622 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional face recognition: An Eigensurface approach

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    We evaluate a new approach to face recognition using a variety of surface representations of three-dimensional facial structure. Applying principal component analysis (PCA), we show that high levels of recognition accuracy can be achieved on a large database of 3D face models, captured under conditions that present typical difficulties to more conventional two-dimensional approaches. Applying a ran-c of image processing, techniques we identify the most effective surface representation for use in such application areas as security surveillance, data compression and archive searching

    The application of prerefining for steelmaking processes

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    MANY PROCESSES have been developed for the pretreatment of pig iron before its final refining in open-hearth furnaces. At the turn of this century the 'washed metal' process, deVeloped in 1890 by Campbell,' was used in the USA to remove silicon and phosphorus from pig iron before final steelmaking in the acid open-hearth process. About this time the Bertrand Thiel process,2 Hoesch and Talbot processes3 and the Monel process" were developed. These processes were chemically attractive, but were abandoned because of excessive iron losses due to chill- ing and difficulties in the maintenance of the refractor-ies in the vessels utilized. However, the advantages of working with prerefined metal of known and regular comp-osition were proved inasmuch as the processes were flexi-ble and variations in technique could be employed to suit variable conditions. The heat developed during prerefining can be utilized either to melt up unwieldy pit scrap or, alternatively, ore can be used to control temperature with an attendant useful gain in yield

    Mining software metrics from Jazz

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    In this paper, we describe the extraction of source code metrics from the Jazz repository and the application of data mining techniques to identify the most useful of those metrics for predicting the success or failure of an attempt to construct a working instance of the software product. We present results from a systematic study using the J48 classification method. The results indicate that only a relatively small number of the available software metrics that we considered have any significance for predicting the outcome of a build. These significant metrics are discussed and implication of the results discussed, particularly the relative difficulty of being able to predict failed build attempts

    Classical, novel and atypical isoforms of PKC stimulate ANF- and TRE/AP-1-regulated-promoter activity in ventricular cardiomyocytes

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    Cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were co-transfected with expression plasmids encoding protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms from each of the PKC subfamilies (classical PKC-α, novel PKC-ε or atypical PKC-ξ) together with an atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) reporter plasmid. Each PKC had been rendered constitutively active by a single Ala→Glu mutation or a small deletion in the inhibitory pseudosubstrate site. cPKC-α, nPKC-ε or aPKC-ξ expression plasmids each stimulated ANF-promoter activity and expression of a reporter gene under the control of a 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate-response element (TRE). Upregulation of the ANF promoter is characteristic of the hypertrophic response in the heart ventricle and a TRE is present in the ANF promoter. Thus all subfamilies of PKC may have the potential to contribute to hypertrophic response in cardiomyocytes

    Targets downstream of Cdk8 in Dictyostelium development.

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    RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are.BACKGROUND: Cdk8 is a component of the mediator complex which facilitates transcription by RNA polymerase II and has been shown to play an important role in development of Dictyostelium discoideum. This eukaryote feeds as single cells but starvation triggers the formation of a multicellular organism in response to extracellular pulses of cAMP and the eventual generation of spores. Strains in which the gene encoding Cdk8 have been disrupted fail to form multicellular aggregates unless supplied with exogenous pulses of cAMP and later in development, cdk8- cells show a defect in spore production. RESULTS: Microarray analysis revealed that the cdk8- strain previously described (cdk8-HL) contained genome duplications. Regeneration of the strain in a background lacking detectable gene duplication generated strains (cdk8-2) with identical defects in growth and early development, but a milder defect in spore generation, suggesting that the severity of this defect depends on the genetic background. The failure of cdk8- cells to aggregate unless rescued by exogenous pulses of cAMP is consistent with a failure to express the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A. However, overexpression of the gene encoding this protein was not sufficient to rescue the defect, suggesting that this is not the only important target for Cdk8 at this stage of development. Proteomic analysis revealed two potential targets for Cdk8 regulation, one regulated post-transcriptionally (4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPD)) and one transcriptionally (short chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR1)). CONCLUSIONS: This analysis has confirmed the importance of Cdk8 at multiple stages of Dictyostelium development, although the severity of the defect in spore production depends on the genetic background. Potential targets of Cdk8-mediated gene regulation have been identified in Dictyostelium which will allow the mechanism of Cdk8 action and its role in development to be determined.Published versio

    Interferometry with few photons

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    Optical phase determination is an important and established tool in diverse fields such as astronomy, biology, or quantum optics. There is increasing interest in using a lower number of total photons. However, different noise sources, such as electronic readout noise in the detector, and shot noise, hamper the phase estimation in regimes of very low illumination. Here we report a study on how the quality of phase determination is affected by these two sources of noise. To that end, we experimentally reconstruct different wavefronts by means of a point diffraction interferometer for different mean intensities of illumination, up to 15 phot/px15\ \mathrm{phot/px}. Our interferometer features a Skipper-CCD sensor, which allows us to reduce the readout noise arbitrarily, thus enabling us to separate the effect of these two sources of noise. For two cases of interest: a spatial qudit encoding phase, consisting of d = 6 uniform phase regions, and a more general continuous phase, we see that reducing the readout noise leads to a clear improvement in the quality of reconstruction. This can be explained by a simple noise model that allows us to predict the expected fidelity of reconstruction and shows excellent agreement with the measurements

    Assessment of novel gear designs to reduce interactions between species

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    This project tested modified gillnets designed by commercial net fishers in the Queensland East Coast Inshore Finfish Fishery (ECIFF) to try and identify gears that would mitigate and/or improve interactions between fishing nets and Species of Conservation Interest (SOCI). The study also documents previously unrecognised initiatives by pro-active commercial net fishers that reflect a conservation-minded approach to their fishing practices, which is the opposite of what is perceived publicly. Between 2011 and 2014, scientists from James Cook University and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries teamed with commercial fishers representing the Queensland Seafood Industry Association and the Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association to conduct field trials of various modified net designs under normal fishery conditions. Trials were conducted in Moreton Bay (southern part of the fishery) and Bowling Green Bay (northern) and tested different net designs developed by fishers to improve the nature of interactions between net fishing gear and SOCI

    Ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: Data report

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    An ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Region was undertaken in 2010 and 2011. It assessed the risks posed by this fishery to achieving fishery-related and broader ecological objectives of both the Queensland and Australian governments, including risks to the values and integrity of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The risks assessed included direct and indirect effects on the species caught in the fishery as well as on the structure and functioning of the ecosystem. This ecosystem-based approach included an assessment of the impacts on harvested species, by-catch, species of conservation concern, marine habitats, species assemblages and ecosystem processes. The assessment took into account current management arrangements and fishing practices at the time of the assessment. The main findings of the assessment were: Current risk levels from trawling activities are generally low. Some risks from trawling remain. Risks from trawling have reduced in the Great Barrier Reef Region. Trawl fishing effort is a key driver of ecological risk. Zoning has been important in reducing risks. Reducing identified unacceptable risks requires a range of management responses. The commercial fishing industry is supportive and being proactive. Further reductions in trawl by-catch, high compliance with rules and accurate information from ongoing risk monitoring are important. Trawl fishing is just one of the sources of risk to the Great Barrier Reef