17 research outputs found


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    En las actuales circunstancias de da帽o al ambiente, que se evidencian a trav茅s de los cambios clim谩ticos y el deterioro de la calidad de vida, se ha ido haciendo primordial impulsar los trabajos que promuevan cambios de comportamiento a favor de la recuperaci贸n y preservaci贸n del ambiente. Por este motivo, presentamos la evaluaci贸n psicom茅trica de un instrumento de medici贸n de actitudes pro ambientales en ni帽os con la finalidad de que pueda ser utilizado en el 谩mbito local. El instrumento original, a partir del cual se hizo la traducci贸n y adaptaci贸n de contenidos, es el Children鈥檚 Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale [CATES] de Musser y Malkus (1994). Con el objetivo de evaluar algunas propiedades psicom茅tricas de la escala resultante de dicha adaptaci贸n, la misma fue aplicada a una muestra de 227 estudiantes, perteneciente a dos escuelas p煤blicas venezolanas donde se realizaban programas escolares de reciclaje. A los fines de la validaci贸n del instrumento, se realiz贸 un an谩lisis factorial de componentes principales con rotaci贸n Varimax. Como resultado se propone la Escala de Medici贸n de Actitudes Pro ambientales Infantiles [EMAPI] que presenta dos subescalas de actitudes hacia el ambiente y cuya consistencia interna result贸 ser alta (= .626). Este trabajo contribuye al estudio de la formaci贸n de actitudes en actividades escolares de educaci贸n ambiental, ofreciendo un instrumento v谩lido y confiable para evaluar la actitud pro ambiental para ni帽os de edad escolar en el contexto venezolano. 鈭漃alabras claves: Actitudes Pro Ambientales infantiles; Escala de medici贸n de actitudes; Educaci贸n Ambiental.PSICOMETRIC EVALUATION OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR MEASURING CHILDREN PRO ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES IN VENEZUELAN SCHOOLSAbstractIn the current circumstances of environmental damage that we can see through climatic changes and deterioration of quality of life, it has become paramount to promote behavioral change towards the recovery and preservation of the environment. We introduce here the psychometric assessment of an instrument translated and adapted for measuring environmental attitudes in children, to be used at the local level. The original instrument was named the Children's Attitudes toward the Environment Scale [CATES], presented by Musser and Malkus (1994). For adaptation and evaluation of some psychometric properties of this scale, the instrument was applied to a sample of 227 students from two venezuelan public schools where recycling programs had been conducted. For instrument validation, a principal components analysis with Varimax rotation was performed. As a result, we propose one Escala de Medici贸n de Actitudes Pro ambientales Infantiles [EMAPI], with two subscales of attitudes towards the environment and whose internal consistency was high (伪= .626). This work contributes to the study of attitudes formation in environmental education school activities, providing a reliable and valid instrument for assessing pro environmental attitude of school children in Venezuelan context.Keywords: Pro Environmental Children Attitudes; Attitudes Scale; Environmental Education

    Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world

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    Personal and political action on climate change is traditionally thought to be motivated by people accepting its reality and importance. However, convincing the public that climate change is real faces powerful ideological obstacles1, 2, 3, 4, and climate change is slipping in public importance in many countries5, 6. Here we investigate a different approach, identifying whether potential co-benefits of addressing climate change7 could motivate pro-environmental behaviour around the world for both those convinced and unconvinced that climate change is real. We describe an integrated framework for assessing beliefs about co-benefits8, distinguishing social conditions (for example, economic development, reduced pollution or disease) and community character (for example, benevolence, competence). Data from all inhabited continents (24 countries; 6,196 participants) showed that two co-benefit types, Development (economic and scientific advancement) and Benevolence (a more moral and caring community), motivated public, private and financial actions to address climate change to a similar degree as believing climate change is important. Critically, relationships were similar for both convinced and unconvinced participants, showing that co-benefits can motivate action across ideological divides. These relationships were also independent of perceived climate change importance, and could not be explained by political ideology, age, or gender. Communicating co-benefits could motivate action on climate change where traditional approaches have stalled

    Espacios y mantenimiento de la salud: Comparaci贸n de datos venezolanos y estadounidenses

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    The work reviews space characteristics used to ease daily depression states. It has a double objective: (a) compare results with other authors study on different physical/cultural environment and; (b) present a referential frame to insert this environmental nature study in psychology of health scope, prevention area. Stress theory and its coping processes are set out as referential theoretical frame for this type of work, considering that physical environment maintains moderates and heels on health-disease continuum. Literature revision endorses nature beneficial effect on human health. Venezuelan study was applied on 242 university students and adopts data collection instrument and analysis typologies of an American report. Among the results it was observed that studied population distribution related to types of process of humor change, differs in its distribution when compared with the American study; nevertheless, used spaces types and qualities provided do not vary qualitatively.El trabajo revisa las caracter铆sticas de los espacios utilizados para aliviar estados de depresi贸n cotidiana, pero se presenta con un doble objetivo: (a) comparar resultados con un estudio realizado por otros autores en un ambiente f铆sico/cultural diferente al nuestro y; (b) presentar un marco de referencia para insertar este tipo de estudio de car谩cter ambiental en el 谩mbito de la psicolog铆a de la salud en el 谩rea de prevenci贸n. La teor铆a sobre estr茅s y sus procesos de afrontamiento se propone como marco te贸rico referencial para este tipo de trabajos, considerando el ambiente f铆sico como mantenedor, moderador y curador en el continuo saludenfermedad y se presenta una revisi贸n de la literatura que respalda el efecto ben茅fico de la naturaleza en la salud humana. El estudio venezolano se realiz贸 con 242 estudiantes universitarios y se adopt贸 el instrumento de recolecci贸n de datos y las tipolog铆as de an谩lisis de un reporte estadounidense. Entre los resultados se observ贸 que la distribuci贸n de la poblaci贸n estudiada, en relaci贸n a los tipos de proceso de cambio de humor, difiere en su distribuci贸n cuando se compara con el estudio estadounidense, sin embargo, los tipos de espacios utilizados y las cualidades de las que 茅stos proveen no var铆an cualitativamente

    Impacto en componentes conductuales pro ambientales de los programas de reciclaje en escuelas venezolanas

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    Recycling programs in schools could be a valid alternative to formal environmental education leading to changes for increasingly proenvironment behaviors. Its application could lead to benefit the environment and its impact on the quality of life, and further in the implementation of Venezuelan laws that foresee education as a guiding principle for the comprehensive management of garbage and solid waste. It also advocates for changes leading to behaviors prescribed by the law rather than law enforcement. In this regard, the present study evaluated the efficacy of school recycling programs on environmental behaviors, through the analysis of components of models that explain the formation of attitudes and pro-environment behaviors. A descriptive study was conducted with 243 questionnaires to children 8 to 12 years old from two public schools, complemented with interviews to key informants. Among the most relevant results we found that with the recycling program锟絪 behavior gets self reinforced, and three new categories of importance attached to recycling were identified compared to those rated by other authors: prudence, quality of life and self reinforce. In general we could conclude that students who were recycling internalized conservationist element that guide toward recycling and expressed pro-environment attitudes, pointing to confirm the efficacy of recycling school programs in the formation of favorable beliefs and knowledge toward the environment.Los programas de reciclaje en escuelas podr铆an ser una alternativa v谩lida de educaci贸n ambiental formal conducente a cambios hacia conductas cada vez m谩s pro ambientales. Su aplicaci贸n podr铆a tener repercusi贸n tanto en el ambiente como en la calidad de vida y, adem谩s, en la implementaci贸n de leyes venezolanas que prev茅n la educaci贸n como un principio rector de la gesti贸n integral de los residuos y desechos s贸lidos. De esta forma podr铆amos propiciar los comportamientos indicados por la norma antes que su imposici贸n legal. A este fin el presente estudio evalu贸 la eficacia de programas de reciclaje escolares sobre el comportamiento ambiental, a trav茅s del an谩lisis de componentes de modelos que explican la formaci贸n de actitudes y comportamientos pro ambientales. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo con 243 cuestionarios a ni帽os de 8 a 12 a帽os de edad de dos escuelas p煤blicas, complementados con informaci贸n de entrevistas a informantes clave. Entre los resultados m谩s relevantes se obtuvo que con la implementaci贸n del programa, la conducta del reciclaje se auto-refuerza, y se identificaron tres nuevas categor铆as de importancia asignada al reciclaje respecto a las clasificaciones hechas por otros autores: prudencia, calidad de vida y auto refuerzo. En general se pudo concluir que los alumnos que reciclaban interiorizaron el elemento conservacionista que orienta al reciclaje y manifestaban actitudes pro ambientales, apuntando a confirmar la eficacia del reciclaje escolar en la formaci贸n de creencias y conocimientos favorables

    Proposta para uma estrat茅gia did谩tica em educa莽茫o ambiental: a observa莽茫o das aves

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    La observaci贸n de aves es una actividad de ocio que podemos ubicar en el 谩mbito educativo en la categor铆a de juego did谩ctico. El objetivo del trabajo es proponerla como estrategia did谩ctica, para crear sensibilidad hacia la biodiversidad e incentivar su valorizaci贸n en el contexto natural y en el urbano, as铆 como promover una actitud reflexiva sobre el efecto de la urbanizaci贸n. Como resultado de una investigaci贸n que revis贸 los conocimientos sobre la avifauna urbana, sugerimos esta estrategia caracterizada por: trabajar con diversos niveles de escolaridad, acercar al estudiante al objeto de estudio, las aves y en general la naturaleza, y estimular varios sentidos. Exponemos una descripci贸n de los componentes de la actividad como estrategia did谩ctica con ejemplos de los contenidos pedag贸gicos que pueden ser [email protected]@[email protected] is a recreational activity that can be considered as an educational game. The objective of this study is to propose this activity as a teaching strategy to increase sensibility towards biodiversity in both rural and urban areas, and promote reflection towards the effect of urban development. Birdwatching is recommended at all school levels since it stimulate student sensibility. Some aspects of this activity are offered together with examples of how this can be included in various educational contents.A observa莽茫o das aves 茅 uma atividade de lazer que se pode incluir, no 芒mbito educativo, dentro da categoria de jogos did谩ticos. O objetivo deste trabalho 茅 propor a observa莽茫o das aves como uma estrat茅gia did谩tica para fomentar a sensibilidade pela biodiversidade, incentivar a sua valoriza莽茫o no contexto natural e urbano, e promover uma atitude reflexiva sobre o efeito da urbaniza莽茫o. Recomenda-se esta estrat茅gia por sua aplicabilidade em diferentes n铆veis de escolaridade, al茅m de acercar o estudante ao objeto de estudo (as aves e, em geral, a natureza) e por estimular seus sentidos. 脡 exposta como estrat茅gia did谩tica, uma descri莽茫o dos componentes da atividade com exemplos de conte煤dos pedag贸gicos que podem ser utilizados

    Evaluaci贸n de la Calidad Ambiental, Grado de Optimismo y Asignaci贸n de Responsabilidad con Respecto al Estado del Ambiente en Latinoam茅rica

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    This study explores the assessments made by the inhabitants of eight Latin American countries regarding the current state of the environment, at a local, national and global scale, and how it is perceived looking ahead to the future. It also examines the assignment of responsibility in the future management of the environment. A total of 944 people took part in the study from the eight participating countries, men and women over the age of 18 with different levels of education. The study uses the Environmental Futures Scale to which two relevant items have been added to assess the environment in the region, as well as the Assignment of Environmental Responsibility Scale. The results show differences between the countries, although in general they are pessimistic regarding the current and future state of the environment at the local, national and global level, with the exception of Brazil. In general, and with the exception of Brazil, in the countries surveyed, people assign a high level of responsibility to external social agents at the different levels, increasing their judgement of external responsibility at the national and global levels of analysis. The implications of these findings for environmental policy and education in the countries of this region are also discussed

    Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world

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    Personal and political action on climate change is traditionally thought to be motivated by people accepting its reality and importance. However, convincing the public that climate change is real faces powerful ideological obstacles1, 2, 3, 4, and climate change is slipping in public importance in many countries5, 6. Here we investigate a different approach, identifying whether potential co-benefits of addressing climate change7 could motivate pro-environmental behaviour around the world for both those convinced and unconvinced that climate change is real. We describe an integrated framework for assessing beliefs about co-benefits8, distinguishing social conditions (for example, economic development, reduced pollution or disease) and community character (for example, benevolence, competence). Data from all inhabited continents (24 countries; 6,196 participants) showed that two co-benefit types, Development (economic and scientific advancement) and Benevolence (a more moral and caring community), motivated public, private and financial actions to address climate change to a similar degree as believing climate change is important. Critically, relationships were similar for both convinced and unconvinced participants, showing that co-benefits can motivate action across ideological divides. These relationships were also independent of perceived climate change importance, and could not be explained by political ideology, age, or gender. Communicating co-benefits could motivate action on climate change where traditional approaches have stalled

    La habitabilidad del espacio p煤blico en las ciudades de Am茅rica Latina

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    Este art铆culo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo correlacional que investiga la evaluaci贸n personal de las condiciones que caracterizan la habitabilidad del espacio p煤blico en 11 ciudades de 7 pa铆ses de Am茅- rica Latina: M茅xico, Colombia, Venezuela, Per煤, Brasil, Chile y Argentina. En la investigaci贸n participaron un total de 1823 personas de ambos sexos y diferentes grupos de edad, que evaluaron la importancia y la satisfacci贸n de diferentes caracter铆sticas y condiciones del espacio p煤blico a trav茅s de un cuestionario ad hoc de 48 reactivos. Un an谩lisis de escalamiento multidimensional de distancias m铆nimas (ssa) y de coordenadas de ordenamiento parcial (posac) indican que las personas eval煤an las condiciones exploradas con base en la funci贸n que le atribuyen al espacio p煤blico de la ciudad. A pesar de las diferencias importantes entre las ciudades, hay coincidencias en varias condiciones del espacio p煤blico que, aunque se consideran importantes, no son reportadas como satisfactorias. Aparte de la importancia del conocimiento de la habitabilidad del espacio p煤blico en Latinoam茅rica, los resultados se discuten a partir de las consecuencias para la calidad de vida urbana y para la formulaci贸n de la pol铆tica p煤blica en la planificaci贸n y la gesti贸n urbanaThis article presents the results of a descriptive correlational study that researches the personal assessment of the conditions that characterize the habitability of public space in eleven cities of seven Latin American countries: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. The research involved a total of 1823 people of both sexes and various age groups who assessed the importance and satisfaction of different characteristics and conditions of public space through an ad hoc questionnaire of 48 items. A multidimensional scaling analysis of smallest space (ssa) and partial ordering scalogram (posac) indicate that people evaluate the conditions explored based on the function that they attribute to the city's public space. Despite the important differences among cities, there are coincidences on several characteristics of public space that, although considered important, are not reported as satisfactory. Aside the value of understanding the habitability of public space in Latin America, the results are discussed from the perspective of the implications for urban quality of life and for the formulation of public policy on urban planning and managemen