7,162 research outputs found

    Save Maryam: Islam, Toleration and Religious-Exclusivism in Social Media

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    Munginkan eksklusivisme agama bisa dihadapi di media sosial? Revolusi media yang sedemikian rupa telah membuka kemungkinan bagi lembaga-lembaga keagamaan untuk menjangkau pengikutnya dalam kisaran yang lebih luas. Makalah ini akan mengamati gagasan menghadapi eksklusivisme agama ini di media sosial dengan mempertimbangkan re-konseptualisasi gagasan konvensional toleransi di era media sosial. Untuk menilai argumen ini, secara hati-hati diuji tanggapan pemuda Indonesia terhadap video bermain pendek, berjudul bintang Maryam yang dapat didownload di media sosial, seperti Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, dan blog terkait lainnya. Dengan analisis semca ini, kami berpendapat bahwa toleransi dapat didefinisikan sebagai upaya budaya untuk menghadapi eksklusivisme agama

    Analisa Pengaruh Penggunaan Benchmarking terhadap Keunggulan Berssaing dan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara benchmarking terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja Perusahaan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah manajer Perusahaan yang ada di Surabaya dan minimal memiliki pengalaman kerja selama satu tahun. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya hubungan antara benchmarking dengan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja keuangan Perusahaan. Benchmarking yang digunakan pada pene­litian ini dijelaskan dengan menggunakan lima tahapan benchmarking yaitu plan, search, observe, analyze, dan adapt. Keunggulan bersaing yang digunakan pada pene­litian ini dijelaskan dengan menggunakan indikator harga, kualitas, delivery dependable, inovasi produk, dan time to market. Kinerja Perusahaan yang digunakan pada pene­litian ini dijelaskan dengan menggunakan ukuran kinerja keuangan dan non keuangan

    Preferred levels for background ducking to produce esthetically pleasing audio for TV with clear speech

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    In audio production, background ducking facilitates speech intelligibility while allowing the background to fulfill its purpose, e.g., to create ambience, set the mood, or convey semantic cues. Technical details for recommended ducking practices are not currently documented in the literature. Hence, we first analyzed common practices found in TV documentaries. Second, a listening test investigated the preferences of 22 normal-hearing participants on the Loud- ness Difference (LD) between commentary and background during ducking. Highly personal preferences were observed, highlighting the importance of object-based personalization. Sta- tistically significant difference was found between non-expert and expert listeners. On average, non-experts preferred LDs that were 4 LU higher than the ones preferred by experts. A sta- tistically significant difference was also found between Commentary over Music (CoM) and Commentary over Ambience (CoA). Based on the test results, we recommend at least 10 LU difference for CoM and at least 15 LU for CoA. Moreover, a computational method based on the Binaural Distortion-Weighted Glimpse Proportion (BiDWGP) was found to match the median preferred LD for each item with good accuracy (mean absolute error = 1.97 LU ± 2.50)

    Prospective Search Warrants In Florida: You Had Better Not Send Your Drugs Home In The Mail!

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    Unfortunately, the State of Florida is one of the most popular points of entry for illicit narcotics into the country

    Online but off-topic: Establishing common ground in small learning groups

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    There is not yet a great deal of research in formal online learning environments focusing on the seemingly “off-topic” conversations that small groups engage in as they complete learning tasks together. This study uses the theory of common ground as a framework to explore what participants are talking about when not discussing the concepts to be learned and how participants negotiate common ground in distance learning environments, including their use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools. The email, discussion forum, and chat transcripts of ten small groups comprised of experienced distance learners were investigated using computer-mediated discourse analysis, particularly attending to functional moves exchanged while completing tasks. Findings were as follows. First, groups talked more about off-topic issues such as logistics, social and technology concerns than they did the concepts to be learned. Second, they used the discussion forum more than chat or e-mail, but they did not vary much in their choice of mode for talking about particular topics. Finally, the groups established common ground through being explicitly responsive, responsible, and relational. Implications are that highly structured learning tasks should be balanced with more open-ended discussions that require less attention to logistic detail, students should be encouraged to attend to grounding strategies and should remain in the same groups long enough to develop such strategies

    Canto XXXIII

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    Momentum-resolved study of the saturation intensity in multiple ionization

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    We present a momentum-resolved study of strong field multiple ionization of ionic targets. Using a deconvolution method we are able to reconstruct the electron momenta from the ion momentum distributions after multiple ionization up to four sequential ionization steps. This technique allows an accurate determination of the saturation intensity as well as of the electron release times during the laser pulse. The measured results are discussed in comparison to typically used models of over-the-barrier ionization and tunnel ionization