268 research outputs found

    3D model fitting for facial expression analysis under uncontrolled imaging conditions

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the recovering of 3D pose and animation of the human face in a monocular single image under uncontrolled imaging conditions. Our goal is to fit a 3D animated model in a face image with possibly large variations of head pose and facial expressions. Our data were acquired from filmed epileptic seizures of patients undergoing investigation in the videotelemetry 1unit, La Timone hospital, Marseille, France

    Creep stability of the proposed AIDA mission target 65803 Didymos: I. Discrete cohesionless granular physics model

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    As the target of the proposed Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) mission, the near-Earth binary asteroid 65803 Didymos represents a special class of binary asteroids, those whose primaries are at risk of rotational disruption. To gain a better understanding of these binary systems and to support the AIDA mission, this paper investigates the creep stability of the Didymos primary by representing it as a cohesionless self-gravitating granular aggregate subject to rotational acceleration. To achieve this goal, a soft-sphere discrete element model (SSDEM) capable of simulating granular systems in quasi-static states is implemented and a quasi-static spin-up procedure is carried out. We devise three critical spin limits for the simulated aggregates to indicate their critical states triggered by reshaping and surface shedding, internal structural deformation, and shear failure, respectively. The failure condition and mode, and shear strength of an aggregate can all be inferred from the three critical spin limits. The effects of arrangement and size distribution of constituent particles, bulk density, spin-up path, and interparticle friction are numerically explored. The results show that the shear strength of a spinning self-gravitating aggregate depends strongly on both its internal configuration and material parameters, while its failure mode and mechanism are mainly affected by its internal configuration. Additionally, this study provides some constraints on the possible physical properties of the Didymos primary based on observational data and proposes a plausible formation mechanism for this binary system. With a bulk density consistent with observational uncertainty and close to the maximum density allowed for the asteroid, the Didymos primary in certain configurations can remain geo-statically stable without including cohesion.Comment: 66 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Icarus on 25/Aug/201

    Banc de test pour stent

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    L'invention concerne un banc test pour stents, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une pompe (2) non volumétrique dont l'entrée est raccordée à un réservoir (4) de liquide sanguin ouvert et dont la sortie est reliée à une canalisation (6) d'alimentation d'au moins une éprouvette (8), formée d'un tronçon artériel (10) équipé d'un stent et une canalisation de by-pass (13) équipée d'une restriction (14) de section réglable, l'éprouvette étant reliée à un collecteur (12) de retour du fluide au réservoir (4), les moyens (11) de connexion de l'éprouvette au circuit étant démontables, ce collecteur (12) étant équipé d'un régulateur (17) de pression et un capteur de débit (16) à la sortie de l'éprouvette, la canalisation d'alimentation (6) comportant un capteur de pression à la sortie de la pompe (1), la commande de la pompe étant assurée par une électronique (3) de commande de l'alimentation électrique de son moteur (2) apte à reproduire les phases systoliques et diastoliques du cycle cardiaque, lesdits capteurs (15,16) étant reliés à une carte d'acquisition de données de maniÚre à surveiller le fonctionnement de la pompe, l'éprouvette étant logée dans un milieu nutritif (18) pour le tissu artériel, le réservoir ouvert (4) étant adapté à une oxygénation du liquide sanguin et l'ensemble du circuit hydraulique étant logé dans une enceinte (21) à température régulée

    Cities and their water socio-footprint: a dynamic socio-technical network

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    International audienceThrough examples of interactions among urban and rural areas we have built the concept of urban water socio-footprint, on the basis of concepts of water and urban footprints. This urban water socio-footprint entails making explicit the socio-technical network which disseminates the impact of urban activities on water system or due to their specific needs towards water system. Animating this footprint with people, their dynamics and migration, their concerns about various places leads to couple the dynamics of water system and land use in the whole urban systems, including built and non built, cultivated and non cultivated areas. This raises the issue of the existence of institutions to take in charger the links which are emerging through these multiple sources of interdependences

    Characteristics of the naturalized flora of Southern Africa largely reflect the non‐random introduction of alien species for cultivation

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    Biological invasions are one of the most defining features of the Anthropocene. Most studies on biological invasions focus on the later stages of the invasion process, that is after species have already become naturalized. It is frequently overlooked, however, that patterns in origin, phylogeny and traits of naturalized alien species might largely reflect which species have been introduced in the first place. Here, we quantify and assess such introduction biases by analyzing 5317 plant species introduced for cultivation (i.e. primarily as ornamental garden plants) in the 10 countries composing Southern Africa. We show that this cultivated alien flora represents a non-random subset of the global flora and that this bias at the introduction stage largely contributes to patterns in geographic origin, phylogenetic composition and traits of the naturalized flora. For example, while species from Australasia are, compared to the global flora, disproportionally overrepresented in the naturalized cultivated flora of Southern Africa, this pattern is driven by their higher likelihood of introduction for cultivation. The same is true for the overrepresentation of free-standing woody species in the naturalized cultivated flora. The strong phylogenetic clustering of the naturalized cultivated flora is also, to a large extent, driven by introduction bias. Although functional traits explained little variation in naturalization success of cultivated plants, naturalization success was more likely for plants with intermediate seed mass and height and high specific leaf area. Thus, despite strong biases in which species have been introduced to Southern Africa, there are significant patterns in the species characteristics related to naturalization probability. Our quantification of introduction biases demonstrates that they are huge, and that accounting for it is important to avoid over- or under-emphasizing the characteristics of successfully naturalized alien plants
