151 research outputs found

    Fidelización del cliente de Decathlon Palencia a partir de sus hábitos de compra

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    Se estudia el caso de Decathlon Palencia como uno de los principales vendedores de productos deportivos en la ciudad. Cómo ha conseguido destacar y fidelizar a sus usuarios en un mercado de gran competencia y con unos clientes cada vez más exigentes y selectivos.Grado en Comerci

    Balance deficiencies in women with fibromyalgia assessed using computerised dynamic posturography: a cross-sectional study in Spain

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    Objectives Our aims were (1) to compare the sensory organisation of balance control and balance strategies between women with fibromyalgia (FM) and healthy women; (2) to investigate which sensory component, that is, vestibular, visual or somato-sensory, is the most affected in FM and (3) to determine the associations between the functional independence measure (FIM) and balance responses in FM. Design Cross-sectional observational study. Setting Urban regional hospital and university (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain). Participants Twenty women with FM and 20 matched healthy women. Primary/secondary outcome measures The sensory organisation test (SOT) was used to determine postural sway and balance during six different conditions with subjects in a standing position. The FIM was used to determine the level of functional independence in daily life activities (ADL). Between-group differences were analysed with analysis of covariance, and the Spearman's test was used for correlations. Results Significant differences between-groups and between-conditions were found for all SOT conditions (all, p<0.001): women with FM showed lower scores being the vestibular score the most affected. Different correlations between SOT conditions and some specific ADL were observed in the FM group: bathing activity and balance condition 6 (rs=0.541; p<0.001), bed transfers activity and conditions 2 (rs=0.491; p<0.001) and 3 (rs=0.510; p<0.001), positioning strategy six and dressing the upper (rs=0.530; p<0.001) or lower (rs=0.562; p<0.001) body, and toileting (rs=0.521; p<0.001): the greater the loss of balance, the greater the interference on some daily life activities. Conclusions Women with FM exhibited balance deficiencies and used different strategies for maintaining their balance in standing, which was associated with a negative impact on functional independence

    'Being normal' and self-identity: the experience of volunteering in individuals with severe mental disorders-a qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study sought to explore the views and experiences of a group of people with severe mental disorders (SMDs) who performed volunteer services. DESIGN: A qualitative phenomenological study. SETTING: Community public mental health services of the Community of Madrid and the province of Barcelona (Spain). PARTICIPANTS: Purposive sampling techniques were used between September 2016 and April 2017. The inclusion criteria were: individuals aged 18-65 years who participated in volunteer activities during the performance of this study, based on the regulations of volunteer services in Spain and the community of Madrid; a diagnosis of non-organic psychotic disorder (F20.x, F21, F22, F24, F25, F28, F29, F31.x, F32.3 and F33) according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision; an evolution of ?2 years; and a moderate to severe dysfunction of global functioning with scores ?70 in the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Ultimately, 23 people with SMD participated in the study with a mean age of 47 years (SD 8.23). METHODS: Data were collected through in-depth interviews and researcher field notes. A thematic analysis was performed following appropriate guidelines for qualitative research. RESULTS: Two main themes emerged to describe the experience of participating in volunteer activities: (1) rebuilding self-identity, based on the participant's experience of volunteering, of acquiring a new role and a new perceived identity that made them feel valued and respected; and (2) being a so-called normal person with a 'normal' life, based on recovering a sense of normality, unmarked by the illness, thanks to daily responsibilities and occupations. CONCLUSIONS: Qualitative research offers insight into the way people with SMD experience volunteering and may help to improve understanding of the underlying motivations that drive these individuals. These findings may be applied to improve guidance during their process of recovery and subsequent inclusion into society

    Carbon Sequestration in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Plantations under the EU Afforestation Program in Southern Spain Using Low-Density Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS) Data

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    Climate change is one of the environmental issues of global dominance and public opinion, becoming the greatest environmental challenge and of interest to researchers. In this context, planting trees on marginal agricultural land is considered a favourable measure to alleviate climate change, as they act as carbon sinks. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data is an emerging technology for quantitative measures of C stocks. In this study, an estimation was made of the gains of C in biomass and soil in carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) plantations established on agricultural land in southern Spain. The average above-ground biomass (AGB) corresponded to 85.5% of the total biomass (average 34.01 kg tree−1), and the root biomass (BGB) was 14.5% (6.96 kg tree−1), with a BGB/AGB ratio of 0.20. The total SOC stock in the top 20 cm of the soil (SOC-S20) was 60.70 Mg C ha−1 underneath the tree crown and 43.63 Mg C ha−1 on the non-cover (implantation) area for the C. siliqua plantations. The allometric equations correlating the biomass fractions with the dbh and Ht as independent variables showed an adequate fit for the foliage (Wf, R2adj = 0.70), whereas the fits were weaker for the rest of the fractions (R2adj < 0.60). The individual trees were detected using colour orthophotography and the tree height was estimated from 140 crowns previously delineated using the 95th percentile ALS-metric. The precision of the adjusted models was verified by plotting the correlation between the LiDAR-predicted height (HL) and the field data (R2adj = 0.80; RMSE = 0.53 m). Following the selection of the independent variable data, a linear regression model was selected for dbh estimation (R2adj = 0.64), and a potential regression model was selected for the SOC (R2adj = 0.81). Using the segmentation process, a total of 8324 trees were outlined in the study area, with an average height of 3.81 m. The biomass C stock, comprising both above- and below-ground biomass, was 4.30 Mg C ha−1 (50.67 kg tree−1), and the SOC20-S was 37.45 Mg C ha−1. The carbon accumulation rate in the biomass was 1.94 kg C tree−1 yr−1 for the plantation period. The total C stock (W-S and SOC20-S) reached 41.75 Mg ha−1 and a total of 4,091.5 Mg C for the whole plantation. Gleaned from the synergy of tree cartography and these models, the distribution maps with foreseen values of average C stocks in the planted area illustrate a mosaic of C stock patterns in the carob tree plantation

    IMAGINE study protocol of a clinical trial: a multi-center, investigator-blinded, randomized, 36-month, parallel-group to compare the effectiveness of motivational interview in rehabilitation of older stroke survivors

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    Background: Rehabilitation pathways are crucial to reduce stroke-related disability. Motivational Interviewing (MI), as a person-centered complex intervention, aimed to empower and motivate, and could be a resource to improve rehabilitation outcomes for older stroke survivors. The IMAGINE project aims to assess the impact of MI, as a complement to standard geriatric rehabilitation, on functional improvement at 30 days after admission, compared to standard geriatric rehabilitation alone, in persons admitted to geriatric rehabilitation after a stroke. Secondary objectives include assessing the impact of MI on physical activity and performance, self-efficacy, safety, cost-utility, participants' experiences and functional status at 3 months. Methods: We will conduct a multicenter randomized clinical trial in three geriatric rehabilitation hospitals in Spain. Older adults after mild-moderate stroke without previous severe cognitive impairment or disability will be randomized into the control or intervention group (136 per group, total N = 272). The intervention group will receive 4 sessions of MI by trained nurses, including the design of a personalized rehabilitation plan agreed between stroke survivors and nurses based on stroke survivors´ goals, needs, preferences and capabilities. Main outcome will be the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). In-hospital physical activity will be measured through accelerometers and secondary outcomes using validated scales. The study includes a process evaluation and cost-utility analysis. Discussion: Final results are expected by end of 2020. This study will provide relevant information on the implementation of MI as a rehabilitation reinforcement tool in older stroke survivors. A potential reduction in post-stroke disability and dependence would increase person's health-related quality of life and well-being and reduce health and social care costs. IMAGINE has the potential to inform practice and policymakers on how to move forward towards shared decision-making and shared responsibilities in the vulnerable population of older stroke survivors

    The pyramidal tutorial as a learning strategy for the design and development of the final project of the degrees in Education

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    La Declaración de Bolonia (1999) y la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (2010) en el marco de la universidad española han supuesto una serie de cambios significativos que, quienes nos dedicamos a la Educación Superior, hemos analizar y valorar con el objetivo de comprometernos a mejorar. En este contexto, la inserción de los Trabajos Fin de Grado en el sistema universitario español ha sido una de las novedades más sobresalientes en este nuevo marco educativo. Así, la mayoría de los centros de Educación Superior tuvieron que hacer un esfuerzo ingente por diseñar, adecuar y darle sentido a una asignatura completamente nueva y que irrumpía con fuerza en el panorama universitario. El Trabajo Fin de Grado se constituye como un espacio y un tiempo propicio para que el alumnado, al final de su proceso de formación, vuelque y demuestre su capacitación como profesional. Tras las experiencias previas desarrolladas, el diseño y desarrollo del Trabajo Fin de Grado esta siendo una tarea que demanda una gran coordinación por parte de los equipos docentes. Por ello, hemos querido hacer nuestra esta preocupación, poniendo en marcha una actividad de innovación docente encaminada a que el alumnado trabaje en grupo para perfeccionar el diseño de sus trabajos finales en las diferentes titulaciones que se imparten en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba, incorporando la tutoría piramidal en el proceso de seguimiento del proyecto. Esta innovadora propuesta de trabajo colaborativo ha supuesto la planificación, diseño y corrección de más de 30 Trabajos Fin de Grado que, en su fase final de evaluación, han obtenido unos resultados excelentes en el conjunto de las defensas llevadas a cabo en las convocatorias de julio y septiembre de dicha Facultad.The Bologna Declaration (1999) and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (2010) in the Spanish University system have entailed a series of significant changes that those devoted to Higher Education need to analyse and assess to commit to improving. In this context, the introduction of the Final Projects in all the degrees of the Spanish University system has been one of the most remarkable novelties in this new educational framework. Most Spanish Higher Education centres had to make a major effort to design, adapt and give meaning to this new subject, unavoidable in the university landscape. The Final Project arises in an ideal space and time so that students, at the end of their academic process, are able to demonstrate their skills as professionals. Based on previous experiences, the design and development of the Final Project is a task that requires strong coordination among the teaching teams. In this light, we have decided to face this issue by developing a teaching innovation activity in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Córdoba. This innovation activity is focused on the fact that students work in group to improve the design of their Final Projects, including the pyramid tutorial in the monitoring process. This innovation proposal, based on collaborative work, has entailed the planning, design and revision of over 30 Final Projects that in their final stage of assessment have obtained excellent results in the calls of July and September of the aforementioned Faculty

    Condiciones de salud oral en ancianos del club geriátrico “Abue-Club” en Paraguay

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    El objetivo del estudio fue describir las condiciones de salud oral en personas mayores de 60 años del club geriátrico “Abue-Club”, Parroquia Virgen de Fátima-Barcequillo-San Lorenzo–Paraguay. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en adultos mayores de 60 años, que incluyó la exploración bucodental, evaluación de saliva post-estímulo y una encuesta para evaluar dieta, hábitos de higiene y acceso a los servicios de salud. El 63,9% de los evaluados era del sexo femenino con una mediana de edad de 72,6 años y en varones 68,8 años. El Índice CPOD total fue 23,4, con una prevalencia de caries activa del 75%. El 33,3% presentó edentulismo total (39,1% en mujeres y 23,1% en hombres). El 83,3% tenía más de la mitad de sus dientes ausentes, con  mayor frecuencia en mujeres (86,9%). El 69,4% utilizaba prótesis, de los cuales el 56% usaba prótesis total. La prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal por el Índice de Russel fue de 66,7%; 70,8% con lesiones destructivas óseas y/ó bolsas periodontales. El 89% de la población presentó saliva fluida y 75% en cantidad normal (&gt;1 ml). El 56% de los participantes acudió a un servicio odontológico un año o menos antes del estudio, siendo más frecuente en mujeres (69,5%). El grupo de estudio presentó marcado deterioro de salud oral, caracterizado por el edentulismo parcial y total, con alta frecuencia de uso de prótesis total; por tanto urge la necesidad de promoción de salud, con énfasis en la prevención de pérdidas dentarias y alternativas de rehabilitación protésica