7 research outputs found

    KYSELA, Jan; BLAŽKOVÁ, Kristina; CHMEL, Jan a kol.: Právnický Olymp: Portréty vybraných soudců Ústavního soudu ČR

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    Recenze publikace - KYSELA, Jan; BLAŽKOVÁ, Kristina; CHMEL, Jan a kol.: Právnický Olymp: Portréty vybraných soudců Ústavního soudu ČRPraha: Leges, 2015, 256 s. ISBN 978-80-7502-074-1

    Přinesla „Pospíšilova“ reforma kárného řízení skutečně zpřísnění kárného postihu českých soudců?

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    Cílem tohoto článku je posoudit důsledky zavedení nového modelu kárného řízení se soudci prosazenou ministrem spravedlnosti Jiřím Pospíšilem v roce 2008. „Pospíšilova reforma“ (zákon č. 314/2008 Sb.) přenesla kárné řízení na Nejvyšší správní soud, zavedla jednoinstanční kárné řízení se soudci, zakotvila smíšené složení kárných senátů s paritním zastoupením soudců a nesoudců a v mnoha ohledech zpřísnila kárné řízení (např. zvýšením sankcí, prodloužením subjektivních i objektivních lhůt pro podání kárné žaloby a zakotvením institutu „třikrát a dost!“). Na české poměry se jednalo o revoluční změnu. Nebylo tedy překvapením, že soudci okamžitě Pospíšilovu reformu kárného řízení označili za „sankční“ novelu a napadli ji před Ústavním soudem. Ústavní soud jim však nevyhověl a Pospíšilův model přetrval bez výrazné změny dodnes. Můžeme tak posoudit, zda Pospíšilova reforma skutečně přinesla očekávané zpřísnění kárného postihu českých soudců či nikoliv. Za tímto účelem tento článek porovnává výsledky kárných řízení se soudci zahájených před Pospíšilovou reformou v letech 2003-2008 s výsledky kárných řízení se soudci zahájených po Pospíšilově reformě v letech 2009-2014. Hlavním závěrem naší kvantitativní studie je, že v rozporu s očekáváním tvůrců Pospíšilovy reformy, ke zpřísnění kárného postihu českých soudců ve střednědobém horizontu v drtivé většině ukazatelů nedošlo. Po implementaci Pospíšilově reformy totiž poklesl počet kárných návrhů, nominálně i percentuálně poklesl počet kárných návrhů, v nichž bylo uloženo kárné opatření, poklesl počet soudců „donucených k odložení taláru“ (tj. součet soudců odvolaných z funkce soudce kárným soudem a soudců, jež na funkci soudce rezignovali v průběhu kárného řízení) a poklesla i celková úspěšnost kárných navrhovatelů.The aim of this article is to assess consequences of the introduction of a new model of disciplining judges proposed by the Minister of Justice Jiří Pospíšil and his allies in 2008. The so-called "Pospíšil's reform" (Law no. 314/2008 Coll.) transferred disciplinary trials with judges to the Supreme Administrative Court, introduced single-instance disciplinary proceedings with judges, established mixed composition of disciplinary panels with a parity of judges and non-judges, and in many aspects tightened disciplinary proceedings (e.g. by allowing harsher sanctions, extending subjective as well as objective time limits for initiating the disciplinary motion, and establishing the “three strikes” principle). In the Czech context it was a revolutionary change. Not surprisingly, judges immediately challenged Pospíšil's reform before the Czech Constitutional Court (CCC). However, the CCC rejected their arguments and thus Pospíšil's model has prevailed until today. That allows us to ask the following research question: Has Pospíšil's reform met the expectations of the drafters and led to harsher disciplinary sanctions of Czech judges? To answer this question we employ the “before/after” research design and compare the results of disciplinary motions with judges initiated before Pospíšil’s reform (between 2003 and 2008) with the results of disciplinary motions initiated after Pospíšil’s reform (between 2009 and 2014). The main conclusion of our quantitative study is that, contrary to the expectations of the drafters, Pospíšil’s reform has not (regarding almost all indicators) tightened disciplining of Czech judges in the medium term. Most importantly, after the implementation of Pospíšil’s reform the number of disciplinary motions declined, the number of successful disciplinary motions (i.e. the motions that led to a disciplinary punishment) decreased nominally as well as proportionally, and the number of judges who were forced to leave the judiciary (i.e. the total number of judges who were either recalled by a disciplinary panel or resigned after the disciplinary motion had been initiated against them) dropped as well

    Judicial Self-Government in Czechia: Europe’s Black Sheep?

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    This paper maps judicial self-government in Czechia and argues that although Czechia is sometimes perceived as a black sheep of Europe for not introducing any form of judicial council into its judicial system, there is in fact a substantial amount of judicial selfgovernment exercised by several bodies, the most important being the court presidents, and it is therefore a mistake to conflate judicial self-government with judicial councils. The most notable changes to judicial self-government are then introduced and their impact on values crucial for the functioning of the judiciary assessed. And, as the judicial selfgovernment in Czechia is primarily exercised by court presidents, the narrative of changes to judicial self-government and their impact is presented as a narrative of changes affecting court presidents and of their effects on the wider legal, social and political fields. The dominance of court presidents, built in part on informal powers, is a mixed blessing however, as it can have both positive and negative impact on the crucial values and may prove rather fragile in the future.This paper maps judicial self-government in Czechia and argues that although Czechia is sometimes perceived as a black sheep of Europe for not introducing any form of judicial council into its judicial system, there is in fact a substantial amount of judicial selfgovernment exercised by several bodies, the most important being the court presidents, and it is therefore a mistake to conflate judicial self-government with judicial councils. The most notable changes to judicial self-government are then introduced and their impact on values crucial for the functioning of the judiciary assessed. And, as the judicial selfgovernment in Czechia is primarily exercised by court presidents, the narrative of changes to judicial self-government and their impact is presented as a narrative of changes affecting court presidents and of their effects on the wider legal, social and political fields. The dominance of court presidents, built in part on informal powers, is a mixed blessing however, as it can have both positive and negative impact on the crucial values and may prove rather fragile in the future

    Základní aspekty výživy nosných plemen slepic

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the proper nutrition of hens intended for egg production. These are mainly laying hens kept in large farms. It deals with information about the best purebred breeds bred in our country in small farms and laying type hybrids used in large farms. Furthermore, the anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract of the hens, a general treatise on nutrients, minerals and vitamins. This information is then closly describe in more detail with regard to specific categories of animals and their needs

    Vliv krmných aditiv na konverzi živin a hmotnostní přírůstky masných křepelek

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    The aim of this diploma thesis was to compile a literature review of the general breeding of Japanese quails and to perform an experiment to determine whether a selected combination of beneficial bacteria will have a positive effect on feed conversion, growth and health of Japanese quails. A total of 79 pieces of Japanese meat-type quails were included in the experiment, of which 27 were placed in the experimental groups and the remaining 52 were in the control groups. The Energys Křepelka Mini brand was fed to these groups throughout the breeding period. Immediately after hatching and every 7 days thereafter, all animals were weighed and these data were recorded. Data on the daily feed consumption of the individual groups were also recorded throughout the experiment. The results were subsequently derived from all acquired data. It was proved that the combination of probiotics chosen by us did not have a demonstrable effect on the monitored parameters. Possible reasons for these results are discussed in more detail in the Results and Discussion chapter

    James Hoffmeier

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    The Deciphering of Growth-Dependent Strategies for Quorum-Sensing Networks in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is recognized as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality among nosocomial pathogens. In respiratory infections, P. aeruginosa acts not only as a single player but also collaborates with the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. This study introduced a QS molecule portfolio as a potential new biomarker that affects the secretion of virulence factors and biofilm formation. The quantitative levels of QS molecules, including 3-o-C12-HSL, 3-o-C8-HSL, C4-HSL, C6-HSL, HHQ, PQS, and PYO, measured using mass spectrometry in a monoculture, indicated metabolic changes during the transition from planktonic to sessile cells. In the co-cultures with A. fumigatus, the profile of abundant QS molecules was reduced to 3-o-C12-HSL, C4-HSL, PQS, and PYO. A decrease in C4-HSL by 50% to 170.6 ± 11.8 ng/mL and an increase 3-o-C12-HSL by 30% up to 784.4 ± 0.6 ng/mL were detected at the stage of the coverage of the hyphae with bacteria. Using scanning electron microscopy, we showed the morphological stages of the P. aeruginosa biofilm, such as cell aggregates, maturated biofilm, and cell dispersion. qPCR quantification of the genome equivalents of both microorganisms suggested that they exhibited an interplay strategy rather than antagonism. This is the first study demonstrating the quantitative growth-dependent appearance of QS molecule secretion in a monoculture of P. aeruginosa and a co-culture with A. fumigatus.</i