93 research outputs found


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    Recently, the classical problems dealing with raw materials (fish) supply, technology avail- ability, and business management remain to happen in fishery products. In facing such prob- lems, an integrated and comprehensive solution should strongly be implemented. This study aims to study managerial characteristics of agro industries in coastal areas of Jember re- gency using managerial clustering method. The population of the study was all fishery agro industry business units of the selected areas. The respondents were determined by snowball sampling method in every coastal area, consisting of 79 businessmen in the agro industry. They were interviewed concerning the aspects in the study, and cluster analysis method was conducted. It reveals that, based on managerial characteristics, there were two clusters of fishery agro industry identified, namely (1) cluster of fishery agro industry using a conven- tional management practices and (2) that of fishery agro industry using a formal/modern management. The first cluster comprises a dominant one because 68 businesses were in this cluster while the second one comprises 11 businesses applying a formal or modern manage- ment practice. One of the implications relevant to this result is that all efforts to resolve the problems of fishery agro industries should be based on managerial characteristics in each of the cluster


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    Although there is increasing emphasis on targeting of improved technology towards poor and female farmers, few adoption studies assess the uptake of new practices by these groups in a comprehensive manner. In this study, community members used the wealth ranking method to identify the different wealth groups in their communities, to determine each household's wealth status, and to assess the association of wealth and different types of households with the planting of improved tree fallows, a practice for improving crop yields. There were no significant differences between the proportions of women and men planting improved fallows nor were there differences between single women and female heads of households who were married. There was some evidence of association between planting improved fallows and wealth. That 22% of the 'poor' group and 16% of the 'very poor' group were planting them suggests that there are no barriers preventing low-income households from doing so. Moreover, the proportion of females, poor, and very poor people planting improved fallows varied considerably among villages, suggesting that opportunities exist for increasing their use of technology. Whereas the use of mineral fertilizer is strongly associated with high-income, male farmers, improved fallows appear to be a gender-neutral and wealth-neutral technology. Poor farmers appreciate improved fallows because they permit them to substitute small amounts of land and labour for cash, their most scarce resource. Finally, the high degree of consistency among different key informants in classifying households among wealth groups confirmed the effectiveness and accuracy of the wealth ranking exercise.Adoption, agroforestry, Participatory research, Sesbania sesban, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Supravesical hernia – A rare cause of intestinal obstruction

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    AbstractSupravesical hernia is an unusual type of hernia. It is of two types: internal and external [Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Burns WB, Sangmalee U, Sorg JL. Internal and external supravesical hernia. Am Surg 1976 Feb;42(2):142–6]. We are reporting a case of internal supravesical hernia, in a 62-year-old gentleman to call attention to the entity, as a rare cause of intestinal obstruction

    Financial Distress Prediction in Subfrastructure, Utility and Transportation Sub Sector Service in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze whether profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, cash flow ratios, activity ratios, and cash positions affect the financial distress in service companies in infrastructure, utilities, and transportation sub-sectors in Indonesia. The number of samples of this study are 51 companies and research ranges from 2013-2018. Total observations in this study are 289 out of 306 observations, and the rest are outliers. The method of analysis is using logistic regression analysis. The result shows there are two independent variables ( Cash Flow from Operations to Total Assets and Cash to Current Liabilities ) that have a significant effect on financial distress, while four independent variables ( Return on Equity , Working Capital to Total Assets, Debt Assets Ratio , Sales to Current Assets ) have no significant effect on financial distress

    Determinan Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Sub Sektor Batubara dan Non Batubara yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of partial and simultaneous determinants of capital structure, including the cost of debt, business risk, size, growth, dividend policy, and profitability. This research also analyzes the influence of differences the capital structure determinants in two different sub sectors. Listed sub sector of coal mining and non coal mining companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2008-2012 were examined. Based on the census method, 17 coal mining companies and 14 non coal mining companies were included in the research. This research applied multiple regression analysis and Chow test. The result showed that simultaneously, all six independent variables do not significantly affect the capital structure on the sub sector of coal mining but significantly affect it on the sub sector of non coal mining. Partially, the influence of six independent variables varied in sub sector of coal mining and non coal mining. The result of Chow test showed that all variables has a different influence on the capital structure between those two sub sectors

    Improved fallows in Eastern Zambia: history, farmer practice and impacts

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    "The decline in soil fertility in smallholder systems is a major factor inhibiting equitable development in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Some areas fallow in order to strength soil fertility for later planting, but as populations increase, demand follows and continuous cropping becomes the norm and there is a reduction in yields. This case study summarizes the development of improved tree fallows by researchers and farmers in eastern Zambia to help solve the problem of poor soil fertility. Many farmers are finding that by using improved fallows, they can substitute relatively small amounts of land and labor for cash, which they would need to buy mineral fertilizer. The study has three phases: the historical background (phase 1); an assessment of problems, description of the technology, and how it was developed (phase 2); and how the improved fallows practices were disseminated and spread (phase 3). This paper will describe each phase, the goals, and results." Authors' AbstractSouthern Africa, africa south of sahara, Crop yields,


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keuangan (current ratio, inventory turnover, debt to asset ratio, return on equity, market to book value of equity, dan harga saham pada waktu lalu) dan kebijakan dividen (dividend payout ratio) terhadap abnormal return pada perusahaan sub sektor makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah 16 perusahaan makanan dan minuman.  Sebanyak 13 perusahaan terpilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) Return On Equity berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap abnormal return, (b) harga saham pada waktu lalu berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap abnormal return, (c) Current Ratio secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan dengan arah positif terhadap abnormal return, dan (d) Inventory Turnover, Debt to Asset Ratio, Market to Book Value of Equity, dan Dividend Payout Ratio secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan dengan arah negatif terhadap abnormal return.Kata Kunci: Kinerja Keuangan, Kebijakan Dividen, Abnormal Return, Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuma

    Analisis Akurasi Prediksi Kebangkrutan Model Altman Z-Score pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research aimed to analyse the accuracy of the Altman Z -Score bankruptcy prediction model using auditor's opinion in companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used in this study were secondary data obtained from the annual financial statements of manufacturing firms during 2010-2012. Selected companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2012 and having the independent auditors' report were used as a sample. The analytical method used was Altman Z -Score model and comparation between the Altman Z -Score and the auditor's opinion . Results of this study showed that the percentage of accuracy of models modified Altman Z -Score 27.96 % . It can be concluded that Altman Z -Score bankruptcy prediction model has a low level of accuracy in predicting bankruptcy of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2012

    Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return dan Trading Volume Activity Pada Sekitar Cum Dividend Date

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the difference of Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity in each sector of shares around cum dividend date. The population in this study are all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the sampling is done by purpusive sampling method and obtained 156 samples. The method of analysis used in this study is by Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that there was no difference of Abnormal Return on stock sectors on cum dividend date. This research also shows that there is no difference of Trading Volume Activity before before cum dividend date, ex-dividend date and after ex-dividend date. It shows that the cum dividend date event has not become a consideration for investors to invest. Keywords: Abnormal Return, Cum Dividend Date, Dividend, Trading Volume Activity


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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the constraints and the optimalproduct combinations in the production process to obtain maximum profit at UDPutera Sroedji. UD Putera Sroedji is one of the trading companies selling packagedrice that consisted of the 2.5 kg, 5 kg, and 25 kg packaging. In its productionprocess, the company experienced the problem or constraints regarding the lessoptimal use of resources to reach maximum profit. Linear programming can beused to allocate the limited resources in the production process in order to obtainmaximum profit. This research used forecasting and linear programming methodsto determine the optimal product combination at UD Putera Sroedji. Resultsshowed that UD Putera Sroedji should produce 200 units of 2.5 kg packaged rice,600 units of 5 kg packaged rice, and 148 units of 25 kg packaged rice in order toachieve a maximum profit of Rp 7,960,977 per month.Keywords: packaged rice, maximum profit, linear programming, and simplexmethod.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kendal-kendala(constraints) dan kombinasi produk yang optimal dalam proses produksi untukmemperoleh laba atau keuntungan maksimal pada UD Putera Sroedji. UD PuteraSroedji merupakan salah satu perusahaan dagang yang bergerak dalamperdagangan beras kemasan, dalam kemasan 2,5 kg, 5 kg, dan 25 kg. Dalamproses produksinya, perusahaan menghadapi beberapa masalah atau kendalayang berhubungan dengan penggunaan sumber daya yang belum optimalsehingga laba yang didapatkan belum maksimal. Linear programming dapatdigunakan untuk mengalokasikan sumber daya yang terbatas untuk memperolehlaba maksimal. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahforecasting dan linear programming untuk menentukan kombinasi produk yangoptimal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa UD Putera Sroedji harus memproduksi200 unit beras kemasan 2,5 kg; 600 unit beras kemasan 5 kg; dan 148 unit beraskemasan 25 kg untuk mendapatkan laba maksimal sebesar Rp 7.960.977 perbulan.Kata Kunci: beras kemasan, laba maksimal, linear programming, metodesimpleks