11.92 mmol/L and 128.62 mu mol/L, respectively. Including mean sCysC and sCre concentrations with mean serum Urea:Cre ratio were not statistically differed between the groups. On the other hand, serum urea concentrations were statistically differed between groups. Based on the results of the present study, it is concluded that, sCysC concentrations seemed to be not altered in dogs with D. immitis infection

    Suspected anesthesia associated esophageal stricture formation in a cat

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    The case of esophageal stricture of a one year-old queen that occurred after three anesthesia applications (one for ovariohysterectomy and the others for incisional wound complications) in two weeks was presented.Barium contrast esophagography provided the diagnosis of esophageal stricture located at the distal of thoracic esophagus, at the level of intercostal distance of 9-10 in mediastinum caudale. Feeding with canned food placed on a higher surface was recommended in order to prevent regurgitation and it was observed that regurgitation recovered in three days. Contrast radiography taken a month and a year later showed that location diagnosed as stricture was anatomically normal. In conclusion, repeated ane sthesia performed with xylazine HCl and ketamine HCl in two weeks may contribute in developing esophageal stricture in cats and feeding with soft food from a higher surface may be preferred before any surgical treatment